IN - Aliahna Maroney Lemmon, 9, Fort Wayne, 23 Dec 2011 - #1

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BRAVO! Finally, someone says it, what I was going to post once I got caught up reading. Yes, most guys in prison (who do not have an inclination toward pedophilia themselves) are disgusted by it. The old saying about child molesters ending up being someones "*****" wasnt drummed up by accident, its true. The mere fact that this SOB, LIVED and took care of the child molesting grandfather, is proof, to me, and to most reasonable people, I believe, that what grandpa had done wasnt such a bad thing in his eyes. Honestly, how many other men who were not interested in children do you think would do the same? I dont know or know of a single one. The fact he kept grandpa company and shared a home with him was a huge clue that he condoned his past behavior; otherwise he couldnt live with someone like that. Remember, this guy was a convicted of a violent crime, so the idea of him taking care of a dying child molester was from the goodness of his heart is in my opinion fantansy. My guess is they will find evidence of sexual molestation of this little girl; just because he doesnt have a record of child molestation does not mean that he isnt capable or that he hasnt done it in the past; he just hadnt been caught.

RIP Angel, you are safe now.

Respectfully, I just want to comment on one thing that (in my opinion and experience) is a very commonly held misconception about child predators and prison.

There is a common held belief among the general public that sexual predators, and particularly those who target children, are loathed by everyone including inmates -- as if to say that even inmates find this behavior so horrific that they are compelled to action. Many even take satisfaction in this idea, that there will be some rough prison justice in the predator's future.

There is some small amount of truth and wishful thinking here covering a whole bunch of sillyness.

Almost everyone in a prison general population is a predator. They prey on anyone who they see as a potential victim, and most of them are not terribly discriminatory. At best they are sociopaths who really do not care about any of society's generally held ethics and morals. The gang kid might be in prison this time for stealing a car or selling some dope, but that's not the whole story. He has been involved in everything from random drive-by shootings, to drug and sex trafficking, robbery, extortion, violent assault and likely sexual assault, you name it. This fairly typical inmate doesn't give a flying F*U&K about some strangers kid. Most don't really give a damn about their own. The typical inmate would pimp his own kid out in a second if it enabled him to get something.

The real reason that child predators have such a hard time in prison general population is not that they victimized kids, but rather because the typical child predator is SOFT. An easy target. They tend to be older, they are usually not in the exception physical condition of the typical inmate, they are not used to fighting and violence, they are usually relatively new to the system, they have no friends already inside, and no gang affiliations. They are, in a word, victims for the other inmates to prey upon. And the inmates know that this is one category of victim that it is relatively safe to prey upon.

Which is why most child predators go straight into protective custody unit. They recieve the same priveleges and rights as any other inmate, they are surrounded by other similar inmates, many of whom are there for similar offenses. This is not to say that they are safe -- no one in prison is safe -- but they are as safe as one can be outside of death row or some kind of segregation.

But again, the idea that inmates have some ethical boundaries and that even these guys are horrified by crimes against children is, in a word, ridiculous.

Just my two-cents.
If he cut her up there had to have been a LOT of blood evidence. How in the he77 did LE not connect the dots until the perp TOLD them they could find her in his freezer?

:furious: :furious: :furious: :thud:
Well, they obviously didn't do a thorough search of the trailer when she was first reported missing. They should have scoured that place from top to bottom. SICK!!!

--LE can't do that without justifiable probable cause-----( or else they could break down your door in 5 minutes and "scour your place" ) .

--they had to get a search warrant signed off on by a Judge---give him good reason, and then get in to the house for a thorough search.

--which they were able to do monday.

--that's the law, for the protection of everyone's rights.
Can't believe I am typing this but...Have they recovered her torso? I'll lay money that there is addt'l "trauma" to her body...
According to the pdf he cut up the torso, arms and legs into little pieces, bagged them and threw them in dumpsters. There is no word if those parts were found in the dumpsters.
The other sisters were probably sleeping when he was dismembering her, I doubt they saw anything. She was already deceased at that point, so nothing really to hear at that point. A hacksaw doesn't make much noise. :( Now we know the real reason he didn't get any sleep on Thursday night into Friday morning.

I just don't get it. So he bludgeoned her to death on the front steps? Nobody saw anything? How is this possible? I still think there is more to the story.
IMO that makes it even worse for Grandma says he was a trusted friend for many years then I saw a vigil where David Story stepgrandfather says Michael wouldn't harm a child. What the heck! And they live out of town?:waitasec:


"Or an animal..He's just NOT that type"..I wonder what David Story is thinking today?
I was talking about her sisters.

I'm so hoping her sisters never heard or saw, but that's expecting a lot under the circumstances. I would think by the time Ali was reported missing, her siblings were back with the 'mother' who could have questioned them enough to know that they thought that unmoving covered pillow on the chair (or wherever) for TWO DAYS was Ali. What a pig, that MP.
It makes me wonder if that is what ended the searches Saturday, they found the body parts in the dumpsters?
We all need to fight to have the law changed regarding needing probable cause for searches. Why do these murderers have so many rights when the victims don't? I will be writing to legislators for a change! It makes me so mad!! IMO LE need to immediately seal off any home a child or adult is reported to go missing from, look at the statistics of how many are killed in the home then disposed of elsewhere!! What is the harm, if nothing is found let it go, a goldmine of evidence can be lost!!
So he actually killed her on Thursday, not Friday. I'm wondering, it said he hit her in the head with a brick (God, I hate typing that)in the early morning hours in front of the trailer. I am thinking, she was outside, because she was trying to leave. He did something, and I think that poor baby was trying to run back home to her mommy, and he caught her and silenced her. That's just what I think.

I am in no way giving this sick dog an out but it is possible that the kids were sent there more than he wanted. Apparently he has problems and was not the nice, trustworthy, reliable guy the family claimed at first. I personally know people who don't value their kids and don't bother calling to check on them. Hell they don't put much effort into feeding them or making sure their clothes are clean. NOT NOT NOT saying this about Aliahna's family but it is possible she was left there and not wanting to run home at all.
Respectfully, I just want to comment on one thing that (in my opinion and experience) is a very commonly held misconception about child predators and prison.

There is a common held belief among the general public that sexual predators, and particularly those who target children, are loathed by everyone including inmates -- as if to say that even inmates find this behavior so horrific that they are compelled to action. Many even take satisfaction in this idea, that there will be some rough prison justice in the predator's future.

There is some small amount of truth and wishful thinking here covering a whole bunch of sillyness.

Almost everyone in a prison general population is a predator. They prey on anyone who they see as a potential victim, and most of them are not terribly discriminatory. At best they are sociopaths who really do not care about any of society's generally held ethics and morals. The gang kid might be in prison this time for stealing a car or selling some dope, but that's not the whole story. He has been involved in everything from random drive-by shootings, to drug and sex trafficking, robbery, extortion, violent assault and likely sexual assault, you name it. This fairly typical inmate doesn't give a flying F*U&K about some strangers kid. Most don't really give a damn about their own. The typical inmate would pimp his own kid out in a second if it enabled him to get something.

The real reason that child predators have such a hard time in prison general population is not that they victimized kids, but rather because the typical child predator is SOFT. An easy target. They tend to be older, they are usually not in the exception physical condition of the typical inmate, they are not used to fighting and violence, they are usually relatively new to the system, they have no friends already inside, and no gang affiliations. They are, in a word, victims for the other inmates to prey upon. And the inmates know that this is one category of victim that it is relatively safe to prey upon.

Which is why most child predators go straight into protective custody unit. They recieve the same priveleges and rights as any other inmate, they are surrounded by other similar inmates, many of whom are there for similar offenses. This is not to say that they are safe -- no one in prison is safe -- but they are as safe as one can be outside of death row or some kind of segregation.

But again, the idea that inmates have some ethical boundaries and that even these guys are horrified by crimes against children is, in a word, ridiculous.

Just my two-cents.

Chris, unfortunately I have to agree on this one. We all want to believe that these horrible deviants are tormented in prison, because the other inmates have children of their own, or are just good guys at heart, or whatever, and they can't stand the thought of these child molesters.

But you are spot on with that. Yes, the other inmates look upon sex offenders as someone THEY can prey on, as you said , they are SOFT.

My ex has been in prison, off and on, for the last 15 years. During one of his short times of freedom, I asked him about the whole child molester thing. And he said EXACTLY what you posted above. :(
If he cut her up there had to have been a LOT of blood evidence. How in the he77 did LE not connect the dots until the perp TOLD them they could find her in his freezer?

:furious: :furious: :furious: :thud:

She was in the freezer for hours before he started if I'm reading things right. She probably froze somewhat which would create less mess, I would think.
Before hearing about her being murdered on Thursday I kept thinking about the so called nightmare. I though maybe that was a way to explain to the siblings as to why Aliahna was crying while he was hurting her. Sounds like it was the siblings who were having horrible nightmare that wouldn't end soon enough for them.
The flu story makes no sense and I have not believed it from day one. IMO we are going to see mom and step-dad charged with a crime a lot worse then neglect. My gut also tell me Aliahna acquired her reported PTSD at the hands of grandpa in that trailer. All IMO.

My gut is telling me there is a whole lot more to this story as well. I guess we will see.
It is a fact that not all parents take good care of their kids. This poor little girl.... I feel so bad for her but am having a hard time feeling anything for the people that let her stay with this man and it sounds as if she spent a lot of time there.
--LE can't do that without justifiable probable cause-----( or else they could break down your door in 5 minutes and "scour your place" ) .

--they had to get a search warrant signed off on by a Judge---give him good reason, and then get in to the house for a thorough search.

--which they were able to do monday.

--that's the law, for the protection of everyone's rights.
If they needed a warrant to search they could have got it at any time. There is no doubt in my mind he gave permission to search the trailer. Police might have looked in the freezer for a whole little girl not expecting her to be in packages.
So, I take it that Mr. Plumadore has tortured many an animal in his day as well.
It makes me wonder if that is what ended the searches Saturday, they found the body parts in the dumpsters?

If that was the case wouldn't the dumpster be surrounded by crime scene tape and swarmed with CSI peeps? I think someone would have reported if it was. Remember the Somer Thompson dumpster search that turned up nothing but we all knew it was happening because the media was there reporting on it?
Or did LE quietly confiscate it?
This is just sick.
I want NG to question the grandma one more time and really let her have it!

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