Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #90

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I agree. It seems there’s something about the murderer that’s causing LE to believe he’s literally gloating over all the notoriety and intrigue he’s created. Aside from information released that’s necessary in leading to his capture, I think it’s prudent that no further details are disclosed prior to his arrest if it only serves to pander his ego.

I do wonder if this person is suspected to be quite vocal in seeking more information from LE.

“We know this is about power to you, and you want to know what we know. And one day you will."...”

I think its likely many of the things that was stated by ISP Carter was the result of criminal profiling and the belief that the perp is a local.

In perps mind he has fooled everyone and probably takes great satisfaction and power that he was able to fool everyone.

I'm not reading too much into it pointing at LE, Media member, educator etc at this point. MOO

I think much of what was stated was based on likelihood and not on any known facts about the perp. JMO
It sure seems like investigators are fishing, I just hope that they can get a bite.....MOO

Standard FBI operating procedure. This whole press conference was textbook FBI. Let's try to tick off the suspect and make him do something stupid. Let's "invite" the public and hope he shows up.

I know that somewhere two years ago I mentioned this but I was involved in a search for evidence in a murder of a young girl in our area that happened in the early 90's. The young girl's body had already been found and basically no information was released. They called for the public to help. We showed up at the police station and were told by the FBI agent that we would be assigned to search certain areas and then brought back to the station where we should sign a sheet because the family wanted to send us thank you notes. When the time came for me to leave, I realized I had not signed any sheet. I asked the FBI agent if there was someplace I needed to sign. He glanced around to see if anyone was listening and then just gave me a look of resignation and said no. I knew right then that she had been raped and they were only interested in males signing the sheet. Two days later, my thoughts were confirmed. I wonder if they really think anyone falls for this "insert yourself in the investigation" theory any more. If I was the killer, I am home watching this press conference on television. Geez!
I completely understand why they aren’t releasing it, but how the girls were killed told investigators a lot about the BG. Most likely they can tell whether it was pre-meditated, methodical, angry, rushed, his first time, did he show remorse, try to hide them,etc....JMO

As for the PC, it was extremely emotional, and there were a lot of random things that probably won’t make sense until an arrest is made. I don’t think they would just decide out of nowhere to hold one, which makes me think they received some substantial information, and now they are trying to close it out.
Teachers often call their students “guys”.
It implies a casual non-threatening relationship, and to be honest, used when a teacher who sees/knows many students can’t quite remember names at a given moment. A teacher would say “Ok guys, let’s all sit down and turn to page 27.”

A teacher would have been off on the school holiday that terrible day in February 2017 just like Abby & Libby were. Were Delphi schools off yesterday, Easter Monday? Schools in my area were out. If Delphi schools were out, the presser could have been strategically scheduled for a school holiday after inviting the public to attend. That would allow a teacher to attend. If the families were told the perp could have been a local teacher, that would be shocking and upsetting to them.

I am a teacher, and as much as this theory troubles me, it is preferable to me than the thought of a family member or LE being involved.

I am a teacher and I have noticed that I used the term 'guys' to refer to groups of males and/or females, epecially when I'm giving instructions...such as "guys, take out your notebooks" or "guys, slow down, you need to walk in the halls". BG very well could be a teacher (maybe not Abby's or Libby's), coach, parent, youth pastor, camp counsellor etc... that is accustomed to giving directions to youth in his everyday job.
IIRC the first sketch was the result of a witness at the trail. The new sketch may be from a witness at the parking lot where the 'abandoned' vehicle was seen. I remember for some reason that there were 2 witnesses and they were trying to merge their descriptions into one sketch. In any event the faces look alike to me.

The new video doesn't help much, but despite the uneven surface of the bridge, it seems to me that BG's right leg may be shorter than the left and that he is much thinner than the clothes would suggest - note the boney knee. The way he lifts his right knee so high to take a step tells me there is a length discrepancy stemming from the thigh. I know 2 people with leg length discrepancies and the gait is similar. It also could be that he sustained a serious leg injury/knee surgery that makes him lift his leg from the hip rather than the quad muscles. Whatever the reason, he has/had a problem with his right leg.

The new audio adds nothing for me. "Guys" is used to address 2 or more people of either sex everywhere, so it tells me nothing.

"You want to know what we know" suggests to me that someone is trying to make inquiries to LE under false pretenses.

There is no doubt in my mind that BG has discussed these murders with someone, so much so that their hinkey meter is up.

I have no idea as to why "The Shack" was mentioned. I have no idea why LE would comfort BG by telling him that the girls are not the same as he left them. Perhaps BG has been telling others this.

I have no idea why LE would ask the families to not speak to media for 2 weeks. Why only 2 weeks, why not "don't talk to the media until we tell you it is okay"?

LE would NOT want the family at the press conference because reporters would swarm them.

It was always my thought that BG lived in Delphi at some point, and still has a connection to the area.

"He may be in this room" or may not. Seems odd to say this and at the same time be trying to convince BG they are getting close to capturing him.

However, ISP did act like he was trying to control himself as if the guy was in the room and they just couldn't grab him yet.
I hope that press conference was just a big ruse to get him to come in so he could be arrested. They're too "sure" so I find it hard to believe that they would alert him and allow him to go home knowing they are risking lives of his family or others depending how desperate he may be. Also hoping the family ran out because they were upset and possibly sitting in the same room as the person of interest . I find it hard to believe that the family could be angry at the investigation as they are not miracle workers and do the best they can. This whole ordeal is just plain sick. Hopeful wishing on my part that this was the end. We're just starting might be used out of context.
IF they know who it is, no doubt that person is being watched 24 x 7 w/the hope they’ll do something to implicate themselves. Behind their own closed doors people they live with may not be safe, but this person’s snatching people in public days are over.
Not surprisingly, the presser yesterday set off a feeding frenzy on social media. People in the community comparing pictures of people there to the new sketch, others then defending those people, then people taking offense back. It's a mess.

It appears at least one individual has already shut down a social media account because of things that were being posted on his account about him in the wake of the new sketch.

Obviously everyone wants to find the perp and bring him to justice, but hopefully innocent people are aren't harassed in that process.

This is sad to hear. I feel great empathy for anybody who’s totally innocent but has the misfortune of becoming a SM target for any unsolved crime. It must be devastating particularly as they have no way of defending themselves.
Let me throw this out there and see what y’all think of this. A friend of mine came up with this last night when we were discussing the latest developments in the case.
A big question has always been how did BG leave the scene without someone noticing him perhaps covered in blood as he leaves. Thoughts were he parked in the cemetery and avoided people. With this new info of a vehicle at the old CPS building that complicates matters. To get back to that location he sure would be exposed and out in the open.
It was discussed on WS last night and before that BG was over dressed and perhaps disguised. My friend wondered if BG removed his outer layer of clothes after killing the girls and threw them in the creek, then walked away, with clean and different clothes unworried that people would recognize him. Then I recalled, I think, that LE reported or a reporter said they found clothes in the creek. The assumption was, at least for me at the time but others too I think, that the clothes found were the girls’. Maybe they weren’t.
My friend also thought the killer maybe held up in that shack a little upstream to dry off(The Shack reference at Press conference) then circled back to his car.
Just her thoughts. Was wondering y’all think.
But if LE has the vehicle, they know who owns it, who it’s registered to.
If LE doesn’t have the vehicle, and BG just drove off and is going about his business, it means nothing to anyone.

I don't believe LE has the vehicle, I believe it was more of a statement directed at BG or aquaintances that they know he was parked there that day and they are closing in on him...moo
I think they had the initial sketch from a witness but in LE's opinion the person did not match what they were seeing in the video of the man on the bridge. They thought the person was to young. This person may have been seen by the witness near the car at the end of the trail parked at the abandoned building. Something has happened (90 degree turn) that they now suspect the original witness sighting was in fact BG. The Shack used as a religious motivation is odd. There is a specific reason that in such an important release of information it was mentioned at length compared to the car. JMO

You know something I thought about as far as The Shack reference. It could be they think the perp thinks with satisfaction about "how he left them". Now LE comes in and says, "let me interrupt your daydream". Just a thought.
Let me throw this out there and see what y’all think of this. A friend of mine came up with this last night when we were discussing the latest developments in the case.
A big question has always been how did BG leave the scene without someone noticing him perhaps covered in blood as he leaves. Thoughts were he parked in the cemetery and avoided people. With this new info of a vehicle at the old CPS building that complicates matters. To get back to that location he sure would be exposed and out in the open.
It was discussed on WS last night and before that BG was over dressed and perhaps disguised. My friend wondered if BG removed his outer layer of clothes after killing the girls and threw them in the creek, then walked away, with clean and different clothes unworried that people would recognize him. Then I recalled, I think, that LE reported or a reporter said they found clothes in the creek. The assumption was, at least for me at the time but others too I think, that the clothes found were the girls’. Maybe they weren’t.
My friend also thought the killer maybe held up in that shack a little upstream to dry off(The Shack reference at Press conference) then circled back to his car.
Just her thoughts. Was wondering y’all think.

Definitely good thoughts. Especially about the clothes!
This is sad to hear. I feel great empathy for anybody who’s totally innocent but has the misfortune of becoming a SM target for any unsolved crime. It must be devastating particularly as they have no way of defending themselves.
Which might be part of the reason LE put off releasing the second sketch for so long.
Apologies for banging on about the use of the term us - 'guys, down the hill'.
I can't get my head around a sexual predator using the cross-gender term of 'guys' to his potential female victims. If he's a sexual predator, imo he'd be fixated on the endgame, not being Joe-cool. Imo, he would be much more likely to use a female tag - eg 'girls'.

Sexual predators are not known to cross gender in their preference of victim... unless of course the seduction is not sexually motivated and became more complex as time passed..

I am from Indiana, about 30 miles south of Delphi and we use the term "guys" all the time - for male or female. I think it's a Midwestern thing.
I found the information released yesterday disappointing to say the least. They presented a 2-year-old sketch that looks nothing like the previous sketch. Why they sat on that for 2 years we'll never know. Then, they released a couple more seconds of the same grainy video. Then, a couple more words on the audio. They talked about the importance of a vehicle, but didn't give a make/model/description - only where it was parked.

This is all MOO, but I feel they are bluffing. I want to be wrong. I want them to find this guy and bring him to justice, but I don't get the feeling they are on to ANYthing. The demeanor of the police superintendent speaks volumes to me. He was just so uneasy and worked up. I feel like if they were on the verge of a conclusion to this search, his demeanor would be different: like calmer, because he knows they are bringing someone to justice. Here it just looks like he's got the frustration of day one on the case.

Like I said, I want to be wrong, but that press conference didn't give me any confidence that they know who did this horrific crime.
This is what I’ve been thinking too. I read there is a 60% chance for people to have a third cousin (or closer) on the type of database used to catch Joesph DeAngelo. The average person, where a family has 2-3 children, will have 200 third cousins, in rural areas where people tended to have bigger families (and often married 2nd/3rd cousins without even realising) until recently and had more children the number is thought to be higher.

They might have found someone they know is a 2nd/3rd cousin and have made a list of a family tree of everyone they need to look at. They might narrow it down to say a group of say around 40 males in an approximate age range and be looking at all them (that’s what they did with DeAngelo, they looked at a lot of his distant cousins before they got to him). It can take a long time and they need to try to get DNA samples to test. (They might be trying to surreptitiously get touch DNA).

If there are children at some point who were born out of wedlock or adopted they might not appear on family trees or records making it even harder.

Familial DNA can give other routes to look at but as you say, there is sadly no guarantee of success. Hopefully it ends up like some other recent cases though and points them in the direction they need to go.

Just a little tidbit but the age of the person will also affect how many cousins come back with genetic genealogy. I am in my 30s and Ancestry gave me 250 or so 4th cousins or closer. My parents each have at least 400 fourth or closer cousins. And in that 250 or 400, most are 4th, maybe 5 are actual 3rd cousins. It can be hard to trace their connection to you when it's 4th cousins.

It also depends on where your ancestors are from, DNA testing is more popular in some places, illegal in some places (I think Germany? so if you are of German ancestry, your 3rd cousins in Germany may not be DNA testing!).
I think its likely many of the things that was stated by ISP Carter was the result of criminal profiling and the belief that the perp is a local.

In perps mind he has fooled everyone and probably takes great satisfaction and power that he was able to fool everyone.

I'm not reading too much into it pointing at LE, Media member, educator etc at this point. MOO

I think much of what was stated was based on likelihood and not on any known facts about the perp. JMO

I don’t think it’s possible to guess the profession of the killer either. The prepared comments by Carter wouldn’t been furthered by criminal profiling so it did remind me of the classic psychopathic personality who revels in the notion police are totally perplexed.
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