IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 #25

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So this part is still bothering me. I understand it to say that RS had not seen the alley video. He's now backing up and putting pressure on CR. Does this mean he has now seen it and has switched the focus?

It's hard for me to imagine Lauren, with her size, helping someone of Corey's size from Smallwood Plaza to his apartment," Robert Spierer said. "Maybe he'd be willing to take a police polygraph."

No I haven't, I feel strange bringing it up honestly. It's not my place to judge my friend for partying, or who she parties with. I've talked to her about the case but not in a ton of detail. She misses LS greatly and has been much more vocal about it than the others IMO.

Thanks. I understand how you might feel strange talking about this to your friend. It's a fine line. It seems the veil of silence created by LE and POI is pervasive and has seeped into the consciousness of many, myself included. I feel awkward talking about it much outside of this forum for a number of different reasons.

I hope your friend and the others at least have talked amongst themselves and agreed on ways to safe; such as never letting one of them go off by herself, having ICE contacts (re: CS), etc.
So this part is still bothering me. I understand it to say that RS had not seen the alley video. He's now backing up and putting pressure on CR. Does this mean he has now seen it and has switched the focus?


No, fairly sure he's responding to the LOHUD article that published a story about an anonymous person who saw the Smallwood tape of Lauren stumbling as she exited the elevator and hit the wall opposite. He's saying she couldn't have helped given her observed physical state moments before.
No, fairly sure he's responding to the LOHUD article that published a story about an anonymous person who saw the Smallwood tape of Lauren stumbling as she exited the elevator and hit the wall opposite. He's saying she couldn't have helped given her observed physical state moments before.

I'm not sure he's even saying that... he simply says that he can't imagine someone her size helping someone CR's size... I think that even if they were both stone cold sober, that could be true if he needed physical support.
I had a good friend die when I was in HS... it was sudden, a brain hemmorhage, so no one was "at fault"... but I remember it taking nearly a year for me to get back to feeling like life was normal...

I find it very hard to imagine carrying on with life as it is - especially in terms of excessive behaviors that were likely the cause of my friend's death... I would think it would open some eyes... cause a little reflection... I don't know..

I totally agree. One of my good friends died 2 years ago while we were in college as a result of drinking/using drugs (what the people she was with at the time described as a normal night of "partying"). It changed everything about the way I think about life and certainly changed my ideas about substance use, partying, etc. I still drink but I am very conscious of doing so responsibly since then and don't have such a laid-back approach to that kind of thing as I used to...I can't imagine just going out and partying like before-I'm not a saint by any means but that kind of thing is just not enjoyable or desirable like it used to be.

I know losing a friend affects everyone differently and that people deal with it in different ways, but it seems that, at the least, LS' friends and those involved in LS' case would want to keep their activities to themselves and not publicize their partying/lifestyle so much since they have already been so criticized for it and they know that people are paying attention to what they are doing right now. Who knows what her friends are thinking or feeling. Perhaps they are in denial, especially if they really don't know what happened to her. Perhaps continuing with their lives as normal is comforting, but it just doesn't seem very sensitive to post things like that when they should realize it gives the impression (even if not true) that they have moved on/forgotten/don't care, etc.
I've never read of a case with 10 POIs.

Bolded and snipped by me....

That's a very interesting point.

Also, here we are, ~ 4 months later and LE has cleared NO ONE? Seriously?

At this point, I have to worry about the innocent. I mean, think about it.

You're just a college guy or gal who happened to hang out w/ LS on that fateful night.

Not to help the guilty here, but what about the innocent? I mean, until LE steps up their game and makes at least some of their base-line findings public, they may also be "punishing" some innocent people (in the court of public opinion) as well.

Are they hoping this tactic will cause people to talk? Because, I have to say, I don't think it's working.

And I hate to think that some innocent names are being dragged through the mud or futures being ruined because of LE's silence.

Unless LE thinks ALL 10+ are somehow involved? That would
I wonder how hard any of the 10 or so POI's are trying to clear themselves, i.e. going in to talk with LE, etc...JMO
Who knows, maybe they get some kind of cache being a POI...clearly some don't seem to be choosing to stay out off social media, out of the spot light, so to speak...JMO
Just a reminder that BPD said more than once that the number 10 was an estimate... and that it was a changing number. We probably have no idea who are the current PsOI... or how many there are...
I also think it is important to note that their use of POI is very elastic. I believe they have even indicated that not every POI is being considered a suspect or possible suspect. POI in this case seems to mean person who may have any important info which includes almost every person who saw Lauren in a significant way that night+the usual suspects (the boyfriend).

Lauren's case has more POIs than the average case because it is a bit of a different situation. She wasn't sitting alone with her boyfriend and he claimed she went home when she didn't. She spent time with basically a pack of people none of which were the usual suspect in these cases (boyfriend). Any one of those people she saw along the way could have seen something or played a part. Then you also have to include the possibility of random outsiders. It is a frustrating case-loads of people and no evidence apparently or at least no compelling evidence.
Just a reminder that BPD said more than once that the number 10 was an estimate... and that it was a changing number. We probably have no idea who are the current PsOI... or how many there are...

True, we don't, however they still remain poi's in the public eye unfortunately. Why aren't these people or parents claiming their innocence? What about their futures? It is definitely strange that no one has been cleared publicly. It makes you wonder what kind
Of house of cards they are playing. Some sort of ripple effect that will destroy everyone I guess worse than being called a POI. I do believe it's bigger than we think.
True, we don't, however they still remain poi's in the public eye unfortunately. Why aren't these people or parents claiming their innocence?

Because no one has ever called them guilty. #1, they've never even been named by LE (only by media, in some cases citing their attorneys). #2, a POI is not a suspect. #3, what if they say they're innocent, then LE says they've "cleared" no one (which won't happen until someone gets charged, perhaps in part for investigative reasons).
The only POIs that I have seen get a significant amount of suspicion from the public include CR, JR, and JW. I am not including HT because I don't really see people suspecting her of being guilty so much as thinking she is obnoxious and didn't really care about Lauren. I do believe I have seen CR, JR, and JW all defend their innocence through lawyer statements or their own mouths. The other POIs remain very under the radar for me except on places like this. I think that is why we don't see more of them proclaiming innocence. We honestly don't even know who is an actual POI or on the short list for LE-almost every name we throw around is guess work and assumption.
Because no one has ever called them guilty. #1, they've never even been named by LE (only by media, in some cases citing their attorneys). #2, a POI is not a suspect. #3, what if they say they're innocent, then LE says they've "cleared" no one (which won't happen until someone gets charged, perhaps in part for investigative reasons).

Article related to Ison case:

The confusion over the term "person of interest" is the result of the way the word is used in cases like the Ison case. From context, one would assume that Ison is a "suspect" in the killings. However, LE has waited a long time to charge him with the crime, given that the four year old witness could probably have identified him or at least partially described the events of that night.

Since the killers let the child go, they must have assumed that the child could not possibly identify them; but apparently Ison was known to the family.

Incriminating evidence was also found at Ison's residence. Maybe Ison participated in the robbery but had not planned to kill anyone or maybe the killers came after him, after killing the family, but couldn't find him, and left bloody clothes & one victim's cell phone at his place.

Ison was charged with robbery of a pharmacy, and is believed to have been on his way to rob another pharmacy at the time of his arrest.

Robbery of pharmacies and clinics was a more common crime in the 60's. Is this type of crime on the increase? Is Xanax to blame?
So, I've been following this case silently since the beginning. For some reason I have been captured by it like many of you. I'm from southern Indiana and went to another IN university. I moved out of the state years ago and I don't know much about btown.

Anyways, the altercation at SW intrigues me for some reason. I keep thinking that if I was CR and was 'punched' I wouldn't just go home to bed and I wouldn't let the guy (ZO or whomever) or group get away with it. I also don't think I'd keep quiet about it when I was out with people or partying. It just seems like ok he was punched and then nothing. Yeah maybe he's keeping a low profile about it. But there has to be some talk as to why or to who it was that punched CR. We read there was a group so it means more than one person was with the person who punched CR. If you were punched wouldn't you want to get back at him at some point? Or maybe see him out partying and have words? It's just odd to me. It's been four months surely there will be another altercation between these people?

What is ZO and crew up to these days? We hear so much about the others.
So, I've been following this case silently since the beginning. For some reason I have been captured by it like many of you. I'm from southern Indiana and went to another IN university. I moved out of the state years ago and I don't know much about btown.

Anyways, the altercation at SW intrigues me for some reason. I keep thinking that if I was CR and was 'punched' I wouldn't just go home to bed and I wouldn't let the guy (ZO or whomever) or group get away with it. I also don't think I'd keep quiet about it when I was out with people or partying. It just seems like ok he was punched and then nothing. Yeah maybe he's keeping a low profile about it. But there has to be some talk as to why or to who it was that punched CR. We read there was a group so it means more than one person was with the person who punched CR. If you were punched wouldn't you want to get back at him at some point? Or maybe see him out partying and have words? It's just odd to me. It's been four months surely there will be another altercation between these people?

What is ZO and crew up to these days? We hear so much about the others.

Welcome! You raise a good point ... there's more than one "silence" surrounding this case. IDK the answer to that, but it's worth considering. IMO, if LS followed CR from SW (if that's how it actually happened?), it's almost like she "chose sides." Maybe I'm wrong about that ... maybe she was just concerned or had plans elsewhere. But it's food for thought ...
I've wondered the same thing about ZO and the 'altercation', Bosslady.

On a (somewhat) related note, in a moment of insomnia/ snoopiness one night, I discovered this site: where you can view crime by address or city/date. I was curious whether it would turn up anything that might confirm some earlier rumours about ZO, but I didn't see anything (I didn't look very hard though). But, I did stumble across another random bit of weirdness: Early this year, another person in this crowd of friends, who lives down the street from ZO, reported a burglary where they "had the door kicked in by unknown subjects". Burglary, fine.. but a door kicked in by strangers? And one day later (or that night) one of the roommates was arrested for assault.... hmmm.

This doesn't really have anything to do with LS, but I'm posting it as an observation that the amount of arrests and reports of violence that are on record about people in this social scene seems totally weird to me. I know some of that may be explained by the frequency of underage drinking charges in Bloomington, but still... In all of my partying through university, I did not know a single person who was arrested for anything... It just makes me wonder about how often things go 'too far' in this group and makes me think that the possibility that a violent crime could be committed in this setting is not so unfathomable.
I have been following this site for some time now and even commented a few times. I would like to relay a conversation I had last night with a good friend of mine.

My friend’s daughter graduated from IU Bloomington in 2009. She is living there now
and told her this conversation. A very good friend of the daughters is a bartender in Btown. She has taken it upon herself to watch out for the young girls who like to party
hard in Btown.

On the night LS disappeared, the bartender had gotten off work and drove by Smallwood
on her way home. She saw a young girl outside of Smallwood who looked completely
wasted. A male person was walking down the sidewalk towards her. She turned her vehicle around and went back. She asked the girl if she was ok. The male person responded, “She is with me”. Again she asked the girl if she was ok. Again, he responded, “I said she is with me”. The bartender went home.

The next night when she went to work she relayed the story to her co-workers. They asked her what the girl was wearing. When she told them, black slacks with a white top they informed her that the girl was missing.

The bartender went to the police and told them the story and gave them a description of the male person.

I was not given any times of when this happened. So, I am assuming the usual time the bars close. If this were the case then LS would have been unable to help anyone get home. If the male person was CR, then he was coherent enough to talk to the bartender. If it was not CR, then we have another person involved. I am sure that this would have been caught on video outside the apartment.
I was not given any times of when this happened. So, I am assuming the usual time the bars close.

This must be wrong, if your other assumption that they were captured on camera is correct. LS's only appearances on camera outside SW are leaving for the night (around 12:30), returning after Sports (around 2:30) and then leaving after the altercation (around 2:40). Indiana law allows bars to stay open until 3AM (when Sports closes), and staff are permitted at least another half hour for cleanup.

Therefore, if the report is true, either the reporter comes from a bar that closes earlier, or (she was not on camera and) the report comes from after 3AM, and more likely towards or after 3:30, and does not tell us anything definitive about her condition or who she was with at 2:40.

There is also the possibility that some info got changed in telephone translation. Given the specificity of the report, I have to ask, why was it not also specified whether the individual resembled any of the POI (and which one)?
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