IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #71

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Man some people sound grumpy this morning moo.

Bumping post by BigCityAccountant for the girls (has video embedded):

I demand that everybody watch this video right now. :biggrin: It is absolutely the bessssst, you guys will love it if you haven't seen it.

Can somebody please embed video, tia. :wave:

Anyone found a connection between DN and RL yet? If there is one.Maybe working on his farm?
Re DNA - I think they may have a match so are proceeding with additional evidence gathering for the case. DNA may not be enough evidence on it's own ( so he's not been ruled out by the DNA.) JMO

what if the DNA evidence is hair? that would explain alot.
Oh he was never in jail? I didn’t know that. I thought he was convicted of at least one crime and did time for it, and is now an RSO. I’m confused.

he was, he did and he is..
BG is not DN - no DNA match
BG is DN - no DNA match
BG is DN - DNA match

The bottom two scenarios are possible and still both rule the POI in.
Only the first scenario would definitely rule out the POI.

Oh shoot, you guys are going to make me repost my complex algebraic DNA /BG equation now LOL...after that I'm out of here for a while before my head starts hurting again...took me 3 days to recover from 4 days straight here Friday to Monday between DN and Vegas!

From 9/29:

"Thinking more about all this DNA stuff (I hope I can work this post out clearly because right now it's all just a big jumble in my head).

DNA Points/Possibilities to Ponder:

1. They have collected DNA from the crime scene area. This DNA:

A) May be related to the perp.

B) May not be related to the perp.

*Either way one can possibly conclude it has not positively matched anyone in CODIS to date.

2. So, IF DN's DNA is already in CODIS (one would assume), then:

A. The DNA referred to in #1 has not produced a hit/match to him to date (considering they have been running it, and frequently over the months, as more cases are processed and entered, as I think they would be).

3. If DN's DNA is not already in CODIS for some strange reason, the newly collected sample:

A: May produce a hit to the DNA referred to in #1.
(Case solved)

B) May not produce a hit to the DNA referred to in #1.

If this is the case, then:

aa. It could mean 1B, that the DNA collected from the crime scene is not necessarily that of the perp, so DN could still be BG.

bb. The DNA collected at the crime scene is that of BG, but doesn't match DN, therefore excluding DN as the suspect.

4.) Adding possibility of possible second perp's DNA to mix.


I tend to wonder, maybe LE doesn't even know if they have BG's DNA."

Last edited by margarita25; 09-29-2017 at*05:30 PM.
If they want to put the effort into it, they could put a listening device (a "bug") in his cell and listen to his mumbling and self-talk. If he starts talking to himself about the murders, the recordings would be first person testimony. DNA isn't the end all, be all.
If they want to put the effort into it, they could put a listening device (a "bug") in his cell and listen to his mumbling and self-talk. If he starts talking to himself about the murders, the recordings would be first person testimony. DNA isn't the end all, be all.
And they might get a voice match as well.
Regarding the long time it took to analyze the CS for DNA.
I now think they swept up the whole forest floor and analyzed every leaf.
I do not think any DNA was left at all.

Very possible, moo (that even if DN was there, non was found/collected.)

But again, if was camping, this increases the chance of something being left there, moo.

Again, also hoping as mentioned by others that there can be a match of the girls DNA on his belongings.
It is unknown who the family member is that was to pick up the girls that afternoon. Please stop making reference to DG as the person who was to do so.

Also, please don't make the thread about you by expressing your dissatisfaction with how others are or are not posting. Ignore, scroll & roll, or ... there are many other threads and cases you could lend your time and energy to in a more productive fashion.

ETA: Some posts have been removed so this one lands at random.

It makes me wonder if it was her that really posted it. Wouldn't she have been asked not to say anything about the situation? But it sounds like it was also removed quickly which makes it seem more possible. She is definitely wanting to separate herself from him and his actions as much as possible.
Thank you!

Hi arrowhead2,

You're welcome. In the bottom right corner of every post is a "reply with quote" button. You can use this to address a specific post directly, in this case, the post I just welcomed you on. :wave:
Not once does she say that she doesn't believe that he didn't do it, which is interesting. In fact, I find her use of the word disgusted interesting too. She used that word twice. JMO.

She never said he did either.

Not everything is reported on in the media nor is a lot of what's reported on accurate.

Maybe she likes the word disgusted. <modsnip>
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