GUILTY IN - Aleah Beckerle, 19, Disabled, Evansville, 16 July 2016 #2 **arrest**

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mother daughter sister wife friend paralegal
Oct 28, 2009
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[FONT=&quot]ISP: Handicapped Evansville woman taken by unknown individuals, regional Silver Alert issued[/FONT]​

[FONT=&quot]Police said she was last seen 9 p.m. Saturday a black T shirt with the words "Dance Theater" on it. Police believe she was removed from her home by "unknown individuals."[/FONT]

Mother of Special Needs Teen Has Message for Abductor

Some searchers, like Pruitt, were trained by search-and-rescue group Texas Equusearch, which came to Evansville to organize volunteers for several weekends. Other volunteers got safety and search lessons as they went, with more experienced searchers offering bug spray and pointing out poison ivy.

Close family members like Beckerle’s mother were advised by Equusearch not to join the search party, Jackson said.

Search Warrant Served at Missing Teen's Home; Family Friend Charged in Separate Case

Evansville Police Department Capt. Andy Chandler said someone who knows needs to show "courage," and let investigators know where Aleah Beckerle is.


"Someone knows what happened to Aleah," Chandler told the Courier & Press, "and somebody knows where she is."

Police arrested Debra Wollner, 51, on Thursday afternoon for her alleged role in the beating of James Martin in order to coerce a false confession in Aleah's disappearance. Wollner is accused of repeatedly Martin in the head with a metal pipe. Wollner has been charged with seven felonies including battery with a deadly weapon, criminal confinement and conspiracy charges.


n late July, police were provided with a video of the false confession. In that video, which was also obtained by Eyewitness News, a female voice can be heard demanding information about Aleah. Additionally, an unknown male's voice can be heard talking to Martin, directing him to lie about who beat him, police said


According to court records obtained by Eyewitness News, Cara Beckerle, Aleah's mother, was arrested in 2007 on charges of dealing marijuana and neglect of a dependent. Beckerle's boyfriend, Demarco Roach, was also arrested on similar charges.

Robertson Affidavit

Thread #1
It's surreal that there has to be a page 2 for this girl. I sure hope they find her SOON. Sadly, I don't think they'll find her alive. :(
Sadly, I don't think she was alive when she was reported missing.
Sadly, I don't think she was alive when she was reported missing.

Unfortunately, I agree. I'm almost always optimistic about things but I just can't imagine that someone would have taken her and is keeping her alive. The only sliver of hope I have left is maybe a nurse that was there to care for Cara after her (supposed) surgery saw poor living conditions and took Aleah. That's the only situation I can think of that would make it actually possible for her to be alive now. :( I just hope she didn't suffer, her life was hard enough.
It's surreal that there has to be a page 2 for this girl. I sure hope they find her SOON. Sadly, I don't think they'll find her alive. :(

This is what I was thinking. It's been a month and a half and now a second thread on a case that should have been solved within the first week.
Sad to think this. But this case has been fishy from the start. I hope aleah went peacefully and they didn't hurt her much. I don't think that aleah is alive. After all, she was severely disabled. I have been thinking about all this since the beginning when I first heard about this girl (woman). I just have a strange thing that this was a inside crime within the family.

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From all MSM accounts, pretty much everyone associated with this family is a druggie. I suppose it's possible some are not, but so far, that does not appear to be the case. That said, one might think the local LE would have been able to figure this out in no time since druggies are generally not known for their intellectual prowess.. And, maybe they actually have but they're just waiting for the right DNA result or the right person to crack? No pun intended.

I do think it's just a matter of time before more arrests are made and well go "yep, no shocker there" as to who, how and why. I'm so sorry Aleah. You deserved so much more.
I find it so sad that so many are talking as though Aleah has passed. Unfortunately, I add my same feeling. I hope you are right, Boomeroreo, that she did not suffer. :tears:
I find it so sad that so many are talking as though Aleah has passed. Unfortunately, I add my same feeling. I hope you are right, Boomeroreo, that she did not suffer. :tears:

From everything I've read in MSM and from the court system concerning those closely connected to this young woman, I have absolutely no reason to believe she's still alive. I REALLY wish that were not the case, but it is what it is. Or maybe it's more appropriate to say it is what it should have never been? :(
She requires literal 24 hour care, there is no way she is alive somewhere. Poor little poppet :( Someone needs to tell the truth.
I've concocted a nice little fantasy in my head that she is having the best care of her life. I'd rather picture her that way. I get that the deck's stacked against her but a girl can dream.

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I've concocted a nice little fantasy in my head that she is having the best care of her life. I'd rather picture her that way. I get that the deck's stacked against her but a girl can dream.

You are a sweetheart.
Bless you for caring for Aleah!
She may not need critical daughter is basically the equivalent of Aleah's condition. My daughter had a feeding tube, which makes giving meds easier....but she can eat solid food. Aleah had her feeding tube removed, so she must be able to eat by mouth. As for meds for CP kids, you might take something for reflux (like Prevacid), something to ease intestinal issues (like miralax), and something to relax muscle tone, like baclophen. None of these are "must haves", just improve quality of life.

The issue raised with Aleah was seizures, which is not uncommon in teenage CP kids, but usually not severe. Looking at Cara's history, she tested positive for drugs used to treat seizures, so perhaps she greatly exaggerated Aleah's condition in order to score meds that she would then take herself. If that is the case, Aleah could survive indefinitely on normal food and drink, like the rest of us.
She may not need critical daughter is basically the equivalent of Aleah's condition. My daughter had a feeding tube, which makes giving meds easier....but she can eat solid food. Aleah had her feeding tube removed, so she must be able to eat by mouth. As for meds for CP kids, you might take something for reflux (like Prevacid), something to ease intestinal issues (like miralax), and something to relax muscle tone, like baclophen. None of these are "must haves", just improve quality of life.

The issue raised with Aleah was seizures, which is not uncommon in teenage CP kids, but usually not severe. Looking at Cara's history, she tested positive for drugs used to treat seizures, so perhaps she greatly exaggerated Aleah's condition in order to score meds that she would then take herself. If that is the case, Aleah could survive indefinitely on normal food and drink, like the rest of us.

Great point! If it's a case of Munchausen by proxy what of aleah just walked out? Locking the door behind herself. Maybe she had a friend in Henderson. After all "she's 19 years old".

Just a thought.
I'm not sure we're allowed to discuss the info regarding her mom (she is still NOT a suspect) but I've been wondering about that too. My husband even picked up on that vibe and suggested a possible Munchausen by Proxy situation.

I don't know if Aleah would be able to walk, though, cerebral palsy usually means wheelchair bound even without the severe seizures. Hubby's stepsister has CP and she can walk but not easily and not for very long.
As sick as it is, she might be attractive to a sexual predator. It's not like she could escape confinement, or do much if anything to alert people to her presence beyond vocalizations.
If you snatched a normal 19 year old girl off the street, you would have your hands full and take much greater risk.
I'm not sure we're allowed to discuss the info regarding her mom (she is still NOT a suspect) but I've been wondering about that too. My husband even picked up on that vibe and suggested a possible Munchausen by Proxy situation.

I don't know if Aleah would be able to walk, though, cerebral palsy usually means wheelchair bound even without the severe seizures. Hubby's stepsister has CP and she can walk but not easily and not for very long.

Aleah can't walk at all.

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Interesting posts on the BAH page:

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And the 1st link is no longer the top post (granted I'm on an iPhone, but....). Fortunately the URL was saved in my cache

ETA: I'm on Tapatalk so I think posting these links are OK. Post #1 doesn't mention anything about the Facebook group and I missed the last few pages before Thread #1 closed, so I believe I'm within TOS. If not, Mods please delete with my apologies!

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