In Memory of JonBenet Ramsey

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I'm guessing he worked in tandem with the Ramseys, who accidentally left some materials from their clothing on little JBR. Maybe they just hired him for the ransom note only.
It’s rather noticeable and quite laughable that every Team Ramsey new “suspect” is either dead, or is already in prison for life and can’t be prosecuted for her murder. It’s a joke and a complete fraud upon the public. Glenn Meyer was given a polygraph on Jan, 1 1997. He passed. He was thoroughly investigated by Steve Thomas.

Furthermore, the behavioral evidence is so overwhelming against the Rams that it’s nearly impossible for it to be anyone else but them.

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Even the Grand Jury thought the case was RDI ....

JonBenét Ramsey Murder Suspect Glenn Meyer’s Handwriting Allegedly Matches Ransom Note

Apr 4, 2018

"Since then, forensic experts have compared the handwriting on public record documents to the ransom note, and the one expert claims that the handwriting is a “perfect match.” Roscoe Clark tells the site, “Meyer had a unique writing style that’s consistent with the ransom note — making it highly likely he wrote it.”

... The new suspect passed away years ago and tests trying to prove that John or Patsy wrote the note have been inconclusive."
Let me get this straight: Roscoe Clark is now claiming to be a document examiner? :floorlaugh: Oops. He calls himself a "handwriting analyst." :lol:
Roscoe Clark has been exposed as a total fraud on every forum he's ever shown up on. He copied the RN and tried to claim it was the original in his posession :)giggle:) because it was shown on blue-lined notebook paper with red margin lines. Even his fellow IDIot, Jammie, has denounced him as a "total fraud" (hir words).

In this particular article, if you look at the gallery, he's comparing the Ramsey RN to Meyer's signature taken from a marriage license, using his handy-dandy slant scale. Here's the license with his signature:

Here it is in Roscoe's comparison:

Do you see it? He's not even comparing the original signature. He's copied it with a larger pen (probably a Sharpie) like he did the RN. It's most obvious in the tails of his "y"s, and in the leading stroke of the "R" that it's not the same as the signature (in cursive yet) on the marriage license.

Really? That cursive signature looks like the printing in the Ramsey Ransom Note? Give me a break.

Here are the links to these images if you want to see them larger:,880&ssl=1,880&ssl=1


  • jonbenet-ramsey-ransom-note-lettering-04.jpg
    62.9 KB · Views: 611
  • jonbenet-ramsey-ransom-note-lettering-02.jpg
    48.3 KB · Views: 642
Follow the money. They should audit anyone associated with Meyer He could have taken a payoff to confess knowing he was going die. It is not that uncommon.

Boulder DA forming cold case unit to review unsolved homicides — including JonBenet Ramsey

Prosecutors have list of 30 cases to review for possible re-investigation


"Boulder County District Attorney Michael Dougherty is forming a cold case unit to investigate unsolved homicides and missing persons cases, which would include the 1996 slaying of JonBenet Ramsey.

"There are over 30 other names on this list, and the impact on the families and the community is extremely significant," Dougherty said. "And that's what drives us."


"Chief Trial Deputy Fred Johnson and senior investigator Gary Thatcher, both of whom have experience with cold cases, will be assigned to the cold case unit in addition to their current responsibilities, Dougherty said, so additional staff won't be hired. Both Johnson and Thatcher have also been invited to join the statewide cold case review team, which looks at cold cases from agencies across Colorado and gives advice on how to pursue them."

"Boulder County is taking five murder cases to trial this year and has seen a 30 percent increase in filed felony cases since 2015, which is keeping the office busy.

Creating a unit focused on the issue is the most effective way to solve cold cases, Dougherty said.

"Otherwise the boxes sit on a shelf somewhere," he said.

The district attorney's office will first analyze cases to see whether they can potentially be solved and whether more resources should be poured into them. That includes looking at physical evidence to see if there is DNA that can be evaluated with new technology.

The office and local law enforcement agencies will coordinate efforts on the cases. Dougherty was encouraged when he talked with local department chiefs and they had suggestions for investigations to pursue.

"These are cases that haunt them, because they believe they can be solved," he said."

Effort to seal autopsy reports of minors in Colorado draws outcry from open-records advocates

Coroners say they want to protect families, but opponents fear move will shield child protection system from public scrutiny

April 23, 2018

"Proposed legislation that would bar the public in Colorado — on privacy grounds — from viewing autopsy reports on the deaths of minors is prompting resistance from open-records advocates who say it will make it harder to uncover mistakes in the child-protection system.

The opponents, including media representatives, point to past reporting projects that relied in part on autopsy reports to hold child-protection officials accountable for failing to protect abused children who died. They also say Senate Bill 223 could complicate efforts to shed light on other issues, such as the opioid epidemic, or fatal shootings of juveniles by police and even potential flaws in police homicide investigations."


"The work of the Boulder County coroner’s office in the 1996 murder of 6-year-old child beauty queen JonBenét Ramsey in Boulder became controversial and generated criticism in a case in which police and prosecution tactics were questioned, they point out."

Don’t hide child autopsy reports from the public

By The Denver Post Editorial Board

April 27, 2018

"A blanket exemption could also help coroners hide mistakes they make. The coroner who handled the autopsy for JonBenet Ramsey, for instance, apparently made a mess of it — which probably wouldn’t have come to light if this exemption had been in place."

Opinion: Guest Opinions
Michael T. Dougherty: A new focus on cold cases


"The 1996 murder of 6-year-old JonBenet Ramsey is one of the cases on the list maintained by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. Her death sparked prolonged interest that persists to this day. Significant resources have been expended trying to determine who killed her, but the case remains unsolved. The Boulder Police Department continues to assess active leads in connection with that murder.

Our mission will be to provide the investigative focus given to the Ramsey case to all the cases under review. While some of these cases have received less media attention than others, none of them is any less important or tragic. For every one of these cases, we hope to secure justice for the victim, closure for their loved ones, and answers for our community.

Michael T. Dougherty is Boulder County's district attorney."

Have to add 'fruit cocktail' to the mix of associations (PW book).

fruit cocktail p 404

p 420 side notation Jon Benet
p 403 side notation Base Ball Bat
p 286 Lure police away from victims body
p 253 kill
p 241 murder her
p 196 $118
p 132 FBI
p 125 Boulder Girl?
p 123 Clothing - Fat Cat
p 119 "pincurled broad" = Pin curls
p 117 Pin Curls
p 81 "I'll cut your head right off"

It Was Him The Many Murders of Ed Edwards


"Talking with siblings ... they actually have proof
that he [EE] was at home in that Christmas of 1996...
[family have Christmas photos]
To hear that he didn't kill JBR , that's a big one....
get some resolution for people"
"I believe he killed Joanbenet Ramsey." -- It's Jonbenet not Joanbenet.

"They had a tour months before." -- Hey, stupid, the historic homes tour was in 1994. Two years before her murder. They had a Foyer Group Party in 1996 for 60 guests, but that party was for the members of their church. You talk about the police ignoring the details, but get the year of the historic homes tour wrong.

Funny, this whole thing is a mirror image. I was reading parts of the note backwards. I then looked up at the news on TV and couldn't read the captions. My mind had adjusted to reading from right to left.

"No one had ever considered Joanbenet had let her killer in." -- Really? I thought Santa Bill was one of the suspects.

They show an image of a flashlight on a counter and it isn't the Ramsey's kitchen.

Great. Creepy guy goes up to the fence after dark and shines a flashlight on the house. There was no fence surrounding the house in 1996. I doubt that shining a flashlight from the sidewalk all the way to her room at the back of the lot would even be noticed.

"Gosh, I don't know why anyone won't talk to us." "It's a twenty year murder. We've been hounded by the press all these years and people with the half baked theories won't leave us alone. We're tired of murder tourism."

So the whole purpose of this was to add an episode to a series that had run out of material?

Maybe we can get John Edwards to talk to the dead a get this thing solved for us.
"I believe he killed Joanbenet Ramsey." -- It's Jonbenet not Joanbenet.

"They had a tour months before." -- Hey, stupid, the historic homes tour was in 1994. Two years before her murder. They had a Foyer Group Party in 1996 for 60 guests, but that party was for the members of their church. You talk about the police ignoring the details, but get the year of the historic homes tour wrong.

Funny, this whole thing is a mirror image. I was reading parts of the note backwards. I then looked up at the news on TV and couldn't read the captions. My mind had adjusted to reading from right to left.

"No one had ever considered Joanbenet had let her killer in." -- Really? I thought Santa Bill was one of the suspects.

They show an image of a flashlight on a counter and it isn't the Ramsey's kitchen.

Great. Creepy guy goes up to the fence after dark and shines a flashlight on the house. There was no fence surrounding the house in 1996. I doubt that shining a flashlight from the sidewalk all the way to her room at the back of the lot would even be noticed.

"Gosh, I don't know why anyone won't talk to us." "It's a twenty year murder. We've been hounded by the press all these years and people with the half baked theories won't leave us alone. We're tired of murder tourism."

So the whole purpose of this was to add an episode to a series that had run out of material?

Maybe we can get John Edwards to talk to the dead a get this thing solved for us.

Lou Smit and Michael Tracey already tried something like that, BoldBear.
What a tie-in.

JonBenét’s Body May Be Exhumed — ‘I Think It Could Yield Results,’ Says Dad John
May 16, 2018

"Murdered beauty queen JonBenét Ramsey‘s
heartsick father,
John, may give investigators the go-ahead
to exhume his beloved daughter’s body as
an elite new cold case unit has been created
to solve the 21-year-old crime using modern CSI techniques.
In a stunning twist, John revealed to he’s willing to have his daughter’s
remains dug up now that a newly
appointed district attorney in
Colorado’s Boulder County formed a
special task force to investigate
34 unsolved missing persons and murder cases
— including the killing of JonBenét." ...

"I am very pleased the new district attorney is setting up a cold case team," John exclusively told Radar. "That is often the only way older cases are solved. I'm hoping JonBenét's case is the first one they work on."

"With modern technology and a worldwide DNA database at their disposal, investigators hope by repeating the process it will provide the forensic proof necessary to finally nail the killer. For years, John opposed digging up JonBenét's remains despite multiple experts identifying tiny burn-like marks on her body, potentially from a handheld stun gun. In 2004, John described the mere thought of exhuming his daughter as "abhorrent." "We had buried our child. She was at peace. She was safe," he said.

But now in a remarkable about-face, John admitted to Radar he regrets the decision because the stun-gun evidence was "overlooked during the autopsy" by the coroner. "At that time, I couldn't stand the thought of disturbing JonBenét so I said no, even though it would have perhaps shown the police they were wrong," he wrote in one email to a Radar reporter on May 7. "Now, it would still be difficult for me, but if it was a compelling argument, I would consider it."
What a tie-in.

JonBenét’s Body May Be Exhumed — ‘I Think It Could Yield Results,’ Says Dad John
May 16, 2018

"Murdered beauty queen JonBenét Ramsey‘s
heartsick father,
John, may give investigators the go-ahead
to exhume his beloved daughter’s body as
an elite new cold case unit has been created
to solve the 21-year-old crime using modern CSI techniques.
In a stunning twist, John revealed to he’s willing to have his daughter’s
remains dug up now that a newly
appointed district attorney in
Colorado’s Boulder County formed a
special task force to investigate
34 unsolved missing persons and murder cases
— including the killing of JonBenét." ...

"I am very pleased the new district attorney is setting up a cold case team," John exclusively told Radar. "That is often the only way older cases are solved. I'm hoping JonBenét's case is the first one they work on."

Complete Bull S***. He will never exhume the body, and he knows it.

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