IN - Grandfather charged in cruise ship death of toddler Chloe Wiegand

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This article features several photos of the play area interior, the window in question and exterior of the ship. It even shows a wooden railing.

Missing piece in toddler’s tragic fall

IDK that I like every accident being criminalized, but they must have some reason for bringing these charges. Waiting for more info...

ETA: Was the fall during daylight, sunset or after dark?
It was daylight. From what I read from people who supposedly did see the video, it sounds like the video is very clear exactly what happened and imo if the parents had seen the video they probably would not have gone on TV. They were given the chance to see it but understandably they didn't want to.
It was daylight. From what I read from people who supposedly did see the video, it sounds like the video is very clear exactly what happened and imo if the parents had seen the video they probably would not have gone on TV. They were given the chance to see it but understandably they didn't want to.
Thanks. I found an old article with a little time info:

Toddler who died after falling on Royal Caribbean ship is South Bend officer’s daughter

"... The girl reportedly slipped from her grandfather’s arms and fell 150 feet before hitting the concrete below. Medics rushed the girl to the hospital around 4:30 p.m. She died a short time later. ..."

The grandfather's statements, or the attorney's, is that he thought the window was closed. I just wondered if darkness or glare from brightness contributed to the incident. The .au article states that alcohol was not a factor.
This article features several photos of the play area interior, the window in question and exterior of the ship. It even shows a wooden railing.

Missing piece in toddler’s tragic fall

IDK that I like every accident being criminalized, but they must have some reason for bringing these charges. Waiting for more info...

ETA: Was the fall during daylight, sunset or after dark?

It all depends on what the security video shows and the cruise line so far hasn't let the family see the video. imo, if it clearly shows the grandfather is negligent they would have turned it over immediately and he would have been charged immediately.


Grandfather charged in death of toddler on cruise ship - CNN

The details of the toddler's death have been disputed since the accident. Port Authority officials said Anello sat the girl in the window and lost his balance, and the girl fell to her death.

Winkleman, however, told media that the toddler loved glass and windows, and her grandfather had placed her on a ledge by a glass wall, but had no idea one window within the wall was open.

Royal Caribbean "has still not given us the opportunity to view surveillance video they have of the incident," the attorney said.
I wish they would release the CC video so we could see exactly what happened.

It must be very telling, and different from Grandpa’s story, for LE to be able to use it as grounds for charging Grandpa.

We all must remember that we are constantly under watch by roaming recording eyes.
I wish they would release the CC video so we could see exactly what happened.

It must be very telling, and different from Grandpa’s story, for LE to be able to use it as grounds for charging Grandpa.

We all must remember that we are constantly under watch by roaming recording eyes.
I hope we get to see it , but not counting too much on it. Hopefully I’m wrong though!
It all depends on what the security video shows and the cruise line so far hasn't let the family see the video. imo, if it clearly shows the grandfather is negligent they would have turned it over immediately and he would have been charged immediately.


Grandfather charged in death of toddler on cruise ship - CNN

The details of the toddler's death have been disputed since the accident. Port Authority officials said Anello sat the girl in the window and lost his balance, and the girl fell to her death.

Winkleman, however, told media that the toddler loved glass and windows, and her grandfather had placed her on a ledge by a glass wall, but had no idea one window within the wall was open.

Royal Caribbean "has still not given us the opportunity to view surveillance video they have of the incident," the attorney said.
I think it’s quite possible all this time, was out of consideration and respect for the immediate family, giving them time to grieve. Kudos to them.
A little hard to believe they’d file these Criminal Charges with nothing to go on. But I guess we should all just wait and see.
Thanks. I found an old article with a little time info:

Toddler who died after falling on Royal Caribbean ship is South Bend officer’s daughter

"... The girl reportedly slipped from her grandfather’s arms and fell 150 feet before hitting the concrete below. Medics rushed the girl to the hospital around 4:30 p.m. She died a short time later. ..."

She did not die a short time later, she was dead the moment she hit the ground. An adult could not survive a 15 story fall onto concrete, there is nothing anyone could have done that would have saved her.
It all depends on what the security video shows and the cruise line so far hasn't let the family see the video. imo, if it clearly shows the grandfather is negligent they would have turned it over immediately and he would have been charged immediately.


Grandfather charged in death of toddler on cruise ship - CNN

The details of the toddler's death have been disputed since the accident. Port Authority officials said Anello sat the girl in the window and lost his balance, and the girl fell to her death.

Winkleman, however, told media that the toddler loved glass and windows, and her grandfather had placed her on a ledge by a glass wall, but had no idea one window within the wall was open.

Royal Caribbean "has still not given us the opportunity to view surveillance video they have of the incident," the attorney said.

BBM. That's just not true. To charge a grandfather in the death of his own grandchild after everyone who witnessed the incident saw that he was beside himself with horror and grief is a very serious thing to do. There is no way that he would be charged without solid evidence in a case like this.

The emotional implications are huge.

Let me add though that speeding tickets do not infer a murderous intent. That makes zero sense to me.

This was not intentional, IMO. To suggest that this man knowingly placed his baby granddaughter there and dropped her so his family could sue -not even him- doesn't make sense. It would be too easy for someone to see what he was doing, there's no benefit to him and speeding violations imply he's violent?


But no justice department is going to charge a grieving grandpa who likely continues to suffer greatly, without solid proof that he grossly neglected his duty of care such that a baby died as a result.

I agree with those who feel perhaps the delay was to allow the family to grieve.

Their going to put a sobbing elderly man on the stand who is described as his grandaughter's best friend. Who never put her in harm's way prior to this. That's going to be some tough optics. He may not even decide to stick around for trial.

I don't think they would dare charge in a case like this without clear evidence that he committed a crime due to his actions of placing the baby where he did. I'm betting the video shows he was aware the window was open and kept her there regardless. And then he lost his grip.
The child supposedly liked to bang on glass wall at the hockey ring. But hockey glass is either tempered glass or plexiglass. Those are build to withstand impact. Not necessarily so window glass. So I would think holding a toddler to a window so she could bang on it wouldn't be a good idea even if one believed window was closed.
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There is a video done 3 years ago by a guest on the same boat (different trip), same deck along the window area (not sure if it's the exact same side as the incident occurred on but the deck is symmetrical so the other side would be the exactly the same). This video completely blows all the family's arguments out of the water.

1 - they claim that there was no way of knowing the window was open. Video you can clearly see even from a distance from the way the glass is tinted that the dark windows are glass and the open windows are dramatically lighter. Possibly at night, this might be difficult to see, but not on a sunny afternoon.

2 - that this was a "hazard located in a children's play area". While you can see a splash pad off to the left it's quite some distance from the windows. The windows are clearly in a seating/lounge area, and in fact, there are mostly adults relaxing here and hardly if any children playing because there's nothing to play on/with in the sheltered seating area.

3 - that she didn't "fall from his arms". the video turns to the side while in the window frame and you can see exactly how narrow the rail they claim he set her on is. There is no way any rational person would put a wobbly 2 year old on a rail like that and not hold onto them for fear of even just having a foot slip and fall down hurting herself on the rail itself. Claiming specifically that she didn't "fall from his arms" never really helped their case to begin with. They way they said it on tv, it sounds like they want you to believe he just set her there and let go to lean on the glass, expecting the glass to hold her up. Still highly irresponsible even if the window was closed.

4 - That she wanted to be "lifted so she could bang on the glass". The fact the video shows windows along the floor she was more than capable of banging on from floor level without being set on the rail also doesn't help their argument. Especially combined with the publicly released photos of her at the hockey rink, on the floor at the glass, not being held up by anyone. Why the sudden need to be held to bang on the glass if she never had to before?

Even with this video aside, the family basically shot their civil lawsuit in the foot by claiming she had been intentionally set on the railing. This clearly violates Royal Caribbean's guest conduct policy, last revised Nov 2018 prior to the incident. The policy that all guests receive a copy of clearly states on the top of Page 2:

"Unsafe Behavior: Sitting, standing, lying or climbing on, over or across any exterior or interior railings or other protective barriers, or tampering with ship’s equipment, facilities or systems designed for guest safety is not permitted. Guests may not enter or access any area that is restricted and for the use of crew members. Any other unsafe behavior, including failure to follow security instructions, is not permitted."

They admit that they engaged in unsafe behavior in violation of the ship's rules of conduct. Even if you argue that they probably didn't read them, the ships always have a safety briefing before departure that includes things like evacuation information and warnings not to climb on rails because of risk of falling overboard.

This was definitely a tragedy, but the fact they were so willing to fly straight to the media and tell their story there but not give an official statement to investigators after the initial questions at the time of the incident raised huge red flags for me. Even if it was nothing more then a horrible accident, they went way to defensive and started threatening way to loudly they were going to sue way to fast.

jmho though
As I recall, the closed windows are tinted, so it would be obvious a window was open (for ventilation). “Negligent homicide” is not the same as murder, so I don’t believe he did this on purpose. But people do stupid things that cause death. The charges reflect the decision by LE, on reviewing the evidence, that he was careless and didn’t take normal precautions, as defined below:

“Negligent homicide occurs when a defendant kills another person while engaging in conduct that they should have known carried risks.
In all criminally negligent homicide examples, the prosecution must show that the crime included the following elements:
  1. The defendant was aware of the risks associated with the actions that led to the other person’s death.
  2. The defendant acted, or failed to act appropriately in a dangerous situation, and that action or inaction caused the victim’s death.
  3. There is a direct link between the defendant’s conduct and the victim’s death.”
Negligent Homicide - Definition, Examples, Cases, Processes

As we discussed and debated regarding the lawsuit on the previous disappearing threads (lawyer pressure?), these windows were not within the play area. I don’t know if there was formal supervision within the play area, but the cruise line was certainly not responsible for supervising children outside that area. The open windows were out of reach of children and had a bar in front. A child Chloe’s age would not have been able to reach an open window unassisted. Her grandfather made that possible, and there is a direct connection between his actions and her death.

It’s truly a tragedy.
Not awful, but can’t help but notice all his past tickets for failure to wear a seatbelt

note: the first link is time sensitive. The second is a blank search - enter name.

Indiana Supreme Court public access case search - MyCase

Indiana Supreme Court public access case search - MyCase

edit: clarifying links

Five seatbelt violations and two speeding tickets plus one mystery criminal misdemeanor since 1996...he wasn’t exactly known for being safety conscious! Most of us would have made sure to wear a seatbelt after the first infraction in 1996. That says a lot about his judgement IMO.
Five seatbelt violations and two speeding tickets plus one mystery criminal misdemeanor since 1996...he wasn’t exactly known for being safety conscious! Most of us would have made sure to wear a seatbelt after the first infraction in 1996. That says a lot about his judgement IMO.

And what kind of speeding ticket - that is a safety issue, and speeding can be dangerous to others by definition (through a school zone, on a road with lots of pedestrians, etc.) I can't be the only person passed on the Interstate by someone going 90 who seems intent on hurting themselves or others.
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