IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #20

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re the fire - I don't see any followup on that story - nothing that gives a cause for the fire and oddly, there were no comments on that story.

Hmmm....that just bothers the crap out of me!
So how would 1 go about getting more info about the fire? Did they say exactly where it was?
Isnt Martinsville where the rumored ping has occured?
It is where the rumored ping is supposed to be... and I can't find any reference to the fire that doesn't point back to the HT article.
I too(like "hoosierleigh") have been very curious about the LS/JR grandparent connection. I find it hard to believe that a female student from NY meets a male student from MI at Indiana Unversity and they realize that their grandparents are neighbors. How far back does their relationship go? Her not knowing CR until late May considering is close proximity to JR's is just plain strange!
The other thing that is interesting to me is that supposedly the altercation started at Kilroy's...carried over to Smallwood, punches are thrown...and per CR's lawyer, another altercation happened at 5 North. What the hell is going on? Why is a fight going on and on - again, not typical for Btown. Usually punches are thrown, then everyone moves on.

- Have heard of people wondering if the altercation began at the bar but haven't heard of any witnesses stating that it did. What did you hear?

- CR's attorney never said that the SW altercation continued at 5 North so I take his statement to mean there was a separate incident there involving his client. That was likely JW confronting CR at 5 North the following day...imo

- I can't imagine why LE would make mention of one altercation and not the other two if they had in fact occurred while LS were present and LE had obtained witness statements.?
A source told 6News' Stacia Matthews that video from the evening shows she would have been too incapacitated to help someone else walk home because she could barely stand on her own."She was really drunk. She stumbled out of the elevator, slammed against this wall and one of the guys carried her out of Smallwood (Plaza.) "

ok-i just found the link to this on the lauren spierer fb case discussion pg-i really dont kknow how to link stuff so if this is improper and needs to be removed or fixed or whatever pls be my guest. Ive never seen the part about "one of the guys"-is this just the same story maybe getting bigger as another person tells it? Who is stacia matthews-isnt that a news anchor from around heres name-maybe from the station reporting it? Sometimes I read things wrong. Help me out
So if that fire was on a Friday morning, what day did the search occur? Were they searching near this building?

The search occured on sunday-Fathers Day i believe and i have no idea if they were near the building or not. Looking for info myself!
- Have heard of people wondering if the altercation began at the bar but haven't heard of any witnesses stating that it did. What did you hear?
- CR's attorney never said that the SW altercation continued at 5 North so I take his statement to mean there was a separate incident there involving his client. That was likely JW confronting CR at 5 North the following day...imo

- I can't imagine why LE would make mention of one altercation and not the other two if they had in fact occurred while LS were present and LE had obtained witness statements.?

I read this on one of the other blogs/message boards - a fellow student. I think it was on one of the deleted PT threads.

I'll look for the Salzmann quote - from my recollection, it seemed like it was something that happened later that evening.

My guess on the LE discussions around the altercations is that they don't want to give out any information...much like everything else.
I read this on one of the other blogs/message boards - a fellow student. I think it was on one of the deleted PT threads.

I'll look for the Salzmann quote - from my recollection, it seemed like it was something that happened later that evening.

My guess on the LE discussions around the altercations is that they don't want to give out any information...much like everything else.

Found it...

Lawyer says Lauren Spierer's companion has no memory of their last moments together
3:08 PM, Jun. 8, 2011

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — The student who was with Lauren Spierer in the hours before her disappearance has no memory of their last moments together, his lawyer told The Journal News on Wednesday night.

Corey Rossman, Spierer’s companion early Friday, was punched in the face after the two returned to her apartment building, Smallwood Plaza.

“At Smallwood, someone confronted them,” his lawyer, former Monroe County District Attorney Carl Salzmann said.

“He got punched in the face. He has no memory of that, or of the 15 minutes leading to that moment. The first memory he has is the next morning when he wakes up in his bed, and that’s collaborated by several people.”


The two then went to a building complex up the street, where Rossman lives. Police have said she visited two apartments there. Salzmann said there was another “confrontation” that morning at Rossman’s building, but he would not elaborate.

Maybe that means that morning...but I wouldn't have thought JW would get to CR so quickly. I read this as early morning (4 am?).
Honestly - a psychic?

I put about as much belief in them as I do ghosts or aliens.

Someone asked before - pinksweetpea or some similar name - why you might not spend too much time at Kilroy's. Well, LS was allegedly kicked out, but if she hadn't, she might just do a drive by to see who's out, then head to the next place. Or go there to get stamped and maybe have a drink, go someplace else, then go there late night and you wouldn't have to wait in line because you're already stamped. Sports is in proximity to several other bars.

What I would really like to know more about, or get people's opinions on, is how DR, JR, ZO are possibly connected through the drug trade. Is one the source for another? Given that JR and CR are friends (or are presumably friends, given that they tried to break into Smallwood together), what is the potential drug related incident that connects them to ZO? If anything at all?

The other thing that is interesting to me is that supposedly the altercation started at Kilroy's...carried over to Smallwood, punches are thrown...and per CR's lawyer, another altercation happened at 5 North. What the hell is going on? Why is a fight going on and on - again, not typical for Btown. Usually punches are thrown, then everyone moves on.

I also find it weird that JR/CR are friends (or maybe they're NOT, maybe CR is just a JR customer and Smallwood fellow breaker-inner) and live in the same building...JR and LS are supposedly friends (or was LS just a JR customer too, and the grandparent thing is coincidence)...yet LS and CR never meet until the Indy 500. That's just not the way things typically work in Btown. Especially in a strip of townhomes that small. And even more particularly when it seems that JR is hosting a lot of parties...

I posed these questions before, and no one responded, and I'm hoping it's because it was late at night...someone's got to have some kind of theory :)

I will give you a theory on why they spent so little time at kilroy's.That is the amount of time it took for whatever was put in her drink to take effect and she was shuffled out of their just like it is being reported she was shuffled out of smallwood and that is why she left her shoes and phone there.I wonder if LE is thinking somewhat along those lines and that is why this story was leaked of LS being incapable of helping anyone home that night.I would be very interesting to hear DR opinion on how intoxicated LS was when she left to go to Kilroy's.
ok-i just found the link to this on the lauren spierer fb case discussion pg-i really dont kknow how to link stuff so if this is improper and needs to be removed or fixed or whatever pls be my guest. Ive never seen the part about "one of the guys"-is this just the same story maybe getting bigger as another person tells it? Who is stacia matthews-isnt that a news anchor from around heres name-maybe from the station reporting it? Sometimes I read things wrong. Help me out
Your post, the portion you copied from the FB page contains the television stations call letters. The correct way to post this information would be to google the call letters and relevant key words. Once you find the news article, you can snip 10% or less of the content and post it along with a link. To get the link, copy the url in the address bar on your computer, and paste it in your post.

I happen to have the link, so I will edit your post this time. Please bookmark this post for future reference. If you're not sure how to do something, pm a mod for assistance before posting.

Also, we do not copy and paste from FB pages. Sometimes exceptions are made for a victim's page, but it is always best to quote directly from the mainstream media source (in this case, WRTV-6 News).
I will give you a theory on why they spent so little time at kilroy's.That is the amount of time it took for whatever was put in her drink to take effect and she was shuffled out of their just like it is being reported she was shuffled out of smallwood and that is why she left her shoes and phone their.I wonder if LE is thinking somewhat along those lines and that is why this story was leaked of LS being incapable of helping anyone home that night.I would be very interesting to hear DR opinion on how intoxicated LS was when she left to go to Kilroy's.

"shuffled"...I agree simply because it seems like a 3 min travel time from KR to SW is a very quick pace.
How is it that LS could have been walking that fast (barefoot no less) between those two locations and stumbling out of an elevator and needing assistance 12 min later?
She would have had to be crashing fast and/or she had a lot of help getting from the bar to SW.

ok-i just found the link to this on the lauren spierer fb case discussion pg-i really dont kknow how to link stuff so if this is improper and needs to be removed or fixed or whatever pls be my guest. Ive never seen the part about "one of the guys"-is this just the same story maybe getting bigger as another person tells it? Who is stacia matthews-isnt that a news anchor from around heres name-maybe from the station reporting it? Sometimes I read things wrong. Help me out

Oh wow! Thx for fixing that Bessie-I guess ignore my pm lol!
Makes much more sense now!
"shuffled"...I agree simply because it seems like a 3 min travel time from KR to SW is a very quick pace.
How is it that LS could have been walking that fast (barefoot no less) between those two locations and stumbling out of an elevator and needing assistance 12 min later?
She would have had to be crashing fast and/or she had a lot of help getting from the bar to SW.
Also has to make you wonder how she was able to be walking home on her own two hrs. later.
I don't know anything about Gale St. John and even less about parapsychology.

However, when...the USAF War College actually recommends pursuit of same, I'm certainly willing to maintain an open mind without necessarily swallowing the Kool Aid.

From the link:

"This research project represents the views of the author and does not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Air War College or the department of the Air Force."

And that's on page 3.
FYI- The Martinsville newsaper is owned by the same company as the Herald Times (Bloomington newspaper) so that probably is why it's hard to find any story about the Martinsville fire on any free news sites.

Also, as for the idea of why info seems to say or imply that CR and LS only recently met (even though it seems likely they would've met previously if they were regularly at JR's)- Could it be there was some kind of relationship for some time going on and people like HT had kept it a secret to protect JW? So, now, they have to twist facts or else all but admit to JW (and friends and families) that LS had been cheating on him? Or if he was extremely possessive maybe they just didn't want him to know she was even being extra sociable with other guys and so people like HT need to skew their stories so it doesn't appear they were holding things from JW?
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