IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #8

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I am close to 50/50 stranger vs. friends or acquaintances.
LE seems to be considering both, since they are looking for this truck which would seem to match the story of JR, timewise; yet as far as we know, he and the others are still POI's.
I'd be surprised, however, if it turns out (assuming we ever know) that Lauren's crazy night had nothing to do with her disappearance, other than placing her in the wrong place at 4:30AM.

I am not sure as to how much that truck matches JR's timeline. LS supposedly left his apartment at about 4:30 am. And then he watched her for some time (according to btwon's calculation less than 10 minutes) but didn't see anything happen to her. The truck was last seen on camera at 4:24 am. Of course I realize JR's timeline is approximate, but they do have the exact time of the phone call made to DR supposedly by LS at 4:15 am (or so was claimed by a lawyer). So presumably based on JR's story, at 4:15 am she was still at his apartment, and she probably wouldn't have left immediately after making that phone call, if he says she left at about 4:30 am. How long would it take the truck to drive from where it was on camera to where LS was last seen by JR?
I was with a lot of my family tonight and I brought up this case and to my surprise a lot of people suspected the boyfriend is involved... i guess i can understand why since he left town so fast....

just curious as to what all of your family and/or friends think happened to LS??
I am not sure as to how much that van matches JR's timeline. LS supposedly left his apartment at about 4:30 am. And then he watched her for some time (minutes) but didn't see anything happen to her. The van was last seen on camera at 4:24 am. Of course I realize JR's timeline is approximate, but they do have the exact time of the phone call made to DR supposedly by LS at 4:15 am (or so was claimed by a lawyer). So presumably based on JR's story, at 4:15 am she was still at his apartment, and she probably wouldn't have left immediately after making that phone call, if he says she left at about 4:30 am.

True, but the fact that they are looking for the truck at all means LE is considering that Lauren could have been out on the streets alone at about that time. Rather than having had an "incident" of some kind closer to 3am.
True, but the fact that they are looking for the truck at all means LE is considering that Lauren could have been out on the streets alone at about that time. Rather than having had an "incident" of some kind closer to 3am.

Yes, it sure appears that way. I am just not sure how well the timeline fits. How long does it take a car to drive from where LS was last seen to where the camera is?
True, but the fact that they are looking for the truck at all means LE is considering that Lauren could have been out on the streets alone at about that time. Rather than having had an "incident" of some kind closer to 3am.

No, my new theory is that an accident did happen.. and the truck was called or used to pick her up in. That's why it circled the block, probably on the phone with someone waiting for an exact location to pick her up. I think more than one "friend" knows what happened.
It is possible this buffer strip and waiting for no one to be around is why it took the truck 10 min. to circle the block.
I agree that these factors could definitely have played a part in the amount of time it took for the truck to circle the block (this is a very small block-- you could walk around it fairly slowly and it would take ten minutes, tops). I guess the problem I have with the random abduction scenario is how incredibly unlucky it was for LS to have been in that place at that time. The distance from the corner of 11th and College to the front door of Smallwood-- home!-- is about 700 ft. The distance from 11th and College to the last area not seen from a camera (or easily viewed from the Waffle House parking lot, where there are always people at 4:30 in the AM) is about 200 ft. What extraordinary bad luck to have been spotted on this truck's first pass in such a short amount of time (and at that hour!), and picked up within 10 minutes. Part of me just can't believe the terrible luck of the draw in this scenario, and part of me wants to disqualify this option because it means there is a predator running around on our streets (or someone else's, now).
Yes, it sure appears that way. I am just not sure how well the timeline fits. How long does it take a car to drive from where LS was last seen to where the camera is?

i'm guessing it would take somewhere in the seconds...

obviously the question is what was that truck doing for 10 min?? i mean 10 min is a long time, relatively speaking... the person driving that truck could have gone somewhere to pick someone up from a party and then drove back the same way it came.... or it could have been "loading" something in the back.

If she was snatched off the streets I find it hard to believe it would take 10min for that truck to reappear in the camera
I agree that these factors could definitely have played a part in the amount of time it took for the truck to circle the block (this is a very small block-- you could walk around it fairly slowly and it would take ten minutes, tops). I guess the problem I have with the random abduction scenario is how incredibly unlucky it was for LS to have been in that place at that time. The distance from the corner of 11th and College to the front door of Smallwood-- home!-- is about 700 ft. The distance from 11th and College to the last area not seen from a camera (or easily viewed from the Waffle House parking lot, where there are always people at 4:30 in the AM) is about 200 ft. What extraordinary bad luck to have been spotted on this truck's first pass in such a short amount of time (and at that hour!), and picked up within 10 minutes. Part of me just can't believe the terrible luck of the draw in this scenario, and part of me wants to disqualify this option because it means there is a predator running around on our streets (or someone else's, now).

I agree...that is what I have been thinking all along. There is so little time, seemingly, for her to have been taken, IF her friends are telling the truth and she made the 4:15AM phone call from JR's apartment. She would have to be the unluckiest girl to have walked out of sight of her friend right into the "arms" of a predator. Even predators have to sleep sometime, and 4:30AM does not sound like prime-time to find a victim. Closer to bar closing time, maybe.
I just want to get an idea of what everyone thinks happened...

who thinks this is a stranger abduction

who thinks LS friends are involved

who thinks something other than these two scenarios

I personally don't believe that JR saw Lauren leave to walk home at 4:15-4:30 am.

I think what happened to her happened there.

I believe the answer lies with JR and JW

I agree...that is what I have been thinking all along. There is so little time, seemingly, for her to have been taken, IF her friends are telling the truth and she made the 4:15AM phone call from JR's apartment. She would have to be the unluckiest girl to have walked out of sight of her friend right into the "arms" of a predator. Even predators have to sleep sometime, and 4:30AM does not sound like prime-time to find a victim. Closer to bar closing time, maybe.

It would have been a very small window of opportunity, but many victims of random abduction just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, so not impossible, I suppose.
It would have been a very small window of opportunity, but many victims of random abduction just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, so not impossible, I suppose.

If she was taken by a stranger, I'd be surprised if he wasn't surprised to actually find a girl all alone at that hour. I know they seem to be pretty free about walking around alone at night, but I wouldn't think 4:30 would be a time when you would be lucky enough to find a girl to grab, on what would have been after a Thursday night. But who knows...
Can someone remind me of the person in CR's building who was interviewed who said he recognized LS and had seen her around? What was his name, who was he exactly? Also is any of the extended circle of friends EMPLOYED at Kilroy's?

I'm very slightly leaning towards believing this is random abduction. I can explain the ten minutes by thinking she was the delay herself (throwing up, or possibly even passed out) and the ten minutes was the time it took to make sure the scene was clear, and to haul her into the truck. If she was as wasted as the rumor mill has it, she may not have even made a scene.
But there's just too much unknown to feel it's more than a 51-49 split.
If she was taken by a stranger, I'd be surprised if he wasn't surprised to actually find a girl all alone at that hour. I know they seem to be pretty free about walking around alone at night, but I wouldn't think 4:30 would be a time when you would be lucky enough to find a girl to grab, on what would have been after a Thursday night. But who knows...

Good points here: I was thinking it was weirdly unlucky to have traffic at all on that part of College at that hour, but you're right-- a predator looking for a victim would likely not be looking for a girl alone at that hour AND on a Thursday/Friday night/morning. And not there. Of course it's possible. But so very, very unbelievably unlucky.

It would have been a very small window of opportunity, but many victims of random abduction just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, so not impossible, I suppose.

Indeed, this is what happened (we think) to Jill Behrman eleven years ago.
I just want to get an idea of what everyone thinks happened...

who thinks this is a stranger abduction

who thinks LS friends are involved

who thinks something other than these two scenarios

I think LE knows more than they are telling. If it was an accident at JR's apartment and the white truck was involved in helping him/them get rid of her body, wouldn't someone else show up on the cameras?

I think LS's mother thinks the friends are hiding something. I realize the POI's should not be helping with the search, but there are other means of support that they could be providing the family. Instead many have left town, and also hired attorneys. I have two college sons, 21 & 23. I can't imagine our first inclination would be to hire an attorney if one of their friends went missing and they were questioned. Yet that is assuming telling the truth is the only right thing to do. Not everyone thinks the truth will set you free!

As a parent I feel so bad for Lauren's parents. Not only is she missing, but all the talk of drug involvement, heavy drinking, and fighting that night, make Lauren's case that much sadder. If it was one of my boys' girlfriends, I would be showing our family support in anyway I was needed.

We lost of beloved family dog several years ago. I was beside myself with sadness and worry of the unknown. This has to be magnified a million times more for a child. The unknowns can tear you apart. What if she is crying for me? What if she needs my help to get back to safety?
I pray every night for Lauren and her family. That they will soon find peace.
At 4:14 she should still have been inside JR's, getting ready to dial the phone, right? So if the first pass was at 4:14 the driver could not have seen her and circled back, unless of course she was not making that call (or I have my times wrong...)
I think LS's "friends" are involved and think there is strong evidence of it being drug-related. I think it's possible she OD'd.

My reasons for believing this:
- Crime stats (friends involved is historically most likely scenario - boyfriend specifically).
- Criminal records of POIs and their overall shadiness.
- LS and POIs heavy partying and drug use.
- LS and POIs involvement in fighting/drama.
- LS heart condition.
- Extreme secrecy from LE and from POIs. If LE could clear them they would; they're likely trying to play POIs off each other.
- TINY window of opportunity for her to be snatched randomly and extremely low odds of kidnapper-type being in right place/right time.

Possible endgames:
- They find body and forensic evidence busts one or more POI.
- One of POIs makes a mistake and LE exploits it for arrest.
- One of POIs cracks and cuts a deal to snitch the rest out.
- Criminal case fizzles and Spierer family nails someone in civil court.

PS: I don't see any dogs, bodies, paintball masks, or anything in, on, or in the back of the truck. The photos are inconclusive in that regard. You're all seeing what you want to see. See:
Rorschach test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Above BBM - When I first read news of the pics being released I wasn't at all thinking of looking for a person in the bed of the truck. When I clicked on the link & the pics came up, it was just there. It was instantaneous, no staring at it for hours on end.

While I don't really believe it's LS back there, it still seems to be a person.
I feel strongly that Lauren's "friends" know what happened to her. Their behavior seems crazy -- posing, smiling, for photos, leaving town quickly, hiring lawyers ASAP, and her roommate's word choices in her [many] interviews all seem strange. None of her friends seem upset.

Even if it was a complete accident I'd expect them to be upset. I feel like it's more than that. Her roommate seems very chill and nonchalant about the whole thing for someone who has been her friend for several years.
I think LE knows more than they are telling. If it was an accident at JR's apartment and the white truck was involved in helping him/them get rid of her body, wouldn't someone else show up on the cameras?

I think LS's mother thinks the friends are hiding something. I realize the POI's should not be helping with the search, but there are other means of support that they could be providing the family. Instead many have left town, and also hired attorneys. I have two college sons, 21 & 23. I can't imagine our first inclination would be to hire an attorney if one of their friends went missing and they were questioned. Yet that is assuming telling the truth is the only right thing to do. Not everyone thinks the truth will set you free!

As a parent I feel so bad for Lauren's parents. Not only is she missing, but all the talk of drug involvement, heavy drinking, and fighting that night, make Lauren's case that much sadder. If it was one of my boys' girlfriends, I would be showing our family support in anyway I was needed.

We lost of beloved family dog several years ago. I was beside myself with sadness and worry of the unknown. This has to be magnified a million times more for a child. The unknowns can tear you apart. What if she is crying for me? What if she needs my help to get back to safety?
I pray every night for Lauren and her family. That they will soon find peace.

I was curious about what a parent would want thier son or daughter to do in this situation, as a POI, so I asked my mom and she said if it were her son she would want to get them out of bloomington asap and hire a lawyer right away just because of all of the media attention....

i think it is important to realize that hiring an attorney is not an admission of guilt, just a way to protect yourself... i mean LE has charged innocent people with crimes before...

If it were my girlfriend that went missing I would be doing everything possible to help find her... does anyone else think it is odd how soon LS boyfriend left town???
I found it very strange that her boyfriend left town so soon, he is 21 or older and could have chosen to stay and help support her family, even if he was not allowed to search. Her parents said from the start that he and Lauren were very close or very involved and then, poof, he is gone from the scene ASAP. Even if his parents wanted him home, he could have said, no, I need to be here.

But I am getting the impression that people in this age group tend to "bounce back" from things rather more quickly than seems proper, sometimes. I have noticed from other cases, scanning various FB pages of friends of missing or murdered people, that so often, the victim isn't even mentioned, or barely, if at all. For me, it would be such a huge event in my life if a friend vanished or was murdered, I don't think I could concentrate on anything else.
I was curious about what a parent would want thier son or daughter to do in this situation, as a POI, so I asked my mom and she said if it were her son she would want to get them out of bloomington asap and hire a lawyer right away just because of all of the media attention....

i think it is important to realize that hiring an attorney is not an admission of guilt, just a way to protect yourself... i mean LE has charged innocent people with crimes before...

If it were my girlfriend that went missing I would be doing everything possible to help find her... does anyone else think it is odd how soon LS boyfriend left town???

The boyfriend is in a difficult situation, considering police declared him a POI. I am not surprised he left town. With all the cameras up there, I find it very hard to believe boyfriend had anything to do with it. He'd have to get from where he was to where she was, so wouldn't someone trying to do that be caught on camera somewhere?
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