Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #91

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This presser seemed like they were describing information from an FBI profile of who BG might be. He seemed to describe very specifically who he is but I don’t think they have any idea who he is. If they knew who it was you can be sure they’d have him in custody and drill him. I also don’t think the perp was known to Abby, Libby, or their families. They would recognize him from the audio/video if so.

I don’t think this was planned. I think it’s some weirdo who frequently visited that area and carries a knife, a survival type. He saw the two girls and came up with a ruse to assert authority over them. Saying they did something wrong and they felt they had to comply. I feel this brutal murder took place right there and they were not transported out of the area. MOO

I have followed this case since the beginning, and my feeling has always been that he used the "you are not allowed to be on this bridge/you are trespassing on private property" type of statement to order them "down the hill" before he turns them in or reports them to authorities etc.

Then when behind them, he did his heinous act. Unplanned. Off the cuff. Spur of the moment.

IMO They were at an age where they were still impressionable, maybe a little naive & trusting at first, especially with authoritative male adults. Until it was too late & their only hope was to start recording :(

I am hoping & praying this new (old) info will jar someones memory!
I have followed this case since the beginning, and my feeling has always been that he used the "you are not allowed to be on this bridge/you are trespassing on private property" type of statement to order them "down the hill" before he turns them in or reports them to authorities etc.

Then when behind them, he did his heinous act. Unplanned. Off the cuff. Spur of the moment.

IMO They were at an age where they were still impressionable, maybe a little naive & trusting at first, especially with authoritative male adults. Until it was too late & their only hope was to start recording :(

I am hoping & praying this new (old) info will jar someones memory!

I agree with you.
No lost puppy or asking for help it was follow me this way.
I was just reading some about that bridge and the trail/s , Seems that trail is out of the way the person writing about this trail says it took awhile to find the trail...

I'm thinking that it does seem unlikely anyone unfamiliar with the area would just happen to go hiking there. I wonder how far from the trail that abandoned welfare office was ?

This is part of the description / article I was reading :
One of the more interesting of the dozen or so trails of the city is along the old Monon Railroad right-of-way east of town. Here the “High Bridge Trail” gives walkers a chance to experience tremendous vertigo and possible death by slippage on one of the most spectacular railroad bridges in northern Indiana.

The trailhead is a bit difficult to find but once we drove up the dead-end driveway through the inch of virgin snowfall, we bundled up and headed down the level, wide trail. It was obvious the only hikers in the past few days had been coyotes, fox and perhaps the odd squirrel.

We walked the .85 miles out to the old bridge, happy whenever we could slip below the level of surrounding fields out of the wind. Whenever the cold east wind was blocked by terrain or trees, the day and even the snow felt warm enough to slip on a pair of shorts for these winter-weary Hoosiers...." 1.
1. .Delphi: Monon High Bridge Trail hike |
So I watched The Shack tonight. I have no idea why, exactly, Carter brought this up at the press conference. Only he can explain why. Maybe it’s because this is a horrific case, he saw the movie, and it simply helped him make sense of evil in the world. If there is more to it - a direct message to the BG - I think he’s assuming this killer has issues that have to do with pain, power, blame, guilt and trust. Perhaps he’s hoping the BG will read the book or watch the movie and that “little bit of a conscience” he has left will feel something. Hmm.
Just a thought— based on PC comments I strongly suspect LE has a specific person of interest and that someone has talked to Carter on several occasions not as a suspect but as a person w/explanable interest and access (politician, clergy, etc). what if that person recommended “The Shack” to him as a source of spiritual comfort. By saying “I watched the Shack this weekend” the suspect knows LE is onto them, and when Carter says “to the killer” he understands Carter is addressing the comment to him personally.
The more I listen to the audio from yesterday, the more it sounds to me like between "Guys" and "Down the hill," there are distorted screamed words. Ugh. :(

I am posting this from my phone which I have never done before (have no power right now, they are fixing something in my building), so if the post looks weird, sorry.

After listening to it a couple of times and then listening to it again the next day I started to hear that as well, even making out the words that might have been said. Now l can't listen to it anymore, it gives me anxiety, only worse. Like panic. I wonder why they would keep this in there and not edit it out. Maybe it's nothing and just some background noise and it's just pareidolia. But yeah, I won't be listening to it again.
Just a thought— based on PC comments I strongly suspect LE has a specific person of interest and that someone has talked to Carter on several occasions not as a suspect but as a person w/explanable interest and access (politician, clergy, etc). what if that person recommended “The Shack” to him as a source of spiritual comfort. By saying “I watched the Shack this weekend” the suspect knows LE is onto them, and when Carter says “to the killer” he understands Carter is addressing the comment to him personally.

I get the complete opposite impression. It appears to me they are absolutely clueless, or else they wouldn't release the 2 year old sketch they hid from the public for all this time. The policeman speaking seems like the type of person who would think a movie about his religion would somehow be relevant at the press conference of a murder they haven't been able to solve.
Just a thought— based on PC comments I strongly suspect LE has a specific person of interest and that someone has talked to Carter on several occasions not as a suspect but as a person w/explanable interest and access (politician, clergy, etc). what if that person recommended “The Shack” to him as a source of spiritual comfort. By saying “I watched the Shack this weekend” the suspect knows LE is onto them, and when Carter says “to the killer” he understands Carter is addressing the comment to him personally.
I just watched the presser. Right before Carter says "hiding in plain sight," he stated the person could be in the room, which would mean present at the press conference. It reminds me of the chief who brought attention to the fact that Kelsey Berreth's fiancé wasn't present for hers, and then was arrested shortly thereafter.

Another observation I made is how agitated Carter was throughout. I don't think I've ever seen a presser quite like this one. He knows so much they're not sharing with the public. He was having a hard time tamping down his anger. I have no doubt that this man will find the killer if it's the last thing he does on this earth.
When I mentioned the latest developments to my daughter (young adult), she thought Libby took the video because the BG would be recognized.

Interesting thought.


yes, this. i think she took the ph0to bc it was strange and unusual that THIS local guy, someone EVERYONE in town knows, was out in the woods walking around, perhaps making the girls feel somewhat uncomfortable, and the girls planned to tell someone after they got home. maybe they had heard rumors he was creepy with other teenagers. this could possibly change the motive, too, but i still think it was sexually motivated, at least at first. how terribly horrifying this all must have been for them. catch this piece of garbage, LE!
yes, this. i think she took the ph0to bc it was strange and unusual that THIS local guy, someone EVERYONE in town knows, was out in the woods walking around, perhaps making the girls feel somewhat uncomfortable, and the girls planned to tell someone after they got home. maybe they had heard rumors he was creepy with other teenagers. this could possibly change the motive, too, but i still think it was sexually motivated, at least at first. how terribly horrifying this all must have been for them. catch this piece of garbage, LE!

Then how could they not find him? Have they actually just done it the right gumshoe way and gone door to door to every building until they find the guy? Or do they just sit back and wait for tips? There's only 3000 people in Delphi? In 2 years every male of age in the town should be looked at. If he's local they should have found him if they investigated properly, no?
I can't hear the music but I have always felt like BG's voice has a sort of creepy computerized sound to it. Listening to your clips (and considering the dramatic difference between the two sketches) I'm starting to wonder if he was wearing a mask with a voice changer attached. Perhaps the scratchy sounds in between words is his breathing into the voice changer microphone? I don't know what they sound like but apparently one can purchase scary voice changing equipment for Halloween and it's super cheap (IMO): Halloween Voice Changer
There are videos on you tube that show how to put a voice changer into a mask.
This could also explain the difference in vocal sound between the "Guys" and the other words. Perhaps he wasn't speaking directly into the voice altering box for the word "Guys"?
Also, perhaps the white lines we see moving under his chin area are wires from voice changing equipment?
Just speculating. MOO.

To me, in the sketches one of our talented sleuthers sketched from stills of the video, it looks like he a voicebox as a result of previous surgery??
I finally took the time to look up a 2015 press conference regarding Amanda Blackburn's murder in Indianapolis. When the Delphi PC was announced last week, I was reminded of pressers in the Blackburn case, which were handled similarly, with a lot of hype and open to the public. What's more, ISP Supt. Doug Carter's words to the perp really rang familiar, so I googled. Seems my hunch was correct. It was Carter I was recalling from the Blackburn case, where he presented in a similar manner. His words were chillingly direct.

"To those responsible for killing Amanda: We are coming. And I hope it's not long," he said.

Sources say Amanda Blackburn was sexually assaulted

I believe it also was Carter who, in a different Blackburn PC, said words to the effect that, "we will find you."

Those of us following closely sensed that something significant was taking place behind the scenes, just as many watching this case. Turned out we were right.

Now, what I can relate that might be of interest here, is that at the time of this particular PC, LE was very close to zeroing in on the killers. Another woman had been attacked and raped in her home, but survived, not so long before Amanda was murdered. Her account and crime scene evidence, added to other evidence amassed by top notch investigators, led to charges in Amanda's murder. But until the pieces were cemented in place, LE couldn't show their hand.

Having followed at least a few Indiana/Indianapolis cases, but particularly the Amanda Blackburn murder, I have tremendous respect for the Indiana State Police, (as well as IMPD). Without a doubt, they are working diligently to bring the Delphi killer to justice.
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Some people here are saying they don't think there is anymore audio or video to release-but I recall LE near the beginning of the investigation saying something to the effect that the rest of the recording was "the thing nightmares are made of ", or something to that effect. I could be wrong...but that really sticks in my mind.

That quote has been used a lot, but the context has been changed quite a bit. It was a "a source familiar with the investigation" who called it "the stuff of nightmares." And, honestly, hearing two girls being kidnapped, even if the murder isn't itself captured, would still qualify as pretty nightmarish, IMO. People focused in on that really early in the investigation and used that quote as evidence that there was more things to hear on the audio tape. I always took it to mean that the whole thing is pretty bad-as in the idea of two little girls taken away and murdered. What could be worse for a parent?
Then how could they not find him? Have they actually just done it the right gumshoe way and gone door to door to every building until they find the guy? Or do they just sit back and wait for tips? There's only 3000 people in Delphi? In 2 years every male of age in the town should be looked at. If he's local they should have found him if they investigated properly, no?

as i've said before, maybe it was cognitive dissonance: no one in town could process that it would be someone they all knew bc it was just too horrific! maybe they saw the hat, and the clothing, and the gait of this man and thought, like we all did here, that it HAD to be a transient, or a boogeyman. and that's why they've searched and investigated so many "monsters" within a 100 mile radius of delphi, bc they could not "see" or know any such "monster" locally! perhaps this really is all the video and audio footage they have. so, like us here, they are going over and over and over it, as we have done and are still doing, and someone had an aha moment. (for the record, i now see this man with hair, not a hat, and much younger than i previously believed he could possibly be. and that was just yesterday that i realized that.) . i am with you that it does seem like someone would have recognized this person 2 years ago if it was someone everyone knew, and that is why the press conference focused on reaching out to that person (or persons) who knows him WELL (aka his wife), as well as BG, to come clean now. i'd be willing to bet everyone in town has a new suspect, (and maybe they always knew, but it was just rumor before they got police clarification from that press conference.) just my opinion. i could certainly be totally wrong.
That seems logical, right? But if wasn't playing with a whole stack to begin with, who knows. That's kind of why I think this was unplanned, though. BG would've had no real way of knowing whether anyone would be around or not.
For some reason I don't see this as planned either. It just seems like someone wanting to go after kids could possibly have to wait days in an area like that to find some unaccompanied by adults. I think he was likely walking through for some other reason. Maybe he was hiking to and from work or to another person's house. Maybe his car broke down. Maybe he is not a serial killer and there was a PTSD psychotic break or schizophrenia involved, possibly triggered by something the girls did or said. If this guy lives in Delphi or a nearby area, I doubt this is the first time the guy wore that outfit. People should carefully look at any photos that were taken prior to the event to determine if that outfit of his appears in any of them. He likely ditched the outfit after his photo went public.
as i've said before, maybe it was cognitive dissonance: no one in town could process that it would be someone they all knew bc it was just too horrific! maybe they saw the hat, and the clothing, and the gait of this man and thought, like we all did here, that it HAD to be a transient, or a boogeyman. and that's why they've searched and investigated so many "monsters" within a 100 mile radius of delphi, bc they could not "see" or know any such "monster" locally! perhaps this really is all the video and audio footage they have. so, like us here, they are going over and over and over it, as we have done and are still doing, and someone had an aha moment. (for the record, i now see this man with hair, not a hat, and much younger than i previously believed he could possibly be. and that was just yesterday that i realized that.) . i am with you that it does seem like someone would have recognized this person 2 years ago if it was someone everyone knew, and that is why the press conference focused on reaching out to that person who knows him WELL (and BG) to come clean now. i'd be willing to bet everyone in town has a new suspect, (and maybe they always knew, but it was just rumor before they got police clarification from that press conference.) just my opinion. i could certainly be totally wrong.

What doesn't make sense is Carter says he may be in the room but then has a sketch and a video of the man. So what does he have an invisibility cloak where Carter can't see him right in front of his face? If it's someone the police have spoken to already like he suggested than why wouldn't they recognize him? If they can't recognize him from the video and audio then why do they expect anyone else will?
For some reason I don't see this as planned either. It just seems like someone wanting to go after kids could possibly have to wait days in an area like that to find some unaccompanied by adults. I think he was likely walking through for some other reason. Maybe he was hiking to and from work or to another person's house. Maybe his car broke down. Maybe he is not a serial killer and there was a PTSD psychotic break or schizophrenia involved, possibly triggered by something the girls did or said. If this guy lives in Delphi or a nearby area, I doubt this is the first time the guy wore that outfit. People should carefully look at any photos that were taken prior to the event to determine if that outfit of his appears in any of them. He likely ditched the outfit after his photo went public.

These are the same thoughts I've had as well. Almost exactly. :)
I get the complete opposite impression. It appears to me they are absolutely clueless, or else they wouldn't release the 2 year old sketch they hid from the public for all this time. The policeman speaking seems like the type of person who would think a movie about his religion would somehow be relevant at the press conference of a murder they haven't been able to solve.
I think they released the second sketch now because it’s a better resemblance of their current suspect. I think the witness who helped them create the 2nd one didn’t see him on the bridge but the 1st witness did. LE thought the 1st one looked more like their picture of BG so they gave it more credence But that picture was blurry, clothes made him look heavy/older and angles weren’t good. Plus, as some have mentioned he may have been wearing a disguise when that picture was taken. IMO LE have gotten some tips or had other reasons to suspect their current POI and realize the 2nd witness sketch would have been the better choice.
What doesn't make sense is Carter says he may be in the room but then has a sketch and a video of the man. So what does he have an invisibility cloak where Carter can't see him right in front of his face?

Half the men in Delphi and the surrounding areas look like the BG sketch. Making an arrest is more than simply matching the sketch (which comes from someone's memory, which may be faulty) to someone's face. There's circumstantial evidence and then there's no real evidence at all. If they don't have good DNA from the crime scene, for instance, or they're lacking other physical evidence to tie him to the crime, then that's a real problem.
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