GUILTY IN - Katlyn 'Katie' Collman, 10, Crothersville, 25 Jan 2005

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princessmer81 said:
Sorry, I must have heard it wrong. I thought that on my local news they said that she was abducted from school. I am praying for this little girl and her family. I hope that she is safe and returned home soon.

Princess....I was confused too. Some stories say store, some say school. It sounds like she did leave the store, but was seen by someone in a truck around the school.

I have not seen anything about this story on the cable news channels. Are any of them covering this? Prayers for Katlyn and her family.
I'm on my computer and am trying to figure out how to open another window...yikes. ...anyway I just copied save time.
On Google News two hours ago.

Friday, January 28, 2005

Search for Katie continues


CROTHERSVILLE — An Amber Alert issued Thursday in the disappearance of a 10-year-old Crothersville girl Tuesday afternoon brought hope to at least one family member.

“I think it will do a lot of good,” John Neace said of the alert issued for his daughter, Katlyn Maria “Katie” Collman.

But so far Collman remains missing as does the white pickup in which she was last seen riding with a white man around town about 4:30 p.m. Tuesday.

Police issued a sketch of that man this morning. He was described as 5-feet-8-inches six-feet tall, very skinny, 18 to 20 years old with short dark hair and a fair complexion. He also was smoking a cigarette when seen with Collman.

Crothersville Police Chief Norman Ford, who is heading the investigation, said this morning police continue to receive information about Collman’s disappearance.

“We’re getting new information all the time, but we haven’t developed anything significant,” Ford said today from a command post set up at the Crothersville-Vernon Township Volunteer Fire Department.

Neace said he is confident somebody has information about his daughter’s disappearance and that they will come forward.

“It was between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. so it was light out,” Neace said.

“Somebody seen something,” Neace said. “Somebody knows exactly what happened.”

Collman was reported missing at 8:20 p.m. Thursday by Neace, who was at work at a factory in town.

Neace said he made that call after talking with his wife, Angie Neace.

He added that his wife said Collman had gone to the Dollar Store on North Armstrong Street (U.S. 31). The couple first thought the girl might have went somewhere with a friend who was trusted by the family, John Neace said.

“She sometimes packed them up and goes to Wal-Mart,” he said.

Neace’s wife, however, eventually reached the family friend, who said Collman was not with them. Police later determined that Collman went to an apartment complex near the Dollar Store, then went to the store and back to the apartments before disappearing.

According to the Amber Alert issued around noon Thursday, Collman was last seen Tuesday riding in a white Ford F150 pickup with a white man described as 5-feet-8-inches six-feet tall, very skinny, 18 to 20 years old with short dark hair and a fair complexion. He also was smoking a cigarette when seen with Collman.

Jerry Goodin, public information officer with the Indiana State Police at Sellersburg, said during a press conference Thursday afternoon that many tips from Indiana and even Kentucky had been generated by the Amber Alert.

“We have literally millions looking for Katlyn now,” Goodin said.

The Tribune has received some e-mail complaints about why an Amber Alert was not issued immediately.

Goodin said the alert was not issued sooner because Collman’s disappearance was being treated as a missing person, since police had no evidence she had been abducted.

Information received by police Wednesday about Collman being seen in the truck between 4:20 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Tuesday was bolstered by other witnesses in the ensuing hours, and that led to the request for the Amber Alert, Crothersville Police Chief Norman Ford said.

An alert has to meet certain criteria before it can be issued, Goodin said.

“There are 10,000 missing children in America each year, and without specific information the system becomes diluted,” he said.

The criteria includes evidence that a child has been abducted and is in danger of serious bodily harm or death, and there must be enough descriptive information to believe the broadcast would help.

“We don’t want people out there looking for a green Dodge when it’s a white Ford,” he said.

Goodin said the pickup is a late 1980s to early 1990s model, but police have no idea who the man is or why he took Collman.

He added that police have not ruled out anyone as a suspect in Collman’s disappearance, and that police are using every resource they have available, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, to bring her home to her family.

Neace said his daughter’s disappearance had been hard on his wife and other family members, but that the family has been receiving a lot of support from family, co-workers and residents of the small southeastern Jackson County community.

“It’s been terrible,” the soft-spoken man said.

“I’ve have a stepdaughter at home. She’s older. She is really upset.”

Goodin said asks person who abducted Collman not to harm her, but to leave her at a truck stop or other public area.

“You can leave,” Goodin said to the abductor through the media.

Goodin also said police continue to look for links between Collman’s disappearance and an attempted abduction of a child in Austin on the same day. He said so far there is nothing tying to the two together.
I don't understand why a 10 year old was allowed to walk anywhere by herself. If parents can learn ONE thing from all of these abductions, PLEASE let it be that children should NOT be alone outside!!!!!!!! :doh: :doh: :doh:
Jeana (DP) said:
I don't understand why a 10 year old was allowed to walk anywhere by herself. If parents can learn ONE thing from all of these abductions, PLEASE let it be that children should NOT be alone outside!!!!!!!! :doh: :doh: :doh:
So true, you really can't let your kids out of sight anymore. When I was lyoung(in the 80s and early 90s) I could walk the mile to school, go down to the park and ride my bike to the store with friends. Kids can't do that anymore :(
Maybe part of the reason for the child obesity epidemic is that children can no longer play outside without close adult supervision.
I think you're onto something, for sure. When I was about Katlyn's age, if it was nice out my mom would show me the door after breakfast. I'd ride my bike, go rollerskating, wander the neighborhood & whathaveyou until she whistled for me to come home for lunch. No lie - she whistled for me. She has this ungodly loud whistle I could hear well over a half-mile away.

Anyhow, I'd come home, eat lunch, then go right back out again until evening rolled around and dinner was on.

To think of letting my daughter do that now gives me a heart attack!
Jeana (DP) said:
I don't understand why a 10 year old was allowed to walk anywhere by herself. If parents can learn ONE thing from all of these abductions, PLEASE let it be that children should NOT be alone outside!!!!!!!! :doh: :doh: :doh:

I know what you mean, but most people really never could imagine something
so awful happening to their family. When I was her age (and younger) I was always going places
on my own or with my brother. Child abduction just
wasn't really in people's minds 20 some years ago, I guess. Many people today are happily unaware of the tragedies that occur all too often
anymore...until it strikes their family.

I pray for her family's strength as they go through this and sure hope Katie will
be found alive!!!! I just don't know how anyone can get through this.
God be with them and young Katie.
I agree with all of you. Its not like it was when we were growing up. And I hate to say this, but I don't buy the "we never thought it could happen to us" theory. Anyone who has an inkling of common sense KNOWS that children are getting snached up every day. Children are getting taken out of their own front yards, so forget about allowing them to venture off of their own property!!! I know its not easy and children need to be children, but parents MUST use some common sense!
I also agree!! It is astonishing to think how many abductions would not have happened if the parent or person in charge used common sense.

There is no substitute for a parents time and complete attention!
princessmer81 said:
So true, you really can't let your kids out of sight anymore. When I was lyoung(in the 80s and early 90s) I could walk the mile to school, go down to the park and ride my bike to the store with friends. Kids can't do that anymore :(
Maybe part of the reason for the child obesity epidemic is that children can no longer play outside without close adult supervision.

We live in a cul-de-sac in a nice neighborhood...but I don't allow my children to even go across the cul-de-sac to play without watching them all the way. They are never allowed to be outside in the front yard alone. NEVER. And we live in a nice, quiet, small town. We are only 1 hour away from the city (Prattville, AL) where 11-year-old Shannon Paulk was abducted and murdered about 2 years ago, and they have never caught her killer. I always think of that. There is a child murderer still out there within a 1-hour radius of us, probably. Totally makes my skin crawl. It only takes a minute for your precious child to disappear...everyone, please be watchful. Prayers for sweet Katie Collman to come home safely.

EDITED TO ADD: When poor little Carlie Brucia was abducted and murdered this past summer, they for a while thought that the monster who killed Carlie might have also killed Shannon Paulk. He was apparently in this area when Shannon went missing, but he was later ruled out.
Usher737 said:
I also agree!! It is astonishing to think how many abductions would not have happened if the parent or person in charge used common sense.

There is no substitute for a parents time and complete attention!

Yes.Though It isn't always easy knowing just how much freedom you can safely give
your children nowadays. Mine are allowed out as long as they stay where
I can see them. period. And I live out in the middle of nowhere with a big,
long driveway and a large dog that would give his life for them. Sometimes
I'm sad that they can't experience some of the adventures in our woods
that I got to experience as a child...but what they don't know I guess they cannot miss.

When my mom was young (back in the 50's) someone tried to talk her into his car while she was walking home from the store on Rt.613(Paulding, Ohio). She wisely
went to the nearest house and said it was her home. He wasn't bold
enough to grab her thankfully.
[Editted by me to remove the Paulding story....too sad...I'd hate for parents
with missing children to read it.]

My kids LOVE to wrestle with their Daddy. They think it is just so fun...
like they really will conquer---and he always kinda lets them win, but
sometimes I am haunted by just how weak they truly are compared to the stregth of a grown man.

Prayers for Katie! AND all our children!

princessmer81 said:
So true, you really can't let your kids out of sight anymore. When I was lyoung(in the 80s and early 90s) I could walk the mile to school, go down to the park and ride my bike to the store with friends. Kids can't do that anymore :(
Maybe part of the reason for the child obesity epidemic is that children can no longer play outside without close adult supervision.
Kids were never really able to do that, parents just didn't know any better because you didn't see all of the abductions on the Internet and Television like you do now. One of the scariest things I saw was an old re-run of Dragnet (from back in the 50's) where a man kidnapped a girl from a park, with her parents not 25 feet away. Dragnet was made up of true stories, BTW. It always happened, people just didn't hear about it. Spousey's father tells of a child molester who lived in another town and used to cruise neighboring towns for kids. The towns were a half hour travel time apart, but NEVER shared newspapers, so they didn't know there was a serial child molester (until a father caught the SOB and beat him within an inch of his life, and he admitted what he had done just to get the police to take him away)
Ghostwheel said:
Kids were never really able to do that, parents just didn't know any better because you didn't see all of the abductions on the Internet and Television like you do now. One of the scariest things I saw was an old re-run of Dragnet (from back in the 50's) where a man kidnapped a girl from a park, with her parents not 25 feet away. Dragnet was made up of true stories, BTW. It always happened, people just didn't hear about it. Spousey's father tells of a child molester who lived in another town and used to cruise neighboring towns for kids. The towns were a half hour travel time apart, but NEVER shared newspapers, so they didn't know there was a serial child molester (until a father caught the SOB and beat him within an inch of his life, and he admitted what he had done just to get the police to take him away)

Just 1/2 hour apart and clueless!
I'm glad someone had a chance to beat the liuving daylights out of
someone like that. I hope he never got (or gets) out of prison.

The story I editted out was of the
unsolved(though they pretty much knew
who did it according to my mom) murder of a young girl some 40
or more years ago in the
tiniest of towns in NW Ohio. She was young...can't quite remeber if she was
10 or 12 when this happened.(Sad. She is buried
in the graveyard across from where my mom lived growing up). I've
tried looking up information on the case, but It's nowhere on the net.
It is a haunting story.
No updates today on Katalyn. I have been checking the Indy Star website, but nothing new.
:( :furious:
(CROTHERSVILLE, In., January 30, 2005, 4:29 p.m.) -- Police cancelled an Amber Alert for Katlyn "Katie" Collman Sunday after an Indiana State Police trooper located the remains of the 10 year old southern Indiana girl. He was on patrol about five miles north of Seymour, Indiana when he found her body in a stream.

Collman had been missing since Tuesday afternoon, when she was last seen at Crothersville Community School in southern Jackson County.

A murder investigation is underway and there is now a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person who killed Collman.

Investigators are still searching for the man they described in the Amber Alert.

He's a white male, 5 feet 8 inches to 6 feet tall, very skinny, 18 to 20 years old with short dark hair and a fair complexion. He was last seen in a white Ford F-150 pick up truck made in the late 1980s or early 90s.

Anybody with information about this case should call the Jackson County Sheriff's Department at (812) 358-2141 or Indiana State Police in Seymour at (812) 522-1441.

I pray justice is swift for this precious child.
Rest in peace, Katlyn. You will not be forgotten.

With love to the Collman family, Lanie
Y'all just beat me posting the sad news. It might have been different news if the Amber Alert had been issued sooner. In this case, it failed miserably. Idiots. It doesn't take two freaking days to figure it out and issue it.

May she rest in peace and God be with her family and may the murderer be brought to swift justice.
Dark Knight said:
...It might have been different news if the Amber Alert had been issued sooner. In this case, it failed miserably. Idiots. It doesn't take two freaking days to figure it out and issue it. ...

May I print this first sentence on a T-shirt? I'm truly tempted.

Amber Alert did not fail this child, but in my opinion LE did.
They also failed her family, imo, by not issuing the AA immediately.

TEN year olds don't just disappear.

The parents know their child better than anyone.

If you must question the parents, do it, but please do NOT delay the search.

Immediate alerts and SAR is what brings them home safely. I cannot express that enough. The first few minutes and hours (probably three) are the most crucial in an abduction.

Search and Rescue teams cannot do their work if LE doesn't notify them of missing children and adults.

There is something each of you can do to help with this problem. Please write your local LE agency about how important it is to work with other people to get our missing, lost and abducted home ALIVE. I'll be happy to send you the information to include in your letter.

The only way we are going to save more lives is if we have a combined effort.
The community has to unite to find our missing loved ones.

If anyone has any questions about things you can do to raise awareness, pls. e-mail me at

With prayers of HOPE for the future, Lanie

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