Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #145

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Wondering if KAK helped his Grandparents set up their home computer and wifi complete with password. We know they enjoyed spending winters in Florida. Maybe he even checked on the Indiana home while they were away. May have even house sit upon occasion.

maybe in the driveway or the basement. would it work with a mobile hot spot?

I'm so sorry but I'm confused as to what we are trying to figure out with this line of thinking? Maybe I missed a message as I was reading. To answer mom2chloe .. yes, I agree it's very possible that he knew the wifi password at his grandparents and would use it while over there .. but that ip address would be completely different from the ip address at his fathers house. Has something been said about a different ip address? Other then the one on a road close to his grandparents? Or is that what we are discussing?

and to answer acutename .. yes you could probably be in your driveway or basement and be in close enough range to connect to a persons wifi .. are you thinking along the lines of someone else accessing the kleins wifi without them knowing? also, I am not as familiar with a personal hotspot but I think those would use the ip address of the actual phone.
I agree. I need to really look into this more but after reading the transcripts I kept having this feeling that TK was the owner of the Samsung 4 that was messaging from the Peru home at the early hours of February 13, 2017. With that being said I’m thinking KK had the Samsung 5 all along. He didn’t just find it in a seat cushion of a rental car. Too far fetched to try to fit his timeline and narrative. I think TK upgraded KK’s phone to get another phone. IMO TK may need KK’s technological advancements more than we know hence the upgrade.

Side note - as a parent my kids have better phones than I do. I know this is not the case with some but I don’t feel I need the same amount of technology. Plus I get used to using my old phone so upgrades are not always easy for us as an older generation. I think if TK had the Samsung 4 and KK had the Samsung 5 it may be out of comfortability and need but he helped finance it as KK does not seem to hold a job.

Overall, I think Samsung 4 was TK’s and Samsung 5 was KK’s. To be noted I think they shared phones.
The thing about the Samsung Galaxy 4 is that per the search warrant, that phone was last used in June 2015.

The only devices being used in 2017 are the iPhone 5 and Samsung 5. If KAK owned the S5 before the Vegas trip, whose account was it attached to? LE would know, imo. The factory reset is suspect.

But, if that phone was truly new to KAK in Vegas, then what other active device was in that home on the 13th? Because it doesn't appear to be one of the ones seized during the 2/25 search (again, if not the S5).
The thing about the Samsung Galaxy 4 is that per the search warrant, that phone was last used in June 2015.

The only devices being used in 2017 are the iPhone 5 and Samsung 5. If KAK owned the S5 before the Vegas trip, whose account was it attached to? LE would know, imo. The factory reset is suspect.

But, if that phone was truly new to KAK in Vegas, then what other active device was in that home on the 13th? Because it doesn't appear to be one of the ones seized during the 2/25 search (again, if not the S5).

I wonder this same thing .. why was the fathers phone not seized? or was it? If the messages came from that ip address, you would think ALL electronics from everyone in that household would have been taken and searched with that warrant.
I'm so sorry but I'm confused as to what we are trying to figure out with this line of thinking? Maybe I missed a message as I was reading. To answer mom2chloe .. yes, I agree it's very possible that he knew the wifi password at his grandparents and would use it while over there .. but that ip address would be completely different from the ip address at his fathers house. Has something been said about a different ip address? Other then the one on a road close to his grandparents? Or is that what we are discussing?

and to answer acutename .. yes you could probably be in your driveway or basement and be in close enough range to connect to a persons wifi .. are you thinking along the lines of someone else accessing the kleins wifi without them knowing? also, I am not as familiar with a personal hotspot but I think those would use the ip address of the actual phone.
I understand but I don’t think we know the answers to your/our questions.
The thing about the Samsung Galaxy 4 is that per the search warrant, that phone was last used in June 2015.

The only devices being used in 2017 are the iPhone 5 and Samsung 5. If KAK owned the S5 before the Vegas trip, whose account was it attached to? LE would know, imo. The factory reset is suspect.

But, if that phone was truly new to KAK in Vegas, then what other active device was in that home on the 13th? Because it doesn't appear to be one of the ones seized during the 2/25 search (again, if not the S5).
Ugh this is where I knew I needed to go back and look at transcripts. Sorry still have this unsettling feeling TK has a hand in this. Bothers me as to why LE has nothing on him and no arrest yet. So strange as he seems to be suspicious in all of this.
I wonder this same thing .. why was the fathers phone not seized? or was it? If the messages came from that ip address, you would think ALL electronics from everyone in that household would have been taken and searched with that warrant.

I could be wrong but I think the unique MAC address of each specific device is captured in the data, not just the IP address.
I guess that's what I was confused about .. I didn't know what the questions were that pertained to sharing your wifi password. I need to go back and read the last few pages again :D
KAK admitted to location and certain timeframes of being within his Grandparent’s wifi while searching CP among other things; hence my suggestion he may have accessed things near or within their home particularly while they were absent. HTH.
KAK admitted to location and certain timeframes of being within his Grandparent’s wifi while searching CP among other things; hence my suggestion he may have accessed things near or within their home particularly while they were absent. HTH.

Thank you!! That definitely is a huge help!
5 years ago in 2017, we should have believed the talk about "father & son", although dismissed as a "rumor" at the time. It seems, that it is just exactly that and people suspected this very early on. There must have been at least one person in the know, otherwise why suspecting something like that, when 2 teenage girls got murdered in a rural town. The motive was also dismissed as a "rumor". I wonder, what will be uncovered sometime in the future. The "twist", which LE stated, might have been a mix of online-crime and real crime perhaps. Question is, if the perp/s is/are the same one/s OR rather 2 perps/pairs of perps.
I could be wrong but I think the unique MAC address of each specific device is captured in the data, not just the IP address.
I think so, too. In the interview, LE says there are "two numbers" that are rapidly logging in and out of snapchat around 8am on Feb 13, 2017. They show the numbers to KAK and ask him which devices those are. My personal feeling is that LE knows which devices those are, because, like you said, the numbers are specific to individual devices, but they are asking KAK to see how he'll respond. His response is that it must have been a phone that he earlier claimed he didn't even own until the Vegas trip, 10 days later (the only other device active in 2017).
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there is a much simpler explanation...small towns with more poor than not ....don't want to upset the local le so they wouldn't get in all kinds of trouble.
this is contrasted by the attitude of libby's mother who lives in another state

I agree with @Yemelyan and the explanation she gave.

I wouldn't characterize either family as poor. AJMOO
As people of the same kind stick together, we might have a look at meatpackers again. There probably is a lot of clientele for KAK's or TK's "businesses" ...... Connections could of course be everywhere and to everybody. Difficult to find out, except by LE.
I think so, too. In the interview, LE says there are "two numbers" that are rapidly logging in and out of snapchat around 8am on Feb 13, 2017. They show the numbers to KAK and ask him which devices those are. My personal feeling is that LE knows which devices those are, because, like you said, the numbers are specific to individual devices, but they are asking KAK to see how he'll respond. His response is that it must have been a phone that he earlier claimed he didn't even own until the Vegas trip, 10 days later (the only other device active in 2017).

I think it’s also the reason LE knew KAK had the iphone 5 and it was included in the search warrant, the one he turned over a few days later after wiping it.
I have come to the conclusion the K family & Co whoever Co maybe had access to multiple devices and access to multiple wifi connections from numerous places. To me proving who was on what phone using what connection and when must be a friggin nightmare. IMHO this is way bigger than the Ks.
Forever in hope today is the day the Murderer /s of Libby & Abby are found.

Snow In june xx
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