Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #94

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I had always seen the earlier images as BG being an older man wearing a hat or hood, but in viewing the video and looking again to see him as a younger man, I've realized that it may really be hair we are seeing on his head and the hood is off and bunched up behind his head/neck. In this screen capture, the hair is clearest. The dimple toward the back of the head is his part and the hair comes forward in front with perhaps a part in the "bangs" visible on his right side (left side of face in image). Viewed as hair, he looks like a much younger man.

View attachment 181375

I currently see a baseball cap. But I also see what you're seeing.
A couple of questions about LE requiring people attending Monday’s press conference to sign in and leave their phone numbers. This was supposedly a ploy to check if the killer was there and is done often.

1)Could it be LE has some type of handwriting sample from the killer and was hoping to get something to compare it to? Perhaps an odd way of writing a particular letter or number?
2)Did they also require LE officers and reporters to sign in? There has been talk that the killer might be one of those professions. I kind of doubt they did which could mean LE knows the killer is not one of them.
3) If LE knows who the killer is, they will know if he was there, so what would be the point of having people sign in?
4) If they don’t know who he is, how is looking at a name on a piece of paper going to help with that?
5) I’m sure LE photographed or videoed the crowd. How do they match up the faces with the names on the sign in list?
6) If LE doesn’t know who the killer is, how is this list helpful? Do they start investigations on everybody there?

Not trying to be a pain here, but these questions have been rattling around in my empty brain all week.
I don't know if they had this type of sign up at the other presser. It could be they were looking for someone who was surprised they had to sign in and so they left without signing.
I had always seen the earlier images as BG being an older man wearing a hat or hood, but in viewing the video and looking again to see him as a younger man, I've realized that it may really be hair we are seeing on his head and the hood is off and bunched up behind his head/neck. In this screen capture, the hair is clearest. The dimple toward the back of the head is his part and the hair comes forward in front with perhaps a part in the "bangs" visible on his right side (left side of face in image). Viewed as hair, he looks like a much younger man.

Thanks so much for this! I agree the video shows a younger guy but I always thought he had a hat. With your walk-thru of this picture I now can see him with no hat! If correct, that is a way younger guy than we’ve been thinking the last two years.
I was wondering the same thing, which is why I had mentioned in another thread that I'm really interested to know if sketch 1 is of an actual literal person, or if it's just a very wrong depiction of the killer and he doesn't actually exist
I have thought since they came out with the new (though original) sketch and eliminated the one we’ve all been looking at for the past two years, was because they recently deemed the the new one to be a more accurate description of BG.

As in, whoever gave them the original description didn’t do well at remembering what BG really looked like, didn’t get a very good look at him or, possibly and purposely gave misleading information via their description.
Yet I’ve seen posted several times here that the two sketches are of two different people, so I’m a bit confused myself.
Gray Hughes Video

Thank you @grayhuze :)

My dog was disturbed by the audio-the sounds are awful. Couldn’t they have edited those sounds out before releasing to the public?
Wow, that is the clearest version I’ve seen yet. LE should release this version to the general public. There is no doubt that people that know this guy would be able to ID him if they watched Grays enhancement.
Hi all.
I haven't posted in a long time but something about this case has been bugging me.
What does it mean to "hide in plain sight?" IMO it means not to hide at all. Someone who is hiding in plain site doesn't need to "hide" in normal terms because no one knows they are there. Someone who blends in, like a chameleon. In this case I think it is or could be IMO someone they see (they being Delphi citizens) every day but pay no attention to. Could be a teacher, a janitor, a law enforcement officer, a coach, etc. It is only after someone gets caught that people say "OMG, he was right there, all along!" Someone like that.

“Hiding in plain sight” has been used in the past to highlight the way our society perceives in their suspects. When we hear about a horrific crime like this we tend to picture someone with an appearance and social status that matches the horror of the crime. So the mugshot that does NOT surprise us is the unclean and unshaven stranger with the dark soulless eyes and dirty clothes. You can see that also in pop culture when movies, for example, tend to leave what the monster looks like to the viewer since they would always imagine something more horrific than what the movie maker could show.

In a case where the profile is pointing to something outside society’s norm of a cold blooded killer it is said that the suspect is “hiding in plain sight”. That can be directed both towards physical appearance (youthful features, clean cut, polite and soft spoken) and social status (rich, in a position of standing, etc).

Hope that helps.
Judging from video of the recent PC, they sure had officers of all sorts standing on the perimeter of the room. I’m sure huge scrutiny was taking place, and I bet they did place cameras - can’t recall who just suggested that (and only one cuppa coffee in).

Maybe they opted for this municipal building instead of a civilian site again, so that they could surreptitiously place surveillance items.

Really thought we might have an arrest this week, but holding out hope that the 2 week media ban (request) of family had very specific meaning. Like all of you, watching for that ARREST headline.
"So the fact that they made everyone attending the press conference sign in and give a phone number must be meaningful right? Especially with the comments about the killer possibly being in the room." Brought over from previous thread by demijyd73

Nice thought! It would be a legal way to get finger prints.
Wow, that is the clearest version I’ve seen yet. LE should release this version to the general public. There is no doubt that people that know this guy would be able to ID him if they watched Grays enhancement.

I was watching his right leg so intently I never caught his left foot changing direction
I don't know if they had this type of sign up at the other presser. It could be they were looking for someone who was surprised they had to sign in and so they left without signing.

I think the reason the case has gone unsolved for over two years is this guy is as cool as a cucumber and doesn’t act “guilty”. He blends in, nothing stands out about him.

“...Serial offenders often do not leave the area where they committed their crimes, Garrett said, because "they feel comfortable that they're not gonna get caught."

"This particular killer, he's on a remote trail -- if he believes that nobody else saw him actually harm these two girls, then in his mind, he feels like he's home free," Garrett said.

"He's going to be somebody that is pretty good at keeping his mouth shut. That doesn't mean somebody doesn't know something, but he's been very good at maintaining his lifestyle," Garrett continued. "Some killers have an innate ability to do that ... it goes with criminals' ability to place their life in boxes -- commit these crimes, do awful things, continue on their normal life."

Walsh said it's likely the killer is "very close to the investigation" and is likely "trying to take the temperature of the investigators to determine what they know and how hot on his trail they are."...”

Mystery deepens as officials search for 'key' in girls' murders
Ha! And under his coat I noticed a distinct bulge which I’m quite certain was a lightweight foldable walker. It was probably held in place by a chest strap. The walker couldn’t be pushed over the bridge due to the gaps between the rotting ties.
Yeah, or maybe it was one of those personalized picnic table wine carriers that people use for picnics.

Seriously though, its important to remember LE said to pay particular attention to his demeanor, and to remember that he was not walking normally due to walking on the bridge.
Since we know the girls were attacked right after this video was taken, I would think the killer would be very careful taking each step before he subdued and took control over them. Imo
“Hiding in plain sight” has been used in the past to highlight the way our society perceives in their suspects. When we hear about a horrific crime like this we tend to picture someone with an appearance and social status that matches the horror of the crime. So the mugshot that does NOT surprise us is the unclean and unshaven stranger with the dark soulless eyes and dirty clothes. You can see that also in pop culture when movies, for example, tend to leave what the monster looks like to the viewer since they would always imagine something more horrific than what the movie maker could show.

In a case where the profile is pointing to something outside society’s norm of a cold blooded killer it is said that the suspect is “hiding in plain sight”. That can be directed both towards physical appearance (youthful features, clean cut, polite and soft spoken) and social status (rich, in a position of standing, etc).

Hope that helps.

I agree with this so much. I've seen him described as looking homeless or as a transient. The mind doesn't want to or can't accept that he's dressed like every other guy in central Indiana. There is literally zero about his clothes that screams danger to this Hoosier.
I was under the impression there were about 100 people at the event. They likely discard all female names and then those they already know by name, and investigate the few remaining names?

Depending on the actual "intent" of the PC I wouldn't be discarding the women. Who knows, wife, girlfriend, sister, mother, cousin of POI may have gone to get more information. Maybe it's their first step in coming forward to out someone in their circle they may suspect.

I think LE wants to know about EVERYONE who attended. I think they gave prior notice to ensure someone would show up. If they have eyes on a particular person, and a relative showed up, I'm betting they would be making a visit.

I can't believe there has not been an arrest yet in this case! I still think they know exactly who he is, which just confuses and frustrates me so much!

If they do know the name of the sketch person and just don't have enough evidence to arrest, can't they ask him to submit a DNA sample? They must have quite a bit on him to put that sketch out there - wouldn't that be enough for a search warrant, fingerprints, DNA, questioning, lie detector, etc?

LE can't, won't even approach this guy UNTIL they have enough evidence for a conviction.

I understand (believe me) your frustration. But this is just one of those things in life where this is going to take as long as it takes, and it will be on their time, not ours. And in the end, we will all be SO grateful that they took all this time.
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