IN - Aliahna Maroney Lemmon, 9, Fort Wayne, 23 Dec 2011 - #2

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Interesting comment on the Fina Aliahna FB page about an hour ago by a poster (HPS).

I replied to a post on this subject but it never showed up..Most likely because of my comments re: a particular mother (not A's) that also lives there..I won't (& can't?) repeat any of that but will say I think HPS has a great idea re: helping mother's & their kids to escape this well-known 'pedophile playground' trailer park..Sadly, it will never happen for a few very obvious reasons :(
But this occurs every single day. People don't always have a choice where they live... or who their neighbors are. They seemed to trust this family felon friend. Many people have felony convictions that go on to live productive lives. It just so happens that THIS particular felon turned out to be a child murderer, for whatever reason.

I'm sure mom, grandma, will live with their choices for the rest of their lives. But until I hear that they are DIRECTLY involved, they are victims also ... if only victims of their surroundings, upbringing, education, choices..


If you are in a car while your friend or acquaintance goes inside the gas station robs it, and/or kills the clerk inside - you are legally an accessory whether you knew what was going on or not.

I can't give the mom any grace in this situation. None.
But this occurs every single day. People don't always have a choice where they live... or who their neighbors are. They seemed to trust this family felon friend. Many people have felony convictions that go on to live productive lives. It just so happens that THIS particular felon turned out to be a child murderer, for whatever reason.

I'm sure mom, grandma, will live with their choices for the rest of their lives. But until I hear that they are DIRECTLY involved, they are victims also ... if only victims of their surroundings, upbringing, education, choices..


I suppose you could say we are all VICTIMS of our own choices. That certainly does make it seem that we are not RESPONSIBLE for those choices, doesn't it?
No - it is exactly because we know there are evil people out there that makes it hard for me to not blame the family. < respectfully snipped >

I understand the frustration .. really I do. There is a part of me that wants to shake this mom and say "Why did you do this, or that?"

But not everyone lives (like many of us do) on a site like WS. Many people don't watch (or even own) a TV or computer. They just live their little lives day in and day out with the few little people that they interact with in their life. That is all they know.. really.

I'm not defending mom's choices, only saying that - for now - I will withhold judgement.

God knows, I've not been the perfect parent, and would hate to be judged for some of my choices (even before I had kids) as harshly.

I understand the frustration .. really I do. There is a part of me that wants to shake this mom and say "Why did you do this, or that?"

But not everyone lives (like many of us do) on a site like WS. Many people don't watch (or even own) a TV or computer. They just live their little lives day in and day out with the few little people that they interact with in their life. That is all they know.. really.

I'm not defending mom's choices, only saying that - for now - I will withhold judgement.

God knows, I've not been the perfect parent, and would hate to be judged for some of my choices (even before I had kids) as harshly.


This mother had access to a tv/computer. Over several days that her children were with the convict and had no contact with her, she was gaming through the night and days.
did they say where the sisters are now? is mom still sick or are they back with her?
cubby said:
]That's not what I have been told by persons I know in real life who work in the prison system. Both as nurses and prison guards. I've been told by persons who work in Cook County Jail and who had worked in the same prison Jeffrey Dahmer was murdered that pedofiles are in fact targeted by other inmates who have children of their own.

I spent a fair amount of time myself working in the system. Obviously there are differing opinions on this one, this is mine :)

The guy who will stick a gun out a car window and shoot up a bus stop full of random people, young and old, does not really care about who he hits or what society thinks about it. He doesn't care if he hit a kid or your grandmother. The rapist who savaged an old lady yesterday doesn't have some moral standards that prohibit his raping a little boy tomorrow. The guy who forced the pleading c-store clerk to kneel before sticking the gun in his mouth and pulling the trigger doesn't cringe at the thought of doing the same thing to anyone -- including a child. The guy running the sex trafficking for the local gang, drugging and raping and pimping out teen and pre-teen girls, doesn't get outraged about sex and kiddies and rape and violence.

And every one of these people are just fine in general population. If they are tough. If they have friends. If they have a gang. As I said, and this is true, many of them would pimp out their own children if it allowed them to score some drugs in prison. They would, and do, do it in a second. That's reality.

The reason many child predators are in preyed upon is as I said in my original post (linked below). Now, that might not be the reason that the serial rapist GAVE when asked why he tried to rape the fat middle-aged pedophile, he said it was because he was outraged at this other guy's crime, but it's a mistake to put any more stock in what he says than in what our killer here said in his initial interviews. He preyed on him, not because he was a pedophile, but because he COULD.

Again, just my two cents.

ORIGINAL POST: Respectfully, I just want to comment on one thing that (in my opinion and experience) is a very commonly held misconception about child predators and prison.

There is a common held belief among the general public that sexual predators, and particularly those who target children, are loathed by everyone including inmates -- as if to say that even inmates find this behavior so horrific that they are compelled to action. Many even take satisfaction in this idea, that there will be some rough prison justice in the predator's future.

There is some small amount of truth and wishful thinking here covering a whole bunch of sillyness.

Almost everyone in a prison general population is a predator. They prey on anyone who they see as a potential victim, and most of them are not terribly discriminatory. At best they are sociopaths who really do not care about any of society's generally held ethics and morals. The gang kid might be in prison this time for stealing a car or selling some dope, but that's not the whole story. He has been involved in everything from random drive-by shootings, to drug and sex trafficking, robbery, extortion, violent assault and likely sexual assault, you name it. This fairly typical inmate doesn't give a flying F*U&K about some strangers kid. Most don't really give a damn about their own. The typical inmate would pimp his own kid out in a second if it enabled him to get something.

The real reason that child predators have such a hard time in prison general population is not that they victimized kids, but rather because the typical child predator is SOFT. An easy target. They tend to be older, they are usually not in the exception physical condition of the typical inmate, they are not used to fighting and violence, they are usually relatively new to the system, they have no friends already inside, and no gang affiliations. They are, in a word, victims for the other inmates to prey upon. And the inmates know that this is one category of victim that it is relatively safe to prey upon.

Which is why most child predators go straight into protective custody unit. They recieve the same priveleges and rights as any other inmate, they are surrounded by other similar inmates, many of whom are there for similar offenses. This is not to say that they are safe -- no one in prison is safe -- but they are as safe as one can be outside of death row or some kind of segregation.

But again, the idea that inmates have some ethical boundaries and that even these guys are horrified by crimes against children is, in a word, ridiculous.

Just my two-cents.
There are evil people out there who kill children and they're to blame for killing the children but as families we do not have to ignore all warning signs and deliver our children to these people on a platter. If there is a force majeure that makes it inevitable to leave our children with some fugitive guy it would help if we could try to check on them every day so they could be reported missing the same day they were killed, before the perp has time to cut them up.

Who was it that said Mom didnt call everyday? I forget the source of the statement.
I suppose you could say we are all VICTIMS of our own choices. That certainly does make it seem that we are not RESPONSIBLE for those choices, doesn't it?

Please don't put words in my mouth. This mom is hurting .. I have no doubt. She will question her choices for the rest of her life .. and her life will never be the same.

MP is the killer here.

:seeya: Hug your kids and be thankful today.
also, the grandfather (RSO) is the mother's dad correct?
Please Lord make this stop, RIP sweet Aliahna.

So sick of seeing found deceased by children's names :furious:
Please continue here.

Please remember that discussion of how this young girl ended up in that trailer is relevent to this case. The family is discussable to that end - but there is to be NO BASHING or TRASHING. We still do not know all the circumstances about why Aliahna was with this <modsnip>.

Also remember there is NO NAME CALLING, not even of the perp. I know that is difficult sometimes but we can do it.

Prayers for this little one, may she rest in peace and may her sisters find safety and be allowed to grow up. :(


Thread 1


bumpity-Salem's rules of the road.
Please don't put words in my mouth. This mom is hurting .. I have no doubt. She will question her choices for the rest of her life .. and her life will never be the same.

MP is the killer here.

:seeya: Hug your kids and be thankful today.

You are not the bad guy. Those girls were there because the mom left them there. One of them was murdered. No the mom did not actually murder her own child but she certainly did contribute to the outcome. My understanding is the girls were there for days without the mom checking on them. To say she has zero role in this is to deny facts and logic.
You are not the bad guy. Those girls were there because the mom left them there. One of them was murdered. No the mom did not actually murder her own child but she certainly did contribute to the outcome. My understanding is the girls were there for days without the mom checking on them. To say she has zero role in this is to deny facts and logic.

BBM-who was the source of this statement, does anyone recall?
Who was it that said Mom didnt call everyday? I forget the source of the statement.

Aliahna's mom, Tarah Souders, 28, said she last saw the three girls – one of them a stepdaughter – Tuesday after school. Souders agreed with Plumadore's version of what happened Friday.

We can infer that she didn't call and ask to talk to her kids on Thursday or Friday because if she had she'd have noticed that Aliahna was not there to be spoken to, and she could have been reported missing before 8.45 pm on Friday.
The 'mood' says it ALL! To anyone that bothered to 'look' it up.

That was the first thing I saw and clicked out of it. Did not want to see or read anything else.
Who was it that said Mom didnt call everyday? I forget the source of the statement.

The mother herself said the last time she had SEEN Ali was Tuesday. Not sure about calling?
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