IN - Aliahna Maroney Lemmon, 9, Fort Wayne, 23 Dec 2011 - #4

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I hope that others will take a moment and say a quick prayer or light a candle for MP's previous teen victim. As if she didn't need counseling after MP's harassment, she now has to live with the constant knowledge that "That could have been me."

I hope she can heal fully, now that he is not going to be getting out of jail anytime soon.
What the he-llo!

Sitting on my I want to send a little note to Dawayne and ask him why he's friends with a monster who was convicted and is now in prison for molesting Ali. What is going on in that family? Do we have a child *advertiser censored* ring (just speculating of course).


I suspect -ie it's omo-but I have a gut feeling the sex offenders will be found knee deep in child *advertiser censored*. imoo
I am not making excuses for Aliahna's mother's choices of babysitters. However, I will make an observation regarding "intergenerational" child sexual abuse.

My late husband was Native American-- First Nations -- from Canada and was a victim of sexual abuse at one of Canada's infamous residential schools. He was sexually abused by priests, nuns and fellow students for a number of years, as was some of his other siblings who were also compelled by law to attend the schools.

For a period of time in his life, he made bad choices in partners and had two children by a woman who physically assaulted the children. This woman died of alcohol poisoning when the children were 5 and 7 years old. My late husband was traveling a lot for his work, and asked his sister to take care of his children (this is very common in First Nations families-- the family member would become a "little mother" to the children). They stayed with the sister for a number of years with him visiting them.

Unfortunately, he did not know that both children (boy and girl) were being sexually abused by the sister's common-lawhusband and members of the husband's family. The children were afraid to tell. Once he found out, he removed the children immediately, but the harm was done.

His daughter who had been abused once asked her Auntie why she allowed the abuse to happen and her Auntie replied that it was what was done to her in Residential School, and it was part of life.

As I stated earlier, I am not defending Aliahna's mother's actions or behavior -- but I am trying to understand how a mother could do this. I imagine the mother was herself abused as a child, and has not dealt with the abuse, but instead has justified it somehow in her mind. I can't imagine any other explanation.

With American Indians and First Nation there is also the factor of historical trauma. There are many survivors of boarding school traumas who were/are too timid to speak out.
No kidding. We have all been GOOD.

My sweet hubby heard me saying unkind words at my computer. He brought me a glass of wine and then told me it was time for me to feed all my rescued critters and to give it a rest. My critters ... blind mean azz donkey, 12 dogs, 1 vulture (I rescued/healed and won't leave) + a coyote (I rescued/healed and won't leave) + 3 horses and 2 barn cats that won't leave either. I'm going to pet/love/scratch and in some cases throw food and run like he!!.'ve got the song "The Farmer in the Dell" running through my head, only the version goes something like this:

"The horses chase the dogs, the dogs chase the coyote, the coyote chases the vulture, the vulture chases the cats, and the blind mean azz donkey says 'shaddup already!'" Thanks for a much-needed chuckle.
Apologies in advance for length!

I have seen posts and comments from folks following this case discussing people who live in poverty. They have mentioned the hoarding, the overcrowding, the dirt, the deadbeats and the moving, the drugs, the lack of ambition and general indifference. We all know these leaches exist right? The welfare entitlement class, sitting on their butts, filthy kids in second-hand clothes playing in the broken glass and weeds, parents squatting out more children and smoking crack, their greasy hands held out demanding more freebees from the productive god-fearing people of this great nation.


Wrong. It’s self-congratulatory meritocracy bulls*** based on a whole bunch of false premises, a lack of objective reason, and fear. But let’s begin this with a few simple facts.

In the 50’s and 60’s and 70’s times were pretty good. If you went to work and kept your nose clean, college or not you could easily build a good life for yourself. Hell, one parent could work and support the entire family, not as some executive, but just working in one of our nation’s many factories. The largest employer in America was General Motors. The rest of the top ten consisted mostly of major manufacturers, all paying solid middle and upper middle class salaries to the men and women working on the line. They had healthcare, retirement, holidays, bonuses, you name it.

Today, America’s largest employer, employing about 1.5 million Americans, is Walmart. With an average pay of almost $9 per hour and some benefits, millions of American’s considered them a pretty decent place to work. Number two is McDonalds, not employing high-school kids looking for money to buy a car, but adults desperate for anything to support their families. Rounding out the top ten are companies like Home Depot, Lowes, Target. All pay as close to minimum wage and the fewest benefits they can. This is the new economy, the minimum wage and falling economy.

Approximately one-half the country lives in or near poverty. The vast majority of them work. One out of every four children went to bed hungry last night. Almost two million children, many of them with working parents, are homeless -- they are living in their parent’s car, the local shelter, or on a family-friend’s floor.

Officially, the unemployment rate is hovering at about 9%. This is a measure of people who do not have a job and are actively looking. The broader U6 rating, which includes some of the underemployed, is hovering at just under 20%. Essentially, one in five people want to work, or work more, but cannot find a job. They cannot find a job because there isn’t one. That’s the reality.

Those of us doing well love to pat ourselves on the back. We like to credit our choices, our skills, our merits for our success or security. We look at those doing poorly and believe that it was only their poor choices, their lack of skills, their sins. This wonderful fiction not only allows us to feel better about ourselves and how freaking awesome we are, but it frees us from any responsibility for helping others. They earned it, they deserve it. Bad things, we like to believe, happen to bad people.

In reality “bad things” happen to all people. They happen every single day. Some folks just have better tools to deal with them, and the two best tools anyone can have are money and hope. Poverty eats up both like a fire going through a crackhouse.

When you are doing okay, if something breaks you fix it or replace it with something you believe wont break. When you are poor the money to fix it is always money you needed for something else (that‘s what being poor means), so you leave it. If you have to replace it, you either do without or replace it with the cheapest thing you can find. You know it will break again, you just hope it lasts for a while, you hope when it breaks again you will somehow have the money to buy another cheap one. And around and around you go, your world slowly falling apart around you.

You keep things like a packrat. You tell yourself that it’s because you might need it or some part off of it. Sometimes it’s even true. The reality though is that the poor warehouse this junk for the same reason my depression-era grandmother filled her cupboards with useless oddities. It’s just what poor people do. It piles up, gathering dust, there’s no real way to clean around it, so you make new piles and stacks. Dusty boxes of junk. That’s why Walmart sells so many of those cheap plastic shelving units -- they know their customers.

When you are poor, if the faucet leaks (costing you extra on your water bill) there’s no money to replace it so you ignore it and hope it doesn’t get worse. There is nothing else you can do. Your fifty-year-old furnace is running non-stop, trying to keep up with the cold while sucking your wallet dry, and there’s no money for a service call or tune up, so you ignore it and hope the thing makes it through another winter. The car is making alarming noises, and you know it needs to be fixed now before something worse happens, but you can’t, there’s no extra fifty or hundred or thousand dollars lying around, so like everything else in your life you ignore it and try to hope that somehow, somehow, you will make it through to...

To what? Everything is falling apart. You are behind on your bills, credit is maxed or cancelled. You have sat down and cried at the kitchen table when you added up all the money you would need to get your life back on track. Maybe you figure twenty thousand dollars would do it. That’s not that much. With twenty grand you could pay off all the bills, buy your kids some decent clothes, and you could maybe even get a better car -- one that might even start every time you turn the key. So you do some math. If you can save fifty a month, and assuming nothing new breaks and no one gets sick and nothing else goes wrong, saving that twenty thousand would only take you…

Thirty-three years.

That’s reality for the poor. So they say *advertiser censored** it. There is no money to fix it, no way it will ever get better, anything they try is just going to fail anyway, something will go wrong, there’s no reason to care. With no hope and no future you live for today. It’s never going to get better, so screw it. Order a cheap pizza. Eat at McDonalds. Smoke. Do drugs. You might as well try to enjoy today, because nothing you do today, no sacrifice or effort, will change tomorrow.

Poverty, real poverty, does not inspire, it is a cancer that feeds on hope.

Personally, I believe we can do better. If we can replace a million miles of dirt roads with concrete and superhighways, if we can build dozens of aircraft carriers the size of small cities, and spend trillions blowing the S*** out of people on the other side of the world, if we can bomb their cities into rubble and then rebuild them on the US taxpayer’s dime then if we can we can damn sure take care of our own. Not ONE child should ever be hungry or homeless here. I don’t care if we have to give them a freaking house. Not one parent should have to choose between clothes for her baby or getting that lump in her breast checked out. And if it means some CEO needs to take a cut in his bonus, well, welcome to America -- that mom and her child, EVERY mom and every child is a whole lot more important to me.

Anyway, this rant is long enough. If you made it this far thanks for reading. If it annoyed anyone, sorry.
Maybe she meant they have NOW disabled all the laundry hookups that were per trailer? That's how I originally took it. But seems a bit odd, except if they have to leave the park and go to a public laundry where other people would see what you are throwing in the wash?? Odd sentence, because of what we know re the laundry done in the past.

eta: So, I read about someone mentioning that it was already that Tulley and Shumaker were doing what? Taking Lemmon/Plumadores dirty clothes to the common laundry and doing it for them? WHAT??

I think Shumaker is up to his eyeballs in this. Which probably explains why he lied about who knew who when. They all stick together. I think he was trying to protect TS and probably himself as well.
Wow, mom sure can pick those babysitters can't she? BBM. I'm sure the word "case" is supposed to be "care".


“On Jan. 21, 2010 at approximately 3:20 p.m., DHS case worker Sarah Baker and I [Jeremy Cole] interviewed the defendant [Allen Kennedy] in his home, during the interview Kennedy did admit to partially disrobing Aliahna Lemmon, a seven year old child, and placing his hand on the child’s bare buttock, while the child was in his case on the evening of Jan. 2, 2010,” the affidavit said. “The defendant did so for the sole purpose of self-sexual gratification. The victim, Aliahna Lemmon, confirmed the defendant’s admission.”

That makes me sick,it makes me ill. This person should have been locked up--LWOP. Pedophiles can't imoo be rehabilitated. Poor little Aliahna. If only there were people protecting her instead of abusing her.
THIS^ Is what I can not wrap my mind around..If it happened once, would'nt a mother's reaction be to watch ALL men around their girls/boys? Something is not right and I hope LE agrees. I can't say what I really feel or I'll be banned.:furious:

So...molested twice, one time that we know of by a male babysitter, and possibly a second time in the same situation.

Yeah...leave her with another male babysitter. Good idea! :banghead:

The more I hear, the more I'm convinced that egg donor knew EXACTLY what was happening to her daughter! So who was getting paid? The babysitters or the egg donor? :furious:
~My posts are my opinion, only, and the following is simply my speculation.....

I keep thinking of another heartbreaking case- Shaniya Davis- where the 'mother' traded her child for drugs.

I'm not saying that it happened here, or if it did that it was intentional, but I can't help but wonder if Plumadore may have handed out an 'early Christmas present'.

I can almost picture him saying something like, "You've been through so much with Shorty dying. I know how much you loved him. Here's a little present for you. I'll even take the kids to my house, so you can relax and fully enjoy it".

Nothing like a little meth to make you lose all sense of responsibility, and also lose track of time. I don't know, just something that has been pulling at the edges of my mind since this whole nightmare began. The sheer brutality of what he did to Aliahna....

(It might also help to explain the reports that the mother was up playing games online around 3:00 am, while she was allegedly too sick with the flu to care for her three little girls, and instead allowed them to stay with a single, childless man in his 30's, to whom the children were not even related, over the course of a week).
Chris_Texas: I would agree with you, but I lived it. ANd as much as I would like to say it's just hopelessness, and the cancer of poverty, it isn't. I need to go start a jury room thread, because it's much worse than that. Much worse. It's a matter of just not caring about anyone's pain but their own, no matter how bad it is, no matter if they can change it, and no matter if the pain is being inflicted on their own children, or if they are helping to inflict it. JMO, and experience.

Mobile home where girl died moved from park

The Allen County Chief Deputy Prosecutor says Plumadore's mobile home was moved by the county's request. I'm being told it will be used as evidence. Moving it to a different location allows them to preserve it.

wow - moving the whole mobile home for evidence! Good on em....


Ok...I know the mother and stepfather of Aliahna are Wicca/Pagan (nothing against them) but I'm wondering if MP is into satanism, they worship "the flesh" and self pleasure...He has a tattoo of a pentagram..just thinking out loud.

Well, lots of people who have no religious or esoteric beliefs worship the flesh and self pleasure.

In this case I think evil is just plain evil.

But FWIW the pentacle used in satanism is inverted with two points of the star facing upward and usually encircled by double rings. The pentagram recognised in Wicca has the single point of the star at the top, has only one circle around it, and is indicative of the four elements and Spirit.

Wicca seems to be a fad type religion with lots of folks saying they are but having little understanding of it. JMO. At its heart, it is a beautiful belief-system and peaceful way of life. It is often confused with satanism but could not be more different. JMO and FWIW
Chris_Texas :goodpost:

There are places on the rez where unemployment is in the 80% range.What you have written is magnified even more for those on the rez.

You wrote that kids go to sleep hungry; with the 'BackPack' programs, for some kids what is in that backpack is ALL the child will have to eat for the weekend when they go home. A young 'rez' boy that I sponsored at Christmas wrote on his Wish List that he wanted shoes, it still makes me cry typing this. WTH in this country a boy wants shoes for his Christmas?

Priorities are so skewed and it is the children in this country who are losing because of it. People want lower taxes and don't question when there is across the board cuts in state education.

Thank you for your post, it made me cry but it is 1000% truth.

ETA: I am designing curriculum for 2 rez schools and one element that I have to factor in is suicide, prevention and understanding. Sad commentary on what is happening to youth.
Well, from what you all have uncovered - its kinda obvious why "momma" hasn't shown her face.

But, ya know what?

I want to see her face! I want to hear whatever sad, meaningless, drivel she has to say. She was this child's mother. She brought her into this world. It was HER responsibility to protect her - and she didn't. Period.

Its not fair that now, "momma" gets to hide. Doesn't have to show her face. She should be made to face the cameras.

The poor child hasn't even been laid to rest and "momma" has packed and boxed her belongings up and put them in a storage unit.

I'm going to sit on my hands again. But I had to say this - I want "momma" to face the music, at the very least. At the best - I WANT HER CHARGED!!!!!!

Of course - this is all just my very humble opinion. But that opinion comes from the momma in me. Ever heard the saying "some women aren't meant to be mothers'?

:furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious:

******going to my corner now******

I know for myself I would have been at the courthouse waiting to be in the courtroom when the charges against MP were read, whether he was there or not.
It is so awful when you have to admit to yourself that this child is better off where she is at now. It shouldn't be that way.

The other children need to be removed from this endless cycle of abuse now! And forever! There is no way that could ever convince me that these children should ever be placed back in the care of any of these people.

I understand the sentiment, but no. She is dead. She is never going to smile again.
SO, I suppose, the question is, how did this unrelated 19 year old get access to a seven year old might have been in the article, but it wouldn't load completely for me, so I'm not sure.

Was he another "babysitter"?

I think there is a typo in the article. I think the word 'case' is supposed tobe 'care' ----and if so then he was her 'babysitter.'

“On Jan. 21, 2010 at approximately 3:20 p.m., DHS case worker Sarah Baker and I [Jeremy Cole] interviewed the defendant [Allen Kennedy] in his home, during the interview Kennedy did admit to partially disrobing Aliahna Lemmon, a seven year old child, and placing his hand on the child’s bare buttock, while the child was in his case on the evening of Jan. 2, 2010,” the affidavit said. “The defendant did so for the sole purpose of self-sexual gratification. The victim, Aliahna Lemmon, confirmed the defendant’s admission.”
I think there is a typo in the article. I think the word 'case' is supposed tobe 'care' ----and if so then he was her 'babysitter.'

“On Jan. 21, 2010 at approximately 3:20 p.m., DHS case worker Sarah Baker and I [Jeremy Cole] interviewed the defendant [Allen Kennedy] in his home, during the interview Kennedy did admit to partially disrobing Aliahna Lemmon, a seven year old child, and placing his hand on the child’s bare buttock, while the child was in his case on the evening of Jan. 2, 2010,” the affidavit said. “The defendant did so for the sole purpose of self-sexual gratification. The victim, Aliahna Lemmon, confirmed the defendant’s admission.”

My head hurts from all this...I thought Kyle Kennedy was the offender? Or are they just using his middle name instead of first?

Mobile home where girl died moved from park

The Allen County Chief Deputy Prosecutor says Plumadore's mobile home was moved by the county's request. I'm being told it will be used as evidence. Moving it to a different location allows them to preserve it.

wow - moving the whole mobile home for evidence! Good on em....



Now that is something! Never heard of it before.

Was it even determined if that MH was owned or rented?
45 people (not including guests) are sitting on their hands. The moderators should be really proud. Can we get some alcohol from Caylee's sidebar? I think it is needed here.


I'll take a virgin cesar please!

BBL, in the mean time, everyone take a few minutes to get off their hands and shake them around a bit before they get that pins and needles feeling from falling asleep after sitting on them for so long.

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