IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #20

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Posted an hour ago on LS: Case Discussion FB page:

"FROM THE SPIERER FAMILY...the Ride For Lauren, event will go on as planned with NO PROTEST RIDE to BPD. they are truly pleased with LE progress, and we do not want to interfere. crystal, i tagged you bc i know you are heavily involved with the ride and can shore up the troops in case the protest idea has spread."
Based on the mycase records, at least one other good friend of JW's also lives on the fifth floor. (Not a POI)


Maybe this is one of the friends that was present for the altercation.
Has anyone seen a FB Place entitled, "LS's Hiding Place" (LS is spelled out)? It's kind of... weird. Its description says, "Found her!" and the map places her just south of E. First Street and South Grant. Weird.
Yes I did see that. Didn't know what to make of it.

There is a lot of interesting info on the FB page Jupiter referenced. One guy is tweeting somebody and saying just tell the tip line why ZO punched CR. The "tweeter" uses the "M word" (murder). I don't understand if the "tweeter" knows the "tweetee" personally or not. There are also several posts by people who clearly seem to be "in the know" (like the one Jupiter posted), with access to the family, saying that BPD and the Spierers are working together.

I now wonder if ZO didn't get heavy-handed on LS because she was (supposedly) "foaming at the mouth" at Sports and listing the drugs she had done (and perhaps who sold them to her?) Not great PR for a (purported) dealer.

I'm also wondering if BPD IS in fact searching the landfill and keeping very quiet about it.
New Spierer tweet: "It will haunt you"

On Tuesday, her family sent out a chilling Tweet on the "News On Lauren S" account that reads:

"Everywhere you go, for the rest of your life, it will follow you. In your happiest moments, it will haunt you. Do the right thing. 800-CRIME-TV."

NewsOnLaurenS is not an account belonging to the family. I've posted on it before you if you want the source. The twitter feed is written by a woman previously unknown to her family who wanted to help and felt she could put her marketing skills to use in drawing attention to the case.
This is just a hunch, but I think the reason BPD hasn't checked the landfill (and the reason the LS family hasn't been pressing for this) is that they know already that her body isn't in the landfill.

In your opinion, how could they know that? To know where is she isn't is to know where she is - am I right?
IMO, not necessarily. They could "know" (more or less) that somebody was likely to have disposed of LS elsewhere. Perhaps they only know the general area and haven't yet found her. For example that phone "ping" we heard about at 4:15 in Martinsville.

One thing I DEFINITELY took from the LS Case Discussion FB thread was that LE and the parents know a lot more than we do. It seems clear to me from those threads that they are still doing searches for her, even if they are not publicly announced.
IMO, not necessarily. They could "know" (more or less) that somebody was likely to have disposed of LS elsewhere. Perhaps they only know the general area and haven't yet found her. For example that phone "ping" we heard about at 4:15 in Martinsville.

One thing I DEFINITELY took from the LS Case Discussion FB thread was that LE and the parents know a lot more than we do. It seems clear to me from those threads that they are still doing searches for her, even if they are not publicly announced.

I hope this is true, and that something breaks soon.

I hope this is the case. But the creepy post on PT about "Is anyone at 5 North missing a sleeping bag" reminds me that she could have been missed is she were concealed.

True... but cadaver dogs wouldn't have missed her.
I don't believe it. What I believe is they are not searching landfill because it is expensive and difficult to do. They might not have the resources to do it, and because it is a hazardous job, volunteers can not be used.

I think if that were true, the parents would be moving heaven and earth to get the funds to support a private search if necessary.
I think if that were true, the parents would be moving heaven and earth to get the funds to support a private search if necessary.

Can someone even do a private search of a landfill, considering the hazards involved?
So we have LS unable to walk and CR almost carrying her out of smallwood.They walk two blocks now suddenly CR is the one who has to be put to bed and LS is ready to go for almost two more hrs.What was CR snorting xanax and LS snorting cocaine as they walked up the alley.
re: Why Lauren didn't just stay at SW...

They were friends. They were intoxicated. When something dramatic happens, you usually want to talk about it. Drunk friends stumble around together all the time for no reason. I doubt there's a deeper reason as to why Lauren left with CR other than the fact that something dramatic had just happened and she felt like staying with him.
I'm honestly not attempting to be difficult, I just want to talk this through, because they went there for a reason. Yes he was punched there, apparently not hard enough to break much skin according to those who saw him the next day. So, he was punched, he was apparently still able to carry LS who was totally out of it home to his place, rather than walk down the hall and help her to her own room. Something isn't adding up for me.

Do we know FOR A FACT that LS had her apartment key card with her? What IF they had already been to her door, hadn't been able to get in and were going back to the elevator when he was alledgedly attacked?
Because if Lauren did live on the 5th floor, and the altercation happened there, then why leave and not walk her down the hall to her own room?

He just got punched. I don't understand why you think he wouldn't leave the building immediately.
I doubt the group of boys just walked away. I can picture people being held back, or someone saying, "CR, dude, just leave," and CR/LS getting out of there before it escalated or the cops were called.
I doubt the group of boys just walked away. I can picture people being held back, or someone saying, "CR, dude, just leave," and CR/LS getting out of there before it escalated or the cops were called.

CR was on the no trespass list to begin with too.
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