Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #97

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@gitana1 if you see this message - or anyone else here that is qualified and can answer:)

If LE has a list of cell phones that pinged the same tower Libby's phone was pinging on the same day at around the same time frames, would they need to get a warrant to request copies of cell phone records, or could they simply visit the people in question and make some inquiries?

In a town of less than 3,000 people with many of the population being either children or women that can most definitely be many remaining candidates with matching pings could also match up with B.G.'s description/sketch and mannerisms in the video?
Hmmm...I’d be interested in seeing that post if it can be found in this haystack.
I searched in the first 2 threads and came up empty. So I went over to SM and didn't find it. I did find someone who referenced it sort of like I did back at the one year anniversary. But for now I will have to consider it a rumor.
On a side note, I noticed a post about the Dr Phil interview near the end of 2017. In it MP said a witness saw BG leaving the scene. Looking for a possible transcript.
It's very interesting they agree on the possible suspect. Makes me wonder how his life is moving along with so many suspicious eyes upon him. Im actually surprised someone in the social media world hasn't called him out... or maybe they have?![/QUOTE
I have not seen this SM. I too find it interesting the same name is being talked about.
Does anyone think that this could be remotely possible? What if Sketch #2, the killer, was making his way back after the murders more slowly, stealthly to that lot where he parked, where it seems others regularly park for this trail. If he was walking back slowly to his car through the woods so as not to draw attention, to be seen, taking off some of his outer wear, hat, fanny pack and rolling it all up together. He gets back to the parking lot, maybe quickly stashes bundle in trunk, gets in his car and before he gets the chance to leave, he could be sitting in his car ready to go and that's when people start arriving to search. Especially if they parked right close to him, now what does he do? He's been seen. Does he now pretend he just arrived? He gets out of the car like he's there to hike, just by happenstance inserting himself into a bunch of frantic worried family, friends, almost tagging along. It just gave me the creeps when ISP guy started talking about hiding in plain site, could be in this room, you never thought we'd change strategy, you're getting thrill out of this-talk. Is it possible that this second sketch is of the nice, concerned guy that just happened to arrive when we did but now has disappeared kind of thing? He had finally managed after some time helping to slip away back to his car before police are called, when he hears someone is about to call them around 5pm. The family members later describe him, maybe they can't remember the car he was in because they were all so focused on getting out of theirs and onto the trails to search. His sketch, produced by someone(s) there who'd been searching, after Libby's phone evidence is found is but on the back burner in favor of the sketch of someone who saw him earlier with all the extra clothes and hat on along with the bridge photos. So Sketch #1 guy IS Sketch #2 guy? Something like this would certainly explain ISP officer at press conference be so very upset and angry. Everything he emoted that day reeked of an almost betrayal-like anger, like how dare you. Maybe the actual timeline doesn't allow for any of what I've said?
On top of this, what if he is a volunteer officer in another county? He grabs his badge and joins the search.
Regarding what's life like for the BG these days and what might stand out to someone that suspects him.

Maybe he lost significant weight, in the reverse gained weight. There have been comments made about growing a beard, growing out hair. Did this person abruptly quit a job or get terminated from a job that they never had known issues with prior. Did they stop doing activities they enjoyed, more agitated, spaced out and not connected, increased alcohol use, maybe even drugs. Does news coverage of this case get an over the top response from them, etc. ?
On top of this, what if he is a volunteer officer in another county? He grabs his badge and joins the search.
I think this is really unlikely.

Most people who commit murder, want to get away from a crime scene as soon as possible.

They don’t want to spend a second longer there, than they have to.

They want it to appear that they were never there.

If this was his first murder (which I believe it was), this is even more likely. He’d be quite nervous in the minutes, hours, and days after the fact.

He probably wouldn’t want to return right away.
Well, I live in Canada and I think I may know who....I am sure SM must have a good idea as well. But, if they call him out and they are wrong....lawsuits galore.

If he's a "generally" reputable guy... I agree... There would easily be a lawsuit or twenty. But if not, FB usually isn't gentle... Such as the overwhelming number of side-by-side pics that have caused real problems for LE. Maybe there are people taking legal action but I haven't heard much talk of that. (I could just be in the dark about it though?)
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I came across this case too and thought it very interesting. Firstly, the arrests began the early part of April. Could this be the “thing” that changed LE direction and thinking for the Delphi case? The Kirts guy, the suspect, looks a ton like the guy on the bridge, in my opinion. These are some mean people. My problems are, Kirts looks like the BG in the video but not like either sketch. Why would LE have a significant and emotional PC if they thought they had the guy in jail? And lastly, why reveal another sketch if you’ve got him in jail.

Great points. Seems an unlikely connection. Unless they have the jailed ones talking... or their DNA is getting a family match to another bad guy relative.
IMO, shortcuts to docs related to suspects would not be on a desktop, especially one that is used during a presser presentation.

And I am sure they are working on other cases, too. Just because a doc shortcut is shown on a screen, it doesn't mean that it pertains to that particular case.
And I am sure they are working on other cases, too. Just because a doc shortcut is shown on a screen, it doesn't mean that it pertains to that particular case.

True, true. But if, say, there's a document shortcut with a person's name, and that person happens to look exactly like the sketch, then you start to wonder if it was done intentionally!

Hypothetically speaking. MOO.
Do you think he had one for the puppy stashed under his jacket as well?! LOL.

There's no way he would have been wearing something so noticeable and memorable. And considering the girls picked up a bad vibe from him anyway, had they seen something like that I think they would have taken action and left the area sooner than they did.
Personally I think it’s of interest as in they want to hear from the driver, or hear from someone that knows that the driver was there that day

Almost sounds to me like they already know the car was there and all about it, but they just can’t prove if the person they suspect was actually there.

Or they have no idea who may have been driving it.


I'm way behind on reading. But I assumed since the car was brought up at the presser there was an assumption made this car is related to the perp. I assumed that. While that 12-5 approximate time certainly fits with the time he could have been at the bridge area, it could also be a potential witness. Whaddya think?
If being chased, you might not to get to pick your preferred route home.

I don't know if that is the case, but it is something to consider. It's not as if the girls were in unfamiliar territory. They might have made a run for it at some point but he prevented it.


Also, it's easy to lose your sense of direction in the park. I've seen people wonder why the girls didn't run for Abby's house, but it's very easy to get turned around in there. And unless they've actually walked from there to the park before, they may not have even been sure how to do it. We're looking down at the distances from a map. It's easy for us to see the way. They weren't. They most likely only ever drove to the park in a vehicle. There are lots of fences, embankments, etc. along the way, too. It wouldn't have been smooth running.

My guess is that, in a panic, they just ran.
He most likely didn't have it on when the witness came across him. I wonder if he used some sort of aerosol substance to make the girls compliant in some way, or if he was using O2 while hiking due to some disability like a myopathy. The type of respirator I found that appears to be a similar size and shape and to be used in a similar way (over the mouth with straps behind the head) is for Co2. Some types of myopathy can increase cellular Co2 and disturb ph levels in the body causing metabolic acidosis during exertion. If he overtook them quickly he may ahve had some support of extra 02.

If he pulled it off during or after the crime, it could be in evidence currently, which may be why they are not calling attention to it. It would be a detail only someone close to the crime would know.

Seems that if he was wearing something like that, the witnesses would've noted it. Awful chancy to wear something so memorable when you're stalking a couple of people in a park.
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Just a side note...but I can't help but be amazed at how much people pay attention to random people and physical features. Especially if just passing on a trail or pathway. I may be able to recall hair color and length, body shape/weight/skin tone and that's about it. There would no way I could recall eyebrows, lips, nose and spacing of features, etc just in passing by. I would have to really be staring very intently to be able to capture all that. Then to be asked hours or days later to refer back to a random person like that...just wow
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