Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #115

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@PaulaDC I feel your frustration. He'll be identified and we'll all have closure from the horror of this craven act.

@Aydrianna523, I'm down with your thoughts on his brashness. He was on a "mission" and understood himself visible, yet took the chance. This has always seemed like a carefully premeditated seek-and-destroy mission to me, one with a heavy fantasy element to it. I look forward to hearing about the reasons for his brazenness in documentaries for the duration of this offender's long prison sentence.

You are 100% right about fantasy
I think, longer philtrum (distance between the nose and the mouth). He is looking down so the lower part of the face looks shorter than IRL. He is not anything specific, maybe a little bit elongated face (was a mouth breather in childhood?). But it seems typical for those place
And another question, have the LEOs figured out the color of his eyes? Are we to dismiss all owners of blue eyes, or are they still considered?

Complete Amateur Speculation on my part:

Red hair was found at the crime scene.
Blue eyes are only found in 1 percent of the Red head population.

When did they exclude Etter? I don't think that has happened AFAIK?

My bad! You're right - I think that happened in my head because he doesn't fit the profile they put out. They did request his autopsy results and DNA though, I think, so if there had been anything there tying him to Abby and Libby I would think we'd know by now and I think that's where I got it confused. But yes, nothing so far.
You overdid it. "Sick", "Cowardly", "Deviant" and "Child" fit him well. I wouldn't include "Man" in there anywhere. But, hey, you were on a roll. I understand.

He is a coward for sure - a coward for attacking two innocent young women and a coward for not handing himself in and facing the consequences of his evil actions.

The tabloid media here in the U.K have called him the ‘Snapchat Killer’ and it drives me crazy.
the fact that they haven't identified PE as a suspect means he isn't, IMO. I think Anna was maybe referring to the Etter possibility when she said she expected this to be done in July, and it wasn't him. MOO

My bad! You're right - I think that happened in my head because he doesn't fit the profile they put out. They did request his autopsy results and DNA though, I think, so if there had been anything there tying him to Abby and Libby I would think we'd know by now and I think that's where I got it confused. But yes, nothing so far.
Random thoughts about the nature of the video/audio:

If Libby was making a snapchat video, then she may not have filmed BG out of concern that they were in danger. If she had been filming Abby on SC crossing the bridge and talking about regular stuff (as I believe was stated at some point), then it makes sense that BG would come into the frame as he approached. The girls talking about regular stuff had to have happened pre-BG clip. Otherwise, I don't think the girls would be talking to each other casually.

Libby could have dropped her phone into her pocket (or to the ground) at the point BG approaches for many reasons... out of fear, to free up her hands, to help Abby finish crossing, to run, etc. etc. Not at all disputing that he was odd or creepy or that they got a bad vibe by the point of the video clip we have seen. It just seems that if she was intentionally videotaping him, she would have had the phone directed toward him (rather than smalltalk with Abby) when he was a bit further back on the bridge? And if LE had that footage, I think they would have shared it because we would all have a better view of his gait (even though he'd be further away, we'd be able to see more than one or two steps).

Maybe she was SC videoing Abby and when Abby asked if he was behind her, Libby did a quick sweep to see that he was indeed behind her and closing fast -- maybe that's when they lose video, but still have a bit more audio (at least enough to hear the "guys" and the "down the hill").

Pure speculation. JMO.
Just to add, Abby's mom did say in the Renner interview that Abby said something and Libby responded, (paraphrasing) but the trail ends there, we can't go any further...I believe the girls were nervous about BG's approach and talked about it, about how to get away from his presence. AW goes on to say how they couldn't start back over the bridge til BG was off it, not enough room. I don't know if they voiced that part or by what they said, that was AW's assumption.
He is a coward for sure - a coward for attacking two innocent young women and a coward for not handing himself in and facing the consequences of his evil actions.

The tabloid media here in the U.K have called him the ‘Snapchat Killer’ and it drives me crazy.
I don't like it either. Why not just plain "killer", no upper case. I do get frustrated that it seems so much is revealed about this crime and yet so little to lead to the killer. Time for me to retire to a good book and call it a night.
Agree, lucky.
The kind of luck shoplifters have. Noticing no one minding the store, taking immediate action and departing.
BG thread his presence closely between two other hikers that we know of.

The historical rails to trails society rail guy and the hobby photographer.

The trail society guy is also called flannel shirt guy who heard a "couple arguing."
To me it is another behavioral clue to BG. being a very young assailant. Getting away with tagging, vandalism, shoplifting etc. is done by taking bold impulsive action, and knowing that authorities are slow.

Boxer, I have read on here about a couple arguing several times but noone has ever provided a link. Do you know the source for this? I really would like to know who heard them and if it is true.

Complete Amateur Speculation on my part:

Red hair was found at the crime scene.
Blue eyes are only found in 1 percent of the Red head population.

Interesting, then "not blue eyes" has some basis perhaps. What about reddish brown hair with blue eyes? Is that likely in your opinion?

ETA here is a link that states red hair and blue eyes is only present in 0.17 percent of the population. That's only 17 people out of 10,000.

Are redheads with blue eyes really going extinct? | Pursuit by The University of Melbourne
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Yes, he is a killer. I don’t remember who came up with the name Bridge Guy but that is who he is...the guy on the bridge. When I see BG I know who they are talking about and not a killer from another case. He will be BG to me until we know his name which we all hope is soon. JMO
BG killed 2 teenagers in broad day light, with other people in the area. To me this screams......rage and possibly drugged fueled.
Me, too. IMO, this would have been impossible to plan. At any point on the trail, on the bridge, below the bridge, during the attack, or on his way out, one or more witnesses could very easily have entered the scene (and possible did). Even when out of sight, I can't imagine there wasn't some noise to be overheard. If he lucked out and nobody saw or heard enough to identify him, it wasn't because he had some kind of control over the trail users that day.

My guess is he deliberated harm somewhere just prior to walking the trail, or somewhere on it, and from there it was simply watching and waiting, taking the opportunity when/if he had the chance. It was still risky, which I think points to impulsivity. Something p*ssed him off, or something tripped his trigger. JMO
@tresir2012 some additional info that I think may answer what u were looking for:

Becky said that Derrick ran into FSG at the five way trail crossing. And that FSG seemed to be coming from the direction of the bridge.

Becky said that Derrick said he asked FSG, "Did you see a couple of girls there?"

Becky said that Derrick said that FSG said, "No. But there's a couple down underneath."

At no point in this exchange does anyone say "Couple on the bridge." Derrick is saying that FSG said, "There's a couple down underneath." In a completely separate and unrelated conversation,

Cheyenne used the phrase, "another couple once I got on the bridge." But there is no way to know if Cheyenne is or was referring to the same couple that FSG told Derrick that he saw "underneath."

This explains why Derrick went down the Mary Gerard Reserve path, towards the creek. FSG had told Derrick that the girls were not on the bridge, and by reasonable deduction, not on the path leading from the bridge to where Derrick and FSG met. So Derrick didn't see any point in going in a direction that had been described to him as "no girls." Remember, the path to the bridge leads to a dead end. At 3:20PM, Derrick had no reason to think the girls were off the trails, and past the dead end. And again, FSG was essentially saying: "From the end of the trails to here, I did not see two girls."

Becky did mean a couple as in a man and woman. Because in this interview, she does not remember if Derrick ever saw "the couple."

After returning from the Mary Gerard Preserve, Derrick walked west to the Freedom Bridge, and passed FSG again. My assumption is that FSG was walking fairly slowly being in his mid to late 70s, and Derrick was moving quickly, looking for the girls.

Credit: User justwonderinif

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40 is OK. 40 means he was 33 in 2012. 30 is OK. But most of my POIs are younger, and probably could not pull double murders in 2012.

ETA. I don’t have a good idea as to how BG feels about murders. But I have the feeling that he despises the LEO in general. He thinks he is much smarter. He might be somewhat aware of the way LE operates, maybe an uncle a cousin is in the LE system? (I don’t think anyone is covering up for him, btw, nor that he gets insiders information. I think LEO hate him. But, BG assumes he is 100 times smarter than them).

I believe, he has an interest and a preference for true crime/science/forensic and sometime became a good friend of someone with LE relations. So he had a perfect source for finding out more of what was important to him re this strong interest/hobby. Maybe, then his interest grew even more, and because he has a turbulent mind and feels a lot of "disrespect" directed at himself (perhaps since childhood), he had fantasies about killing a victim without getting caught by LE. Maybe, the victims hadn't to be Abby and Libby. But maybe, they had to be female. An online connection would have been useful for choosing the victims out of the large pool of thousands of victims, which are "available" every day, not only in Indiana.
Until 2019 he indeed was smarter than LE and FBI, but 2017 (re Delphi) he made a mistake, as Carter said - finally. - All MOO.
Complete Amateur Speculation on my part:

Red hair was found at the crime scene.
Blue eyes are only found in 1 percent of the Red head population.


Red hair gene and blue eyes gene are unrelated, so the incidence of blue eyes would be the same among the redheads as in general. In general, I would not trust the witnesses about the eyes. As to hair, reddish-brown and red is different.
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