IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #22

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I find it interesting that this story has not gotten more attention here:

The family is explicitly pointing at JR, first, and the others who were with LS that night, second. They are not pointing at JW, as he is not known to be among that group. Whether they are pointing at HT, who was with LS earliest in the night, is questionable.
Are you sure about that? I'm not sure that's accurate.

I am sure she is friends with two, and fairly certain with a third who she has said she spent a lot of time with in the last year - I believe I recall having verified that in the past.
Do you have any evidence that EITHER one of these two has an attorney?

IF they don't have legal representation, they should get an attorney now.

Consulting an attorney is only common sense.

Any person facing any serious legal difficulty of any type should consult an attorney. Even persons totally innocent of any crime should be familiar with their rights and their wisest course of action.

BTW: The expression "to lawyer up" as if it indicates guilt shows a lack of understanding of our legal system. The people who saw LS that night could possibly be liable on civil charges, and they need to be aware of that fact. Plus, in some cases, people can be criminally charged with making false statements to the police, even if they believe them to be true at the time they made them.

Any attorney would most likely advise a person in such a situation as a POI or a possible POI in this case not to associate with or discuss the case with other possible POI.
I am sure she is friends with two, and fairly certain with a third who she has said she spent a lot of time with in the last year - I believe I recall having verified that in the past.

My list:

Friends with named POI: JR, JW, DR
Possible friends with possible POI: ZO, AB
Not friends with CR, probably not MB
Alright, this is going to sound really stupid, but is the only reason we are talking about AB because he sort of looks like that one witness description that may or may not be mistaken?
I find it interesting that this story has not gotten more attention here:

The family is explicitly pointing at JR, first, and the others who were with LS that night, second. They are not pointing at JW, as he is not known to be among that group. Whether they are pointing at HT, who was with LS earliest in the night, is questionable.

Thanks, AE! I hadn't heard of LS's parents naming anyone specifically as having a questionable story. Yikes. Things keep stacking up for JR.

As far as the HT/AB sighting at the State Fair last night, well, it would explain why that group was on the 5th floor of SW, so it doesn't really surprise me. The altercation that night/morning (possibly two) has never sat well with me, still. Something like that happening within hours of LS going missing for months? I keep thinking that there must be some kind of link there.
I find it interesting that this story has not gotten more attention here:

The family is explicitly pointing at JR, first, and the others who were with LS that night, second. They are not pointing at JW, as he is not known to be among that group. Whether they are pointing at HT, who was with LS earliest in the night, is questionable.

Thank you for posting that link.

"The folks who were with her the night that she disappeared left town shortly after her disappearance and we've not had any meaningful contact with them since they left," he says.

Once the police listed these individuals as POIs, and thereby forbid them to assist in searches, they probably felt that they had no better choice than to leave Bloomington.

Seems unlikely that all ten (?) POI are guilty of a conspiracy; wish they would arrange to discuss the disappearance with LS's parents. Possibly there is some small detail that somehow has been missed.

Hard to believe that JR stuffed LS's body into a filthy dumpster, unless perhaps he was completely out-of-his-mind on some drug.

If JR is telling the truth, then LS may have been abducted or entered a car or possibly some building between 10th & 11th on College.

Strange that the bar manager's account almost fits: we know that CR & LS "made their way" through the alley & 10th at app. 3:00 am; but the man doesn't sound like CR, and the time is off.
Just did some investigating and they are not even Facebook friends. For them to just meet up in Indianapolis seems QUITE strange. Just supports my previous theory (and many other peoples) that HT knows SOMETHING of importance.

Same thing with twitter. Their respective friends are friends with eachother, but interestingly they are not connected via this route. Wow... TR.... Interesting find.
I love ZO's public bio from twitter. ..." Good friends and bad decisions"

Not sure if that's allowed... Mods.
Thanks, AE! I hadn't heard of LS's parents naming anyone specifically as having a questionable story. Yikes. Things keep stacking up for JR.

As far as the HT/AB sighting at the State Fair last night, well, it would explain why that group was on the 5th floor of SW, so it doesn't really surprise me. The altercation that night/morning (possibly two) has never sat well with me, still. Something like that happening within hours of LS going missing for months? I keep thinking that there must be some kind of link there.

Many news printed a version of that story and CS's quote last week. She all but names him as I recall. If you notice in AE's linked article the writer names him not CS. There are links to it upthread.
Alright, this is going to sound really stupid, but is the only reason we are talking about AB because he sort of looks like that one witness description that may or may not be mistaken?

In the beginning that is why but gatto did enough investigative work--and personally I tend to think he had a voluntary source or two--to make AB a serous POI contender.
For what reasons? I don't mean to be obnoxious. Just curious. I don't really see any evidence on Gatto's site other than him being a random friend of ZO that sort of looks like that one witness account that was never verified. I sort of missed the "lesser" POIs discussion though (like, I still don't entirely know if we have verified who stayed with JR or why we made the link to the corn beef dude with that ha ha).
I would find that peculiar in part because they are not facebook friends.

What I would find less peculiar is someone making it up.

You're obviously a fan of HT's and I understand that.
Implying that the sighting info is made up is a peculiar thing.
I have nothing to gain by such an effort

As to the lack of facebook and twitter connection between AB & HT...i don't know.
My only facebook friend is some guy named Tom whom I've never met nor spoke with or maybe that's myspace and I only tweet with Lady
You're obviously a fan of HT's and I understand that.
Implying that the sighting info is made is a peculiar thing.
I have nothing to gain by such an effort

As to the lack of facebook and twitter connection between AB & HT...i don't know.
My only facebook friend is some guy named Tom whom I've never met nor spoke with and I only tweet around with Lady

:) that just cracked me up!!
For what reasons? I don't mean to be obnoxious. Just curious. I don't really see any evidence on Gatto's site other than him being a random friend of ZO that sort of looks like that one witness account that was never verified. I sort of missed the "lesser" POIs discussion though (like, I still don't entirely know if we have verified who stayed with JR or why we made the link to the corn beef dude with that ha ha).

Why do you say the friendship is random?

You'll have to do more reading/goggling, and/or ask gatto if you need evidence.

They went to high school together, worked on newspaper together, live together, party together. went to 500 together...
You're obviously a fan of HT's and I understand that.
Implying that the sighting info is made up is a peculiar thing.
I have nothing to gain by such an effort

As to the lack of facebook and twitter connection between AB & HT...i don't know.
My only facebook friend is some guy named Tom whom I've never met nor spoke with or maybe that's myspace and I only tweet with Lady

I am not a "fan" of anyone other than the S family.

I'm not sure it need be pointed out that there is all sorts of activity on the internet from which the active party has nothing to "gain." Your post above is consistent with such activity in my opinion. It contains nothing to substantiate the supposed sighting, which you are welcome to supply at any time.

I should add that my suspicions of HT's knowledge have grown slightly with some recent posts on this site. But I think the best lead on these matters is the S family. And I read their recent statements to point at JR first, and HT perhaps not at all.
Why do you say the friendship is random?

You'll have to do more reading/goggling, and/or ask gatto if you need evidence.

They went to high school together, worked on newspaper together, live together, party together. went to 500 together...

I meant random as in I cannot find anyone who can connect him to that night or Lauren. The posts I have found literally just seem like they went down ZO's friend list and found someone dark like the mystery man in the witness statement. I must be missing the Gatto post that explains it. I will search around more-if anyone else has the link handy that connects AB to Lauren and that night I would be very grateful!!!

Still hoping every day that something is found in the landfill search. This case deserves a break.
I meant random as in I cannot find anyone who can connect him to that night or Lauren. The posts I have found literally just seem like they went down ZO's friend list and found someone dark like the mystery man in the witness statement. I must be missing the Gatto post that explains it. I will search around more-if anyone else has the link handy that connects AB to Lauren and that night I would be very grateful!!!

Still hoping every day that something is found in the landfill search. This case deserves a break.

Hes also roommates with ZO which means hed LIKELY know a little more about that night than the average person even if he wasnt there.
Thank you Cspring! I guess I am just not too sure how involved I really think ZO or any of them are depending on my current running theory. I am open to considering all options and evidence though that points toward people :)

I am assuming AB and JR were also close friends?
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