IN - Destiney Warner, Robert & Jessica Blanford for rape of 4yo girl, Jasper, 2016

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A June 4 at 3:07a.m. comment to this May 27 article states (my paraphrasing) It's too bad that Indiana does not terminate parental rights.
Maybe commenter intended to say: too bad the state did not already terminate parental rights of ppl in this case. IDK.Fortunately Indiana law does allow for termination of parental rights. a non-technical/plain English description.

Links to Indiana laws:!tid=NB76E9E7080A911DB8132CD13D2280436
^ Article 35. Juvenile Law: Termination of Parent-Child Relationship!tid=NBD5FEB9080A911DB8132CD13D2280436
^ Chapter 3. Termination of Parent-Child Relationship w Person Convicted of Criminal Offense
"Sec. 4. If:
(1) an individual is convicted of the offense of: (A) murder (IC 35-42-1-1); (B) causing suicide (IC 35-42-1-2); (C) voluntary manslaughter (IC 35-42-1-3); (D) involuntary manslaughter (IC 35-42-1-4); (E) rape (IC 35-42-4-1); (F) criminal deviate conduct (IC 35-42-4-2) (repealed); (G) child molesting (IC 35-42-4-3); (H) child exploitation (IC 35-42-4-4); (I) sexual misconduct with a minor (IC 35-42-4-9);  or (J) incest (IC 35-46-1-3);  and
(2) the victim of the offense: (A) was less than sixteen (16) years of age at the time of the offense;  and (B) is: (i) the individual's biological or adoptive child;  or (ii) the child of a spouse of the individual who has committed the offense; the attorney for the department, the child's guardian ad litem, or the court appointed special advocate may file a petition with the juvenile or probate court to terminate the parent-child relationship of the individual who has committed the offense with the victim of the offense, the victim's siblings, or any biological or adoptive child of that individual.
" bbm sbm!tid=NC29C409080A911DB8132CD13D2280436
^ Chapter 6. Effect of Termination of Parent-Child Relationship
Sec. 4. (a) If the juvenile or probate court terminates the parent-child relationship: (1) all rights, powers, privileges, immunities, duties, and obligations, including any rights to custody, control, parenting time, or support, pertaining to the relationship, are permanently terminated;  and (2) the parent's consent to the child's adoption is not required. (b) Any support obligations that accrued before the termination are not affected.  However, the support payments shall be made under the juvenile or probate court's order.

Unbelievably sad, the horrors this little, little girl was subjected to.
Just lost a long response.

Thank you for the support and taking time to look into this crime and the perps.

It's validating that many of you noted some of the same posts that caught my attention. With a similar repugnance.

I am not one who can sit on their hands. I have contacted many agencies & etc.

I have succeeded in having the child removed from Destiney's parents and placed in a safe home.

Alerted news media. This one picked it up:

says mother only learned of abuse about a week before..what was she at work? and how does it occur she participates?

So, anyway, Robert Blanford served 88 days, did not go to counseling as requested and part of his parole, and re-offended within 6 months.

I read that the avg paedophile will molest 117 (!!!) children over their lifetime.

I want this guy to get LWOP. I plan to write the DA's office. Anyone else want to dash off a letter?

That he is the typical sex offender (tho this sounds like violence increased)..that is all I need to know about him.

I have done a profile and evaluation of Jessica as well but don't want to lose my post again.
Just lost a long response.

Thank you for the support and taking time to look into this crime and the perps.

It's validating that many of you noted some of the same posts that caught my attention. With a similar repugnance.

I am not one who can sit on their hands. I have contacted many agencies & etc.

I have succeeded in having the child removed from Destiney's parents and placed in a safe home.

Alerted news media. This one picked it up:

says mother only learned of abuse about a week before..what was she at work? and how does it occur she participates?

So, anyway, Robert Blanford served 88 days, did not go to counseling as requested and part of his parole, and re-offended within 6 months.

I read that the avg paedophile will molest 117 (!!!) children over their lifetime.

I want this guy to get LWOP. I plan to write the DA's office. Anyone else want to dash off a letter?

That he is the typical sex offender (tho this sounds like violence increased)..that is all I need to know about him.

I have done a profile and evaluation of Jessica as well but don't want to lose my post again.
Hey TDW59, I definitely will write a letter, can you provide an address or email for the DA?
Ditto the last two posts! Send me link/address as I want to do something. It's frustrating to read so much about these cases as I have in past months after joining Websleuths and not be doing something. Even though I have no children I am particularly interested in and disturbed by crimes against children.
I live just NW of Indianapolis and this case has not been in the media. It's just been reported that IN as of July 1 has tougher child trafficking laws but still not tough enough, so change in laws/tougher sentencing can be made. I'll try to post info on that. Don't know how to post--is there a guide on WS for that?
Feel free to pm with any info.
So to these 'people' a four-year old is just an object to use for your own gratification. There is no recognition of the harm they cause or of the actual needs of a child. My mind is numb.

My first guess is that all three of the adults have been sexually molested/abused as children or as teens.
Victims can reabused by predators and then turned into predators themselves.
My first guess is that all three of the adults have been sexually molested/abused as children or as teens.
Victims can reabused by predators and then turned into predators themselves.
Of course that's possible, and it seems reasonable on its face, but we don't know that for a fact and we can't be lenient when a child is damaged in this way. I'm not convinced they have no control over their own impulses. They should be held accountable for this behavior.
The abused turned abuser debate raises its head in almost every one of these types of cases I have followed. My abuser was abused and grew up to abuse. I was abused and did not. What was the difference? Why do most not but some do? I don't know the answers.

I am holding off trying to find an explanation for the inexcusable behavior of all three adults without more info. Regardless of why they have done what they have done their actions are reprehensible.
At some point in our lives, we must take responsibility for our own actions, however, it also depends on the extent of the abuse suffered I suppose.
In some families, it would seem they have been taught that this is normal behaviour :gaah:
Dubois County Prosecuting Attorney
602 Main St
Jasper In 47546

I misspoke...a paedophile will molest children 117 times on average, not 117 children.

I put together small pieces of what I know of Destiney and became certain she had grown up with sexual abuse. Thus my insistence that the victim not be placed with her parents. Apparently CPS found them unfit as they moved the child very shortly after my insistent complaints. "Dear old dad" has taken the crude sexual jokes off his FB, but that is closing the barn door after the horses are out.

I completely missed that the one shared child was removed from the Blanfords and that she is pregnant again!

I see Jessica as pathologically narcisstic. I am not so sure she is madly in love with Robert as she is her fantasized ideal of sacred marriage. She does not respond to him on his page but constantly posts about how marriage should be and how he should treat her. She, herself, has 2 accounts and likes and comments on her own posts. Children are the prop to her view of sanctified motherhood. It's all about her. I considered it noteworthy when she began including Destiney in her posting/in her world.

I believe, due to her narcissism, her life, esp those around her, would be a trainwreck.

It must have upset her deeply knowing she would nor could ever be Robert's sexual preference. So she DECIDED (it was a choice) to join in, to be the one, who would participate in his deviant, deplorable rape of the child.

I don't think she is capable of genuine remorse but do think she would be very remorseful about being in custody.

I will be watching to see if she remains committed to this marriage when she is the one behind bars.
She has 3 level 1 felonies. The detective investigator assures me they will seek the 30 yrs on each to be served consecutively.

I think we will be lucky to see 30 yrs served concurrently.

It is going to take time for me to gain my granddaughter's acceptance and trust.
Well I didn't sleep for almost 2 weeks when I first learned of it, so I guess that is how I so misunderstood the one of Jessica's FB account. I thought she was missing her husband, not her newborn child, but it is clear now. Just wow.

Her mother recently posted on her (Jessica's) page asking for any info of what was going on with her daughter. SMH, seriously?!!
more than a month after she is arrested?
So, guess Jessica is not making any phone calls or getting any commissary.
54 days in custody and counting.

I messaged her links & info. no response & I would bet she's not going to even pick up the phone for her daughter's attorney. not out of disgust but of image of being helpless.

I initially answered with the news article before I realized who she was.

If it weren't a 7+ hour drive, I would be present at every one of the hearings.

The news guy I called said he would not be covering those, saying not much would really happen for about a year for trials to begin. I hope another agency will cover some of them.
I might prompt them with the dates.

I keep thinking Destiney may go for a plea deal. I believe she talked about her parents abuse to CPS as it is the only way I can think that they would have gotten information and moved the child so soon. And when I talked to CPS, I had so little, no real evidence, but sure in my whole being and told them. Go talk to Destiney, she isn't hard to find, she is in custody.
+ a couple small comments I heard could be indicators. I dunno.
Just saw another case here of a young couple assaulting an even younger babe. They got life sentences.

I am wondering why they haven't added to Robert's charges as media indicated they would.

So, today is Jessica's birthday, 25, I think.

I have been truly shocked at the young ages of the perps in several of these child abuse/sexual abuse cases.
Then I had to remind myself how often profilers indicate the 20-30 yrs old range.

Jessica's mom has been communicating with me. Did she really think Jessica would have access to her FB page to see her birthday wishes????? I gave her the address to write or send a card. and info on how to get in touch with her daughter's attorney for questions I have no info about.

I guess one thing we WSers have in common is that we get online and hunt information. We pick up the telephone and call pertinent agencies.

Ignorance does not equal bliss for me.

I just wish I could afford the travel & lodging to go for the next hearings.
I just don't have any news. Well, very little.

My grandaughter (19) has had to move in with "THE" grandparents.

We do not discuss the case, tho my nosey self would like to play 20 questions.

I am pretty sure they are visiting on Sundays. (Destiney)

I do know that no one has put any money in her commissary nor do they intend to.

Her attorney returned my call saying yes, she requests commissary. I am like "That's it?" I asked how she was and he said "pretty good actually" which somehow did not set well with me. I think I wanted to hear how sorry she was and is.

She & Robert have been to their 2nd court appearances..same date, same time. Her next appearance is late August, while his is in October.

Jessica's 2nd appearance is on the 25th.
Someone has gone into Jessica's FB and cleaned it up, removing anything about her case and the exchange with her mother.

Destiney has court later this month. I still haven't written or sent money.

My granddaughter will only say that she disowns her.

My granddaughter had a birthday last week & for the first time I was able to send a birthday gift directly to her. Initially she told me not to bother that it was no big deal, but she wound up quite pleased with the gift card we sent.

No additional charges yet with Robert but he is certainly eligible and should be.

I just get a bad taste in my mouth about dealing with motive is only to find out from her what is really going on with her case.

verification is in process.
Thank you TDW59 for all you're doing!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Is there anymore happening with this?
Firstly I do want to say that I know as a fact, ie the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth that this county is corrupt and is known regionally to be so.

Nevertheless I have talked with the detective investigator a few times.

I began corresponding with Destiney in a mutually robust manner, beginning tentatively in January. I have come to believe she is not guilty of all the charges against her.
From one conversation with the investigator that I did not share, I know her public defender did not do his job because he coached her to take a much worse plea deal than it had been told me as acceptable
Her older daughter, my grandaughter, talked in a meeting saying her mother was not capable of those things.

Her screw up was ignoring the court order and moving in with a sex offender in an attempt to escape an abusive spouse.

did she suspect something a week earlier. I don't know but she did take the young child to the ER for an exam thinking she had a UTI. just 4 days earlier.
The courts and Destiney were adamantly against having the young child testify. as am I.

Therefore and for additional reasons, (intimidation being one) Destiney did a plea deal yesterday. I don't know yet what the sentencing is. It will be a stiff sentence.

I know nothing about the Blanfords at this point. But I will be making a phone call.

I had just sent Destiney the best book I know of about ethics and my favorite therapy book. Got one for myself too. :)
Get Out of Your Mind and into Your Life.
She will likely be moved from county to state before she receives them. Annoying as I called the jail yesterday to see if she would be there long enough to receive mail, was told yes, but today it is a different story.

I have certainly held her feet to the fire about disobeying the court order.

Apparently there is a new kind of lie detector test, a stress test, of some sort. Destiney's father, the child's grandfather who I accused of being abusive declined twice to take the test, forfeiting temporary custody.

I regard Robert Blanford as a sexual sadist and a repeat offender. He would reoffend again and again, I believe. and gradually escalate.
what if he decides to leave no witnesses and becomes a sexual predator serial killer.
I do not want to ever EVER be released from custody again.

What do you all make of Jessica Blanford.?

I will update when there is something to report.

disclaimer: personal knowledge and moo
I keep trying to post and somehow I'm deleting it... sorry if this gets posted 3 times! The mother posting on Jessica's facebook is her birth mother. A few years back she posts on her own page that she is seeking info on her 3 children who were adopted together. Jessica is one of them.
Hi, I am the child of a female predator DO NOT LISTEN TO A SINGLE WORD SHE SAYS. PLEASE FOR THE SAKE OF THAT CHILD. YOUR GRANDDAUGHTER IS MORE THAN LIKELY ALSO SNOWED BY THIS WOMAN. DESTINEY MAY WELL HAVE BEEN SAVEABLE AT ONE TIME BUT SHE KNEW WHAT HE WAS CAPABLE OF WHEN SHE BROUGHT THAT BABY THERE. MY MOTHER USED ME FOR BAIT, PAYMENT, FUN YOU NAME IT. AND EVERYONE LOVES HER. THE OTHER DAY SHE TAGGED ONE OF THE MEN WHO MOLESTED ME ON FB AND MY HUSBAND IN A POST TOGETHER! There are people in this world who are too sick for you to understand. That doesn't mean they are beyond redemption it just means you're not the one to do it. You are too emotionally invested in it. Let go and let her life take its course. Worry about her child and if you can, make sure she can never get near another child again. I would listen objectively to the people around the case not her. OF COURSE SHE IS GOING TO LIE, SHE IS ACCUSED OF THE MOST DISGUSTING THING IN THE WORLD. HAVE THE COPS TESTED THE CHILD FOR DRUGS? That's what my mom did, makes the memories frustratingly hazy... and what is better for a 4 year old than marijuana and a popping pills? She stole my childhood and now I'm financially responsible for both her and my older sister... get that child far away, please.
WHAT is going on with this case???

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