IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #21

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I'm thinking about how often now LE has seemed to come out and debunk something that is circulating here on WS within a short period of time. Maybe they ARE already crowd-sourcing us, and all we're giving them to work with is fashion critique ( ;) ). I'm going to personally try to keep myself focused on other stuff since I know everyone else has that angle covered. :)

Since they haven't connected it to other crimes and have no evidence supporting the perp being a serial killer, Im wondering if this is his first kill. I really do think he has sexually assaulted someone in the past, whether it be a date, child, etc. Maybe some domestic violence as well. I doubt this is his first crime per say. It could be his first murder though, even serial killers always have a first.
Wouldn't be the first time. I remember back during the Shane Montgomery case a detective or two was posting along with us and confirming and/or denying info for us. Of course, without hindering the case.

I'm thinking about how often now LE has seemed to come out and debunk something that is circulating here on WS within a short period of time. Maybe they ARE already crowd-sourcing us, and all we're giving them to work with is fashion critique ( ;) ). I'm going to personally try to keep myself focused on other stuff since I know everyone else has that angle covered. :)

Okay gang, I have been away for a few days and see ya'll have been sleuthing away.

I see now that the road below the bridge that was discussed and put out there as a possible theory several threads ago seems to be a hot topic at the moment. Has LE released some new info?

I see there are many new pics and videos - the more the better, so great there!

I asked #1nana last time I was here about how noisy the river was when she visited but got no answer - and I even asked twice!! :tears:

Anyhoo, does anybody know about how loud that creek might be?
No new info that I'm aware of. I believe the discussion resurfaced due to seeing the road on the videos posted yesterday of someone walking across the bridge.

Seems like the threads cycle through the same theories as new people join and as no new information is released. Then, eventually they kinda slim down to a few posters if the case continues to go cold. Seems natural. JMO.

Hopefully a break happens soon and the case doesn't go cold. Not feeling too confident at this point, though.

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I'm thinking about how often now LE has seemed to come out and debunk something that is circulating here on WS within a short period of time. Maybe they ARE already crowd-sourcing us, and all we're giving them to work with is fashion critique ( ;) ). I'm going to personally try to keep myself focused on other stuff since I know everyone else has that angle covered. :)


I've noticed a lot of the same theories are posted on FB as well. Either people are reading here and copying whats being said, OR whats being said here is being repeated because theres so little info that everyone will eventually come to the same conclusions/theories. JMO.
It pretty much rules out a connection to a serial killer.

IMHO it pretty much rules out them finding a definite link to a serial killer as of this time.

JMHO, and keeping in mind that the official definition of serial killer is simply more than one victim separated by space and time. He only has to have killed once before, or once again, before he fits that definition. IMHO that's not a stretch of the imagination.
I'm thinking about how often now LE has seemed to come out and debunk something that is circulating here on WS within a short period of time. Maybe they ARE already crowd-sourcing us, and all we're giving them to work with is fashion critique ( ;) ). I'm going to personally try to keep myself focused on other stuff since I know everyone else has that angle covered. :)


This occurred to me as well. Maybe it is time we started listing POI here and let them take it since they are obviously watching us and our awesome sleuthy sleuthiness. KIDDING!

Yes, you guys are awesome, NO NO NO we do not post names here.

Hello everyone I'm doing a test post to see if I'm doing this right :)

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I'm thinking about how often now LE has seemed to come out and debunk something that is circulating here on WS within a short period of time. Maybe they ARE already crowd-sourcing us, and all we're giving them to work with is fashion critique ( ;) ). I'm going to personally try to keep myself focused on other stuff since I know everyone else has that angle covered. :)

I think they're referring to specific things on FB. The FB groups are running rampant with names, situations, etc. It's pretty crazy.


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Since they haven't connected it to other crimes and have no evidence supporting the perp being a serial killer, Im wondering if this is his first kill. I really do think he has sexually assaulted someone in the past, whether it be a date, child, etc. Maybe some domestic violence as well. I doubt this is his first crime per say. It could be his first murder though, even serial killers always have a first.

I agree with this. He is local. With advancements in DNA, surveillance, phones, tech, mental health etc a lot of killers are caught before they can turn into serial offenders.
Wouldn't be the first time. I remember back during the Shane Montgomery case a detective or two was posting along with us and confirming and/or denying info for us. Of course, without hindering the case.

They worked with a lot of us directly on the Sand Canyon t-shirt identification case. I came into it a little late and haven't been back for awhile, but it was refreshing to have questions answered directly by detectives in the position to do so. Really made things so much easier and IMO more productive as far as moving on from one theory or idea to the next went.
Hello everyone I'm doing a test post to see if I'm doing this right :)

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Test passed. Welcome to WS!

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I agree with this. He is local. With advancements in DNA, surveillance, phones, tech, mental health etc a lot of killers are caught before they can turn into serial offenders.

I really hope this ends up being the case!
I've been thinking a lot and it bothers me Abby and Libby's murders were so close to Valentine's Day.Did any of the girls break up with someone or turn someone down. Just a thought I had.

Up until yesterday, I had been believing, without a doubt, that the girls had been raped and then murdered. I guess a whole bunch of intermingling bits of information suddenly came together in such a way in my mind that I am now wondering if it isn't possible that this crime was something different.

It has never been said that the girls were found naked, never been said they had been sexually assaulted, never been said that police were able to obtain DNA from the girls. Police initially said they suspected foul play, so....... it was not obvious when they first came upon the bodies? The property owner said his land was still pristine.. so no bloody mess to clean up? The girls reportedly had open caskets during visitation (although somewhere I read that they both had scarves covering their necks).

Nobody to date, has come forward with the ID of the correct person even after his picture being plastered all over the USA on some 6000 billboards, on news TV, on Facebook, everywhere.. he looks like every other guy, apparently. Police initially alluded to this meeting being not random. Police initially told people they were not concerned for the safety of their citizens.

So.. is it possible that it is something else? One thought occurred to me, and let me first say that this in no way is 'victim-blaming', it is merely opening up another possibility to consider and sleuth. What do we know about Libby and Abby's relationships, school friends, popularity, behaviors, boyfriends, girlfriends, sports teams? Is it possible that one of the students at their school has a looney-toon parent who secretly 'blames' L&A for some unknown perceived injustice done to their child? Like perhaps perceived bullying? Or perhaps possibly blaming L&A for introducing their own child to some unacceptable behavior (as far as the parent is concerned) (and whether or not they had introduced anything)? Are there any crazy-strict-religious groups in the area?

Someone mentioned 'hiding in plain sight'... what if it is someone identifiable right there in the community, but everyone is like, nahh, it's too obvious, can't be him, he's a great guy, he's a parent of a teen himself, in fact he's a parent of one of their friends, AND he helped look for them, he's suffering like everyone else', etc, etc, etc? If he looks like every-other-guy... and everyone says, ya, he talks just like I do..

It would sure be valuable information to know whether the girls had been sexually assaulted, since that would make a huge difference in which type of perp they are seeking. If not a sex crime, then could be something much closer to home. If it was some looney-toon parent of a friend, they could have even had plans to meet for some false reason. Could be why the audio perp was leading them 'down the hill' and the girls did it, instead of screaming and fleeing.

There was a case here in Toronto many moons ago when an 11 year old girl was contacted by a man purporting to be a photographer wanting to take a photoshoot of her ahead of an international track meet that was to take place soon after. Her parents gave her permission to go ahead, thinking the photo shoot was of the entire team and not just with their own daughter. (Alison Perrott - it took 10 years to make an arrest of a man who had already been convicted of raping 2 teens and was out on parole after only serving 2.5 years of his sentence).

I'm sure LE in L&A's case have been in contact with everyone who had recent contact with either of the girls, but what if it is staring them right in the face, but considered too far fetched (close to home) to be considered?
I've noticed a lot of the same theories are posted on FB as well. Either people are reading here and copying whats being said, OR whats being said here is being repeated because theres so little info that everyone will eventually come to the same conclusions/theories. JMO.

The first time I visited that page was just a couple of days ago and I also visited Reddit and read some stuff there the same day I signed up for the fb group, and noticed that a lot of people on both are clearly from here. Except on reddit they're pretty condescending about calling us all stay at home moms, like it's a bad thing to do with one's life, lol. (not trying to start a discussion about this, just saying how its' funny, the way different spaces tend to cultivate different attitudes - i've never participated in a positive-feeling reddit sub, but moving on.. :) )

But that's okay, I only would mind if a post of mine was copied and pasted, or screenshotted, or if someone took credit for something that wasn't theirs (like when people submit Gray Hughes' videos without comment, which feels like they're not getting credit for their excellent work, even though obviously it's a youtube video so it is linked to their profile.. but it still feels wrong to see it be a reddit thread in and of itself, and people saying great work, without the poster clarifying if they are or are not GH.) JMO, if I had something of such value to contribute to the case, I'd give it to LE, not post it here, and it's all about the girls, not my ego. I don't need a gold star for "posting that first" or whatever, IYKWIM. just don't want to be plagiarized or whatever.
The first time I visited that page was just a couple of days ago and I also visited Reddit and read some stuff there, and a lot of people on both are clearly from here :)

But that's okay, I only would mind if a post of mine was copied and pasted, or screenshotted, or if someone took credit for something that wasn't theirs (like when people submit Gray Hughes' videos without comment, which feels like they're not getting credit for their excellent work, even though obviously it's a youtube video so it is linked to their profile.. but it still feels wrong to see it be a reddit thread in and of itself, and people saying great work, without the poster clarifying if they are or are not GH. JMO

I haven't seen those threads I guess. I've put up two threads on Reddit, even a lot of people there initially were just posting things they've heard rather than facts (which I tried to correct as much as I could.) I'll have to see if I can find those other threads you're talking about.
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