IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #16

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I wonder if she was put into a car by someone in the gravel lot. Makes sense if the search dogs picked up on her trail there but then lost it.

It would be interesting to know precisely when a search dog wouldn't be able to track anymore / a cadaver dog would be able to start. I read about this briefly on the internet, and recall reading that search dogs are specifically trained to pick up "live" scents, and they purposely not exposed to the scent (human remains).

Being taken away in a car during the night would certainly be a logical conclusion, but what is the likelihood that a vehicle would not have been picked-up on one of the cameras?

I know it's been stated on here that she could in fact have left the area on foot w/o being captured on camera, but have we conclusively determined whether it would be possible to leave via vehicle w/o being spotted?
Are we going to start investigating every place that LS went on vacation?

I get it that everyone's theory should have the opportunity to be discussed, but at what point to we draw the line?

Actual sleuthing discussion will diminish in the LS threads if we start running to investigate outlandish theories in Isreal.

This may get deleted, and I'm sorry mods if it is crossing the line. This is mild compared to what I actually want to say, but know that it would get deleted.
I don't want to me morbid or down, but has anyone checked all the buildings thoroughly - remember the sad case of poor Annie Le. And recently a missing person, later found to have gone into a ventilation system, and no, sadly, the decomp smell was not detected. Also the young man who was inadvertantly electrocuted in his dorm's power room, no one found him for many months I believe. I just think they should check the likely buildings as closely as they may. This case is so sad and baffling.

The most recent example of this, which I believe you are referring to above, was a young woman in Austin, TX who was trying to get into a locked building via duct work.

Personally, I keep coming back to this theory, in that Lauren walked somewhere unexpected and got stuck in a nook or a cranny. Regarding your question about everything being searched, I seriously doubt it, due to the fact that much of it is private property.
Being taken away in a car during the night would certainly be a logical conclusion, but what is the likelihood that a vehicle would not have been picked-up on one of the cameras?

I know it's been stated on here that she could in fact have left the area on foot w/o being captured on camera, but have we conclusively determined whether it would be possible to leave via vehicle w/o being spotted?

Well, we know she was taken away somehow - since no search has found any sign of her. I am making assumptions here, but whether it was an abduction or an OD with a dumped body, wouldn't a car have to be involved somehow?
When we were looking at the photos of the white truck, it was pretty impossible to see who or what was in the truck in the open bed, and even harder to see inside the passenger compartment, so even if a vehicle was seen, would LE know it did not contain her?
LS had been to Israel previously. Why would they think that LS is a criminal? I don't get it.

The security routine to get on an el/al flight is the same for everybody. When I flew to Israel in '05 I was asked questions about Judaism, the Hebrew language, holidays and so on. My friend who is estranged from her Egyptian father has the last name Hassanien and she was put through more rigorous security questioning than the rest of us because her last name is Egyptian. Flights to Israel always have heightened security because of the constant threat on the country.
After all what?

Her academic work was all completed. Her relationship with JW was falling apart. She had no close friends at IU. She has been independent from her family for many years (at the summer camps, etc).

She could pick up a pair of flip-flops for $2.

And, she is 20, not a child.

Israel does have programs which allow American students to stay in a kibbutz, which is a rural commune.

OR maybe LS met a new bf in Israel, and that explains her recent break-up with JW.

I really don't understand this Israel thing. There is absolutely no basis whatsoever for the theory that she may have runaway to Israel.

Kibbutz's are not "rural communes". In fact most are suburban and there are even some kibbutzes in urban areas of Israel. To blanket statement kibbutzes as "rural communes" fosters some sort of cult-like stereotype that just isn't a reality.

Yes Lauren is Jewish, and yes she she does seem to have developed a fondness for the country as do most people after visiting there.

She went to camp in Wayne County Pennsylvania. Do you think she may have run away to a dairy farm in Pennsylvania?
Walker. With all due respect your theory makes no sense whatsoever. The girl was intoxicated without shoes, phone or keys. And you argue that she disappeared all of the sudden without getting her clothes, or anything else from her house and without letting her parents know to go suddenly to Israel. Think about it, it makes no sense and, honestly, it is not worth discussing. Sorry, I am trying to be respectful but lets get real.

Thank you I couldn't agree with you more.
I have to admit I have been struck by how on one hand, I assume it is unsafe to walk around by oneself late at night in a dark alley, but then when someone does it and disappears, I assume the danger occurred in an apartment of a friend.

I think it's pretty reasonable to favor the latter as a theory -- women are much more likely to be harmed by men that they know than strangers.
Well, we know she was taken away somehow - since no search has found any sign of her. I am making assumptions here, but whether it was an abduction or an OD with a dumped body, wouldn't a car have to be involved somehow?
When we were looking at the photos of the white truck, it was pretty impossible to see who or what was in the truck in the open bed, and even harder to see inside the passenger compartment, so even if a vehicle was seen, would LE know it did not contain her?

No, I doubt the cameras would tell LE if a person was inside or in a trunk, for example. But, I guess I am assuming that the white truck was the ONLY vehicle seen on camera that night. Perhaps I am mistaken...
For me it's still also the simplest of theories...

Girl walks off her friend's house at 4am, drunk, vulnerable to stranger danger, some bad guy jumps at the opportunity to assault, murder and dispose of her body.

I don't believe the whole "the friends have a silence pact" or "she fled to Israel" theories...
No they are just providing their own lie detector tests and prepared statements to the police.That is not what innocent people do.
No, I doubt the cameras would tell LE if a person was inside or in a trunk, for example. But, I guess I am assuming that the white truck was the ONLY vehicle seen on camera that night. Perhaps I am mistaken...

I believe the white truck was singled out by LE because it was mistakenly thought to have gone through the area twice (figured out later to be a time mistake on security cams).
No, I doubt the cameras would tell LE if a person was inside or in a trunk, for example. But, I guess I am assuming that the white truck was the ONLY vehicle seen on camera that night. Perhaps I am mistaken...
I think the reason they "spotlighted" the white truck into a vehicle of interest is that at first, it seemed to circle the block. Also, it was exactly in the right place at the right time. But I would imagine that there is a little more than 1 car in the area, even at the time of night.
Once someone gets drunk, they do not remain drunk forever. Once they cease drinking, the effect wears off. Her visa for the recent trip in April may still have been in effect.

VISA!? You don't know the first thing about Israel or traveling to Israel! U.S. citizens do not need a Visa to go to Israel!

And yet you are hung up on this theory. WHY?
Did these witnesses make statements to any mainstream news sources, or LE? have authored three of the last five posts, but you haven't answered my question. Do you know anything about El-Al?
Was this entire area included when LE said that they had completely searched a 10 mile radius?
I wonder if JR/?/LS took a little trip out there and LS got into some trouble and JR/? hightailed it home w/o her. Would be a little more incentive to make up the "saw her walking to the corner" story maybe.

It's within the 10-mi radius so it would have been included.

By "a little trip" do you mean as in for a pick-up? I would think they would meet at a neutral spot.
Walker. With all due respect your theory makes no sense whatsoever. The girl was intoxicated without shoes, phone or keys. And you argue that she disappeared all of the sudden without getting her clothes, or anything else from her house and without letting her parents know to go suddenly to Israel. Think about it, it makes no sense and, honestly, it is not worth discussing. Sorry, I am trying to be respectful but lets get real.

Seems like you are setting up a strawman argument: A wasted barefoot drunken girl could not go all the way to Israel with no money!

Her medication (the only item she really needed) has not been accounted for per the news clip which I linked.

The rest of her belongings were all easily replaceable.

Yes, people do run away, and not tell their parents; but no, that does not mean that they are evil and heartless.

Why is it such a big deal that she can't be in Israel?

Talk about protesting too much.

My suggestion is that LS may have planned to leave ahead of time, and may have had assistance in getting a ride to an airport.
LS had been to Israel previously. Why would they think that LS is a criminal? I don't get it.

Do you have any info on LS traveling to other countries? Didn't she also visit Egypt on that trip. I'm starting to think you may be right. But let's take it a step further. Perhaps she has been taken into Al Qaeda. I think she may be in a terrorist training camp. Maybe around Kandahar. What do you think Walker, cause as I say, I really think you are on to something with this mideast connection. you quoted JR on making this statement. It is Ht saying that JR told her. Very different.

No, I quoted HT comments re JR statement to HT re LS' condition. And, concluded it was 2nd hand hearsay.
Seems like you are setting up a strawman argument: A wasted barefoot drunken girl could not go all the way to Israel with no money!

Her medication (the only item she really needed) has not been accounted for per the news clip which I linked.

The rest of her belongings were all easily replaceable.

Yes, people do run away, and not tell their parents; but no, that does not mean that they are evil and heartless.

Why is it such a big deal that she can't be in Israel?

Talk about protesting too much.

My suggestion is that LS may have planned to leave ahead of time, and may have had assistance in getting a ride to an airport.

She could have been abducted by aliens.
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