IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #3

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IIRC the report of a homeless person hearing a woman's scream was incorrect, but I can't find the link that squashes that story.

If it is true, it makes the stranger abduction more plausible, but still doesn't dismiss a crime by someone she knows.

My assumption on the jewelry was that they were looking for something of Lauren's, but perhaps your theory it being the perp's jewelry could prove right as well. I dont think they specified who's jewelry they were looking for or what lead them to look for jewelry in the first place.

I assumed it was Lauren's as well until the stuff about the car (s) came out along with all of the conflicting reports about there being later video footage and of "activity" which made me think of a different reason for the jewelry.

Also there was no footage in front of 10th and College of Lauren walking by which makes me think that she might have noticed her purse/key chain missing and turned around to go look for it.

Any other news about a later video?

And if you find the link I would appreciate it if you could post it.

IMO that just makes him a pretty normal college age kid. CR, MB, JR, JW, and LS all have citations for minor in possession. JW also has citations for speeding. I once got 2 tickets for speeding in a 2 week time period....that was within the last year and I am a 33yo college graduate. I came close to getting an alcohol citation in college as well. My roommate got busted for using a fake ID and I'm sure JR's fake ID's were used to get into bars and/or purchase alcohol. If Lauren was in the bar at 20, it's likely she had one too. Like you mentioned, could be more to it, but seems pretty "normal" for the kids of that area.

Yeah, I agree. The girl I know in Bloomington is 20 and she has two fake ID's. I believe you need two of them to get in a bar down there. She could get busted at any time and end up in the same category. Doesn't mean shes a bad person for it.
Do you know if the PD provides more information to the Equusearch team than they would normally provide to the general public?

I think Equisearch reviews what areas have been searched already and a lot of what they decide to search has to do with past searches, i.e. where people are likely to be found, fields, wooded areas, easy on and off road access, etc...they are probably fairly certain that she is not in the downtown area. I hope pings are a part of it, but not sure if LE gives them any specific info, other than maybe telling them we want this area searched, etc...
The benzos in prescribed doses do not have tht same heavy hit as the sleeping pills Lunesta and ambien. It's a much more subtle calming and very much numbing effect. But even a prescribed doses especially at some of the higher prescribed doses when benzos are mixed with alcohol not only do u have zero recollection of entire nights but when u learn of what u said or how u behaved while in the black out. Well I'd say 99% are embarrassed.. As u do and say things u normally would not.. I guess all of this is fun for some folks. Not to me..

Fun to me is remembering what the heck I had fun doing. Otherwise how do I even know I had fun when I had no memory of a night. For all I know I could have been miserable. But just don't remember. But that's still considered fun?? Naa..

Thanks for the info! husband told me some of the things I supposedly did on the Lunesta....and some of the things I said. :) I won't repeat them here on the forum though. :crazy:,0,2772229.story

This is the best, most detailed account over her movements I have read to date.

Actually I think your earlier account was more detailed minus the exact times- which doesn't seem to matter a whole lot since there are quite a few discrepancies with the exact times in news reports out there. But you did have the sequence correct. This report does have some statements that I had not seen before. This one specifically says that MB said he was asked by LS if he wanted to party and he demurred while she left for Jay Rosenbaum's apartment. This means that JR asked her and she asked MB. Previously MB's statement was reported that she didn't want to stay and left quickly for home. This statement very specifically points to DRUG USE with JR. Another detail not revealed before (and had been bugging me) is that MB is stating that they went to JR's apartment. Before it was not clear where they went. It seems to me that MB (on apparent advice of his attorney) is realizing that trying to avoid the discussion of the reality of drug use was not in his best interests. What is missing is that in earlier reports there were accounts of others being present, and they may have gone with her to JR's. I'm wondering if these are the unnamed POI's who left town. Now we have this narrowed to JR's apartment, and possibly others present. If they were present, we need their account of how long there were there and of course what happened when they were there. If there were not there, it means JR and LS were alone. If they were there and left LS alone with JR, that would amount to the same thing, but that time might matter. It also might matter where they live and what direction they walked to get home. If it was the same building or not, it may still matter depending on what time they left and where their apartment is.
Helicopters could be the heat sensor detectors.. I believe they are used at night but 10days later is odd to just now be using this technique.. Most times I've seen it used in first 24-48
If this was the case and someone tried to cover up an accidental drug overdose then they should get second degree murder.

I think these kids are smart enough to know that and would bring their friend to the emergency room which is only a few blocks past small wood rather than to risk that.

I know first hand from all three of my kids that there are nights when things get out of control and kids turn to LE, emergency medical or adults to help out. They put the other persons lives first.

At least I hope this is the case.

Definitely, not always that smart!
but that was a short walk, well lit, frequented by police, cameras in various places, and some have said even drunk would take no more than 3 to 5 minutes.


There are a few places that are not so well lite and there is a small side alley that she might have gone in if she realized that she forgot her purse.

I thought I read that Corey's lawyer said there was no footage of Lauren going past his office and he is across from College and 10th. All of the video cameras they showed that College and 10th have point under the awning towards the stores that are next to the sidewalk and not on the sidewalk.

Bloomington is a large town and I am sure at 4:30 am there is not LE going by every 10 min or maybe not even every 1/2 hour.

The Big Red is closed and that is a large creepy lot.

The kids feel safe walking around there but I know I didn't.
As one of the first people to bring up coke here, I assure everyone that I'm not being PAID. It is ridiculous. What we are doing is analyzing every shred of what we know, and understand about what was going on and what this atmosphere was like. Everytime someone floats a theory or idea about what may have happened or some aspect of what may have happened, it is compared with what is known. Eventually the theories that are supported by the facts the most, emerge as the prevailing ones. LE does something similar, but they have a lot more information to work with, so here it is more speculative. With regard to cocaine, instead of being ruled out as a theory, it's become increasingly supported.

Anything is still possible, it's even possible that Lauren is alive somewhere.
Yet, working with the information that we have, and how it's been analyzed and torn apart by so many people, what is floating to the surface is shocking to some and everyday reality to others.

At the same time, what happened to the JW angry crime of passion control freak bf theory? With the cameras, cell phones, communication that many speculated must have occurred between JW's friends who punched CR, etc... there should be SOME evidence that would allow LE to hold JW or his friends by now - it's been how many days? JW just picks up and leaves town. He may not be in the clear or ruled out, but certainly by now if there was a shred of concrete evidence linking him to Lauren's demise he would be in custody. To me, it's just not plausible that if it were a crime of passion, that after this length of time there would be no hard evidence. As every day passes that becomes less likely doesn't it?

Then what about JR? the last person to see her and he can only say he saw her walk down the street after being with her for apparently 30 to 45 minutes. (By the way, for those who have been around cocaine, or used it as it would commonly be used in a college apartment, can you explain how long it would take to sit down, do some coke, let it kick in and then feel comfortable enough to leave?) Seems to me a lot of this coke theory depends on what happened between her being at CR/MB's apartment until JR says she walked down N. College. If she was at JR's eating milk and cookies and then decided to stroll down N. College and vanished, then it would look more like a stranger abduction... but that was a short walk, well lit, frequented by police, cameras in various places, and some have said even drunk would take no more than 3 to 5 minutes.

Weighing all of this out, an accidental death seems to make the most sense for me, and until someone pokes holes in that it seems the most likely cause of that accident would be drugs and the most likely one being coke, but yeah alcohol alone can kill someone, so that's like splitting hairs.
The most telling thing for me is that after 10 days, the only words from JR is that he saw her walk to the corner of 11th and N. College while she spent apparently nearly the last hour of her life in his presence. That stinks to me. What has his lawyer said? What do the police say about him, other than repeating his one sentence statement? Earlier today someone was searching and reported that he was caught and charged 2 times with using fake ID's and had 2 speeding violations. If that's all correct, what kind of picture emerges for you? For me, I see someone that has no problem pushing the rules. For those who find the notion of cocaine use shocking, do you have 2 convictions for using fake ids and 2 recent speeding tickets?
Sure, it could just happen to anyone.... or it could also be a little more than that. That's what investigations are for.

My question is...what was the point of watching her walk that far? I never did get that....not to sound mean, but watching her walk part of the way and not all of the way would never do anyone any good. And yes, I get that he couldn't see her past that point. I just can't imagine even walking by myself at 4:30 in the morning. Does anyone know if the area she last walked in was college type housing or were there other people mixed in as well.
Helicopters could be the heat sensor detectors.. I believe they are used at night but 10days later is odd to just now be using this technique.. Most times I've seen it used in first 24-48

And over a populated town I would think there would be a ton of noise.

Maybe they are flying people in? National guard or some other search group?
Yes it would appear to just be his word! So far there has been no evidence that Lauren was anywhere after she was with JR. If the reports of him using fake ID and speeding tickets are correct, what is his word worth? And so far that's all LE has disclosed about JR. He's not talking so he is also a person of few words. Perhaps his lawyer will make a statement, perhaps not. Innocent until proven guilty you know.

I still find it weird that nothing has been said about his DNA either. The other two guys who saw her before he did, had DNA testing. I would think they would have surely asked him to submit, and I'm assuming if he did, we would have heard that too.
Nobody is taking offense to rich kids. If someone, regardless of socioeconomic status, goes to college and takes their education seriously, I have nothing but respect for them. I only mentioned how it always bothers me when kids get sent to school by mommy and daddy with a blank check, and spend their 4 years partying, drinking, using drugs, etc. while studying some nonsense degree or failing out after a year or two.

If a poor kid did the same thing, I'd feel the same way about them, but if you go to a university you are not often going to see someone with limited economic means wasting a chance at making something of their lives. People from that background who make it to college are often determined people, their counterparts never made it that far.
I've always encouraged my kids to go to college and have a great time. Those years were some of the best of my life. You hope and pray that what you've taught them growing up stays with them through young adulthood. I know my children partied and studied hard (as I did) and they are some of the smartest and most successful people I know. They never for a minute took their education for granted. Lauren comes from a good family from what I can tell. I know people from her town and they are well to do, but also very down to earth.
Just my 2 cents.
It doesn't sound to me like police are anywhere near solving this. If they really did suspect the boyfriend, seems like that possibility would have been the easiest one to solve, while abduction by a stranger would be the hardest.

Agreed. Yet the most likely is neither.
And over a populated town I would think there would be a ton of noise.

Maybe they are flying people in? National guard or some other search group?

They're farther away now but I can still hear them. They were super loud when they were right overhead (actually woke me up). It could be anything, but just thought I'd share because it's interesting that they're here at 1-1:30am. There's been a lot of helicopters doing searches and news helicopters in the area over the past week, but never this late.
Benzos.. Benzodiazepines are your valiums, Xanax, Ativan.. Back in the old days referred to as "nerve pills".. Especially your more common ones like the Xanax and Ativan(alprolazam and lorazepam) are really quick acting and extremely addicting with long term use even at the prescribed dose. Forget about it if its abused over long periods of time as the withdrawal from benzos is in a total league of it's own.. Making heroin withdrawal look like a walk in the park..

When combined with alcohol these benzos create a total and complete blackout effect. Amnesia effect.. Zero recall of good portions of a night..

Klonopin is also a benzo and is known to be longer lasting than the Xanax which is known for it's rapid onset.. Which crates the "high" but it's effect is not long lasting. Klonopin is being more and more prescribed because tho still highly addictive it does not have the rapid onset that the Xanax has and it's relief is longer lasting than that of the Xanax as well which means not having to take as much or as frequent as say Xanax.. But it's definitely still abusable and definitely still addicting.

Benzos IMO are nothing to mess with.. ESPECIALLY WHEN COMBOED WITH BOOZE!!

I take Klonopin to help me sleep (insomnia unfortunately) and don't get a high. It just makes me sleepy. Of course I don't take it with alcohol, or drink alcohol hours before taking it. My own experience of course.
I've been hearing helicopters fly over for about 5 mins could easily be a news helicopter, but I'm not sure why they'd be out at 1am. Would they be doing searches/flyovers at this time in the morning? Or maybe something bigger is going on?

i have too.
I'm confused about the DNA samples being taken, and was wondering if someone could enlighten me. Is there DNA evidence to match against? If not, why are they asking for DNA? To have just in case?
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