IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #18

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Mine was doing the same thing when I first logged on this morning.

It's a glitch in the system which happens occasionally. I've read that if you hit enter a couple of times above the quote and then start writing, the space bar will work again. You'll have to write above the quote instead of below it.
wow... that long yellow stick resembles what some called a possible nightstick in BG's pocket, the shoes resemble what some called "white bands" around the ankles and others called "leg braces"....the white rope resembles the looped item near BG's neck... the tool belt aroudn the waist resembles what some people have proposed appears to be carpenter pants with a tool in the loop or a tool belt (rear of his hip, NOT the item some are calling a fany pack, JMO).. this is a very interesting photo, thank you very much.

I also think it's interesting that in the box describing the "model" wearing the gear that it says his age / weight etc.... I would have pegged him for 5+ more years older than the 27 listed...
Brief moment of levity for the morning: yesterday amidst the penis references in the previous thread (don't ask) I typed the word "doodle" as a euphemism at one point. I subsequently deleted the post since the thread was going off topic and becoming irreverent, however now all morning long I've had targeted ads for "Super Doodle" markers popping up all over WS.
Same here.

OK, it's time to 'out myself' a little, now that I feel comfortable about doing so. I'll start by stating that your side-by-side images of you and BG made me laugh. As in "I sit here by myself reading up on these horrible crimes on WS" LMAO kind of laugh, and I thank you for that. Since joining this great community last year, I haven't been amused on here, at all. Many people where I'm from would think I am a LE guy, by my look and demeanor. I'm not, but I 'notice' things about people. I'm observant.

My Marine background included quite a bit of security work baxk in the 90's. I did security sruff in Somalia and Liberia. We were trained, for hours on end, to observe behaviors in people. Observe, observe, observe. Notice changes, that sort of thing. A form of stalking, but in a fixed spot, because you're under orders to stay there. It wasn't my MOS, but part of missions I did in Africa.

BG is doing an "anticipatory move", as it's called. I agree 100% with your assessment. He had to make sure the coast was clear, looking around, pivoting, before he struck. They all do it, I've seen killers do it. I just never thought my military background would help me understand determined killers here in the U.S.

I could stop at 10 or so retail establishments between my house and i-69 at 3PM on a given afternoon like the one in question, and see several guys who look and may even sound like BG. Ever watch "King of the Hill". Half of the guys I've heard since moving here sound like Boomhauer (sp?) from that show. Rural America, in general.

I have a fascination with linguistics, and it ties in with my early childhood fascination with maps. Maps of dialects are interesting to me, as I heard quite a few while in the service 20 years ago. Mine is so severe, an African-American gentleman and Army retiree nailed it the firet weekend I lived in Columbia, SC. I may have asked him a question or whatever, he was behind the counter at an Advance Auto store. I was surprised when he said, he didn't even ask, "You must be from Rochester". I'm from Rochester, NY. He didn't ask, he just blurted it out. He knew, subconsciously and consciously I'm sure, where I'm from by one sentence which left my lips. My father was from Buffalo, my mother is from rural Western NY, so I at least would think my dialect, while severe in a way ;-), is a mixed bag. People in Rochester have said I sound like i'm from Buffalo. Well, my mom worked 2nd shift, so my dad would read to me when I was real little. So that had an influence. Yet a career military guy in SC nailed my dialect, after I asked a simple question. I went to public schools, and the vast majority of my teachers were from Rochester.

Let's face it, we're obsessive people here at WS. I went into manufacturing after the service, and my obsessive and observant nature has helped me on the job. I notice subtle changes in my environment, bordering on OCD. I see pictures on walls which are slightly off-kilter, and want to square them. At friends' and relatives' houses. I don't do it, of course, because it would come off as 'weird'.

I have news for people in this Forum, but I'm sure it's obvious to the admins, mods, long-time members, and founders of this great Forum. LE are counting on people like us to come forward with info which may be related to this horrid crime. Observant people. People who notice subtle changes in their environment, changes which take a little obsession and perhaps some problem solving to process.

I hear that voice, and I wonder if someone says or thinks to themselves "That sounds like so-and-so". Or, "Damn, that sounds like he could be from such-and-such a community". I'd bet dollars to donuts the FBI already has a detailed profile of the perp, based on the voice and possible soil samples from the crime scene, and other factors. We can thank Liberty German for the images and voice evidence. The FBI have lingusitic experts obsessing over the audio.

That voice scared me, upon hearing it for the first time. Now? I'm angry. A 14 y/o everyday American girl had the guts, and the presence of mind, to record this turd. He's probably getting his rocks off about this, and it makes me angry. He will be caught, and the evidence that this beautiful, loving girl, caught on a cell phone, will be used to prosecute this .

How many crimes on WS have this kind of media evidence? I tuink it will be solved in a matter of months, LE have enough to nail this guy, it's just a matter of time before he's hauled in. Liberty German was able to do what, in my MOO, others were not able to do

I don't remember what, exactly, Rader said after he was caught, but it was similar to other cases. It was as if he wanted to be caught.

I apologize for this long-winded post, but sometimes I get one one of those stream of consciousness moments.

You Sir, have given me hope! I haven't that had since the first few threads. Thank you!

I was Soooo dismayed when LE Indiana announced that there "was no danger to the public at large" when they first found the girls.
We all how know how crucial those first 24h are, and that statement notched down the pubic alarm, from looking critically for a possible suspect, to "they must know who it is" . After the FBI took a look, they were introduced to the reality of what went down, even in their tiny Stars Hollow (ish) town. Valuable time was lost due to, imo, complacency surrounding that "missing" call, and the called off search. (They even stated, the girls were not in any danger except from the elements, when they called the search for the night! ). I will forever wonder what might have been, if they had the same urgency then, as they are showing now...
Also IndependentFeed wore typical baggy jeans we see all sorts of guys wearing. That we agree upon. And I'm not going back to jean drama, but BG's... the material is heavier in appearance.

Why does denim interest me? It interests me because I work in clothing manufacturing and source fabric from different countries. You don't see this sort of dense denim that much anymore. Sure it exists, but it's not as common even in walmart and with Levis. Denim fabric like that *does* still exist, but it's not as common as it once was.

The comparing of postures is amazing. I could be completely wrong, but I'm placing BG guy as 48+ MOO

And no, this is not jeans drama. So please don't drag it around as if it is.

If, in order to fit in, the perp was wearing clothing he normally would not wear, could he have purchased them in a thrift store? I volunteer at one in my rural community and we have an abundance of such clothing available. Just a thought.
Brief moment of levity for the morning: yesterday amidst the penis references in the previous thread (don't ask) I typed the word "doodle" as a euphemism at one point. I subsequently deleted the post since the thread was going off topic and becoming irreverent, however now all morning long I've had targeted ads for "Super Doodle" markers popping up all over WS.

Ohhhhh that may explain the 'thing' that popped up on my FB! (in the suggested bit) LOL I couldn't stop seeing it.

(don't ask) :blushing:
Brief moment of levity for the morning: yesterday amidst the penis references in the previous thread (don't ask) I typed the word "doodle" as a euphemism at one point. I subsequently deleted the post since the thread was going off topic and becoming irreverent, however now all morning long I've had targeted ads for "Super Doodle" markers popping up all over WS.

Too funny. I thought that only happened when a Google search was performed.
About 50 feet from the water is what they have said since the 14th

Who said that? do you have a link to info on who exactly said that it was 50 ft?

I do know that it is written in some news reports but I have not been able to find any info on who in LE have given that 50 ft info.
Not to get too indecent, but I have tucked my cell under my bra strap, just inside the top of the bra cup before. Generally do this when I need my hands and have no pockets. Perhaps this is where the phone was hidden?
Please stop doing this. A cancer nurse once told me the link between certain breast cancers and patients putting their phones in their bras is not "myth."
Too funny. I thought that only happened when a Google search was performed.

nope, and on facebook you only have to type something into hte text box or into messeger but NOT post it or send it, and it gets captured. Even if you delete it and never send it. pretty disturbing. messenger terms and conditions also lets you know they occasionally turn on your microphone to listen to you, or it used to. People never read them, they just click "agree".

can't tell you how many times i've seen ads on FB for counselors. I guess I must message people about relationship issues a lot!

ETA - snopes page on the messenger thing - doesn't seem entirely conclusive, and is also somewhat outdated now.
Please stop doing this. A cancer nurse once told me the link between certain breast cancers and patients putting their phones in their bras is not "myth."

likewise the iphones even have a cancer warning buried in their terms & conditions somewhere in settings.

ETA: settings > general > about > legal > RF Exposure >

(I heard the same about men carrying phones in their back pocket in relation to prostate cancer.)
Info on more exact location of where the girls bodies were found :


Published 14. feb. 2017

Journalist ask ISP Sgt. Kim Riley at 2:26: Were they in the water?
Then ISP Sgt. Kim Riley answer at 2:28: They were at the edge of the water

"they were on the edge of the water, from what I understand, that's about the best I can tell ya."
I believe it is possible that the suspects right hand is in his pocket like in this photo.
And that the white round spot/reflection, in the picture of the suspect, is a wristwatch:


Her is a picture of the suspect:


Thanks TF. Not sure if those possible finger flaps would explain the bare hand inside the pocket.

But - the watch could really be another possible ID mark for this individual. I am surprised not more posters have jumped on it.

IMO he is wearing a watch on his right wrist, so this is possibly his non-dominant hand. The watch itself - the case- may be recognizable as well for someone. Wearing a watch makes it questionable to me to consider the POI as a possible homeless person.



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Brief moment of levity for the morning: yesterday amidst the penis references in the previous thread (don't ask) I typed the word "doodle" as a euphemism at one point. I subsequently deleted the post since the thread was going off topic and becoming irreverent, however now all morning long I've had targeted ads for "Super Doodle" markers popping up all over WS.

I keep getting hiking boot amazon ads now... ugh LOL
I have a couple scenarios I'd like to get your thoughts on. And this is all MOO.

I wonder if the BG travelled to the area on an ATV? I mentioned earlier that I think the white object protruding from his jacket may be goggles. He would have needed goggles if he had to escape the area quickly to protect against tree limbs and brush whipping against his face/eyes.

Did he park the ATV somewhere in the woods where he would've had a decent vantage point of the bridge? Maybe he had a pair of binoculars to scope out visitors that day.

I'm not going to theorize about how he attacked the girls or where on the bridge, etc, as it really doesn't effect the outcome to me. We know the end result unfortunately.

Something that is odd to me was the statement I believe from the landowner about the crime scene being pristine (not exact quote). So to me either the murder didn't occur where the bodies were found or they were strangled.

So were there 2 crime scenes? One where their lives were taken and one where they were found?* If there was a secondary location, the BG may have been more hidden and had more time. Do we know for a fact that LE didn't find a 2nd crime scene in the vicinity Or maybe it hasn't been located yet?

Now I have to wonder why would the perp bother to move the bodies back to 50 ft from the creek? Why wouldn't he leave them where they were killed? Is it somehow possible the actual crime scene would point to whom the killer was? Was he able to clean up the real crime scene well enough that it didn't look like anyone had disturbed anything i.e. an abandoned shack, cabin, etc. Maybe he had a tent put up somewhere off in the woods. He took the girls to the tent. Then was able to bundle up the tent later and get rid of the murder evidence so it wouldn't stand out to anyone. If he spent much time at the actual murder scene, did he leave evidence he didn't want found? I don't know of any man that doesn't relieve himself in the woods if he's out there for some time.* So he moved the bodies back by the creek to keep LE focused on that area.

And as far as making an escape finally on the ATV, could he have driven it to a truck parked further away and loaded it into the bed of the truck? This is dependent on how far he had to travel back home.

Again, all MOO

Edited to remove a bunch of random asterisks that appeared in my post.
Who said that? do you have a link to info on who exactly said that it was 50 ft?

I do know that it is written in some news reports but I have not been able to find any info on who in LE have given that 50 ft info.

It's been said by LE, and reported many times, here are a few links

State Police Sgt. Kim Riley said autopsies performed Wednesday determined that the bodies are those of Liberty German, 14, and Abigail Williams, 13. Riley said the girls’ bodies were found in a wooded area about 50 feet from the banks of Deer Creek in an area less than a mile upstream from the railroad bridge that’s known locally as the Monon High Bridge.

Police said Wednesday the girls' bodies were found upstream from the Monon High Bridge east of Delphi, about 50 feet from the creek bank.

Riley said the girls’ bodies were found in a wooded area about 50 feet from the banks of Deer Creek

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