IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #7

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Whatever happened to Lauren, I imagine a lot of parents are shocked to learn that it was apparently not unusual, even for a seemingly serious student like Lauren, to walk the streets, probably intoxicated, by herself at night. I doubt very much that her parents would have thought it possible she would have put herself in danger in this way. Probably a lot of lectures going on, from parents to kids who have become aware of this tragic story.
Sort of late to be checking the trashcans, I would think.

Ya really. And if someone were to try to hide evidence I doubt they would do it in a public place at Smallwood. But, glad to see the security not overlooking things.
Sort of late to be checking the trashcans, I would think.

Yes but if someone was moving out for the summer and decided to hide it back there after the fact....knowing they are going through all of the trash, perhaps to buy themselves time that could be possible. The security guard in that building obviously knows what the police are looking for and why would they report it if it didn't seem significant?
And why would police be looking into serveillance video of who left the bag if the clothing found inside were not significant....perhaps the person wants to be caught but doesn't have the guts to come forward yet.

Either way...not looking good fro LS. :(
Yes, thanks, I made that map.

Hey Btown, the Lofts at 11th and College, #27. Do they have any camera's?

On google maps I see 2 buildings behind the waffle house that have a view of the corner of 10th and College from the back. Do they have any camera's back there?
Fairly new here too, but have read every thread I hope so as to not waste anyone's time. Motive seems to be implied here...LS meets new boy (CR) couple week ago, now LS is hanging out with CR and friends, (JR & MB), none of which are in the same circle of friends as boyfriend. LS goes not, can't be contacted, is sooo intoxicated forgets shoes and phones and is with this new fiend from 12:30 AM to 2:51, often alone and in back alleys. I agree with bessie that in todays 'texting' world, informaiton is much more real time....that fact that JW friends are 'waiting' at Smallwood and altercation, someone knew or strongly suspected there was something going on, as stated, "inappropriate attention" on the elevator. LS was likely allowing this attention by bringing CR into Smallwood. JMO!

Who were the friends? Why were they at Smallwood? Who let them in? Where there any other witnesses?

The one wildcard in this '2 sided' motive, is that roomate HT was friends with CR's friends (introduced LS & CR at Indy 500) and was at JR's prior to LS leaving for bar, but yet seems to be friends (gave keys to) with JW and defends him and his relationship with LS?

Very possible with the heart condition, alcohol and other activities, there may have been an accident, and someone (maybe driving white truck) to come and help dispose.

Eitherway, it's apparent that LE and Mom are on the right track trying to get the friends and other to talk, cause some knows more than they are leading on, most likely to protect themslves or someone close.
Hey Btown, the Lofts at 11th and College, #27. Do they have any camera's?

On google maps I see 2 buildings behind the waffle house that have a view of the corner of 10th and College from the back. Do they have any camera's back there?

The Lofts do not have any security cameras outside that I can find. I've looked.

The building behind the Waffle House is a Massage Parlor called Spaah! on the ground floor, and apartments on the upper level. I got my wife a massage there not too long ago. They don't have any security cameras that can see the sidewalk, the road, or out back unfortunately.

Right beside the massage parlor, is Square Donuts. They do have cameras, but also only show interior images. Nothing on the sidewalk or street.

Forgot to add that a couple days ago the City Police went door to door to all the businesses on the road the massage parlor is on , (Walnut St.), asking for video. I'll never understand what took them almost 2 weeks to do that. At anyrate, word is there was nothing noteworthy on those cameras from that night.
I may be mistaken, but I thought I read someplace that JR and JW were frat brothers? Is this true? In that case, JR and JW likely knew each other and may have been friends.
Mr & Mrs Spierer's agony is so apparent! Doggonit I wish I could do more to help....

It's just not fair what these parents are going thru:(

Evidence taken this morning was apparently a bag of men and women's clothing found behind a trash bin ....

"A security officer discovered the bag of men's and women's clothes behind an indoor trash bin on the sixth floor of the Smallwood Apartments early Friday, police told 6News' Stacia Matthews.

Investigators were looking at surveillance video Friday afternoon to determine who left the bag."

I bet it's not connected to this case at all.
I may be mistaken, but I thought I read someplace that JR and JW were frat brothers? Is this true? In that case, JR and JW likely knew each other and may have been friends.

According to the roommate, Lauren herself knew JR for some time and roommate and Lauren hang out in JR's apartment a lot.
I work in the heart of the government district for a fairly large city. While both walking around at lunch today, and driving home from work yesterday, I passed a few City service trucks and a utility truck for the utility company that services the greater metropolitan area.

I noticed that several of these City service/utility trucks were white Chevy Colorados! The City trucks had no writing on the side, but rather the City's logo on the back, a City license plate and a "How Am I Driving?" sticker on the back. The utility truck had its logo and its company name on the side.

I just thought this was interesting that this particular car and color seems to be a favored service truck.
What do supposed the parents of these POI's are telling them? Are they seeing Lauren's parents pleas? I would like to think they are insisting on their children telling the truth, no matter what, but I fear that might be naive on my part...there is so much of an element of self-preservation in our society, it seems.

Clearly Mrs. Spierer thinks they are holding back. She could be wrong, of course, and just needs a place to direct her frustrations and pain. I hope they find this darned truck today and rule that in or out...this must be beyond horrifying for this family.
IMO, if you look at it in a filtered sort of way, you see that there was a "flow" of anger and some violence from one group of people, towards another group of people that night. I think it might even be possible to reduce that to a flow of anger from one specific person to another. It's very possible that this is a key to solving this case.

However, when you remove all "filters", you are left with a very confusing situation that night (courtesy of alcohol and possibly drugs). That, might be possibly the reason LE is doing what the are doing. While they might have a strong feeling about what occurred, and maybe even who was responsible, they may be quite concerned about getting blindsided by something. There very easily could have been an "outside" opportunist that inserted themselves into the drama of that night.

I feel real bad for the parents. I have a son who is going into college this fall. I just can't even imagine :(
I work in the heart of the government district for a fairly large city. While both walking around at lunch today, and driving home from work yesterday, I passed a few City service trucks and a utility truck for the utility company that services the greater metropolitan area.

I noticed that several of these City service/utility trucks were white Chevy Colorados! The City trucks had no writing on the side, but rather the City's logo on the back, a City license plate and a "How Am I Driving?" sticker on the back. The utility truck had its logo and its company name on the side.

I just thought this was interesting that this particular car and color seems to be a favored service truck.

My neighboring city uses the same trucks for community landscaping. I don't remember where, but someone (perhaps on one of the fb groups dedicated to finding LS) said that the side could have the Bloomington logo on the side. Personally I don't agree, since the Bloomington logo is like a snowflake/flower design and the "writing" appears long and wavy on the surveillance photos. Also, I'd think that the city knew where their own service trucks were at all times.
Poor Lauren may be on her way to becoming a poster girl of what can happen when booze enters the mix in college socializing...add in drama from high emotions and hormones, anything can happen.
Great point, are JR and JW frat brothers and do they know each other. We assume so much becuase we take the MSM reports verbatum, however there is always so much more between the lines. As Barry stated, the flow of anger or potential thereof between the 2 groups was prevelent and the best motive we have at this point.

Truck, while may or may not be involved, if it was involved, it may or may not be unrelated to the POI's involved in LS's evening of activities.

There is so much more to this story.....
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