IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #2

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I also felt that the fellow who talked about seeing her before (KT) meant on other occassions.
I don't believe we have any quotes/statements directly attributed to JR or his lawyer admitting LS was in his apartment.

We have absolutely no quotes from JR or his big-time Mike Tyson attorney (who happens to be in London right now), no comment at all, definitely not admitting that she was in his apartment. But no comment from JR on anything.
Possible that LS had become acquainted with JR from her budding friendship with CR, or JR was or arrived at CR's apartment afterwards. Perhaps, this is where the statements to cops may differ.
I think one of the biggest problems in this story is that so many people were drunk.

I have never bought CR's story that he doesn't remember anything. He doesn't say, "I don't remember anything because I was so intoxicated," but rather says he doesn't remember anything because he got beat up. Yet we see the photos of him the next day....he is not badly beaten up. He looks fine to me. If he had a sharp attorney, CR would have been in the ER the next day claiming a concussion. But we know that didn't happen.

I am not accusing CR of anything...but I do think being a "bad, rich boy" is going to hurt him. He was banned from Lauren's building for his previous this is not a sweet, innocent who is caught up in a bad situation. Since people have claimed to have seen Lauren after CR was "put to bed," I doubt he had anything to do with her disappearance. If he did have something to do with it, then I doubt he acted alone.

My biggest hangup is: What did they do with her?
Lets say, for the sake of argument, that she died from natural causes linked to her heart problem, what did these guys do with Lauren to hide her so well?
I wonder if any video will turn up showing any of the POI's driving after the time Lauren was last seen...that would be interesting.
We have absolutely no quotes from JR or his big-time Mike Tyson attorney (who happens to be in London right now), no comment at all, definitely not admitting that she was in his apartment. But no comment from JR on anything.
No direct quotes, but I'll take Lt. Parker's word that "a friend" told LE Lauren was at his apartment, and that he watched her walk to the corner of 11th and College. And I believe the Fox report I quoted from downthread makes it pretty clear the friend was JR. Neither JR nor his attorney are obligated to give statements to reporters.
No way these 2 "POI's" don't know about what happened to LS in this day and age of cell phones, facebook, twitter, texting, etc.

One of them left the day after Lauren's disappearance. If they left the state, then they may not know at all. I'm not sure her disappearance has been heavily covered outside of the area.

Knox said:
Fourth Amendment is "trumped" by her parent's plea for their missing daughter. Why wouldn't you want to help in any way you could, if even to say "Hey, I can't help, wish I could but I last saw her at Smallwood at 2:35 AM"

You know, I've been thinking about this.

Let's say you lived in the building and didn't hear anything, didn't see anything, etc. Most of us would call the police and tell them just that; we'd think we were being helpful. I'm not sure the average person would though. They'd think they have nothing to contribute.

We don't even know if these two POIs exist, much less if they know the police want to talk with them, much less if they actually saw or heard anything. There is a lot of speculation on this, I just prefer to stick to the facts I guess.
Re: Lauren NOT being involved in the altercation less than 2 hours before her supposed abduction(the word supposed is in speaking of the time of the abduction..NOT about the abduction itself)..

LE's statement that Lauren wasn't involved in the altercation is very clear IMO.. it's stating that no, Lauren was not in the physical altercation, but their refusal to comment on whether she was present in the video of this altercation IMO means most likely it does show her presence.*

Her involvement in the altercation in all ways except for being physically in the actual physical fighting is easily summed up IMO BY one simple question..

If Lauren is taken out of the entire equation(as in remove her completely from the nights events).. With Lauren removed would this altercation still have taken place??

IMO the answer to that question is No.. If Lairen was not part of that nights events then the exact reason for the altercation is taken out of the equation therefor making it the most of unlikeliest situations for the altercation to have occurred therefor the entire motive behind the altercation's origin is directly due to Corey being with Lauren specifically..

This being the case IMO shows that no matter Laurens not physically fighting in this altercation she however is still very much involved in the altercation as it is her involvement that is the very motive forJesse's friends to have engaged Corey in this altercation..

Very easily seen IMO AS WELL AS CRYSTAL CLEAR that Lauren had everything to do with what happened that night..(am not placing blame but rather showing Lauren clearly is involved)
Something that I read but have not been able to verify that I think is very significant is the issue of JR's relationship to JW. Were they in the same Frat or otherwise "close" friends? Also, CR and MB were not Frat brothers or otherwise friends of JW but CR was a friend of JR. Are these relationships accurate?

The relationship between these men (all POI's apparently) is significant in a number of ways. It is definitely against any male or Frat "Code of honor" to "mess” with a friend or "brother's" girlfriend. Because of that, however, it might not be so bad for a girl to "hang out" at the apt of a friend or "brother" of her boyfriend (as long a nothing sexual goes on". It would definitely be consistent with the "code" to intervene if they saw a friend or "brother’s" girl with another guy. The "intervention" would be directed at the guy, not the girl.

If a guy and a girl are having "problems", the "code" would dictate that others Stay Out of IT unless it became violent. I have never heard of a male being recruited to "deal" with a cheating wife or girlfriend ("dealing" with the guy might be OK but never the girl). The issue of "covering" for a friend or "brother" is not so clear. In the early days of this case, it is entirely possible that some lies were told to police. These "lies" may have been motivated by concern for their own or their friends "reputation" or covering for minor crimes or infidelities. Lying to the police during a murder investigation is very bad form but they may not have realized what was going on.

We can't be sure what is "known" and what is still being sorted out by LE but I believe that if all statements and "evidence" were basically consistent and credible from the get go, this investigation would have been directed at a "stranger abduction" on College after she had left JR's apt a 4:30. The fact that the focus of the investigation still seems to center on her "circle of friends" suggests that there were some serious inconsistencies in the evidence and statements people have given.

I'm wondering now if this isn’t just a stranger abduction case that has been seriously compromised by witnesses that were not honest. One example of a "lie" that appears to have been told is that the "boys" who had the altercation with CR at the Smallwood at 2:40 claimed it was about CR's "aggressive" behavior with LS when it now appears it was about the fact that CR was "with" a friend's Girlfriend. The early focus was possibly on CR because he was with LS and "known" to be drunk and belligerent".
Mom: shame on you...and in relationship to that, the person that (Epiph: voice begins rising) knows this person that's not coming forward with the information, I beg you to come forward, we're not looking to um we're just looking to your info, so that's all I'm gonna say about that.
Mom very very tactful...they would need to hold me down at that mic.
Somehow I doubt "code of conduct" was the driving factor behind the behavior of anyone this night...
I do know that stranger abduction is very possible and that all avenues should be explored fully, but I just have this bad feeling from what we know that someone in that group did something very regrettable. It just seems like a big coincidence that everyone seemed to be angry, fighting with one another, drunk, possibly using drugs, and then have it be a random person happen to grab her. Someone a few pages back said that these people have too much to lose to do violence to one girl, but that happens every day. Just last year at my university a young girl was murdered because she flirted with a boy and his girlfriend saw. Alcohol+heart conditions+tense, angry conditions can sometimes lead to tragic conclusions.

Of course, I also agree that no one should blame anyone especially since we don't know much right now. I am still semi-wishing she just decided to jet down to some tropical island for a week due to the stress back at home. I know reasonably that isn't true, but it is just really sad that such a cute, smart girl will probably never get to live her life.
Not sure if this has been posted, Bloomington Police Captain Joe Qualters says that....

Police obtained new footage late Friday from a business on North Walnut Street.

Doesn't specify where on N Walnut, Kilroy's is on that street. It's a block east of the apartment buildings we have been focused on.

If this video shows the Intersection with N. College then footage from between 4:15 and 4:45 could prove that she walked down N. College or not at all. Or at least not to the point of this intersection. If she was captured on this video moving down. N. College it would get JR off the hook. If she does not show up, it puts the pressure even more on JR.
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