In Defense of Mary Lacy

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
LaMer said:
I do! I can't believe this hasn't been posted by someone. I heard it on one of the many programs. That was the only time I heard it. So I thought maybe it was a known thang, and had been something I missed in the very beginning, and was too lazy to go back into the archives for Breaking News. I did hear this! YES!

What I heard was, JR called Dan Abrams. :cool: LOL

Defense of Mary Lacy? HA!

They are using their 'pristine' DNA sample as an excuse.

Dr. Kobolinsky, stated: Maybe a sample (pristine) for evidence in a trial, but not to have confirmed the DNA was match to JMK. :)

In addition, NG interviewed an attorney from Bouldler, who has 20 years service in as an attorney in Boulder. He could not remember one time ever, when Lacy handled a major major death case.

It was clear to me, when listening to her, she is nothing but a Puppet! She was in cohoots with JR, LW and LS, along with working with her staff.

I don't think, she was looking for JonBenet's killer at JonBenet's funeral! ;)

She deserves no slack, not even an inch!
Re: JR broke the story - Yes!! Thank you! I thought I was nuts, i was sure the first to break the story was JR! Maybe ML should consider JR's motives for leaking/breaking this too soon....

And Re: the "Pristine DNA" ruse - ITA! That's bunk, there was pages and pages of emails with dodgy claims about the murder scene, plus there was a family stating he was with them in 1996 Christmas, ya think the wife might recall if hubby was awol for Christmas?

And as for protecting the children JMK was teaching, ML is the DA for Boulder, not Bankok. If her investigation revealed that Karr presented a danger to any children, her responsibility was to alert the Thai authorities, no more. The protecting innocent children rush to action story doesn't wash fo me (What did her sidekick in the news conference say? There was an "event horizon" or something stupid like that...)

Enola said:
No, if the same emails came from another source and she still made the same assumptions because she did not have a full grasp of the case, then I would still consider her behaviour to be stupid and unprofessional. She lacks a grasp of the case!

The fact that it WAS Tracey (a man who was selling a documentary about a totally different 'prime suspect' while emailing Karr) is just the stupid cherry on the stupidity-flavoured icing on the stupid cake.
Reading some of her statements, I came to the same conclusion, that she knows less about the case than any of us web sleuths who followed it and debated it over and over. And that is unfortunate. Could they not at least make her take some time to CONSULT WITH some experts on the case from way back???
sandraladeda said:
Re: JR broke the story - Yes!! Thank you! I thought I was nuts, i was sure the first to break the story was JR! Maybe ML should consider JR's motives for leaking/breaking this too soon....

And Re: the "Pristine DNA" ruse - ITA! That's bunk, there was pages and pages of emails with dodgy claims about the murder scene, plus there was a family stating he was with them in 1996 Christmas, ya think the wife might recall if hubby was awol for Christmas?

And as for protecting the children JMK was teaching, ML is the DA for Boulder, not Bankok. If her investigation revealed that Karr presented a danger to any children, her responsibility was to alert the Thai authorities, no more. The protecting innocent children rush to action story doesn't wash fo me (What did her sidekick in the news conference say? There was an "event horizon" or something stupid like that...)


Howdy, Sandraladeda,:) (love your name :) )

I was beginning to think, I was invisible LOL :) Don't you just love it! That tidbit might be found back in the early days. I dunno. Can't remember who said it, nor which program, but I do remembering thinking, that is a reliable person, when I heard it. I should keep notes, but I get kinda tired. Right now, my eyes are so tired too. :( It must be there somewhere, cause I KNOW I heard it!

O boy, he probably thought, YES--cleared and didn't care if was by hook or crook!
Man, I agree with this. I read those letters, and there is nooooooo way I would have ignored that guy. As a matter of fact, if what I think about him is true, keep watching the news, because he will do something "big." I think the only time I've been as creeped out by reading something like that was when I've read accounts of murders by other killers. Wow, this guy is dangerous, IMO!

SewingDeb said:
No, she couldn't do that, imo. I read about half of the emails between Karr and Tracey last night and they were being passed on. They could not be ignored. He sounds very believable.
I think the greatest disservice she did to herself in the press conference is that she behaved as if she had been fairly persecuted by everyone..thats so woman-like (no disrespect intended).
She made herself look bad by not being strong in her convictions about the arrest. She was too humble-and if anything it was the time to come out with confidence in yourself..not arrogance-but confidence.
Its a role where she shouldnt cater to the prevailing mood-instead stand up and be sure of why u did it-and that u would do it again-no matter who the suspect was-and give those reasons with clear confidence that she had to do it that way..
She made it worse by trying to appease people-people need to be convinced the DA is in control-LE is in control of things-not *advertiser censored* Tracey..
She could have turned this around for herself with conviction in her choices.
I really dont see a male coming out and wussing his way thru..this is when u need balls.
newtv said:
I think the greatest disservice she did to herself in the press conference is that she behaved as if she had been fairly persecuted by everyone..thats so woman-like (no disrespect intended).
She made herself look bad by not being strong in her convictions about the arrest. She was too humble-and if anything it was the time to come out with confidence in yourself..not arrogance-but confidence.
Its a role where she shouldnt cater to the prevailing mood-instead stand up and be sure of why u did it-and that u would do it again-no matter who the suspect was-and give those reasons with clear confidence that she had to do it that way..
She made it worse by trying to appease people-people need to be convinced the DA is in control-LE is in control of things-not *advertiser censored* Tracey..
She could have turned this around for herself with conviction in her choices.
I really dont see a male coming out and wussing his way thru..this is when u need balls.
First, I'm a woman.

I said this very thing while watching the news last night. Why the hell is she cowering and wimpering? This freak nut case admits to killing a little girl in her jurisdiction, there's a lot of evidence that points to him at that time, and she decides to haul his weird *advertiser censored* to CO to get DNA and to talk to him. Sounds perfectly logical to me. And, had she not done those things, CA wouldn't have gotten their claws in him. I think she did fine!!

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