IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 - #35

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I agree. It could be really helpful.

It may shift BG out of being 'everyman' to a specific person that somebody knows. Walks are distinctive.

I'm wondering why they haven't? Makes no sense to me :thinking:

I may be mistaken, but I think a LEO said they hope they don't have to. To me, it means some ugly stuff they'd rather not release.
The following is simply my own opinion based on these threads, media releases, interviews and sleuthing.

BG took the girls down the hill to where the vehicle(s) was waiting. He did not immediately lead them to the water. The waiting vehicle was not parked in the cemetery. The vehicles can be seen under the bridge when using proper equipment, ie, HD screen with high resolution.

The girls were forced, or not, into a vehicle and driven away from the High Bridge. Wherever they were taken, is where the crimes occurred. It could have been to the grain silo but that is not my first choice as my feeling is that it was at a local home. They were taken nearby since Delphi is only 4 sq miles as pinging on the phone was around town.

I suspect at least 2 or 3 people are involved along with BG. These are not nice people. They want to do terrible things to young girls; not to any grown women who may have also been on the High Bridge that day. The bad people placed the girls on RL's property. Perhaps they planted evidence, handcuffs, zip ties, etc. somewhere on his property; such as, in the barn, the cottage, etc.

The two young girls were placed on RLs property after the search on the 13th was called off and before it resumed again. Sadly enough, AW's obit clearly states that she died on Feb. 14th. I believe it to be true.

Yes, it is common to say bodies were dumped. For me, that is what we do to trash; not to our loved ones. I wish to thank everyone who refrains from using the word dumped when referring to the placement of these beautiful girls.

BG should know that we are hot on his trail. We are steadily and assuredly tracking the killer of these lovely young girls.

Second time Ive seen someone commenting about seeing a vehicle under the bridge. Do you have any proof of this?

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A friend of mine recently was questioned in the Vanessa Marcotte cas in Princeton Mass, he answered all their questions and gave a DNA sample. He said it was unnerving, but he didn't do anything wrong so he cooperated. I'm having a hard time understanding why he would not answer law enforcement questions unless he has something to hide.

Because he has been arrested for a probation violation, which could result in a possible 2-3 year jail term and his attorney properly advised him to invoke his 5th amendment right against self-incrimination! You can't turn the 5th amendment on and off like a light switch, invoking it for one question but not others. It doesn't work that way.

He fully cooperated by letting them search his property without a warrant, talked to LE and talked to the media until he was arrested after information gleaned during the investigation of the murders revealed a probation violation. I sure hope you all remember that several people have been arrested for PV's during this investigation and 70 warrants were served.
Absolutely. And like RL's slip saying in a CNN phone interview, "'s been very---really difficult to understand what all has been going on here. The pain and agony caused by the families and---the, to the families and the community". Of course he's stressed. Of course no one judges him for a little mistake in speaking. I'm merely saying that under duress, slips of the tongue may reveal something the person is trying to conceal without realizing it.
Caused by the families...????
That is an interesting slip.
It's either how he feels the murders have affected him and his life personally, maybe he already negatively viewed them before...,maybe he knows or heard something we havent..or it was just a mistake with wording.
Guess time will tell.

Hoping for some developments !
Can't believe its been over a month and still no arrest 😧

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Regarding call the girls victim the first night. I could imagine when news like that spread, people discuss. Some may say, most teens reported missing were later found ok, they just ran away from the situation. Others may say, oh, no, usually they are dead within the first 3 hrs. I am sure in the volunteer group the first night there are both kinds of people. So I don't particularly feel just because someone slip once "victim", they are necessary guilty of something. Many people off TV screen that night might already thought the girls are dead. This is my honest opinion only.

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Like looking at the BG stills, there are certain features you atune to and others you ignore without really knowing it, and so are the video interviews to the media of RL. That is why it is so puzzling.

I rewatched this interview tonight. Some of you will see it a certain way, others will see it another way. I see a distressed elderly man who may or may not know more than he is saying.

It is so sad, all the way around. Perhaps I am leading a bit here, but watch the video again and see what you think.
First time poster, bear with me. IMO I believe RL may have given suspect, (BG), a ride to get away from the crime scene. RL arrived back at his home approximately 6:30 PM the evening Abby and Libby were found, plenty of time to drop BG off somewhere out of town. IMO, police are looking for BG’s DNA in RL’s truck to match with the (possible) DNA that may have been recovered at crime scene. If this scenario is correct, it would help explain why RL was not totally truthful with LE regarding his alibi. All this is MOO.
Second time Ive seen someone commenting about seeing a vehicle under the bridge. Do you have any proof of this?

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The following is simply my own opinion based on these threads, media releases, interviews and sleuthing.
BG took the girls down the hill to where the vehicle(s) was waiting. He did not immediately lead them to the water. The waiting vehicle was not parked in the cemetery. The vehicles can be seen under the bridge when using proper equipment, ie, HD screen with high resolution.
First time poster, bear with me. IMO I believe RL may have given suspect, (BG), a ride to get away from the crime scene. RL arrived back at his home approximately 6:30 PM the evening Abby and Libby were found, plenty of time to drop BG off somewhere out of town. IMO, police are looking for BG’s DNA in RL’s truck to match with the (possible) DNA that may have been recovered at crime scene. If this scenario is correct, it would help explain why RL was not totally truthful with LE regarding his alibi. All this is MOO.

Interesting theory.
The landlord that owns the office park where I work has a few part-time/freelance guys work for him. They are drifter sort of guys that always make me feel uneasy.

Maybe BG hires part-time workers or people who help out during the week.
For his 40 acre farm!!
I'd imagine a 77 year old would need at least some help from time to time to maintain such a big property!
It's someone he knew imo. Someone who knew he was going out that day and who would not have seemed suspicious if found on or near the property.
I am not sure yet if RL knew this person had been there. Hopefully he did not

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Let's not completely devalue "slips of the tongue"in any investigation. See below....from Psychology Today article.

shows up in other often-overlooked stylistic stuff of speech—if you know what to look for. Jack Schafer does. The former FBI special agent homes in on words such as then, so, after, when, as, while, and next—so-called text bridges—because they span information gaps. And that, finds Schafer, is precisely where much can be found.

"Most liars tell the truth up to the point where they want to conceal something, skip over the withheld information, and then tell the truth again," he says. Text bridges help by allowing speakers to omit information they'd like to conceal. To the trained ear, the same words serve as markers to locate withheld information."

Curious, that....

CASAREZ: No, go ahead. What has the last week been like?

LOGAN: Well, it`s -- it`s been very -- really difficult to understand what all has been going on here. The pain and agony caused by the families and the -- to the families and the community is just beyond belief. But to have all this pain and agony happen in my -- basically, my back yard, is just -- I mean, it`s just -- it`s beginning to come home now because it`s really been difficult to understand that two little girls lost their life in my back yard (INAUDIBLE) It`s just beyond belief.

LOGAN: Yes. It is a big concern. I used to walk through my woods all the time, daytime, nighttime. Now I`m not sure if that`s a good idea now. My son and grandson come up here and play in that woods. Does that mean we can`t do that now? Or what should we do? It`s just a...
The following is simply my own opinion based on these threads, media releases, interviews and sleuthing.

BG took the girls down the hill to where the vehicle(s) was waiting. He did not immediately lead them to the water. The waiting vehicle was not parked in the cemetery. The vehicles can be seen under the bridge when using proper equipment, ie, HD screen with high resolution.

The girls were forced, or not, into a vehicle and driven away from the High Bridge. Wherever they were taken, is where the crimes occurred. It could have been to the grain silo but that is not my first choice as my feeling is that it was at a local home. They were taken nearby since Delphi is only 4 sq miles as pinging on the phone was around town.

I suspect at least 2 or 3 people are involved along with BG. These are not nice people. They want to do terrible things to young girls; not to any grown women who may have also been on the High Bridge that day. The bad people placed the girls on RL's property. Perhaps they planted evidence, handcuffs, zip ties, etc. somewhere on his property; such as, in the barn, the cottage, etc.

The two young girls were placed on RLs property after the search on the 13th was called off and before it resumed again. Sadly enough, AW's obit clearly states that she died on Feb. 14th. I believe it to be true.

Yes, it is common to say bodies were dumped. For me, that is what we do to trash; not to our loved ones. I wish to thank everyone who refrains from using the word dumped when referring to the placement of these beautiful girls.

BG should know that we are hot on his trail. We are steadily and assuredly tracking the killer of these lovely young girls.

I'm totally on board with this except that I disagree that the vehicle can be seen. I think it would draw much less attention if it were sitting on the road right at the end of the bridge and that isn't at all visible in the BG photos. And the only other thing that bothers me is that there is another crime scene, a big one, the actual location of the murder and it seems to me LE would have identified it by now and taped it off. I think the area just past the SE end of the bridge was the abduction site. If they had found the murder site at RL'S wouldn't they have taped it off? That would be seen by media. Were they murdered in the vehicle? Maybe. Or were they walked back down to the creek and murdered where they were found?
Just on this..

Is it popular consensus on here that the girls were removed and then brought back in the middle of the night? I am wondering how this could of happened? Although LE called off the search, I am sure family and friends were still driving and walking around (I did question this on a thread many moons ago)? Could someone of brought two bodies and left them in this area in the dark of the night?

I think that is speculation simply because the girls weren't found until the following day. This was not an easy scene and it was close to dark, so I frankly find it a very implausible scenario for the very reasons you've stated so succinctly.
The following is simply my own opinion based on these threads, media releases, interviews and sleuthing.

BG took the girls down the hill to where the vehicle(s) was waiting. He did not immediately lead them to the water. The waiting vehicle was not parked in the cemetery. The vehicles can be seen under the bridge when using proper equipment, ie, HD screen with high resolution.

The girls were forced, or not, into a vehicle and driven away from the High Bridge. Wherever they were taken, is where the crimes occurred. It could have been to the grain silo but that is not my first choice as my feeling is that it was at a local home. They were taken nearby since Delphi is only 4 sq miles as pinging on the phone was around town.

I suspect at least 2 or 3 people are involved along with BG. These are not nice people. They want to do terrible things to young girls; not to any grown women who may have also been on the High Bridge that day. The bad people placed the girls on RL's property. Perhaps they planted evidence, handcuffs, zip ties, etc. somewhere on his property; such as, in the barn, the cottage, etc.

The two young girls were placed on RLs property after the search on the 13th was called off and before it resumed again. Sadly enough, AW's obit clearly states that she died on Feb. 14th. I believe it to be true.

Yes, it is common to say bodies were dumped. For me, that is what we do to trash; not to our loved ones. I wish to thank everyone who refrains from using the word dumped when referring to the placement of these beautiful girls.

BG should know that we are hot on his trail. We are steadily and assuredly tracking the killer of these lovely young girls.

You go gurl. I worry about planting of evidence too. RL is such a great target... hope I am wrong! Moo
I don't know that it matters, but I apparently missed the interview or article that said RL was buying fish at the time the girls went missing. Did he specifically say fish as in aquarium fish or is that being assumed? What about fish as in fish to eat?

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Is it ok to discuss the neighbor who apparently began to call the girls "victims" before they were found? He has the same last name as one of the girls. Are we sure he isn't family?
Wonder if it's the same searcher/neighbor who found the bodies..

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Are you saying that the person/s that found them have been interviewed?

Speculation that the goatee guy who seemed familiar with the property and was interviewed along with RL is a neighbor.
First time poster, bear with me. IMO I believe RL may have given suspect, (BG), a ride to get away from the crime scene. RL arrived back at his home approximately 6:30 PM the evening Abby and Libby were found, plenty of time to drop BG off somewhere out of town. IMO, police are looking for BG’s DNA in RL’s truck to match with the (possible) DNA that may have been recovered at crime scene. If this scenario is correct, it would help explain why RL was not totally truthful with LE regarding his alibi. All this is MOO.

Like looking at the BG stills, there are certain features you atune to and others you ignore without really knowing it, and so are the video interviews to the media of RL. That is why it is so puzzling.

I rewatched this interview tonight. Some of you will see it a certain way, others will see it another way. I see a distressed elderly man who may or may not know more than he is saying.

It is so sad, all the way around. Perhaps I am leading a bit here, but watch the video again and see what you think.
Are you referring to his 'right up to the property' slip? His remark about where the girls were last seen? His assumption that they came from the end of the bridge to his property?
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