IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #4

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Someone had asked me earlier to mark where the scream was heard.

I was just marking up Wikimapia, and I noticed someone marked the building next to the adult book store a few blocks north of 11th & College with the following:

"Where I'm 9925 sure Tallboy heard a scream from. The stairs at Sunflower."

Mouse over the little box center of the screen is to see the text.

I don't know who tallboy is, but I'll try to find out...

Someone posted here yesterday that the scream had been ruled out but did not post a link, so not sure if it happened or not.
Thoughts on this latest updated info by roomie(HT)

I, too agree with mrsu's post regarding the new info..

Another added thought is just the change of the night's events completely different from what was just reported 24 hrs ago by the roomie..

Yesterday(actually Sunday is when she gave the details)she says that she was with her friend, Lquren til 12:30am.. That they were with fellow floormates just hanging out at Smallwood til 12:30 when Spierer was looking to go to Kilroy's.. Which we know she did and supposedly it is there that she met up with Rossman..staying til closing time at 2:30am, she left her shoes and cell at the bar as her and Rossman heAd to her Smallwood Apt. HT also stated that Jesse wanted to watch the game and supposedly did so at home while Lauren stayed and hung with the friends at Smallwood.. With plans to meet Jesse "later"...

Now roomie has a totally different account the nights events. Does anyone else find that strange? I don't know what to make of it or what would be the motive for now having a completely different account of that nights events.. But they definitely are drastically different for whatever reason..

Now roomie says that she and Lauren went to Jay's to watch the game and hang out..whereas before not only was this not mentioned but the only mention of Lauren going to Jays was that last yearvthey hung there all the time and that Lauren went to Jays after having left CR/MB's apt in this very early morning hours.. Roomie account is cometely different..
She says that Corey and Beth show up some point later at Jays as well.. And that at 12:30 roomie and DR head home to Smallwood with Lauren goin to Kilroy's which I assume is with Corey while Beth goes back to the apt to work on his papers..
No mention of Jesse in this version or why he was watching game alone and it was known he wanted to watch this game yet they go to Jays to watch it with no mention of Jesse at any point.. Nor any mention of his and Lauren having plans for later that night. I wonder if that too has changed??

And then of course the strangest of all new info that roomie has added to her account was that when Lauren had returned to Jays apt after CR passing out.. That Jaynwas aware that Lauren was intoxicated and aware enough that he worried and asked that she just stay there on couch rather than walk home.. Also that Lauren by 4:15 had realized she did not have her phone and was hoping to find someone who did know where it was.. And that Lauren supposedly made a call from Jay's at 4:15 to fellow Smallwood tenant amd pal DR whom she had not been with or around since before 12:30am when they were all at Jays prior to Lauren's going to Kilroy's..

IMO this is nonsensical that Lauren of all ppl would make a 4:15am phone call to DR.. Why DR when she'd not even been with him since prior to losing her phone.. One may say well.. That was her level of intoxication that she did not have a clear picture of when she had even last seen or had her phone.. And that she was under the impression that she last had it before going to Kilroy's with no recollect of even having it at Kilroy's much less that is where she had left it..
But still them why DR?? Why not roomie HT??whom was also there at Jays the same time as DR was.. Just mAkes zero since that Lauren would choose to make a call to DR at 415 inquiring about where her phone was..

IMO it's one of two things. Either lauren made the cAll to DR but we are not being told the true or accurate reason or motive for the 4:15 call or Lauren did not make the call but rather someone else from Jays made that call to DR and knew it would come into question so it is now being told that it was Lauren that made the call for reasons of her phone..
Sadly since DR didn't answer and I doubt a msg was left I don't believe we will ever know the true id of who made the call or the motive behind the 4:15Am call.. Unless the truth is told by that person or a person who was present when it was made..

Lastly the new Info that Ja's reason for having watched Lauren to that specific point(corner of College&11th)was because he said that if during that piece of the walk that if he were to see Lauren stumble indicating her level of intoxication that the deal was that she would have to turn around come back to Jays to sleep it off on his couch.. According to him she didn't stumble and henwas ok to let her walk the rest of the short distance left to get to her Smallwood apt..

So what gives with this complete and differing account of that nights events??

Now I'm confused. I thought the roommate HT said that LS, JR and another Smallwood resident DR went to JRs? Not that HT went to JRs. And it was at JRs that CR showed up and he and Lauren went to Kilroy's then DR went back to Smallwood?
With regards to why LS allegedly used JR's phone to call DR: Perhaps he was the only phone number JR had in his phone contacts with whom LS had been in contact that night. I doubt LS would know her roommates' phone numbers by heart; she might not even know her boyfriend's number.

With cell phones, there no longer is a need to memorize numbers when everyone's number is already programmed in, so LS may not have been able to call her roommates.

This is just another theory. Who knows...

Respectfully, BBM:

HT was friends with JR, friends enough that she has told us she hung out at his place a lot in the past.

I'll venture that HT's cell number was in JR's contact list.
Someone had asked me earlier to mark where the scream was heard.

I was just marking up Wikimapia, and I noticed someone marked the building next to the adult book store a few blocks north of 11th & College with the following:

"Where I'm 9925 sure Tallboy heard a scream from. The stairs at Sunflower."

Mouse over the little box center of the screen is to see the text.

I don't know who tallboy is, but I'll try to find out...

That's really strange. I wonder who did that?
Someone had asked me earlier to mark where the scream was heard.

I was just marking up Wikimapia, and I noticed someone marked the building next to the adult book store a few blocks north of 11th & College with the following:

"Where I'm 9925 sure Tallboy heard a scream from. The stairs at Sunflower."

Mouse over the little box center of the screen is to see the text.

I don't know who tallboy is, but I'll try to find out...

How dense are the woods along the RR tracks? Have you heard if that area has been searched?
Now I'm confused. I thought the roommate HT said that LS, JR and another Smallwood resident DR went to JRs? Not that HT went to JRs. And it was at JRs that CR showed up and he and Lauren went to Kilroy's then DR went back to Smallwood?

Yes the article does say that LS and DR went to JR's apartment where they were joined by CR and MB. Then CR and LS leave for the bar and DR goes back home to Smallwood.
OK, I had found a FB page called 10th and College and all they had listed on it were bars :)

As far as the phone call at 4:15 from JR's we know where the guy who was called lived? Would he have had to drive back to JR's if asked? Does anyone know?

The 4:15 call was to DR and he lives at Smallwood and it was never answered. HT claims it was LS who made the call and the only one who could have told her that is JR.

So there is a call from JR's phone to DR at 4:15, not answered, don't know if there is a voicemail (doubt it). The person making the call could have been LS, as HT claims (through JR), or it could have come from JR, the owner of the phone. You make the call!
"..."somebody" called Rohn at 4:15 a.m. and that "he didn't answer his phone because he was in bed.""

This fact could be so important. I hope they can trace who made the call. JR? LS? 4:15 am keeps coming up. The homeless man heard a scream at that time.

This does sound significant,and near the adult bookstore.I would think it was a stranger abduction,but why the changing stories of her friends.If she did in fact do cocaine that night.I am sure it would have stopped her heart since she has a condition and it wouldn't take long either.Which tells me she wouldn't made it far walking if in fact she did make that walk
I wish we knew if the scream is a fact; the only thing I recall reading is that a media member was walking with the man and trying to determine if it had happened.
This does sound significant,and near the adult bookstore.I would think it was a stranger abduction,but why the changing stories of her friends.If she did in fact do cocaine that night.I am sure it would have stopped her heart since she has a condition and it wouldn't take long either.Which tells me she wouldn't made it far walking if in fact she did make that walk
Something tells me that if coke were involved, it wouldn't have been her first time. I would assume that she would experiment with it with friends the first time, including staying over to be safe. Especially if she has a heart condition, I doubt she would drink at the same time.
Unless she previously did coke, then maybe she would assume she would be fine to go home alone.
The 4:15 call was to DR and he lives at Smallwood and it was never answered. HT claims it was LS who made the call and the only one who could have told her that is JR.

So there is a call from JR's phone to DR at 4:15, not answered, don't know if there is a voicemail (doubt it). The person making the call could have been LS, as HT claims (through JR), or it could have come from JR, the owner of the phone. You make the call!

At this point I would not put much faith in what the friends say,any of them.I think they might be trying to cover for each other.The LE can trace any call and that's the only way to find out for sure.If in fact she was given cocaine and died at the hands of another.That is manslaughter and they are
smart enough to know this.If this is what happened they did panic and hide her body.
Something tells me that if coke were involved, it wouldn't have been her first time. I would assume that she would experiment with it with friends the first time, including staying over to be safe. Especially if she has a heart condition, I doubt she would drink at the same time.
Unless she previously did coke, then maybe she would assume she would be fine to go home alone.

I don’t know, getting good and liquored up, in the wrong frame of mind (depressed, angry) can make a person do some pretty stupid things. Been there, done that.
How dense are the woods along the RR tracks? Have you head if that area has been searched?

They are only about 20' wide on each side at most.

I've taken the fam and walked some of it myself near the ReStore.
They say the whole city limits have been searched, so I presume those RR tracks and woods have also.
This 4:15 phone call makes no sense to me. Why would LS call DR (hope I got those initials right) to see where her phone was when she had last been with CR and JR? If she left it at the bar, I would have to assume that she had used it or at least checked it once or twice while at the bar, so for her to call DR to find out where it was makes no sense at all when he was not even with her at the bar.

What does make sense to me is that JR is trying to explain why he made a call to DR at 4:15 am? What that call was regarding I don't know. Possilities are endless...trying to score more drugs? Asking for assistance with LS?

HT says that LS used JR's cell to call DR, but Attorney Chapman (who recently spoke w/DR) says only that someone used JR's cell to call DR, but DR didn't answer because by then he was asleep at Smallwood.

My young adult kids and their friends barely use their cells to actually speak. An actual voice is usually only reserved for "business" and calls with adults, usually parents. They text each other---for everything!

IMO, must have been urgent matter that college kids are actually using the voice feature! Not common in my observations for young college adults of this age to actually speak to one another on the cell.

However, if a friend calls, they will either pick it up or check for a VM because it's usually pretty important if they actually need to use their voice. Again, only my observations.|topnews|text|

Before leaving, Tamir said, Spierer used Rosenbaum's phone to call Rohn to see if he knew where her phone was.

Chapman, who represented Rohn in a prior public intoxication case and spoke with him in recent days about his interactions with Spierer, would only say that that "somebody" called Rohn at 4:15 a.m. and that "he didn't answer his phone because he was in bed."
Something tells me that if coke were involved, it wouldn't have been her first time. I would assume that she would experiment with it with friends the first time, including staying over to be safe. Especially if she has a heart condition, I doubt she would drink at the same time.
Unless she previously did coke, then maybe she would assume she would be fine to go home alone.

Even if she did cocaine before,the drug is not always the same.It depends on where you get it from and some are much stronger than others,Just like any illegal drug.You never know exactly what you are given.It does speed up the heart and will give you a heart attack.I am wondering how much though she put into her heart condition.Maybe she just went along like it didn't exist.

"Police also hope to release surveillance video of a car or cars were seen in the area of North Walnut and 10th and 11th street by tomorrow. Police "do have some indication as to the type of vehicle," Qualters said, but are waiting for the video to be enhanced by the FBI before releasing those images to the public. This vehicle captured on video is not necessarily a suspect vehicle, but could be someone who can provide information, he said.

Video obtained from Smallwood Plaza will not be released, he said."
If they do released the vehicle video, then I would guess they don't know who it belings to...

Wonder why they will not be releasing the other protect LS if something less than flattering was going on? Is that the video of the fight?
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