IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 #11

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To add to what others have said. I've actually been prescribed Adderall for a many years now for ADHD. Along with Ritalin, it is a very common stimulant ADHD drug. When you have ADHD, it mostly makes your brain normal and lets you concentrate. If you don't have ADHD it works much more as an upper. From my recent experience in grad school, it is VERY COMMON among students (grad and under). Even non-partying geeks do it to help them stay up and study. If you have a prescription, you will be asked to sell your pills. Students will crush Adderall (Ritalin too) and snort it like coke. Like cocaine, it will counter the effects of alcohol and allow you to drink longer with less depressive effects. If a group of kids is into coke and xanax, it is impossible for me to believe they're not using Adderall or Ritalin also. Any more questions? I'm an expert on this.

You are right..... I HAVE been asked to sell my pills. I've been on Adderall for years for ADHD and I am very diligent about securing/hiding my pills. Since I truly have ADHD it doesn't make me "high" or anything. It actually slows me down, I become less hyper and I am able to concentrate much better. It doesn't speed me up at all. Years ago when I dabbled in drugs on just a FEW occasions, I did try meth and it had no affect on me whatsoever. It was like I had not even done it.

Where are you Lauren?? We need to find you!
Dad spoke to Eyewitness News13 tonight:

Some of those friends might have been with Lauren in the minutes or hours before she disappeared. But did any of them show up in 300 hours of surveillance video police say they have reviewed?

"I don't think it is necessary for us to see all of the tapes. They have described them to us, what is on some of the tapes," Spierer said.
Dad spoke to Eyewitness News13 tonight:

Some of those friends might have been with Lauren in the minutes or hours before she disappeared. But did any of them show up in 300 hours of surveillance video police say they have reviewed?

"I don't think it is necessary for us to see all of the tapes. They have described them to us, what is on some of the tapes," Spierer said.

I thought POIs aren't searching because they were asked not to? It wouldn't be a smart idea for POIs to search even if they weren't asked. For obvious reasons.
Hello WS! I have been lurking for awhile and decided to make a post!
If CR was attacked by some of JW friends AND this was all caught on video, why have these friend/s not been arrested for assault?

GREAT point.

Welcome to Websleuths! :seeya::seeya::seeya:
I know it is not a good idea for POI's to search, even if allowed...but I think her dad and mom are frustrated that none of her friends who saw her last are even around. They could be signing in people to search, handing out the gloves, something...if they weren't all in CYA mode.
I read a comment yesterday, honestly I read several different boards, I don't recall which, perhaps PT, that the 5 North dumpster is scheduled for 5:30 a.m. pick-up and it is transferred to Terre Haute. For the record, the comment was well written in complete sentences. Good tone, grammar and spelling, unlike a lot of the other ones. Grin.

If that is the case, it was dumped before it was reported that Lauren was missing. :(
Regarding the question of why POI haven't been arrested for assault--simple assault (one or two punches) is a pretty weak charge unfortunately and LE probably doesn't think it's worth wasting it on a major POI. Most simple assault charges don't go anywhere.
As of June 3, had LS completely finished all of her college assignments? Did she miss any important appointments in the week following her disappearance?
"She planned to stay in Bloomington for part of this summer to take a course at Ivy Tech before starting an internship at the clothing store Anthropologie in New York City."
I haven't been on in a few days, but is ZO a POI? I was friends with him through HS.. really hope not.

ZO has never even been named in the MSM that I am aware of. At a recent press conference, Captain JQ said the number of POIs [10] was not a solid number and changed daily. Additionally, at the last news conference , Captain Q stated that no one that has been mentioned in the media has been cleared.
IF he had been an unnamed POI, my guess is that he could even be cleared by now.

When asked if Spierer’s friends hold the key to her disappearance, Qualters answered, “Maybe that’s one of the reasons why they don’t contact us.” He called it perplexing, curious, disturbing and unfortunate.

No one mentioned in the investigation so far has been cleared by police, Qualters added.
I was going back over the Indianapolis Star article from June 10 (the one with Rossman's lawyer being extensively quoted), and came across this:

After Rossman's roommate put him to bed, Salzmann said, Spierer left the apartment to go back home -- and was seen by at least two other people after she left. He said Rossman was not the witness police said saw Spierer rounding a corner on her way home.

A neighbor at Rossman's building, Keith Turner, told the Journal News the man who reported last seeing Spierer was another neighbor at the building and a good friend of Rossman's. Repeated knocks on that neighbor's door were not answered.

Okay, who were the "at least two other people" who saw her after she left CR/MB's townhouse? If one was JR (the "another neighbor"), who was the second?

I also thought this part about the Smallwood altercation was interesting:

Lauren Spierer's father, Robert, told the Journal News he had been told the video shows his daughter and several men in an argument.

When asked about the video, Bloomington Police Lt. Bill Parker said, "Lauren was not involved in any altercation."

A new article notes the contrast between the efforts to find Lauren and the relatively low profile case of Crystal Grubb, another IU coed who went missing after partying with friends in September 18, 2010. Her body was found two weeks later, and her murder remains unsolved.

For some reason, the tone of this article really bothers me. I think the fact that NYC media got involved probably has more to do with the word getting out nationally. I can't figure out how an IU coed is/was also a transient/homeless person (not sure that's what they're saying in the article by using the word "like"). Had she once gone to school there? From following missing person cases, socioeconomic background has nothing to do with people coming out and searching for missing children.
This is just wrong, IMO.
I was going back over the Indianapolis Star article from June 10 (the one with Rossman's lawyer being extensively quoted), and came across this:

Okay, who were the "at least two other people" who saw her after she left CR/MB's townhouse? If one was JR (the "another neighbor"), who was the second?

I also thought this part about the Smallwood altercation was interesting:


I guess they mean Lauren personally was not involved in the altercation, not physically...
Regarding the question of why POI haven't been arrested for assault--simple assault (one or two punches) is a pretty weak charge unfortunately and LE probably doesn't think it's worth wasting it on a major POI. Most simple assault charges don't go anywhere.
IDK what the law is there, but here, it's up to the assaulted person to press charges if the police weren't called. and then it pretty much comes down to who threw the 1st punch. I'd guess after reviewing the video, LE could possibly move forward without this guy pressing charges, but I'm just not sure...too many variables could have happened before the video caught the action.
I find the discrepancies between this IDS story from June 7th and what we "know" now to be fascinating:

At a press conference this morning, BPD Lt. of Detectives Bill Parker said Lauren was hanging out with friends Thursday night, June 2. They were drinking at Kilroy’s Sports, a bar on the intersection of Eighth and Walnut streets, according to friends’ testimonies and Kilroy’s cameras.

Lauren left Sports with a friend at 2:30 or 2:40 a.m. She left behind her cell phone and shoes, Parker said. The items are in police custody. Lauren likely left her shoes because there is a fenced-in beach and sand area at the bar.

The two walked to Lauren’s apartment complex, Smallwood Plaza, but video cameras show she did not enter her apartment. The friends stayed inside the complex for a short time and then headed north to another friend’s apartment.

The two met up with friends at an apartment complex on the corner of 11th and Morton streets. Police found a small purse and keys that belong to Lauren along this route. Parker said he thinks Lauren left the items on the way to the apartment complex.

The two went into one apartment, then to another apartment a few doors down to hang out with some friends.

Around 4:30 a.m. Lauren told her friends she felt like heading home to Smallwood. A male friend watched Lauren leave the apartment. He saw her last on the corner of 11th Street and College Avenue, he told police. That male friend was the last person to see Lauren, Parker said.

Police are interviewing everyone Lauren was known to hang out with that night. Parker said police are focusing on about 10 people of interest, but they have no official suspects.

So was this just people not getting their stories straight, or was it some form of deception?
For some reason, the tone of this article really bothers me. I think the fact that NYC media got involved probably has more to do with the word getting out nationally. I can't figure out how an IU coed is/was also a transient/homeless person (not sure that's what they're saying in the article by using the word "like"). Had she once gone to school there? From following missing person cases, socioeconomic background has nothing to do with people coming out and searching for missing children.
This is just wrong, IMO.
Wow, that article is just incorrect. Crystal Grubb was not an IU co-ed. And she wasn't "partying" as much as hanging out with her boyfriend and a couple of his friends in/near the woods. For the record, most of us in Bloomington heard nothing about Crystal's case until Lauren disappeared.
Wow, that article is just incorrect. Crystal Grubb was not an IU co-ed. And she wasn't "partying" as much as hanging out with her boyfriend and a couple of his friends in/near the woods. For the record, most of us in Bloomington heard nothing about Crystal's case until Lauren disappeared.

The article doesn't actually claim Crystal Grubb was a co-ed. There are some confusing sentences comparing Crystal to Lauren.
I find the discrepancies between this IDS story from June 7th and what we "know" now to be fascinating:

So was this just people not getting their stories straight, or was it some form of deception?

I think the differences are likely due to reporting. The story seems to be close enough, except in some instances "friends" might need to be replaced with "friend." Although we still don't know if anybody can support JR's story-was there anyone else with him even for a part of the night? The lawyer implied there were other people who saw LS in addition to CR and MB. Maybe there is a person whose name we don't know who claims to have seen her in addition to JR, MB and CR?
My post did not describe my impression of her facial expression or body language; but merely asked that the reader make note and draw their own conclusions.

But it's interesting that your thoughts seem to follow mine exactly.

One of my theories (and please remember that a theory is not a proven statement) is that LS was unhappy in her situation, perhaps angry or depressed and left of her own accord.

And, no, this theory does not necessarily reflect negatively on her character. Different people experience life different ways. She may have been suffering in some way that we don't understand.

Methinks thou do protest toooo much.

I am not alone in my issue with the conclusions you alluded to.. And sorry it's your opinion that I protest too much! That's my prerogative to have the opinion I have and to state just as you to yours.. I have nothing else to say on the matter and do not waste time arguing..:)
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