Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #93

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I'm not going to belabour this, but the version I and others saw did seem to show what I observed. It is really nothing to debate or be belittled about, just an observation. IMO. No biggie. Quite a few people, as did I, have noticed the bulkiness in his coat on the right side, and that is more evident, if nothing else.

Stop sleuthing random people in news videos and casting suspicion on them as the perp.

Moreover, only youtube videos from mainstream media or law enforcement announcements are allowed otherwise random youtube videos are not acceptable.
I find it an odd coincidence that there was a man arrested in another state a few days or a week before on rape charges who resembled our BG original sketch. There were many inquiries if the two men could be the same. We were told no, however, this new sketch appeared quickly thereafter.

To me,
Finding a man who looked so similar to the BG, ratted questions, but it was dropped and skinny guy with curly hair is our guy now.
I know. This case is baffling, and I know we are missing something obvious. However, I’m forcing myself to follow LE instructions and now focus on the new sketch.
Truly a baffling, and extremely disturbing case.

Amateur opinion and speculation
I agree with those saying that those who do know this guy in real life may not even be putting two and two together because "Bob (fake name) is such a nice guy. He's so normal. He's got a great family and is a great dad"....stuff like that. Perhaps someone in his life does question it, and I hope so badly they called in a tip, but we have seen this with killers before who are "upstanding" members of society and otherwise very mundane and normal to those in their lives.

The comment at the PC about "hiding in plain sight" seems to back this up, too. Like he has been just going about his every day life, going to work, maybe having a family, being social with friends, and none of them have a clue. Now before Monday, it's because he truly didn't look like the sketch that was out. But even now....I just really hope at least one person in his life has some doubts and is willing to call it in. MOO
I personally do not believe for one minute that the girls were planning to meet someone. Especially some stranger from social media.

I was responding to a poster who didn't think it was possible that Abby could have social media because she didn't have a phone. I was negating the impossibility of that based on my experience with today's teens (not having a phone is not a hindrance for them in that regard). Although I don't think they were meeting up with a total stranger either, I still would assume LE had checked into finding out who they were communicating with on whatever social media was available to them in order to rule it out, I imagine that is standard procedure in todays day and age with all that goes on and I was showing that poster how they could find any accounts Abby could have had despite not having a phone.
The red hair thing...I see someone checked the FBI website and found that still to be on there, perhaps the witness was not entirely sure then? Because if so (and red hair tends to stand out unless its more of an auburn) I'm surprised that is not more widely presented with the circulated sketch because that definitely narrows the field, red hair is a very rare natural hair color and especially in a town that small it should be an especially helpful detail.
I would think a kid 13-14 years old who frequented a location like that would know how it works logistically and socially. I could be wrong, and am definitely not hinging any of my opinions on this case based on that, but to me it's at least worth consideration if in fact that practice is a real thing.

I'm the one who initially posted about the bridge etiquette. The question for me isn't why they didn't hurry to get off the bridge (not something I would do on there) but why HE started in after them. I've seen nothing to suggest that they were just standing there, hanging out, and waiting for him to get to the end.
After studying the pic of BG for QUITE some time last night (and after being predictably freaked out by doing it so late), I made a couple of observations.

First, I think the pic needs to be stretched lengthwise to get a truer image (something about the angle or image itself is making him look squatter than he is). Also, as many others have said, he is unusually layered up with clothing and it's making him look bulkier. When you look at the sleeve of his right arm, the sleeve has significant extra material. It kind of looks like if I wear my boyfriend's oversized jacket and have to push up the sleeve a lot.

Also, I looked at the image using many different Instagram filters. The X-Pro II filter really highlighted the object in his right pocket. I agree with the posters who said it looks like a gun. I was skeptical at first, but look at the image using this particular filter and you will clearly see what I mean.

What's on top of his head is debatable. Some see a hat (as I did at first). Others swear this is not a hat and now I'm starting to agree that this is another attempt by him to disguise himself. I think it's a very, very bad hairpiece or wig. And this gives me the feeling that it's this that caused Libby to take his picture. I know a lot of kids will take people's pics in public not because they are afraid (which of course, could still have been the case here), BUT she may have been taking his picture because he looked just plain WEIRD.

Then, I isolated looking at the right side of his face and then just the left side of his face. Folks, don't do this late at night if you want to have a good night's sleep!

Thank you to everyone for this thoughtful and intelligent discussion. I hope there is a resolution and justice will come soon.

All of the above is JMHO.
I can't see any part of definition of any kind necessary to really determining his age at all.

Before, most saw a grizzled older man with facial hair of some sort, hair color, etc. Now people can suddenly see a "baby face".

But you could be right that she just happened to catch him in the background as she recorded Abby.

However, LE has been pretty clear in their praise of Libby's heroism in intentionally and surreptitiously capturing this man on a recording.

It's blurry, IMO, because of the distance.

Also he may indeed have been trying to conceal his age with his clothes.

I agree with you that it’s impossible to tell age based on the distance in the video, but I feel the person on the video appears to be much younger than that of the first sketch for sure. It’s hard to make out his face, but I can tell he’s got a clean face.

I was thinking that the heroism part related to what occurs after he meets them at the end of the bridge, but thinking further, it is possible she was trying to record in a manner that didn’t give away the fact she had a phone, and hence, asked Abby to look like she was doing something in his direction so she could get a view. LE would know this for sure as I bet they were talking about it before BG approached.

You can actually see something in the front of BG that appears to be focused, prob Abby’s coat. We will probably never see the original video. Although I think if it had been meant to capture him, we would have gotten a longer video than a 2 second video clip that is not even focused. I think the angle of the camera shifted and BG was no longer in view, that’s why the video is so short and there isn’t more footage. I think he was still far away enough that I don’t think they had seen him as a threat, yet, either.

She probably placed the phone on her pocket, etc and kept it there while they went down hill. There is definitely more audio, but I don’t think LE would want to release because it may damage the case and we probably do not want to hear it anyway.

As I said earlier, I’m was not convinced that they got that video from the phone, I think the phone was destroyed. As per a previous post, this is what appears to have happened and the video/audio was retrieved from cloud.

One other thing I struggled with was the hat, which many have posted different looking ones here, including hunting, bomber hats, etc and I could never make it out to be a hat - I feel he is not wearing a hat, but a wig. It appears to be light color and appears too thick. I think that was part of his outfit and he probably took it off after the murders.

All imo...
I’m glad to hear I’m not alone, I’ve watched the video until I’m blue in the face, still not much more than a blur to me. As you I can tell he’s white, I can see that it is a face, but that’s about it.
Oh, and I could swear his mouth was moving, either talking or chewing gum.

I don't see any details, either. The only thing I see is that, at one point, his head does slightly turn and it appears that his mouth is moving. But, as you say, he could've been talking or chewing (or even spitting).

As someone explained earlier, the image was of low quality and is missing pixels. Enhancing the photo any further is, at this point, going to make the image lose integrity. LE has stated that what they've released is the best quality that is possible out of these images. They literally ran the image through the best photo editing equipment we have in this country-programs that are not available to the public. They've released height, weight, and hair color. If there were other attributes that might be important for the people in his life to recognize him by then IMO they would've released that information too.
Once again people have to keep in mind this happened more than 2 years ago. A lot can happen in 2 years. He can be dead, locked up for all we know.

If he was local he would have been caught. Somebody would have noticed the clothes and walk.
Unaltered frame by frames and some enhancements:
Unaltered frame by frame zoomed

The first/dark one is to show what is him and what is background. also to counter the sunlight on his face.

The third video, an awesome frame-by-frame, really showcased that his jacket seems stuffed with something. Once again, thank you @RedBeard !
I don't see any details, either. The only thing I see is that, at one point, his head does slightly turn and it appears that his mouth is moving. But, as you say, he could've been talking or chewing (or even spitting).

As someone explained earlier, the image was of low quality and is missing pixels. Enhancing the photo any further is, at this point, going to make the image lose integrity. LE has stated that what they've released is the best quality that is possible out of these images. They literally ran the image through the best photo editing equipment we have in this country-programs that are not available to the public. They've released height, weight, and hair color. If there were other attributes that might be important for the people in his life to recognize him by then IMO they would've released that information too.

Yep I agree, and there is a reason why it’s always been against policy here to alter LE released video and images. Many times all it does is distort and change the images to make people think they see something that isn’t even there. Jmo
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