IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #19

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I don't think the brown thing is a fanny pack. I think he is wearing a brown hoodie and part of it is sticking out from under his jacket and the "logo" is actually a shadow.

SBM - me too, except I think the "logo" could alternatively be a stain, but probably a shadow.

I'm wracking my brain trying to think of something that might actually help locate this man on planet earth at this time. I read someone else commenting on my RV park theory in the previous thread but I couldn't quote them and reply because it was closed already. They mentioned a child sex offender being captured a few days ago in an Ohio RV park after being on the run since approx Feb 8th or so. I don't think it's likely that guy went to Indiana, committed this crime, then went back to Ohio and was caught in an RV park there though. But it does certainly lend some credence to my theory so I'm thankful that poster brought up the case. Then again as per the excellent BBC documentary in my signature, some 3 million Americans are RV nomads at any given time so statistically speaking it's exceedingly likely that some are murderers JMO.

Anyway, just thinking out loud. JMO

ETA: the look at train hopping/rail riders is interesting as well... they assert that most train hoppers are under 30 and talk about getting sucked under the wheels if you're not agile enough... IMHO BG doesn't really appear that agile to me, along with other things that make me think that if he's moving via rail it is as an employee JMO
Someone must recognize this creep. After all, he must be someone's son. He could be someone's brother. He might be someone's uncle. He must be someone's neighbor. He could be someone's co-worker.
The voice, the clothes, please someone recognize this creep

I have a feeling with the reward this high, a lot of people will be making calls about whom they think it is.
Surely someone will recognize the voice and the image. Money is often a huge motivation so hopefully one of those tips about who he is will pan out.
It's saying that means " don't make something out of nothing"
Sometimes a shadow is just a shadow.
In this case, it seems a lot of people have made something out of nothing. I do understand that everyone wants very badly to see an arrest in this case, It is extremely frustrating. Especially because the victims are children.

gotcha. I thought you meant he had a unique meaning for the phrase. my mistake.
I'm so directionally challenged that unless someone says "the right side" or "the left side" I will NEVER know what side is what. north? south? meaningless to someone like me. I guess it doesn't matter but I've never made it so far into a case without having a clue in hades what the layout of the land was. I realize it's my own personal flaw. But anything short of "see this picture? they were dropped off on the left side" or some such is just not gonna do it for me. ah well. only a dozen or so pages left to catch up on this morning. :wave:

I know it is way confusing and there are discrepencies on where some past news links have located the bodies. CNN has it looking like it is slightly West of the bridge in the link below and our own case map has the bodies north east of the bridge.

IMO I think our case map is correct but it should be verified if we can check it to be sure.

Here is CNN link that shows it in a different location than our case map.

Here is our case map that shows the location of bodies,-86.64010950129278&z=15

I think a lot of people have gotten confused which side of the bridge is the North side and which is the South side.

The reason it is easy to get confused is most of the pictures are taken looking straight down the bridge.

Here is how to tell which end is which.

Go to the case map link and zoom in and then locate the marked spot labeled "Monon High Bridge". Zoom way in to see the trestles. Then pan north and south to get an idea of the length of the bridge on both sides.

The bridge has one end which drops off to the land right away as soon as you get over the water and the other side of the bridge has a longer part of the bridge before you can get to the ground.

The side that has the shorter side with the trestles stopping is actually the north side which always surprised me because I originally thought it was the other way around. The side that has the longer extension of trestles is on the south side.

If you are on that south side then you have to go down the trestles a ways before you can get to the ground.
I know it is way confusing and there are discrepencies on where some past news links have located the bodies. CNN has it looking like it is slightly East of the bridge in the link below and our own case map has the bodies north east of the bridge.

IMO I think our case map is correct but it should be verified if we can check it to be sure.

Here is CNN link that shows it in a different location than our case map.

Here is our case map that shows the location of bodies,-86.64010950129278&z=15

I think a lot of people have gotten confused which side of the bridge is the North side and which is the South side.

The reason it is easy to get confused is most of the pictures are taken looking straight down the bridge.

Here is how to tell which end is which.

Go to the case map link and zoom in and then locate the marked spot labeled "bodies found".

The bridge has one end which drops off to the land right away as soon as you get over the water and the other side of the bridge has a longer part of the bridge before you can get to the ground.

The side that has the shorter side with the trestles stopping is actually the north side which always surprised me because I originally thought it was the other way around. The side that has the longer extension of trestles is on the south side.

If you are on that south side then you have to go down the trestles a ways before you can get to the ground.


this might actually work for me.... thank you!

hehe, you had to have had this quoted for about an hour before posting because I deleted it RIGHT after I posted it, because I Figured it wasn't actually useful to the thread. but thank you for your reply! For me the only way to tell north and south are to view regular old google maps, where north is up and south is down. Lacking that, I cannot do it without landmarks such as the ones you provided. I wasn't born with an inner compass. If you spin me around fast enough in my own home and then let go and tell me to find my own bedroom, i'm looking for landmarks to get there, LOL!
I've asked this before but no one answered and I'm still wondering what the answer is
What if there is no DNA. Where do LE go from there and how do they eliminate people
I've asked this before but no one answered and I'm still wondering what the answer is
What if there is no DNA. Where do LE go from there and how do they eliminate people

Same way all crimes were solved prior to the scientific advances that allow us to use DNA To help solve crimes these days IMO.

Witness testimony, circumstantial evidence, etc. In this case we have a recording of at least some of the crime happening if not all of it, IMO, so even lacking DNA evidence this case has a lot more to go on that most JMO. It will be solved. And the longer it takes, the more the community members - potential jurors - are going to be sure to convict IMO. BG is not a smart man JMO.
I've asked this before but no one answered and I'm still wondering what the answer is
What if there is no DNA. Where do LE go from there and how do they eliminate people

There has to be some kind of DNA. It could be a very small amount as in touch DNA.

My gut is telling me someone’s going to be held accountable real soon for the double murders of Liberty German and Abigail Williams,” said Sgt. Slocum.

Investigator said the tips are coming in from all over the world. They are following up on each and every single one even working with agencies out of state on leads.

Go to the case map link and zoom in and then locate the marked spot labeled "Monon High Bridge". Zoom way in to see the trestles. Then pan north and south to get an idea of the length of the bridge on both sides.

SBM - it took me until the most recent gray hughes video to even realize the bridge on aerial view is longer than just the part that crosses over the water. In reality that part is only a tiny tiny little section of the bridge. My perspective is simply broken in regards to this case. ah well i'm glad so many excellent people here have it under control.

this might actually work for me.... thank you!

hehe, you had to have had this quoted for about an hour before posting because I deleted it RIGHT after I posted it, because I Figured it wasn't actually useful to the thread. but thank you for your reply! For me the only way to tell north and south are to view regular old google maps, where north is up and south is down. Lacking that, I cannot do it without landmarks such as the ones you provided. I wasn't born with an inner compass. If you spin me around fast enough in my own home and then let go and tell me to find my own bedroom, i'm looking for landmarks to get there, LOL!

It drives me crazy too. LOL

The bridge is hard to describe because most of the photos are looking straight down the bridge so it is hard to know which side is which.
SBM - it took me until the most recent gray hughes video to even realize the bridge on aerial view is longer than just the part that crosses over the water. In reality that part is only a tiny tiny little section of the bridge. My perspective is simply broken in regards to this case. ah well i'm glad so many excellent people here have it under control.

Where is the new video?
Same way all crimes were solved prior to the scientific advances that allow us to use DNA To help solve crimes these days IMO.

Witness testimony, circumstantial evidence, etc. In this case we have a recording of at least some of the crime happening if not all of it, IMO, so even lacking DNA evidence this case has a lot more to go on that most JMO. It will be solved. And the longer it takes, the more the community members - potential jurors - are going to be sure to convict IMO. BG is not a smart man JMO.

I did think it would be back to good old detective work but I just feel like they say they are waiting on all these results to come back but what of they come back with nothing and they are pinning all hopes on them cracking the case if that makes sense. I know they will be looking at other things too but I'm just worried it going take a while to catch him
There are no words to express the sadness, fear and outrage I feel as I follow this case and try as hard as I can to be of any help. I'm a trained psychoanalyst (35 years) and was hoping I might be able to harness some of that training for this case.

Recently I started thinking about the date, Valentine's Day, and decided to focus on that. I read a great deal about the origin of the holiday, with religious beginnings to St. Valentine. On some of the sites I read, discussion/comment sections followed. I was trying to discover any odd postings from February 13th or 14th. There were some, and I called the tip line. I would say that one was clearly psychotic, with rumination about hating humans, etc. from February 14, 2017. Anyone with extra energy or interest could assist in this if so moved, as there are many sites to cover.
You could always contacts mods to be a verified professional.

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I know it is way confusing and there are discrepencies on where some past news links have located the bodies. CNN has it looking like it is slightly West of the bridge in the link below and our own case map has the bodies north east of the bridge.

IMO I think our case map is correct but it should be verified if we can check it to be sure.

Here is CNN link that shows it in a different location than our case map.

Here is our case map that shows the location of bodies,-86.64010950129278&z=15

I think a lot of people have gotten confused which side of the bridge is the North side and which is the South side.

The reason it is easy to get confused is most of the pictures are taken looking straight down the bridge.

Here is how to tell which end is which.

Go to the case map link and zoom in and then locate the marked spot labeled "Monon High Bridge". Zoom way in to see the trestles. Then pan north and south to get an idea of the length of the bridge on both sides.

The bridge has one end which drops off to the land right away as soon as you get over the water and the other side of the bridge has a longer part of the bridge before you can get to the ground.

The side that has the shorter side with the trestles stopping is actually the north side which always surprised me because I originally thought it was the other way around. The side that has the longer extension of trestles is on the south side.

If you are on that south side then you have to go down the trestles a ways before you can get to the ground.

Oh dear CNN! :facepalm: Gizza job? jk lol

I've taken all the photos, tweets, videos of the crime scene, and crime scene tape, and activity around, as well as descriptions I can find, and used google earth from 2012, as well as topography maps to determine the most accurate location as possible. It may not be 100% spot on but it's within a few feet at least.
How do I post a picture?

When composing a post (like composing an email) you will see a smiley face icon. The icon to the right of that is a paperclip (attachments). You'll have to figure it out from there.
When composing a post (like composing an email) you will see a smiley face icon. The icon to the right of that is a paperclip (attachments). You'll have to figure it out from there.

or if you want to post a picture that is not saved to your computer (or phone for some people I guess) you type
and then be sure to include the source by just typing something like source: and pasting the URL one more time. All images have to have a source included or are subject to deletion by mods. The source is always simply the same exact URL (unless you took the photo yourself in which case you'd type something like "source: photo I took of myself to illustrate this point") as the picture URL so it makes it easy. HTH
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