Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #118

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I'm glad to see you included James VanCallis. The murder of April Millsap was the first case I found when looking for cases similar to the girls'. It was just one girl, but April was 14, out walking on a trail, in a very small town. What stood out to me about this case is that there was no DNA, no fibers or blood, nothing at all (except his shoe print because he stomped her to death.) They believe he attempted sexual assault (because of the state of her clothes) but did not because other people came along. It was his girlfriend who bravely outed him, telling LE that he got rid of his shoes. If only, in the Delphi case, a girlfriend or other person would be as brave as she.

Good job with your chart.

I've been working more on the trail killer grid. It seems if the perpetrator has a serious mental illness they are not inclined to commit a sexual assault during these trail attacks.
Can't seem to link the post.
Your observation that the more mentally ill attackers are less likely to commit sexual assault is very interesting.
This is what I thought about this killer: a very clever, very unstable individual. MOO Obsession drove the attack but pure passion for getting away with things in "broad daylight"seems to have driven all the rest.
More than anything this attacker seems to have an understanding of human nature and how little attention peoples attention strays from the expected.

He got girls to change location. Wether by coercion or trickery they must have known they we're in danger and could easily die, but they expected to live.
They may have tried escaping by splitting up going down the hill.

He may have been seen around the crimes but this has not led to arrest.

If he was a stranger he was not seen reconnoitering the area in advance.

He was videoed but that is not led to an arrest.

He left the area without notice that would lead to an arrest.
Back on the GBI. It seems the GBI was involved in a multi-state investigation involving child exploitation. If look through this article you'll see that the GBI lists Carroll County as one of the LE agencies involved in the investigation. That appears to be Carroll County, GA, near Atlanta and not Carroll County, IN. (I find it interesting that NCIS was involved.)
76 Arrested in Multi-State Child Exploitation Operation Named “Operation Southern Impact II”

Indiana is not listed as one of the states involved either. I wonder if GBI's experience in this case, where there were 34 persons of the 76 arrested either in GA or traveled to GA, caused something to come up on ISP's radar. Internet *advertiser censored*? Experience in the Deep Web (also called the Dark Web)? While none of the arrested appear to be involved, could they have possibly crossed paths with the killer of Abigail and Liberty online?
I live close enough to the state of Georgia to say that, in my opinion, GBI would have been one of the last places I would have consulted with on this case. They do not have a sterling reputation, the Grinstead case just being one example. I was very disappointed Indiana LE felt GBI was the organization to go to here.
Just another terrible decision by Indiana LE.

You know, I always thought it was because of DC’s own religiosity. Maybe IL or OH were not good enough in this regard, but GA appeared closer in terms of mentality to him?
Wow. That's an....interesting idea. jmo

You know, I always thought it was because of DC’s own religiosity. Maybe IL or OH were not good enough in this regard, but GA appeared closer in terms of mentality to him?
From the April presser.....

"the sketch, which you will see shortly, IS the person responsible for the murders of these two little girls."

"Directly to the Killer,
who may be in this room:
We believe you were hiding in plain sight.
For more than 2 years, you never thought we would shift gears to a different investigative strategy"

Did they really think the killer was in that room?

But even moreso, I've been wondering.....

Why would the killer be comfy in knowing LE would never shift gears to another investigative strategy?

Finally, and this my opinion, and MOO, I still think there is more than one person involved in this mess. :)

My opinion is this series of dialogue in particular does sound like two POIs is not out of the realm of possibility.
  • "person responsible" is not necessarily saying "killer" its saying without this persons involvement Abby and Libby may not have been murdered (lending itself for this person to be charged as an accomplice if they give up the real murderer)
  • "you never thought we would shift gears" meaning you thought because we were pursuing someone else and hadn't found him, we would never get to you, but now we're coming at it from the other side and pursuing you first
  • he was comfy because he didn't think LE knew about him or because he thought he was safe because LE was pursuing someone else. or because he had successfully thrown them off his tracks for two years and thought he was home free.
No they didn't really think he was in the room, that was for the benefit of everyone listening, to get them in the mindset of being skeptical of those around them again, to start to look at people they had already cleared in their minds with a fresh set of eyes because they knew they were getting ready to release a sketch that was different than what they had been looking at for two years. It was kind of a subliminal reset for Delphi, like the "sorbet to cleanse their pallet" before they saw the clip, heard the new audio, and saw the new sketch.
You know, I always thought it was because of DC’s own religiosity. Maybe IL or OH were not good enough in this regard, but GA appeared closer in terms of mentality to him?

FBI and ISP were theinvestigating entities, if they wanted to find a third agency for a review of their work, GBI seems logical.

Added bonus, since MOO BG's accent seems southern mid Indiana Kentucky/Tennessee to Northern Georgia, GBI might have a suspect in another matter that might come to light.
You know, I always thought it was because of DC’s own religiosity. Maybe IL or OH were not good enough in this regard, but GA appeared closer in terms of mentality to him?
Of all the state agencies out there I thought of Florida (Florida Dept of LE or FDLE) or Texas (Dept of Public Safety or DPS). But even both of these agencies have cases that give me pause. FDLE got involved in the 2000 Mike Williams murder where the original investigation was looking at if he drowned or was eaten by alligators (in winter, no less!) and there was an arrest last year. But that was after the suspect was arrested on another unrelated charge. There are several cases in Texas, but to be sure local authorities don't always request the Texas Rangers and localities in FL don't always request FDLE assistance. The more I thought about it, the more I didn't really see any particular state or large city, such as NYC, Boston or Los Angeles, that stood out. The only other state that came to mind was Iowa and that was because of the Lyric Cook/Elizabeth Collins murders and not because of any notable work done by Iowa.
Most of us here have spent the better part of the past 2 years and almost 10 months following this case and analyzing every single released word of Perrine, Riley, Holeman, Leazenby, Carter the families etc. under a magnifying glass. It's all we have to go on (aside from reading possible rumors from other sources. :()

I believe that it is the inconsistencies with some of the info that has been released by LE about the sketches that has shaken the faith of those who may have previously felt that an arrest is coming.

So many aspects of this case have seemed 'off' from the very beginning and continue to make many of us wonder....I have mentioned much of this before in a previous post, but this list seems to grow continually....the links are all here within these threads and also in the Media Timelines that @margarita25 has been posting.

-Calling off the search the first night
-Not starting the search until fairly late the next day
-LE's uncertainty about the number of people involved in the crime in the beginning
-The odd use of the word 'twist' regarding the case and Leazenby saying in a different interview that he 'recognizes that voice'
-LE never mentions publicly that they have cleared any of the witnesses
-No sketch displayed at all at the February 2019 presser
-Two completely different sketches
LE saying that the sketches are of two different people, but the killer may end up looking like both sketches
-The audio not including the word 'guys' from the get-go
-Not releasing the video right from the very beginning
-No mention by LE of the massive reward at the last two pressers
-LE being so confident that people are too scared to come forward in this case to provide a tip
-The mention 'we have a witness' and 'you made mistakes' only in the press release but not by Carter during the presser
-Alluding that the community will shocked once the identity of the killer is learned

I know there is still more points that could be added....

Not a day goes by that most of us here don't think about Abby and Libby and what they endured at the hands of that disgusting waste of a human being. We also continue to remember that Libby was so brave to video him, and both girls were courageous to stay together until the end. That dedication they had to one another is part of what brings us all here each day to show our dedication to these threads.

Now imagine those members of LE who either saw the girls at the crime scene, saw photos of the crime scene, or know every single horrifying detail of this case?Imagine their determination and dedication to finally put away this cowardly piece of ?

I have to believe that there are very sound and specific and very educated reasons for all of these decisions. When Carter said they were 'just now beginning' back in April hopefully means that today, they are that much closer to the truth of what happened that day and therefore closer to putting handcuffs on the repulsive beast who did this.

So as much as some of us may be questioning LE and their new 'investigative strategy' as well as their puzzling statements and decisions, I am going to sit back and try to be patient and hopeful that an arrest is coming soon. I really don't know what else to do. :(

I refuse to believe that they will fail those two girls and not make an arrest one day soon.

Actually Gary Hilton did sexually assault Meredith Emerson

Hiker never gave up fight, her killer said

"Perhaps one of the most chilling details followed, as Hilton nonchalantly told Bridges he raped Emerson that first night. He was angry she’d made him drive around from bank to bank and still had nothing to show for it."

Thank you. I will update the grid. I'll have to read more about Hilton.
Most of us here have spent the better part of the past 2 years and almost 10 months following this case and analyzing every single released word of Perrine, Riley, Holeman, Leazenby, Carter the families etc. under a magnifying glass. It's all we have to go on (aside from reading possible rumors from other sources. :()

I believe that it is the inconsistencies with some of the info that has been released by LE about the sketches that has shaken the faith of those who may have previously felt that an arrest is coming.

So many aspects of this case have seemed 'off' from the very beginning and continue to make many of us wonder....I have mentioned much of this before in a previous post, but this list seems to grow continually....the links are all here within these threads and also in the Media Timelines that @margarita25 has been posting.

-Calling off the search the first night
-Not starting the search until fairly late the next day
-LE's uncertainty about the number of people involved in the crime in the beginning
-The odd use of the word 'twist' regarding the case and Leazenby saying in a different interview that he 'recognizes that voice'
-LE never mentions publicly that they have cleared any of the witnesses
-No sketch displayed at all at the February 2019 presser
-Two completely different sketches
LE saying that the sketches are of two different people, but the killer may end up looking like both sketches
-The audio not including the word 'guys' from the get-go
-Not releasing the video right from the very beginning
-No mention by LE of the massive reward at the last two pressers
-LE being so confident that people are too scared to come forward in this case to provide a tip
-The mention 'we have a witness' and 'you made mistakes' only in the press release but not by Carter during the presser
-Alluding that the community will shocked once the identity of the killer is learned

I know there is still more points that could be added....

Not a day goes by that most of us here don't think about Abby and Libby and what they endured at the hands of that disgusting waste of a human being. We also continue to remember that Libby was so brave to video him, and both girls were courageous to stay together until the end. That dedication they had to one another is part of what brings us all here each day to show our dedication to these threads.

Now imagine those members of LE who either saw the girls at the crime scene, saw photos of the crime scene, or know every single horrifying detail of this case?Imagine their determination and dedication to finally put away this cowardly piece of ****?

I have to believe that there are very sound and specific and very educated reasons for all of these decisions. When Carter said they were 'just now beginning' back in April hopefully means that today, they are that much closer to the truth of what happened that day and therefore closer to putting handcuffs on the repulsive beast who did this.

So as much as some of us may be questioning LE and their new 'investigative strategy' as well as their puzzling statements and decisions, I am going to sit back and try to be patient and hopeful that an arrest is coming soon. I really don't know what else to do. :(

I refuse to believe that they will fail those two girls and not make an arrest one day soon.


Excellent post!

Some of those inconsistencies you could almost excuse away as the fog of war.. .but the ones regarding the first sketch.. the sketch that actually looks like BG... that IS or IS NOT that person.. but sketch 2 is... but doesn't look like BG. Very confusing.

I wonder if since there were so few witnesses that LE really doesn't know. Maybe they had a suspect from the first sketch that they were 99.999% sure was the culprit... but now somehow, there is a 100% valid and 100% verified alibi (the dude is at work and seen on video being at work that day for example). So, it is hard for LE to switch away from that... they thought they had the guy.. but now, memories are getting foggy and they lost so much time chasing a red herring.

Regardless, I still think this one will be solved in a couple of more years. Fingers crossed big time!
By the way, hands in the pocket crossing a bridge like that is NOT a natural posture. You leave your arms out to the side for both balance and to catch yourself if you stumble.

He definitely was concealing and stabilizing a weapon in his jacket pocket.
I believe that it is the inconsistencies with some of the info that has been released by LE about the sketches that has shaken the faith of those who may have previously felt that an arrest is coming.

-LE's uncertainty about the number of people involved in the crime in the beginning
-The odd use of the word 'twist' regarding the case and Leazenby saying in a different interview that he 'recognizes that voice'

I agree with you that some of LE's comments have been unclear. However:

1) Aside from wishful thinking, there has never been any reason to feel that an arrest is coming.
2) All LE said was that more than one perp was a possibility, and that was before they had processed their evidence. They're open to all possibilities until they start processing their evidence and making deductions. Everything they've said for the past two-and-a-half years suggests that they're looking for a single perp.
3) You're taking Leazenby out of context. He didn't say that he personally recognized the voice. He made those comments as a way of showing what people who think they recognize the voice should be saying to themselves. They should be asking themselves, "Where do I know that voice from," etc.
I have never doubted LE’s desire to solve this case. They obviously were greatly affected by the crime scene and I know their hearts are in the right place. But as one year turned into two years something was very wrong, we all felt it. On April 22 2019, LE, in my opinion, admitted it to the world...they messed up this investigation. How? We don’t know exactly, but Libby and Abby deserve better than this. Instead of spending the next two years trying to recoup the last two years, release some information! Let the public help you!
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