IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #21

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The 3:15/3:30 times are wrong and were later replaced. Also, the wording is north of 10th Street (not "on"). This part of her route would be in the alley with cameras because 10th runs east and west. The map on page 1 of this thread shows the updated times 2:48/2:51.

Thanks for clarifying. I thought the road directions were off.
Good Sunday Morning, everyone!! Off to brunch at Lennie's....
Just a bit of rambling... So I guess the idea of this being a random abduction is out the window now... I still think LS did not want to walk where she might be seen by LE since IIRC she had a prior under the influence charge against her...
Also without shoes would surely get her stopped by Campus Police since they look for that as sign of someone being under the influence, as well as being endangered, since perps would see that as well... So she wanted to walk in the shadows... perfect for someone to grab her... in the state she was in she could have succumbed.... then been dumped in one of the open construction pits, or could have been taken...
Meanwhile, round-n-round we go focusing on the POI's who as logical it seems one or more did it, we are falling into the tunnel-vision we often accuse LE of doing...
Just a bit of rambling... So I guess the idea of this being a random abduction is out the window now... I still think LS did not want to walk where she might be seen by LE since IIRC she had a prior under the influence charge against her...
Also without shoes would surely get her stopped by Campus Police since they look for that as sign of someone being under the influence, as well as being endangered, since perps would see that as well... So she wanted to walk in the shadows... perfect for someone to grab her... in the state she was in she could have succumbed.... then been dumped in one of the open construction pits, or could have been taken...
Meanwhile, round-n-round we go focusing on the POI's who as logical it seems one or more did it, we are falling into the tunnel-vision we often accuse LE of doing...

I'm considering it (abduction) now more than before. One thing that always makes me draw away from it though is when I hear CS's words being directed to someone, seemingly particular, out there in the world.

I welcomed bx2's post and the conversation it generated last night about JR's potential honesty, because if nothing else I'm tired of thinking any one or more of them are responsible for this sad, sad reality. I realize this is miniscule compared to the depth of loss the parents are feeling. Anyway...rambling indeed. I'm going to start feeling positive towards the POI and see where that path takes me. For now, it makes abduction or accident more possible, and it also makes a third party such as an unknown disposer more possible.

One important correction, all this occurred in the city of Bloomington, not IU campus. This includes the construction across the street from 5 North. (A poster seemed to infer that if that building wasn't up to code there was no way in hell her/his son was going to IU.)
Good Sunday Morning, everyone!! Off to brunch at Lennie's....

Wonderful! Do they have a brunch menu? I don't go there often but when I do it's always good. Tony Gatto hung out there when he was in town as I recall.

We went to Scenic View last Sunday (it was awful). But I took this picture as I pondered the possibility of LS in the hills of Brown county and a loving couple standing watch for her.

I have read through the last few pages and the one thing sticking in my mind right now is how a lot of what we "know" comes from rumors, "they say", other random message boards with posters who claim to know stuff, and HT's second or third hand information.

In other words, I am waking up feeling like we can believe nothing we think we know. Sorry for the semi-negative post, but I cannot believe this case is starting to feel cold :( We still have the dumpster search though, right?
Wonderful! Do they have a brunch menu? I don't go there often but when I do it's always good. Tony Gatto hung out there when he was in town as I recall.

They do!! Saturday and Sunday... very good!! We had dinner once at Scenic View and were incredibly disappointed, too. Too bad! There are so MANY excellent restaurants in the area....
I welcomed bx2's post and the conversation it generated last night about JR's potential honesty, because if nothing else I'm tired of thinking any one or more of them are responsible for this sad, sad reality.... Anyway...rambling indeed. I'm going to start feeling positive towards the POI and see where that path takes me. For now, it makes abduction or accident more possible, and it also makes a third party such as an unknown disposer more possible.

I still tend to lean toward the current POI simply because, as far as we know, they are NOT talking to LE. Seems to me that attorneys/POIs would want to share what they can to take themselves off the hook. And sharing would seem to make everyone take a little more sympathetic look at them IMO.

I just find myself hoping that LE knows a LOT and they're just cleaning up the loose ends so they can make an arrest or two...
One important correction, all this occurred in the city of Bloomington, not IU campus. This includes the construction across the street from 5 North. (A poster seemed to infer that if that building wasn't up to code there was no way in hell her/his son was going to IU.)

Thanks for this!! I couldn't figure out why the poster was so concerned about the OSHA violations - like any city in the world doesn't have them!! LOL Your inference makes more sense to me.... :twocents:
I still lean toward non-stranger abduction as well, but I am not sure if the actual suspect is one of the POIs we have discussed in depth. We aren't even sure of the exact POI list and I think some of the possible names on the lower end of the list (Not CR or JR) may be more likely. I still think the parents and LE is looking at acquaintances or friends and not a random stranger grabbing her off the side of the road.

WHo knows though. My information is based on family/LE statements and "known facts" but family and LE can be wrong and I am not even sure what we really, really know anymore :p
I guess I tend to follow the lead of the family in a lot of these cases, under what may be a wrong assumption that they know more we than we do...but listening to Holly Bobo's family, that does not seem to be the case at all with them-they are repeating that LE tells them nothing, not even the most basic facts such as whether or not her phone was ever found. So it is really hard to Portland, we have Desiree, and sometimes Kaine, insisting in quite a public way that Terri Horman is guilty; here with Lauren, we have a semi-anonymous pleading from her mom that seems to be directed toward her friends. And in all cases, we have LE saying exactly nothing.
LE hasn't said exactly nothing in each case though-to me, some LE statements in Bobo's case do seem more geared toward them realizing a stranger or near stranger snatched her. There has been nothing of that in Lauren's case unless I missed it. Of course, it is different because LE in Bobo's case at least have some eye witness accounts of seeing an actual abduction taking place and that isn't the case with Lauren. They have no choice but to think abduction with Holly, but with Lauren there are many other options.

I really wish these rumors about lawyers and LE reaching a deal would be true, but I am feeling like those rumors are probably untrue unless they have one hell of a smoking gun of evidence hidden away to provoke a POI to come clean.
I really wish these rumors about lawyers and LE reaching a deal would be true, but I am feeling like those rumors are probably untrue unless they have one hell of a smoking gun of evidence hidden away to provoke a POI to come clean.

AFAIK those "rumors" weren't even really rumors... just someone on the FB LSCS suggesting that's what COULD be happening... I give that group about as much credibility as Justin! (Except that Justin has her own personal agenda, and the FB LSCS group does appear to have LS firmly in their thoughts!)
AFAIK those "rumors" weren't even really rumors... just someone on the FB LSCS suggesting that's what COULD be happening... I give that group about as much credibility as Justin! (Except that Justin has her own personal agenda, and the FB LSCS group does appear to have LS firmly in their thoughts!)

Ha ha shoot, I cannot even give them rumor status then :(
Sorry if this article was already posted. I wonder if Lauren's dad has returned to NY.

Lauren Spierer case, 2 months old, reopens wounds for other parents of missing

"The mother of missing college student Lauren Spierer has remained in Bloomington, Ind., for the two months since her daughter went missing there, addressing her child directly before news cameras by tearfully declaring, "I will never leave you."

It's a feeling that Jennie Wilson used to have, when she was camped out in a dorm room at the University of Albany, participating in countless searches for her own 22-year-old daughter, Karen, who was last seen walking back to campus from a tanning salon.

"It tears the heck out of you," Wilson said. "Really, you don't know what to do. It kills you to leave. In some ways, you feel like maybe you're abandoning your child. But at a certain point, they had searched so much."

That was 26 years, four months and 12 days ago." <snip>|topnews|text|Frontpage
I still lean toward non-stranger abduction as well, but I am not sure if the actual suspect is one of the POIs we have discussed in depth. We aren't even sure of the exact POI list and I think some of the possible names on the lower end of the list (Not CR or JR) may be more likely. I still think the parents and LE is looking at acquaintances or friends and not a random stranger grabbing her off the side of the road.

WHo knows though. My information is based on family/LE statements and "known facts" but family and LE can be wrong and I am not even sure what we really, really know anymore :p


For anyone who's interested, here is a forensic astrology charts analyses on this gels somewhat with the bolded part of your post..
also remember the reward, over 100,000. if a stranger did do this and not tell anyone are probably slim - even if the perp didn't come clean I'm sure someone who had an inkling would. who knows though.
I've thought about the reward, too, in connecton with the current group of boys who were partying with LS that night and who we assume are still POI -- I know they pretty much come from moneyed families, but still, 100K is a lot of money.... so, if they're involved, and I still tend to think they are, there must be some threat that scares them way more than the money lures them.... as in "talk, and I will slice off your (insert any body part)".... which leads me to DD....

AND.. although a middle class college kid might be willing to take that chance, the kids who come from money don't get quite so excited about a mere 6 figures.... they've probably wrecked cars that cost that much!
What's the reward for? If it's for safe return, then it would be impossible to collect if LS is dead.
Yeah, I feel like everyone involved has a family that has hundreds of millions in money/assets. If you come from that type of money 100K really isn't that much money. Not to mention if someone's life may be in danger (drug ring?) if they talk 100K really really doesn't seem like much of an incentive.

For the record, I would pretty much sell out my own mom for 100K right now :loser:
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