Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #91

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So we have 2 huge new pieces of information!!!!! I, for one, am incredibly optimistic.
We need to put the information together.
1) A new composite of a younger very different looking person, with a new age range 18 -40.
2) A significant vehicle parked on N 300 near an old CPS building.

What evidence brings these 2 pieces of information to us now and brings this information together?
Clearly, LE initially believed the older BG was their man. There were 2 sketches made based on witnesses accounts. New information has focused the investigation on unequivocally on the younger man.

Could it be familial DNA? If so, they may need corroborating evidence and information.
Maybe they know that the car parked was driven by a familial DNA person.
Maybe a cigarette butt collected near the crime scene or trace evidence which has taken years to analyze has tied the car scene and the murder scene together.
We have new hope!
Apparently the new info supports the 2/17/17 Bryant witness sketch. And its great there is something new.

Yes, let's talk about what that could be. I think:

1. The original witness who provided that info. circled back and said, "Hey, listen to me, I really think this guy is the killer" (and possibly provided additional info.)
2. An alibi provider grew a conscience.
3. Someone wants the reward.
So, A witness gave a sketch artist descriptive facial information from memory a few days after the murders and and a composite was created. Recently something triggered LE to further investigate someone or look for missing clues. They return to the witness to show him/her some photos and he/she identifies the correct person that LE is watching and here we are ......
Thanks much for this-- I'd not seen it!

How does this compare to news account below that the first sketch released July 2017 was the witness account of a man seen before the girls were murdered. bbm

Indiana State Police released an image done by an FBI sketch artist on July 17, 2017. It was based on what they said was "recent information" from a witness who saw the suspect before the 13 and 14-year-olds' death.

They also gave a suspect description: a white male, 5-foot-6 to 5-foot-10, weighing 180 to 200 pounds, with reddish brown hair and an unknown eye color.

During a press conference ISP Sgt. Kim Riley said while the hat may not be accurate, the public should focus on the man's facial features in hopes of identifying him.

Review all of the evidence in the Delphi murders case that's been publicly released

More questions than answers.....
So, do we still think reddish brown hair and NOT blue eyes? Is that still part of the new sketch BG's description?
So, A witness gave a sketch artist descriptive facial information from memory a few days after the murders and and a composite was created. Recently something triggered LE to further investigate someone or look for missing clues. They return to the witness to show him/her some photos and he/she identifies the correct person that LE is watching and here we are ......
This makes sense to me. I hope you're right.
  • BG is no longer just a suspect but now definitively named the murderer.
  • Sketch #2 is now designated as being BG.
  • LE announced no new information in February on the anniversary, and did not hint at future revelations.
  • Monday's presser was called without teasers of what might be included. The contents were only revealed to the family about a half hour before public dissemination.
Something has changed in the investigation that prompted this drastic switch, and LE seems as angry about it as we are.
Again, why give 3 days notice for the presser? It was Easter weekend. Maybe LE wanted to make sure BG was back in town? (if he indeed lives there)
That poor community must be so frightened. they have a monster living amongst them!
Bumping these up in case anyone wants a refresher in light of today's news.

April 22 Press Conference transcript:

<news announcer>
Doug Carter and he has taken the stand. We'll take a listen in.

<audio cuts in to Superintendent Carter>
... the Delphi community how grateful I am you inspire people you don't even understand and you don't even understand why. Information is being released today is the result of literally thousands and thousands of hours of extraordinary investigative efforts by Delphi Carroll County, the FBI, the Indiana State Police and countless other agencies. This community surrounded us some twenty six months ago and you did everything you could to support us but most importantly you surrounded the family of these two little girls. Gosh I'll never forget it. After you hear what we're going to release today I'm going to ask for your continued support, your continued understanding, your empathy and compassion as we move forward to find out who did this and we will.

We're seeking the public's help to identify the driver of a vehicle that was parked at the old CPS DCS welfare building in the city of Delphi that was abandoned on the east side of County Road 300 North next to the Hoosier Heartland highway between the hours of noon to 5:00 on February 14th 2017. If you were parked there or know who was parked there please contact the officers at the command post at the Delphi city building.

We are releasing additional portions of the audio recorded from that day. Please keep in mind the person talking is one person and is the person on the bridge with the girls. This is not two different people speaking. Please listen to it very, very carefully. We are also releasing video recovered from Libby's phone. This video has never before been previously released. The video shows a suspect walking on the bridge. When you see the video watch the watch the person's mannerisms as they walk. Watch the mannerisms as he walks. Do you recognize the mannerisms as being someone that you might know? Remember he is walking on a former railroad bridge. Because of the deteriorated condition of the bridge the suspect is not walking naturally due to the spacing between the ties.

During the course of this investigation we have concluded the first sketch released will become secondary as of today. The result of the new information and intelligence over time leads us to believe the sketch which you will see shortly is the person responsible for the murders of these two little girls. We also believe this person is from Delphi. Currently or has previously lived here, visits Delphi on a regular basis or works here. We believe this person is currently between the age range of 18 and 40 but might appear younger than its true age.

Directly to the killer who may be in this room. We believe you are hiding in plain sight. For more than two years you never thought we would shift gears to a different investigative strategy but we have. We likely have interviewed you or someone close to you. We know that this is about power to you and you want to know what we know. And one day you will.

The question to you: what will those closest to you think of they find out that you brutally murdered two little girls, two children? Only a coward would do such a thing.

We are confident that you have told someone what you have done or at the very least they know because how different you are since the murders. We try so hard to understand how a person could do something like this to to two chil to two children. I recently watched a movie called The Shack and there's also a book that talks so well about evil, about death and about eternity. To the murderer I believe you have just a little bit of a conscience left and I can assure you that how you left them in that woods is not, is not what they are experiencing today.

The family. I hope that you all will give them some time because we're going to be asking that there's no media inquiry or no media response for at least the next two weeks and I hope you understand why. The family found out about this about this information this morning. I just want the family to know that when I take my last breath on this earth I'll be thinking of them. There's going to be a tremendous amount of <unintelligble> I know that. I know that. Never in my career have I stood in front of something like this. Please be patient with us. Please. We're just beginning. We are we are just now beginning. That I can tell you on behalf of the sheriff and the police chief so many other partners that have stood with us over this period of time that we will not stop.

-- Other officer ..
I just unveiled the person that we believe responsible for the murder of these two little girls so I invite media to take a look at that now. Kim.

We're also going to show you a video not previously released that superintendent spoke to and also the audio that's additional to what's been previously released. It's only a slight change in it. So give Sergeant Riley just a second as he gets that up and ready.
<plays audio>
Stand by for the video please. There is no sound of the video.
<plays video> As Superintendent Carter mentioned. He is on the railway bridge. You have to take different steps to get to it. This information later this afternoon will be on the state police website. For the community that's here we have 100 copies of the news release. If you put in that URL you'll be able to get to that site to play it. And we also have that same release for you in the media and the rest of the state we'll get that released in about 15 minutes. So we appreciate those of you that came here. This concludes our announcement. Thank you for your time patience and courtesy.

Apologies if this was already posted.

Indiana State Police releases clarification points on Delphi murder suspect

  • A car was parked in the abandoned CPS building parking lot between the hours of noon and 5:00 p.m. on February 13, 2017
    • We are looking for anyone who could give a description of vehicles that were in the parking lot during the time
  • The location of the abandoned CPS building was 6931 West 300 North, Delphi, IN
    • The building has since been demolished and the lot is vacant
  • The Multi-Agency Task Force is seeking tips and information about how the subject depicted in the sketch is linked to the Delphi area.
    • The Task Force is not asking for investigative suggestions
    • Tips on the suspect sketch are our main interest
enhanced7 is powerful to me, I can actually see the most recent sketch of him. I went to full screen and watched it several times. What I believe I'm seeing is the recent sketch with facial hair, also his right hand is in his pocket, it appears there IS something in that pocket.
Looks to me like something very consistent w/the shape of a handgun in his right pocket (with grip end shoved in first) in the first one his right hand seems to be just above his waistband clutching the top of some long, straight thing shoved into the right leg of his jeans. I don’t think it’s a leg brace — I think it’s something that would come in handy if you wanted to beat someone to a pulp.
Again, why give 3 days notice for the presser? It was Easter weekend. Maybe LE wanted to make sure BG was back in town? (if he indeed lives there)
That poor community must be so frightened. they have a monster living amongst them!

IMO: Logistics. Every time there's a bump of a case via the media the tip lines tend to flood with information. The timing can be as simple as needing to get over the holidays to have enough people to man the phones in each shift.
Clearly, LE must have something that they didn't have prior to now which has led them to conclude Sketch #2 is BG. Something conclusively changed their minds re: Sketch #1 being the true depiction of BG.

Sketch #2 IS the 90-degree pivot.
LE somehow became aware that they were on the road to nowhere with Sketch #1.
IMO, they have some type of new info that led them to confidently reach this conclusion.

Kudos to LE for changing tack upon realizing that this directional shift was warranted, rather than being obstinately fixed in their position re: Sketch #1 being BG.

Investigations are fluid...which means they move, and, yes, even change course at times, depending on where the evidentiary tides take them.

We don't know what LE knows.

Neither does BG.

That's probably keeping him awake nights.
He's probably going to have a hard time hiding his feelings of increased anxiety and tension from those around him. There are going to be telling signs.
Sketch #2 + audio = somebody's going to recognize BG.

It's only a matter of time now before they nail him.

Tick, tock, BG.

All of the Above: JMO.
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I still think, in spite of all the LE bashing, the something significant has changed, a witness has come forward, or information has been received. Carter spoke of new information. I believe that the press conference was deliberate, and speaking to the suspect was part of a plan to get someone to " flip" on him. His request for the family's to be left alone for 2 weeks is because someone is in their sights. Something has changed the focus of this investigation, and hopefully we will all find out soon.
IMO: Logistics. Every time there's a bump of a case via the media the tip lines tend to flood with information. The timing can be as simple as needing to get over the holidays to have enough people to man the phones in each shift.
Yeah. I also think they wanted the media to have plenty of notice, and wanted to drum up publicity for this press conference.

Also, you don’t want to give a press conference on a Friday. It’s the worst time in the news cycle to achieve maximum impact.

There’s a reason that politicians like to do Friday news dumps.
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