Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #115

DNA Solves
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If you look at the video of BG walking across the bridge. It's evident that he is at least in his early 30's.

This is frame 47 0f the video sequence. I've flipped the image horizontally to switch the shadow to his left side.

He looks like a very young man with reddish brown hair in this frame, which is the closest he gets to the camera. Take a look at this horizontally flipped image and see if you don't agree.


  • offender-47-young.jpg
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Didn’t LE say He may appear younger than his age?
I mean, that second sketch, absolutely could be in his early 30’s.
When I look at both sketches side by side I see the same eyes nose and mouth in both. Not exactly a match but the similarities are striking. I enlarged them both so I could only see that much.
The hooded eyes in the first one are drawn half closed in the newer one. The nose is not symmetrical - in one it is bent to the right and the other to the left. The philtrum proportion is the same. A vertical line drawn from the center of the top lip to center of the eyebrows shows the same nose proportions in both sketches. The lips are almost an exact match.

What makes the first one look older is the character given to it by adding depth, shading and facial hair. Then the hat vs the poofy hair and lack of detail.

They are NOT completely different people IMO.

Please don't do this and then post it here as we have been asked by LE to NOT alter any images released by them to the public. Such things have caused great confusion in the past.

It's tempting but don't do it, LOL

Apologies for posting this picture.

Viewing it in the reverse horizontal is intended to reset the brain to accept the reality of a younger offender. No alterations have been made to the actual proportions and structure of the pixels. But I get it.
I believe the hat is very much like this but in brown - a ski hat with ear flaps and visor and seams along the top.

Obermeyer Accessories | Ski Hat With Visor And Ear Flaps Nwt | Poshmark

This is frame 47 0f the video sequence. I've flipped the image horizontally to switch the shadow to his left side.

He looks like a very young man with reddish brown hair in this frame, which is the closest he gets to the camera. Take a look at this horizontally flipped image and see if you don't agree.
It's possible he was cleaning up for a while after.

Yes that's the caller I was referring to in my two posts. That whole conversation with him was very upsetting. Thinking that the killer hung around and was there, possibly watching, when Libby's dad was searching for her. I voiced early when I came to this case that maybe the killer hung around in thed woods, maybe had a bag stashed to change clothes/appearance (there was talk of the guy with a duffel bag walking alongofvthe highway) but most people thought he got outg of the area quickly. Maybe he didnt.
I have found “Delphi Deiscussions” . Podcasts organized by teacher Tonzoni. I understand that I can not even consider anyone the POI until I see him walking and hear him taking. Maybe some interesting things can be found here? Or possibly, not. (Strasser has nothing to do with it, just needed to link it somehow. I was listening to Briles - different voice).
Coach Strasser by Delphi Discussions • A podcast on Anchor
If the car was jointly owned by multiple people, LE would need a witness to determine which of the owners was driving it that day, or seen in it. This would be more important if the DNA they have is not definitive, or even if it is. If they can prove that someone's DNA was at the CS and that person was seen in a car near the CS before the crime, it makes a stronger case and harder for the person to say their DNA was at the CS due to being a searcher.

I would agree that the sketch that was drawn 3 days after the murder was connected to the presence of this vehicle, and based on the person seen in the car. I also think this person was able to steer the investigation away from himself with such conviction that LE went with the other sketch months later. So what was the new evidence early this year that focused back onto the guy in the vehicle that was drawn in a sketch 3 days after the murders?

Thanks for clarifying, an important distinction that I definitely was thinking of differently based on what I thought they were asking for. I do still agree with a pp however, this request alone doesn't indicate they feel certain this car was BG's transportation or that he did not leave the area on foot. Realistically its unlikely they think BG was driving this car and simply asking the driver to come forward is going to solve this case. It could also be they feel this car may have had a vantage point to witness BG leaving, it could be they found something nearby that they want to know if the driver also saw when he/she parked and/or left. It could be they suspect someone has given them questionable information that they think could be corroborated (or not) by something that driver would have seen. In my opinion there is still enough plausibility one way or the other with what little we actually know to be fact.

I'm not sure what I think about how BG left the area. Two things comes to mind when I think about it. LE has said the new sketch was drawn a few days after the murders, by a witness who said they "saw something they felt needed to be reported." At the time whatever the "something" was it was questionable enough for LE to have the sketch drawn up, but yet it wasn't an obvious enough connection to prevent that sketch from being shelved in favor of the original sketch for two years either. My gut feel is that this car was part of that "something." But I also think about the only search warrant in this case so far, and IIRC it stemmed from the results of the tracking dog's trail. That leads me to believe BG left on foot and came to that property and was either picked up from there or perhaps the scent went from there to that parking lot, etc (I've often wondered if he waited there until his clothes dried, etc). Wish we knew more...
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This is frame 47 0f the video sequence. I've flipped the image horizontally to switch the shadow to his left side.

He looks like a very young man with reddish brown hair in this frame, which is the closest he gets to the camera. Take a look at this horizontally flipped image and see if you don't agree.
depending on the frame depends what my mind chooses to see but I do def see the hair theory in this frame. clearly.

i see a very specific colour of hair. its not that common.
its like a silver tinged solid brown. which is the same as the winter underbrush with browns and grey tones makes his head blend into the background :oops:
that shot makes him appear to have lots of THICK beiber (think early days beiber do) side part but forward. shiny and more straight than wavy.
all guys who have this style flick their head/ hair bit like girls do! and they tend to lean forward and lop sided to favour the side the hair part's/ falls.
so the point being to my musings if this frame does in fact capture him true, those mannerisms are distinctive.

but that doesn't gel with either sketch which shows slicked back short wavy/curly do.
or the hat.

I don't know if LE has or not but I sure have spent many, many hours checking obits, funerals and even the cemeteries YIKES !!

I have subscription to, it you want me to look up something, just holler. I wonder if there are photos from the cemetery, like “Find a grave”, etc.
I agree with the possibly of more than one person involved. I keep going back to the fact that Libby’s grandma said she kept asking to go to the trails in the weeks leading up to the murders. I also read somewhere (maybe here) that the trails in the area were a teen hangout and a shed located close to the trail was often used by various groups/clubs in the area for meeting/hangout purposes. The girls were at the age where they probably wanted to hang out or associate with
“older” kids. IMO

I think that if there were two people involved, it would be difficult not to leave more DNA. Unless it was so well organized that one “delivered” the girls and the other did the job.
When I look at both sketches side by side I see the same eyes nose and mouth in both. Not exactly a match but the similarities are striking. I enlarged them both so I could only see that much.
The hooded eyes in the first one are drawn half closed in the newer one. The nose is not symmetrical - in one it is bent to the right and the other to the left. The philtrum proportion is the same. A vertical line drawn from the center of the top lip to center of the eyebrows shows the same nose proportions in both sketches. The lips are almost an exact match.

What makes the first one look older is the character given to it by adding depth, shading and facial hair. Then the hat vs the poofy hair and lack of detail.

They are NOT completely different people IMO.

Please don't do this and then post it here as we have been asked by LE to NOT alter any images released by them to the public. Such things have caused great confusion in the past.

It's tempting but don't do it, LOL

I have thought the same about the two sketches since the second was released. IMO, the second could be a younger version of the first one.
If the car was jointly owned by multiple people, LE would need a witness to determine which of the owners was driving it that day, or seen in it. This would be more important if the DNA they have is not definitive, or even if it is. If they can prove that someone's DNA was at the CS and that person was seen in a car near the CS before the crime, it makes a stronger case and harder for the person to say their DNA was at the CS due to being a searcher.

I would agree that the sketch that was drawn 3 days after the murder was connected to the presence of this vehicle, and based on the person seen in the car. I also think this person was able to steer the investigation away from himself with such conviction that LE went with the other sketch months later. So what was the new evidence early this year that focused back onto the guy in the vehicle that was drawn in a sketch 3 days after the murders?

That really is the question, isn't it?

IMO, could be that one of the owners of the car has a rock-solid alibi and the other doesn't but because the DNA doesn't exclude one or the other, an eyewitness is necessary to seal a conviction.
I'm fighting a personal opinion that there was more than one killer involved here. The whole thing stinks of retribution for something or other. I imagine it could be a SK, or a crime of opportunity, but I'm just having trouble wrapping my head around believing that.

I imagine it's been discussed ad nauseum, but doesn't it appear possible there could have been one or more perps at the bottom of that hill? On that driveway? Or in the woods waiting?

I worked in a public school for two decades. I know teenagers can be mean. Real mean. Nasty mean. I always used to say the toughest place for a kid to be was in school.

So, has there been talk of associations, cliques, boyfriends, you know, typical school stuff these girls would have been involved in? Any evidence these two girls had some enemies in school?

I mean, I recall full blown bullying and hateful stuff would break out on a cheerleading team, or the softball team. Stuff that would be incomprehensible to the average adult, unless they were a parent, or worked in public school.

Boys punch each other, they fight. Girls do too, but the girls, they also attempt to destroy each other's reputations. With all respect, teen girls can be mean.....nasty mean. I know. I've seen my share of it.

Or maybe all is bliss in the Delphi public schools.

Kids know dang near everything. They talk, discuss, rat each other out, set up one another, hold grudges, etc. etc.

Aw heck, I'm just ramblin'.
If it hadn't been for the recording of BG then I would agree that this would have been my first thought too. The possibility of an accomplice waiting down the hill has been speculated on before and the issue of a different sketch could indicate that IMO.
When I look at both sketches side by side I see the same eyes nose and mouth in both. Not exactly a match but the similarities are striking. I enlarged them both so I could only see that much.
The hooded eyes in the first one are drawn half closed in the newer one. The nose is not symmetrical - in one it is bent to the right and the other to the left. The philtrum proportion is the same. A vertical line drawn from the center of the top lip to center of the eyebrows shows the same nose proportions in both sketches. The lips are almost an exact match.

What makes the first one look older is the character given to it by adding depth, shading and facial hair. Then the hat vs the poofy hair and lack of detail.

They are NOT completely different people IMO.

Please don't do this and then post it here as we have been asked by LE to NOT alter any images released by them to the public. Such things have caused great confusion in the past.

It's tempting but don't do it, LOL


I had forgotten about this, but now that you brought it up; a person on another board did fuse both sketches together in PS. The results showed that both sketches are the same.
This is frame 47 0f the video sequence. I've flipped the image horizontally to switch the shadow to his left side.

He looks like a very young man with reddish brown hair in this frame, which is the closest he gets to the camera. Take a look at this horizontally flipped image and see if you don't agree.

To me that photo shows that his face could be much thinner than originally thought, but as far as age, it appears that he could be 25 or 40. Now after hearing his voice, I would have to say he's definitely not a teenager.
I'm not seeing it with the age group. Certainly the man in the video was not in the same age group as Abby/Libby, but much older. The theory that he met up with them on the internet is absurd; as LE would have caught up with that very quickly.
If a person wants to hide on the net, they can be very difficult to find.

Google Brian Kil to see just how it's done. He used multiple Facebook accounts to control a young teen in Plainfield, IN, shut down an entire mall there, taunt the cops, etc. It took LE a year and a half or so to finally track him down. If he had not have been still actively contacting one of his victims, I doubt that LE would have ever been able to find him. They intercepted one of his emails and installed a bit of tracking info (NIT) in it. He opened it and was caught.

He's truly a horrid person
‘Brian Kil’ suspect faces new charges for sextorting hundreds of minors, including 6 Indiana girls
Correct me if I'm wrong, but incels haven't made it into the DSM...what are we on, five or six, yet? They are hate filled, not because mommy and daddy didn't love them enough, but because they didn't get their way sexually with one or more girls or women. Their singular goal is to kill as many females as they can. I don't pity them by any stretch. I've listened to some of the trash that they produce and put out on the web to 'encorage' each other. All I hear are narcissistic psychopaths who are convinced that the only reason a female would reject them is because she's too stupid and pathetic to understand how lucky she is to be merely in their presence. The incel who killed in California and uploaded a video manifesto shortly beforehand, was around 20. He had a life full of advantages and privileges that most people would never even dream of. moo, incels aren't unloved, they're entitled, selfish misogynists.
This, this, and even more THIS.
Ah, here's some more opinion. I originally thought "down the hill" was a directive. Possibly it was not. It could have been the completion of a sentence, such as "so and so is waiting for you down the hill", or "guys, we've decided to all meet, down the hill".

I'm of the opinion there is no hat on the BG, he's got light brown hair, with a hoodie up against the back of his head, that he merely directed the girls, that he was involved in plotting their murder, but he did not necessarily participate in the actual act of murder. I opine that there was a second killer, the 'new sketch guy', who did the murders and escaped through the cemetary.

These girls had to have been murdered swiftly, or rendered unable to speak/scream, right off the bat. What 8th grade girl wouldn't scream? Were the killers known to them....presenting a level of comfort? Or were they instantly rendered unconcious/murdered, even before crossing the stream?

BG walked out early, being dry head to toe, having never crossed the creek, picked up the car at the abandoned building, drove to the cemetary, picked up the 'new sketch guy' and they booked it out of there.

It was a crime of anger and/or self preservation.

All opinion, of course :)
Ah, here's some more opinion. I originally thought "down the hill" was a directive. Possibly it was not. It could have been the completion of a sentence, such as "so and so is waiting for you down the hill", or "guys, we've decided to all meet, down the hill".

I'm of the opinion there is no hat on the BG, he's got light brown hair, with a hoodie up against the back of his head, that he merely directed the girls, that he was involved in plotting their murder, but he did not necessarily participate in the actual act of murder. I opine that there was a second killer, the 'new sketch guy', who did the murders and escaped through the cemetary.

These girls had to have been murdered swiftly, or rendered unable to speak/scream, right off the bat. What 8th grade girl wouldn't scream? Were the killers known to them....presenting a level of comfort? Or were they instantly rendered unconcious/murdered, even before crossing the stream?

BG walked out early, being dry head to toe, having never crossed the creek, picked up the car at the abandoned building, drove to the cemetary, picked up the 'new sketch guy' and they booked it out of there.

It was a crime of anger and/or self preservation.

All opinion, of course :)
I’ve always thought “down the hill” sounded like the answer to a question. Like “where do we go?” , “down the hill”.
As for hat vs. hair, I clearly see a hat with flaps like someone posted up thread.
It’s interesting how we each hear and see the same thing but interpret it differently.
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