Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #93

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I'm so confused. The podcast someone posted earlier (best case worst case) was a room of fbi agents talking about the case and the new developments. The said multiple times that the first sketch released to the public turned out to be that of a sex offender that was arrested recently and cleared off the delphi case. Where did this information come from? I haven't seen this reported anywhere else... Have any of y'all?
Were they referring to the deputy who was recently convicted of child molesting?
I’m sure many of you are mad at me and that is ok. I’m not apologizing. I have an opinion. I have read the story/bios of many serial killers as well as random killers. I currently don’t follow any other case. This case needs solved. For many many reasons. Keep sleuthing...
Ok. I have to ask because now I am really confused. What do you or others think about this new sketch? This sketch was drawn on the memory of a witness based on an actual person.
I think it is a "ballpark" estimate of what the suspect looks like. At least I think that's what Carter said.
I think the person depicted in the sketch has a bit of a smirk. Maybe that's how the witness remembered him. Jmo
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Maybe it would be helpful to have a *facts only* post. Maybe it can be added to the beginning of the thread. Such as who dropped them off that day. Times of photos. Times of calls and arrival of Libby s dad. LE statements. There seems to be a lot of confusion.
Have you seen the No Discussion thread? It sounds like what you would like to peruse.
I think there’s a pretty good chance BG saw the girls get dropped off and knew they’d be alone for awhile, which played right into his favor. Otherwise it would have been a great risk to do this not knowing if they had other friends/family waiting elsewhere on the trail. Tonight’s big question for me... if the new and improved BG sketch is from someone who saw him leave the trail, does that infer he had already killed the girls and then just walked out normal? Because I thought there was some discussion that the spot where the girls were ultimately found had been searched that night but they weren’t found until the next day; if that’s true then where were the girls when BG was seen leaving the trail? Sorry if this has been covered it’s just something I’m stuck on.
Aw, cody22, lemme help you with that:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="
" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

(fingers crossed that this link works!)

Just great.:):):)
I'm going to pretend it's my dog, who looks so similar, now sitting next to me, reading all this important stuff.
I don't think I'll ever catch up because these threads are flying but you all have put forth some great possibilities and theories. ...
Most times I start with the most current post then work my way back. Lol. Sometimes I jump around. It all seems to work for me! Otherwise, I would never catch up.
In the sketch recently released, some people including myself have noticed a slightly lazy right eye. I understand BG was walking carefully because he was on the bridge with uneven boards but is it possible he has always walked a little carefully, or even awkwardly if you will, due to a minor vision impairment?

Much has been said about the YBG's facial features, including his eyes, which others have noted to be 'hooded'. I did some research and found a genetic condition called Noonan Syndrome which can cause this. IMO YBG has many of the physical characteristics of this syndrome including:

-hooded eyes
-downward sloping eyes
-strongly arched eyebrows
-low set ears
-coarse and curly hair
-short stature (men average 5 foot 5")

This is an image I pulled from the internet which shows some of the features (look at the pointy chin, shape of the nasal folds, large forehead, and hairline--these remind me of BG). One characteristic of Noonan Syndrome is having a very wide neck, which BG does not appear to have--although with a hoodie, jacket, and possibly a scarf on, maybe his true neckline was not visible.

The article I got my information from said that the syndrome can be mild and the characteristics so subtle than some people do not look noticably different (BG might not be as severs as the image).


Just two points I wanted to make:

1. MAYBE BG has some type of disability/deformity which has impacted his development and personality. Perhaps he was bullied as a child, or overprotected by his mom because of his condition, and maybe has been unable to find a romatic relationship or a good job due to his syndrome, leaving him angry and/or depressed and feeling powerless in his life which was a trigger for the murders. Maybe Abby & Libby commented on him being 'creepy' because of his looks.

2. IF BG does have something like Noonan Syndrome he should have an extensive medical file. He was probably seen by multiple specialists as a child and teen, and would likely still require regular appointments with an optometrist. Talking to doctors in the local area and larger city centers to see if they have/had any patients matching this description could be an investigative angle for LE.

*I know this is a longshot, and in no way do I mean to imply that people with disabilities are aggressive or criminals.
Hi, first time poster here... I've tried to read up, but things are starting to blend together, so forgive me if this has been discussed. All this is MOO, only.
I'm wondering if the girls thought he was cute? Maybe that's why they wanted to record him? This new sketch definitely looks like a young guy; I'd put him college aged, just based on the sketch. Maybe they saw him and thought, 'hey look at that guy! take a snap!!' That's something I could very easily see my childhood best friend and I doing at that age; of course, we would have used a polaroid, lol. They may have followed him pretty easily or he may have had to use a weapon. I have no doubt a weapon had to be used at some point since he'd have to subdue two people.
I think he's local, also. Probably at college, but a local guy. Maybe even an older guy they recognized from the high school?
Also, another thought... MOO only... The first sketch showed no hair really. Now it looks like curly hair or maybe that's just how the sketch is coming across. If it is curly hair, maybe they found a curly hair near/on the girls? Or at least a fragment of one. And that is what suggested that the guy in the second eyewitness sketch with curly hair is 'the one'?

And one more thought and I'm done, promise! Assuming my earlier theories are all wrong, as I'm sure they are... I read where this park is near the interstate exit. Is there a truck stop there? Is it walking distance? It's possible a truck driver came to get some exercise and came across a crime of opportunity. Idk. Just throwing it out there. I still think it's a local or semi-local person.

I don't know, just speculating. I want him caught. And punished. Severely. This case and the Missy bevers case has most of my interest right now. it's scary to know this guy is out walking around amongst us.
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