IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #22

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I am curious as to what the WS community hears in the recording ( GO DOWN the HILL, DOWN THE HILL, Etc.., ) and their location. Also what , if any accent you hear.?

I think such a huge disparity is occurring because of the fact we all are from all over ( which is pretty cool) . I'm wondering if this is a regional thing.

I'll start: I'm from small town Indiana, now in Indianapolis. I've lived in Chicago , Denver, and SoCal.

I hear GO DOWN THE HILL in a normal Indiana voice.. the accent I hear a million times a day.

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From the deep south here--I hear what I'd describe as NO accent. Almost like the non-accent news commentators used in the 50-60's.

As for the words, depending on the version I listen to, I hear:

"git down the hill" or just "down the hill"
Huh? How would I know when you first came here?

No,No,NO!!! Yikes!! What I meant was does this website really go back that far?

Laci Peterson was 14 years ago - I was pregnant at the time and she and I had the same due date and I felt a link because of that and so I was following the case and I believe that was the first time I came to this site.

You joined in 2003? I was thinking to myself that my memory couldn't be right as that was so many years ago but seeing your join date I thought good, I am not completely bonkers and yes, that was the first time I came to Web Sleuths.

That is all. Sorry, I don't think I was able to articulate this very well.:thinking: Just ignore me then...
Question to all ws why would a 14. Yo be living with grand parents since age of 3 and both paren't still living

there are many circumstances that can lead to a grandparent raising a child(ren) it is not uncommon at all and nothing I personally would question.
I think at some point in time while being a member here we have ALL posted stuff that was perhaps a "no-no" and been reprimanded by MODS and/or other members. Many of us do so (post "no-no" things) with good intentions. Not knowing we're even doing anything wrong. I don't believe any of us post things intentionally that we know we aren't allowed to post.

This has happened to me many, many times at various points in my membership. I'd post stuff that I thought was ok but then told it wasn't. And, at times, I did question things as some of the rules didn't seem to make sense and were, well, confusing, I guess you could say. Anyway, if I ever questioned WHY something wasn't allowed or thought it didn't make sense I'd just PM a MOD and they'd explain to me why a certain site/info wasn't allowed. Eventually I also preferred when a seasoned member would tell me before a MOD got to me because then I could edit my info. Because, some times if it isn't cleared up before a MOD comes around, you may be given a "time-out" from the forum. And that stinks!

I just accept that it is what it is and that that's how they choose to run things here. I can stay and accept or leave. While some of the rules may seem over the top at times, in this day and age I can certainly understand why they feel the need to do things like they do and why they do not want insinuations, rumors about a person or case, etc. originating from here. Not that anyone has done that (that was a really bad run on sentence.....LOL). Just saying.

With that said, please don't take anything that was said to you as a personal attack (and I know that can be hard when it happens to you....I've felt that way before myself). I'm sure that wasn't their intentions. And I realize that after I cool down and think about it. Everyone is just trying to keep things in order here so that they whole lot of us doesn't get "into trouble" or threads shut down due to false info being displayed. That is all. JMO
With a little bit of geometry, they should be able to figure it out. They have enough information, although they might have to estimate with the height of the camera. How tall was Libby? That would still give them a range, which would help narrow down suspects.

Both of the girls were 5'4
Honestly we don't even know if the girls were accosted on the bridge do we? Could they have walked back to the pickup spot and been abducted there? Taken somewhere else and dumped back behind the cemetery? It doesn't seem likely, just crossed my mind.

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I was thinking, given these were two young girls there by themselves, it was pretty risky for him to do this if he had no idea if someone could be coming to pick them up at anytime. Unless, maybe he thought they lived closed by and would just be expected to return home on their own.

Curious, was an actual time ever reported for when family, or whoever it was, arrived to pick the girls up? I read the girls were reported missing at around 5:30 pm and I thought I read they were suppose to be picked up around 3 - 3:30 pm, but when I search to see if the actual time their ride got their was reported all I keep finding is the time when they went missing or just comments about them not being there at the time/location when they were suppose to be.


That is all I can find now also, however my understanding from reading initial reports, is the same as yours. Dropped off around 1pm (by Libby's sister), to be picked up around 3-3:30pm (by a different family member of Libby's), reported missing around 5:30pm.
Does seem risky. Especially too since it sounds like it's a pretty popular spot for many people to go and hang out, walk, run, fish, hike, etc.

I was thinking, given these were two young girls there by themselves, it was pretty risky for him to do this if he had no idea if someone could be coming to pick them up at anytime. Unless, maybe he thought they lived closed by and would just be expected to return home on their own.

It's so sad that even using the buddy system didn't save them. I wouldn't even know what to tell kids these days to keep them safe. Everything they did was right, safe, and normal. Even beyond normal actually (her snapping the pic and recording audio) and sadly this still might become an unsolved crime. Or unsolved until the killer does it once, twice, thirteen times more, until he's finally caught. It's just a sad sad crime. These poor girls lost their lives so some could get off once. Absolutely disgusted by this. I hope he comes across a painfully long demise.
I was thinking, given these were two young girls there by themselves, it was pretty risky for him to do this if he had no idea if someone could be coming to pick them up at anytime. Unless, maybe he thought they lived closed by and would just be expected to return home on their own.


There is no doubt the perp(s) took quite a few risks that day.

It shows me that he is a very dangerous individual and willing to take chances once he had his mind set on doing what he did.

Anybody could have by chance caught a glimpse of the bridge area from a farther distance and this shows me he took quite a few risks and especially when leaving the area.

He did know the area well and that helped him not be seen because he knew there was not a lot of ways in and out of the place.

I often wonder if there was a second person with him that maybe acted more of a lookout and get away driver for him.

If this turns out to be two SKs working in tandem then I have to wonder if there is a relation. Like brothers or father and son team.

Just some random thoughts about how many chances he took that day.
I think at some point in time while being a member here we have ALL posted stuff that was perhaps a "no-no" and been reprimanded by MODS and/or other members. Many of us do so (post "no-no" things) with good intentions. Not knowing we're even doing anything wrong. I don't believe any of us post things intentionally that we know we aren't allowed to post.

This has happened to me many, many times at various points in my membership. I'd post stuff that I thought was ok but then told it wasn't. And, at times, I did question things as some of the rules didn't seem to make sense and were, well, confusing, I guess you could say. Anyway, if I ever questioned WHY something wasn't allowed or thought it didn't make sense I'd just PM a MOD and they'd explain to me why a certain site/info wasn't allowed. Eventually I also preferred when a seasoned member would tell me before a MOD got to me because then I could edit my info. Because, some times if it isn't cleared up before a MOD comes around, you may be given a "time-out" from the forum. And that stinks!

I just accept that it is what it is and that that's how they choose to run things here. I can stay and accept or leave. While some of the rules may seem over the top at times, in this day and age I can certainly understand why they feel the need to do things like they do and why they do not want insinuations, rumors about a person or case, etc. originating from here. Not that anyone has done that (that was a really bad run on sentence.....LOL). Just saying.

With that said, please don't take anything that was said to you as a personal attack (and I know that can be hard when it happens to you....I've felt that way before myself). I'm sure that wasn't their intentions. And I realize that after I cool down and think about it. Everyone is just trying to keep things in order here so that they whole lot of us doesn't get "into trouble" or threads shut down due to false info being displayed. That is all. JMO

I agree, though some people do it in a reprimanding, authoritarian, accusatory way. That's the MODS job, not another sleuthers place. It's rude and disrespectful especially when it was clearly a mistake.
At the time they may of felt just seeing a creepy guy wasn't enough reason to call 911. Hence why they may of decided to film instead imo

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Today's cell phone is not designed for quick 911 calls. Plus dispatchers will ask caller a bunch of questions and ask you to say it clearly and loud enough. that definitely will make BG to kill the girls immediately. The best way is to have online chat app open all the time and talk to your family constantly during the trip.

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After reading as much as I can on this case my theory as to what transpired are as follows (let me know if anything has been disproven already)

The perpetrator is a drifter who was already at the trail head when the girls were dropped off. He noticed that one had a backpack and sees an opportunity for Ann easy target. But first he tries to either ask them for money or says something that makes the girls uneasy. Being somewhat familiar with the trail he follows them slowly and waits till they are trapped on the far side of the bridge. The girls notice and record him with their phone since they still feel uneasy. As he gets closer the phone still recording goes into her pocket. The perpetrator catches up and with a weapon (I think a knife) tells them to get down the hill. The girls head down first, feeling they can get away from a melee type weapon they make a run for it to get away and run across the creek. The perpetrator catches one girl causing the other girl to freeze not sure if she should help or keep running. The hesitation proved fatal and he kills them both. The perpetrator then takes the backpack and rummages through thier belongings, tossing some cloths and items in the creek while doing so. He then walks out toward the cemetery and hitch hikes / bikes or walks out of town and the area that same day.

To me this would explain why the girls recoded him, why LE said no one else is in imminent danger, why the reporter saw cloths and why they crossed the creek among other rumors reported that would seem to jibe.
I pray they find Abby and Liberty's killer soon.This is so sad.
Spooky feeling cause even though I haven't seen him in 35 years, this BG looks like my ex-husband. Course, last I heard he lived in South Carolina.
I have had creepy guys come towards me many times and never called 911.

The only time I did call 911, the operator took at least 3 minutes getting information from me, which I tried to whisper and had to then raise my voice to repeat, and it took police a full 10-15 minutes to arrive. Neither of which would've gone over well for the girls on the bridge anyway I wouldn't think.

And second guessing the victims' choices only hurts the family members reading here and helps absolutely nothing whatsoever. I recall having to say this in Lyric and Elizabeth's threads as well numerous times.

Exactly, I remember listening to Amanda Berry's 911 call. It is not that good. Calling 911 won't help a situation like L and A's case.

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IMO, there is something decidedly different and/or more cruel about this crime to warrant a massive amount of billboards and press coverage, plus a high reward. OR, LE does, in fact, suspect it's the work of a SK.
It's so sad that even using the buddy system didn't save them. I wouldn't even know what to tell kids these days to keep them safe. Everything they did was right, safe, and normal. Even beyond normal actually (her snapping the pic and recording audio) and sadly this still might become an unsolved crime. Or unsolved until the killer does it once, twice, thirteen times more, until he's finally caught. It's just a sad sad crime. These poor girls lost their lives so some could get off once. Absolutely disgusted by this. I hope he comes across a painfully long demise.

The whole crime gets me angry. Two teens enjoying friendship and a nice day hiking like a lot of their peers do and end up being murdered. Part of my anger stems from that this gives helicopter parenting a boost again. All ages deserve the right to roam with out being harmed. I hung out all day when I was a kid and came in when the street lights came is not the 70s anymore :(
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