IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #23

DNA Solves
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Sheriff Leazenby said in the interview (posted a few pages back) that they're at the mercy of the labs. They're not using their own lab -- because they don't have one -- and therefore can't dictate terms and priorities for the lab that's processing evidence.

If law enforcement believes that this killer could strike again........and IMO they DO believe that.........then they aren't waiting on any lab to process evidence.

All of their evidence for testing goes right to the front of the line.

I think the police are very, very mindful of social media and are keeping things very close to the vest because of it.

Alexis McAdams‏Verified account @AlexisMcAdamsTV 6m6 minutes ago
EXCLUSIVE: Police tell us they found key evidence that is linked to killer at crime scene. Have not ruled out that the suspect is local.


Jordan Fischer‏*@Jordan_RTV6 5m
5 minutes ago

Lead investigator tells @RTV6 there is no new evidence, no developments today in the case of two #Delphi teens killed last month.

I'm getting the impression from Alexis' tweets (e.g. Today is the day, exclusive re evidence) that channel 59 is more prone to click bait.

We have known there is key evidence from crime scene (video and audio) and easily, and as we know from other interviews (e.g. Michael Strobe's phone interview today - where he talks about getting an apology from Channel 59 producer on previous matter in this case re DNA) there was indeed evidence and they are not ruling out they think he could be from outta town.
Here's my question on sketches : why is there NOT a sketch of the guy in black that was seen and spoken to by the young girls who talked about who they saw in the park that day on the trail(s)? If they really said hello to him, he had to have had a face! Skin color, height, weight, and all that. Just asking.
Why would there be a sketch? LE has stated that they had spoken with everyone that was known to be in the area that day except for the suspect.

To me that means they either know who he is or they didn't find the young girls sighting credible.


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I think they want the suspect to think they are clueless.
I agree, and I think that Sheriff Leazenby's sighs and "ums" exist in his phone interview with Michael Strobe (link on this thread somewhere...) because he is not used to hiding so much info that it can make him look dumb. He's not dumb, and neither is the ISP. MOO.

Collins' father, Drew, says there is another detail in the dates of both cases. His daughter and niece was murdered 7/13/12 and the two Indiana teens were killed 2/13/17 and both dates add up to 32. Some say the number is a symbol of evil.

That is scarey. The numbers are the same one forward, the other backwards. What a coincidence that would be if not related. 2/13/17 and 7/13/12. Moo.
I believe they have DNA of the perp but just need to match it to somebody, It will happen too many LE investigators invested in this case not to........just going to take a little time.
I believe they have DNA of the perp but just need to match it to somebody, It will happen too many LE investigators invested in this case not to........just going to take a little time.

And presumably the dna they have has been compared to every rso in the area and lots of suspicious people in town and no match so far. But it does appear the perp is a local. So, is it going to turn out to be someone no one ever suspected? ...also there is an unusual twist in the investigation.

'She had the mindset to go, 'Something doesn't feel right here, so I'll push the record button.'

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From this statement, are we to infer that she was not under duress the entire time? I've long thought that they willingly hiked to the cemetery, with a person at least semi-familiar if not known, only becoming suspicious after it was too late. If LE has listened to the recording, and is using this type of phrasing to describe Libby's thinking, then it sure feels as if they were not "attacked" at the bridge, but lured into the woods. IMO.

Where did you get the statement (She had the mindset to go). I was wondering in what context that statement was made...

I just would like to

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Alexis McAdams‏Verified account @AlexisMcAdamsTV 6m6 minutes ago
EXCLUSIVE: Police tell us they found key evidence that is linked to killer at crime scene. Have not ruled out that the suspect is local.

The look on his face, with his lips pressed together remind me so much of how i feel when there is something i really want and need to say but can not for some reason!
(I wanted to reply to websight's post but didn't know how)
Is this what you are looking for? First time posting I'm not sure if I'm doing it correctly.

The recording was longer than what has been released. Police won’t release anymore to protect the integrity of the investigation, but they’ve seen the video and likely won’t be able to stop thinking about it.

“Imagine what that must be like, it’s generally and very likely will be one of the last things these ladies and gentleman see for the rest of their lives before they go to sleep,” said Carter.
According to the Delphi Community High School calendar for 2016-2017, the school had Friday 2/10 and Monday 2/13 off for the same reason "Winter Break, No School or Make Up Day." So, when I was in school, they had what we used to call a four-day weekend. The following Monday, 2/20, was in fact President's Day--a federal holiday--but oddly: DCHS doesn't appear to have had this day off.

Online school calendars--and other school information which can be found online--is, to me, a double-edged sword. It's quite common now and has been for many years, to find massive amounts of school information online. This (like many things) is a great convenience for many, but not necessarily limited to only those with good intentions.

I'm in California and located this calendar, my point being: whether someone is tech-savvy or not: it's difficult if not impossible to keep information limited to only people with good intentions. The Iowa case (Lizzie and Lyric) has so many similarities to the Abby-Libby case that even if they're not connected to the same killer(s), it wouldn't surprise me a bit if BG studied that case prior to committing the Delphi murders. This doesn't speak to high intelligence nor intellect to my mind, but simply some amount of common sense and SELF-preservation.

I think it's absolutely evident that BG has zero regard for human life except for his own. Therefor: I think BG and others like him will research whatever helps them to avoid being caught. IMO some killers actually enjoy the planning stage almost as much as the crime itself, and I don't think it's unlikely that their "confidence level" increases accordingly relative to the amount of time they remain free.

I'm convinced BG is already a SK, or at least: well on his way to becoming one. I honestly see no way of keeping information which can be helpful to most people out of the reach of those with bad intentions. One of the ways we can better protect ourselves and our loved ones is by knowing this to be true.

In a perfect world, there would be no evil--but in this world: maybe the only thing we can really do is know that bad things can happen anywhere and to anyone. Never take safety for granted but never stop living life to it's fullest. Be vigilant but not hyper-vigilant. Educate ourselves and our loved ones and have more free classes, workshops, and safety awareness info available to everyone.

All of us need to work together to keep evil from winning. Never be afraid to speak out, alert others, if something appears "off." You aren't crazy and your instincts aren't lying to you. That one phone call you make call literally be the call that saves another's life.

I never thought evil would enter my own life and a man would attempt to murder me in my own home--that's the stuff of tv shows, that only happens to other people....I fully believed I was safe from the stuff of horror movies. I fought like he** and screamed until I had no voice left. This happened in broad daylight and I could not call 911--he broke three phones. I just happened to get lucky, a man over a block away from my home had heard my screams and flagged-down a passing patrol car. I have some permanent physical issues and PTSD and am working on improving every day.

Please just never assume "It can't happen to me." You have the right to tell friends and neighbors you won't open your door unless you're expecting company! You have an obligation, even, to look like you're mad by setting some reasonable safety boundaries! Never live in fear, but never take anyone's safety for granted.

I just want to say, lastly, that my words here are in no way intended to cast blame or say that anyone has been negligent when evil things happen. After all, it's not a perfect world and sometimes: evil does win. BUT: only temporarily.

I am so very, very sorry that happened to you. You were indeed very lucky.

Sending you {{{{HUGS}}}}
Was hoping to hear something before the family speaks tomorrow. I was so hoping they would be arresting someone and the family would give their thanks for the support and the help apprehending the perp.

When sleuthing the web and Facebook you tend to hear at lot of chatter and while I know it's all rumors, it's quite disheartening to think that they are right on what they hear or have seen.

I tend to think locals have more insight into what happened even if it's rumor since there is no way to verify.

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Wouldn't be wonderful if the family were to speak and the police were to say they made an arrest...

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Makes me appreciate that there is so much good in this world as demonstrated by everyone on here that continue to follow along for 23 threads, with the sole purpose of finding justice for these two innocent lives taken by one evil small patch of darkness that exists in this world. Our bright light shines brighter than the darkness that monsters like this try to cast over this world. God bless these two angels and all of you. I hope that we all can find peace in the thought that our light shines right through the ugly black hole that is at the center of this SOB. Amen
I so want to believe this. And I do until I start wondering why they haven't arrested him yet. Surely there is enough circumstantial evidence to warrant questioning him and/or arresting him? Even if it's unrelated. Hasn't he ever ran a red light or forgotten to pay a speeding ticket?

How long after an arrest can LE hold someone before they have to charge them?

It depends on the crime and statute of limitations. Murder has no statute of limitations. In a situation such as the Delphi murders, he would be arrested and held indefinitely. No bond.

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OH! And going back to that earlier tweet from ISP ... #todaystheday .... maybe that was referring to DNA results?!??!?

I think it is a LE Mantra... and media is using headlines that are.... hoping to get clicks and readership or don't understand how it is perceived by others?"][/URL]

New Point of Contact for Media in Delphi Case

Greetings Media,

My time as the media contact for the investigation of the homicides of Liberty German and Abigail Williams has come to an end for now. I have a previously scheduled assignment I must attend.

Sgt John Perrine will be handling media responsibilities until Wednesday. Sgt Kim Riley will resume his PIO duties, in Delphi, on Thursday.

Thank you for devoting resources to cover this case.

Today's the Day. Sgt Tony Slocum

Sgt John Perrine’s contact info:


Cell: 317-416-3635

Twitter: @ispindianapolis


Sgt. John Perrine‏Verified account @ISPIndianapolis 11h11 hours ago

The investigators in the #Delphi case walk under this sign everyday

Your tip could be the one
Sgt. Tony Slocum and Sgt. Kim Riley

IMO I'm thinking they have some kind of evidence that the suspect in the picture committed their murders.They just don't know who he is yet.
Does anyone here believe you can possibly help find this man? I actually feel that I could. I saw a man today who had the same body type as the photo we all have stared at for weeks and same type of jeans and I took his plate number. Does anyone know the best sites to view the wanted, child predators, etc
If so, I hope the people who have recognized him and have ignored the pleas for information on his identity are also arrested and given long sentences.

Failure to report a crime is only a misdemeanor in most states. Accessory after the fact is a felony in most states but they're generally not given long sentences.
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