Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams & Liberty (Libby) German - The Delphi Murders - #150 *ARREST*

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Trying to find out IF this is true - or not??

Here's his alias in the article: Craigh Ross Rentfrow

CRR is a 41-year-old man in a different town. RA may have used his identity for something, but this man is real and aware of what's going on.


The issue with the "alias" was cleared up before. It is not his alias, it belonged to another Richard Allen, whose picture was erroneously posted on the internet, identifying him as the person arrested for this murder. It's common with jail bookings for people with the same name having alias' linked to them.

Now i noticed in the post (#551) that @giiving posted - they have this alias listed... ???? or is the jail site wrong?

So - it IS NOT the person related to Abby & Libby's case - correct? Just want to keep my notes straight!

TIA if anyone can really clear this up! :)
He wouldn’t talk much because his voice was all over the internet as being BG. I wonder if he was perhaps more talkative in the community before the murders?
Chandler Underhill, the manager of the Brick & Mortar Pub, told WXIN that Allen was somewhat of a regular at his establishment. (The TV station used the phrase “fairly frequent customer.”)

“I would talk; he wouldn’t say much,” Underhill reportedly said of Allen. “He seems like a normal guy.”

“One of my servers was telling me that he wouldn’t speak much, Underhill added to WXIN.

New Photo Shows Man Reportedly Arrested in Connection with Delphi Murders as Neighbors React: 'I Would Talk; He Wouldn't Say Much'
Could one of the witnesses that were on the trail that day have been waited on by RA at the CVS pharmacy, and recognized him? Isn't it the only CVS in Delphi? It was one of my first thoughts
What dates was he employed by CVS?
When did he start working in the pharmacy department?
Our CVS has the main store with all kinds of things, makeup, cards, wrapping, cold and flu over the counter meds, wine, milk etc. and then the prescription department with the pharmacy.
One wonders if the portrait of YBG was more the work of DNA profiling, and maybe, just maybe, the fact that he looked younger came from the same analysis. (If, for example, they saw “Methuselah gene” in partial DNA or whatever they had to work with).

It would be not implausible if the good psychological portrait is merely the work of FBI psychologists. I doubt LE knew who it was.

It remains to be seen whether RA was in LE’s initial “short list” of names.

But what matters is, they found him! Or so we all hope.
At the time the 2nd sketch was released, they indicated it was a sketch they had from the beginning from a witness, but they didn't necessarily think it was relevant (probably because of the video on the phone matching with the other witnesses sketch better with the hat, etc).
MOO Whether successful or not, Carter is not incorrect to attempt to appeal to/connect with the murderer on a religious level. Use every tool in the box, guilt, reconciliation, final judgment, etc.

What is interesting, though, is whether RA is truly religious, or merely uses churchgoing to blend into rural America’s landscape. It would seem important in the context of “non-secular” crime scene described by Ives, and also, the fact that DC believed he could get through to the perp by alluding to his shreds of remorse, or his faith in interesting. Perhaps it doesn’t play the role, as very likely, RA is average in all areas but one.

It is also interesting what was RA’s final undoing. Robert Ives, who appeared logical and whose interview I thoroughly enjoyed, believed that the man had to repeat the crime to get caught.

But it seems to have been something else that led to him being caught. Either technology develops, and there is no such thing as the “perfect crime” anymore, or, during COVID, RA had to rely more on the internet, and it finally caught up with him?
Hope we learn how long RA has been a suspect and how he managed to live under the radar in plain sight for so many years.
It's possible that they had looked at everyone who lived near the bridge in the early days of the investigation. Doug Carter always believed that the killer knew the area well and was hiding in plain sight, but as we have no idea what evidence they have, we probably won't learn when they started viewing him as a suspect until he either pleads guilty and is sentenced or goes to trial.

I think the families have suffered enough. It would be horrific if they had to sit through a trial and hear graphic evidence of what was done to their girls. Hopefully he'll plead guilty after discovery and accept life without the possibility of parole.

"According to the Indiana Public Defender Council, only about one-fifth of the death sentences imposed since 1977 have resulted in an execution. Of the 97 people sentenced to death in Indiana, the state has executed 20. (Two others were executed in other states for other offenses.) By far, the most likely outcome of a death sentence in Indiana, as in the U.S. at large, is that the sentence will be reversed or commuted. Sixty-one of the 97 people sentenced to death (62.8%) have had their death sentence reversed by a court, commuted by the governor, or dismissed under an agreement with the state".

There are currently 8 men on Indiana’s death row, one of whom has been there for nearly 30 years, since 1993. The last to be added was sentenced to death in 2014.

Commentary: Indiana Death Penalty — Expensive, Unreliable, and Withering on the Vine
Was it ever confirmed that KAK sold drugs? I knew someone whose ex gf worked as a pharmacy tech and she would sell the prescriptions of people who died and then never came to pick them up. Lots and lots of pills.

Just curious if drugs could be involved between him and KAK.
I would think the inconsistencies in controlled substance counts would trigger a DEA audit. Until someone picks up a prescription, it would still show up as part of the count. People picking up the prescriptions would have to sign for narcotics. So unless she was forging signatures, running their insurance, and making the copay for the scripts then I do see how she would be able to steal a significant amount of controlled substances. Also, if they were deceased and someone ran their insurance, this would trigger an alert to the insurance company resulting in a pharmacy audit as well.
If there's a KAK connection it has to be either:
- A very strong connection between RA and KAK. Strong in the sense that both of them were actively involved in this crime.
- A very loose connection. KAK could've told this random pedo that he met online (and knew lived in Delphi) that the girls were going to be on the bridge. He might not have known who RA actually was or that RA would actually go kill them. This could be why LE struggled to identify him because KAK simply didn't know who it was that he gave the information to.

I don't think there's a middle road where KAK and RA had a real life connection and KAK told RA about the girls and that they'd be at the bridge that day, without intending for RA not to harm them. KAK would've ratted RA out a LOONNNGGGG time ago to save his *advertiser censored*.
Yes but I guess in either scenario what did KAK want to happen. If he wanted to meet the girls why would he tell anyone about them? As soon as the girls realize AS is fake they either run or are hurt. if they are hurt (KAK does horrible things but does not murder) they are not going to go back a second time. I also think it would have been hard for KAK to hurt them bc presumably if he was on the bridge and they saw this noncute fat dude they would have run. Like what does KAK think will happen? That girls will see him in person and decide it is fine he is not AS? No, any girl would reject him at that point. KAK might be arrested for bad things but it is not murder but presumably if the girls ran away when they saw him he would not have went after them. So I do not see what incentive KAK has in telling other random people

now it could be RA somehow hacked into a pedo conversation and KAK mention in passing about the girls,RA goes to check it out. KAk does not go through with meeting them

and why would KAK want another person to harm them? If anyone was going to harm them it would be him and I don’t think he necessarily thought murder. Why if KAK didn’t intent to murder them would he have stayed quiet so long? He could have walked in with a good lawyer years ago said I have a story, yes, I am a creep, but I can tell you who the Delphi murderer. I am sure they would have given him a good deal especially if he had not physically harmed anyone

it kinda only works if KAK intended to murder them too and I think that may be too much of a stretch that you get two sick murderers independently deciding to murder the same people. You don’t see that. KAK may have intended bad things but we have no evidence murder is among that. I guess he wanted to protect his own hide about the catfish thing but a good lawyer could have made a good deal.

i Personally think LE found IP addresses of who might have gotten into AS account and that traced them to killer so KAK is only loosely connected.
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It makes sense now when at a previous press conference they said both sketches are BG and that seemed so impossible. He really does look like both sketches!! The 2nd sketch his nose is exact, mouth and chin which he later covered with facial hair.
Just thinking more about this; what we've seen recently, and what just happened.

We learn all this stuff about KAK, and his connection to the murders via his catfishing and communication with one of the victims.

It's clear from the documents that Murder Sheet released, that law enforcement suspects this guy, and perhaps his father.

He'd protect his dad, but why would be protect a stranger?

He'd protect a stranger if the stranger wasn't a stranger to him, and revealing who this guy is and what he did, would also bury him as well.

So I think law enforcement knew someone else was involved, but were barking up the wrong tree with dad. KAK is looking at decades in prison on his original charges.

They make some sort of a deal in regards to the murder charges, and he takes it. He guides them to evidence that was dumped in the river, and reveals the name of his accomplice.

The timing of all this makes sense, as I figured he was talking based on that river search, and him being pulled out of jail.

Because think about this, there's no way he'd know where that evidence was unless he was involved, and no reason for him not to have cooperated before if he wasn't.

I wonder if we won't hear about two people charged with these murders come Monday.
I find it curious why RA and KK would “work” together tho. Why would KK share his Snapchat with anyone. That’s what I don’t get. Why doesn’t everyone set up their own fake catfish profiles? Why share? And I’ll never understand how these creeps meet each other and determine they have shared “interests.”
Yes but I guess in either scenario what did KAK want to happen. If he wanted to meet the girls why would he tell anyone about them? As soon as the girls realize AS is fake they either run or are hurt. if they are hurt they are not going to go back a second time. I also think it would have been hard for KAK to hurt them bc presumably if he was on the bridge and they saw this noncute fat dude they would have run, KAK might be arrested for bad things but it is not murder but presumably if the girls ran away when they saw him he would not have went after them. So I do not see what incentive KAK has in telling other random people

now it could be RA somehow hacked into a pedo conversation and KAK mention in passing about the girls,RA goes to check it out. KAk does not go through with meeting them

and why would KAK want another person to harm them? If anyone was going to harm them it would be him and I don’t think he necessarily thought murder. Why if KAK didn’t intent to murder them would he have stayed quiet so long? He could have walked in with a good lawyer years ago said I have a story, yes, I am a creep, but I can tell you who the Delphi murderer. I am sure they would have given him a good deal especially if he had not physically harmed anyone
Maybe RA was new to the online grooming stuff and was using KAK for access to girls.
Its quite possible KAK thought in his sick head RA was simply going to 'fool around' with the girls.
The killing might have not been expected by him.
I suspect we will find a direct connection between these two vile critters.
KAK has spilled the beans.

I would not be surprised if he kept his interests well-hidden from wife and family. Plus, it is easy for us humans to deceive ourselves. A scratch? Oh, it was a cat. Blood? Oh, a deer. Even if someone had a moment of suspicion, it could be “what even comes into your head?”
I was babbling to a psychologist once about people not believing violence I told them about and me not understanding, literally not being able to wrap my head around what happened From my husbands attack. He kept nodding and saying of course not, you cant understand, you will never be able to think like him. Extreme violence and cruelty is literally unfathomable to normal people. So this totally disgusting SOB’s innocent family couldn’t conceive it as even possible,thus dismissing any odd coincidences as coincidences rather than proof. God bless the little girls.
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