IN - Aliahna Maroney Lemmon, 9, Fort Wayne, 23 Dec 2011 - #1

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according to grandfather's obit, there are 8 grands. 4 are the other 2 sibs by my accounting...that leaves I wonder where the other 2 unmentioned are? I really hope that they are okay. Speculating maybe they live with their respective father(s)??? My goodness what a tangled web.
yes I was coming to say that he 'says' he is on his FB...(and a 6 yr old is too imo)
He is a scary looking dude, IMO. But the child did not go missing while in his care. So I am certainly not accusing him of anything.
Oh I certainly am not accusing him of anything- just really wish he would come out and shed some light on the situation, any info, anything!!! in order to help FIND Aliahna!!!!

I also have to say that the "why didn't she leave them with the STEPfather?" line is throwing me a bit. It's odd.
Usually we are saying "Another stepfather??? When will women learn that the boyfriend/stepfather is the most dangerous person to their child?"

But this time... people are angry that she left the kids (including her stepdaughter) with a family friend instead of the father/stepfather.
Yet, if they had been left with the stepfather... it'd be the usual... "another stepfather, when will women learn...." situation.

My poor brain can't handle the contradictions... it's spinning. :banghead:

I'm thinking it's not a contradiction... the kids would be in their own home, their own rooms/beds (they DO have their own room?) and somewhere where the mom can be around them. Babysitter might be a fine man, and perhaps more dependable than stepdad... I'm wondering more why they had to be away from mom SO badly that they were brought to the friends home where they slept in the livingroom? Just my thoughts....
according to grandfather's obit, there are 8 grands. 4 are the other 2 sibs by my accounting...that leaves I wonder where the other 2 unmentioned are? I really hope that they are okay. Speculating maybe they live with their respective father(s)??? My goodness what a tangled web.

It looks like he had three children so maybe the other grandchildren simply live with their own parents. Just a guess.
it appears they do on public fb pages, 2 for each, but then that leave 4 kids for AL's mother....just hope they are all doing okay ...with sis in the world do you explain that to your other kids, just breaks my heart
Honestly, overall I don't think LE has any idea what to do in these cases...the ones like Ayla where they search for days on end, cases like this one where they don't seem to search one is being found very often...and I am sure in 99.9% of these cases at least one adult knows exactly where the child is...
Just from my own experience with my BIL, he had a girlfriend that had a brother that was a RSO- her whole family thought that her brother was wrongly convicted and that victims family set him up, they also believed that most RSO's are wrongly convicted.. Of course my BIL believed them because her brother was a likeable guy.... So in this case my best guess is that they all believe grandpa was wrongly covicted and maybe also believe that there are many wrongly convicted RSO's so therefore they dont give much weight to the RSO label.

I'm going to add to what you said below. :)

If grandfather was an RSO, then there is the possibility that he was molesting Aliahna. I think that should be obvious, but to some people it just isn't. I say this because I have the experience. My father is an RSO, he has served 19 years for criminal sexual conduct against a child less than 13 (the victim was 9). After his arrest, there were multiple disclosures from other children, some of them his bio kids, and some not.

Despite this, and pending his upcoming release, there are some members of my family that intend to allow him limited contact with their children. I am not among them, and he will never get near mine, unless he kills me first, but there are some that look at the situation, and think that he won't do it again after 19 years, he's still their blood and their kids are old enough to fight or run away, so there's no risk. SO, there are just some people that don't get it. That said, he could have been molesting her, and still have been very beloved by his family. WHether they knew or not.

I also find it possible that the roommate was aware of the grandfather's status, and therefore felt he had to be diligent in protecting the girls when they were there to see grandpa. It is also possible that the entire family thought they all adored grandpa because they wanted to go to his house often, but in reality, they may have only wanted to spend the time with the roommate, even when grandpa was alive.

When I look at her picture that is used on the websites, of her in the dress she was last wearing, I presume that photo was taken at the grandfathers' funeral, just from the background of the photo. I don't see a little girl that is emotionally destroyed by her beloved grandfathers death and is forcing a smile for the camera. I see a little girl that is playing a part and suppressing a much bigger smile. JMO.


My addition to Angel's very good explanation we also see sometimes where the victim of molestation (child victim now an adult) will allow the familial abuser (incestuous) to have access to her/his own children as well.

That's where it gets way too deep into psychology for me to understand, but I've seen it explained (very loosely explained by me) where a victim of childhood abuse will not think that her own children can be abused by the perp because 1. She was coerced into thinking that she was choosen for the abusive behavior because either she was "special" or that there was a "special" connection between the abuser and victim. And that is interpreted by the victim as no other victims but her. 2. The very nature of a familial abuser--father to daughter---mother to son---etc---crosses so many norms and values of general society, is full of so much denial, has no boundries...that what we as relatively healthy individuals see as sick relationships aren't perceived as such because there is no base line of "normal" to compare from...if you know what I mean.

I say all of the above with kindness and understanding for the victim, because we do have members here that are victims of incestuous sexual abuse (I, myself, am a survivor but not of familial abuse).

JMHO and some speculation as to why Grandad probably had access to kid(s).

Allen County Sheriff's Department officials say they will discontinue searches until they obtain new information on the whereabouts of 9-year-old Aliahna Marie Maroney Lemmon. Lemmon has been missing since late Friday night, early Saturday morning. Police were not conducting searches Christmas day.

They have barely looked for her!!!!!

This is wrong. Maybe LE views her as a throw away child - her parents didn't care, so why should they. LE may believe she is from a "trailer trash" family, and simply don't want to put much effort into it. No one is going to complain that much so they don't care.

I'll tell ya' what I don't care about. I don't care that it's Christmas and cold and thus an "inconvenient" time for a search. I don't care that this child may have come from a lower income family with problems. She means something. She is a human being. She deserves to be found. 62 hours is simply not enough.

Yes, I know that LE often is stumped by these cases and don't know what to do. Well, then LEARN. Get out the search dogs, the cadaver dogs. Organize groups of volunteers and do grid searches of a 5 mile, then 10 mile radius. Have daily press conferences. Ask people to look out for this child. Ask family and friends to come in for LONG interviews, and then LDTs.

LE needs to act like Aliahna is worth more than lip service. Because she is.

FBI joins search for missing Indiana girl

The FBI joined the search for a missing 9-year-old Indiana girl with physical and emotional problems Monday as agents descended on the mobile home park where she lived and that's a known haven for registered sex offenders.

Authorities in Fort Wayne planned to meet Monday afternoon to plan their next move after two straight days without a search for Aliahna Lemmon, who has been missing since Friday, said Cpl. Jeremy Tinkel, a spokesman for the Allen County sheriff's department.

About a half-dozen people in black windbreakers, several of whom identified themselves as FBI agents, were at the mobile home park Monday where Aliahna went missing from a family friend's home. Some with search dogs were seen at a nearby storage facility.

Agents at the scene wouldn't say why the FBI was involved. An agency spokesman didn't immediately return phone calls and e-mails seeking comment.
Do we know whether MP walked or drove to get the cigar? Is it possible he told Aliahna he was taking her to her mom/the party and instructed her to tell her sisters that? The sisters were sleeping. I wonder if they would've been coherent enough to understand much less remember a conversation.

Some of my kids would wake enough to remember later, but some wouldn't budge if you set off firecrackers in their rooms.

What disturbs me is that MP was awake ALL night. I don't think he woke up at 6 am. I think he'd been awake the whole time. He slept all day long after the cigar trip. What was he doing all night?!
Sorry, I looked at the guy's Facebook pictures again, and there is one little boy in a picture that was taken. But, every other "kids" picture is of girls. Also, the picture which appears to be Aliahna and her two little sisters is labeled, "Three little princesses!", and it was taken from a cell phone on November 24 at 7:36 am. Interesting....

I looked at his FB. It didn't alarm me that much. Most of his "friends" looked like adult women, which makes me relieved because apparently he is attracted to adults.

I may be wrong and will look more closely, but the ones I looked at did not look like teens. Single guy, attracted to hot girls does not seem perverted to me.

I have the feeling that this guy has been taking care of these kids -- food and a place to live -- for quite a while.

It reminds me (in some ways) of my best friend. He's dead now, and his own kids grown, but over the years I knew him he had a fair number of different kids living at his house. You would never have known it to look at him, he was this big leather wearing biker kind of guy, but inside he was pure marshmallow. He didn't let these kids stay there because he particularly liked kids, he rarely really talked to them at all, he let them stay because they had nowhere else safe to go. They had parents who were abusive, who didn't feed them, in a few cases they didn't even allow them in their house -- they wanted the welfare check that being able to claim a kid allowed them, but the kid? Get out.

All he ever asked from any of them was that they treat him with some respect when they talked to him. Mostly he just ignored them. However, if one of them was in trouble or needed help, he was there for that as well.

Describing him so briefly doesn't really do him justice and it probably comes across all wrong to some who don't understand how things really are for kids from broken families. He was a safety net and the closest thing to a father that some of these kids had ever had. He was always there for them, until he died, always willing to understand, always encouraging them to do better and yet accepting them for who they were despite all their flaws. Like I said, he was my best friend, and the best man I have ever known. At his funeral a good half dozen of these kids came back, as young adults then, to pay their final respects.

Anyway, sorry, that was a bit off topic.

The point is that there are good people in this world. Sometimes you cannot judge them by their rough exterior or the mistakes they have made in their past. And sometimes, maybe as often as not, it is not the official duties of a "parent" -- the nice home, the designer clothes, the hovering concern over trivialities -- that make a difference in a child's life.

If what we have heard reported in this case is accurate, and we have no reason (no evidence) at this point to doubt it, this guy was a good guy. The family (mom and others), so far, have gone out of their way to vouch for him. And if the other two girls were not repeating the story that their older sister walked out the door on her own (and repeating it to both their own parents and the police) then I suspect we would have heard something more about it by now.

Which is a long way of saying that I am keeping an open mind at this point.

Yes, there are plenty of men who would not hurt a child in their care. Millions.

But (and despite what I said above about the man in question) good parents do not leave their young children, their young girls, in the care of single men overnight, IMO. I don't care if he's "like family", or nice or whatever. Statistics bear it out - kids are more often killed by someone they know and almost always molested by someone they know.

And let's put the sexual thing aside for a moment. Many single men have zero babysitting experience, men in general don't sit around talking about child care and raising babies, so it is not that far fetched to believe that a single, unrelated man could leave children unattended, allow them access to things like pools, firearms or other things that are inappropriate for kids to be exposed to without serious adult supervision, etc. I don't care who the guy is. Send em' to grandma, an aunt, whoever. Not a single 40 year old who lives alone in a trailer park with 15 RSOs.

All I'm going to say is if I was too sick to care for my kids for "about a week", my behind would be in a hospital. I don't like the reports that the girls said Aliahna left with their mother. I think they need to focus on the mother's home/vehicle and the landfills. Just a hunch.

I think she is worth a look as well. A kid like Aliahna may have been a lot to deal with. Perhaps too much for some people.

Thank goodness that someone gives a carp about this kid!

BTW, I looked again at MP's FB. He has over 600 friends, so that's a lot. In the A names alone, of which there are tons, he seems to have only two friends who are underage, one being Aliahna. The majority are young women with jobs, etc. And a few wrestler, UFC type guys.
Another thing I find odd is one of the 6 yr olds is her stepsister. Did the bio dad of the stepsister, presumbably Aliahnas current stepfather, not think twice about his daughter staying with some 39 yr old man while her stepmother was sick. Did he not have other relatives maybe the biomom of the 6 yr old to send her too while her stepmother was sick?? Just all of this has me SMH!!

Unfortunately, the biodad may not have been given the option of choosing a different caretaker. He may not even have been informed of the situation. That is a dad status-quo in many divorced relationships, although I don't have any idea what this particular relationship was like.

If there was no blatant substance-abuse and complete dysfunction in the mother's home, I lean toward thinking the children were sent elsewhere while she was sick because the stepdad worked nights and slept days AND there was little tolerance for the noise and needs the children would have during his offtime and sleep time. Even his OWN child was sent away, into RSO and excon hell. So very very sad.
Honestly, overall I don't think LE has any idea what to do in these cases...the ones like Ayla where they search for days on end, cases like this one where they don't seem o search one is being found very often...and I am sure in 99.9% of these cases at least one adult knows exactly where the child is...

I agree. I think LE is really best at the things they do every day, writing tickets for example. Once they go beyond their routine comfort zone they have nothing but thier training and common sense to rely on. As someone who went through the academy, I can tell you that the things you learned in the classroom are mighty tough to remember months or years down the road. Further, there is clearly a real tendency to view things within the confines of the routine -- everyone does this -- so it might well be comforting to pretend that THIS missing girl is just like the last, the one off visiting friends, and if we only do the things we did in that case (nothing) everything will turn out okay.

We see this time and again. And from the sidelines we wonder what in the hell they were thinking. They were thinking of the ten or thirty or fifty times it turned out to be nothing, the times that never made the news.

It's that way with every crime of course. In real life the murders that get solved are usually the ones in which the suspect is obvious. When the neighbors hear the couple fighting, and called the cops, then heard the gun shots and watched the boyfriend speed away, it's a safe bet that the boyfriend did it. And these are the cases the police usually solve: the case where they can follow the the trail of bloody footprints to the guy at the end frantically trying to wipe the gore off his chainsaw.

Here we don't have that yet. Assuming the kids actually saw the victim leave the house, then the family friend, creepy facebook or not, is probably not the perp.
Yes, there are plenty of men who would not hurt a child in their care. Millions.

But (and despite what I said above about the man in question) good parents do not leave their young children, their young girls, in the care of single men overnight, IMO. I don't care if he's "like family", or nice or whatever. Statistics bear it out - kids are more often killed by someone they know and almost always molested by someone they know.

And let's put the sexual thing aside for a moment. Many single men have zero babysitting experience, men in general don't sit around talking about child care and raising babies, so it is not that far fetched to believe that a single, unrelated man could leave children unattended, allow them access to things like pools, firearms or other things that are inappropriate for kids to be exposed to without serious adult supervision, etc. I don't care who the guy is. Send em' to grandma, an aunt, whoever. Not a single 40 year old who lives alone in a trailer park with 15 RSOs.

No doubt! I agree 100%. I would have never DREAMED of allowing my daughter to go live with some adult male for a week. And you are correct as well that many guys (me, for one) kinda suck when it comes to the nitty-gritty of actual child care, all those facts that you are supposed to know. I can still recall how horrified my wife was when she asked me what I had fed my month old daughter for lunch and I told her she had french fries (Apparently french fries are not appropriate food for a newborn... who knew?).
yes I was coming to say that he 'says' he is on his FB...(and a 6 yr old is too imo)

But in his info he doesn't have her listed does he? Only 4 other kids?

Made me wonder if mom was pregnant and he assumed the role of dad, and was father to the 6yo?

Very confusing as there is the one photo of 8 kids that he claims are his?? But A's name is not listed under his children.

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