GUILTY IN - Owen Collins, 3, Bluffton, 17 Jan 2015

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DNA Solves
I am confused about that to. Why would a 6 year old still be on a bottle.
I am confused about the older brother, he is said to be five or six. And yet Barnes admits to putting dope in the kids' bottles. Is this poor older brother not in school. Was his mom still shoving bottles at him like he was a toddler or an infant?

This case is so upsetting.
I worked in mental health for a long time. The first time I saw pics of sweet Owen, he didn't strike me as a child diagnosed with Autism. Doesnt mean he isn't, it just wasn't striking to me. Now, with this new information, I wonder if it was drug influence or something of that nature, rather than Autism! They dont seem like doctor people to me, so I wonder how he was diagnosed?
I admit to being quite ignorant on the subject, but how old is a child usually when an autism diagnosis is made by a medical professional?

In the recent Malik Drummond case (age 2) there were initial reports that he was autistic, but it later came out that was just something the family was saying and he had never truly been diagnosed with autism. In fact, many were questioning the diagnosis right away due to his young age saying that a diagnosis that young would have been extremely unusual.

What about for a 3 yr. old?
I work in mental health as well. I know some 2 yrs old that are diagnosed with autism but you typically have to go through testing via developmental pediatrician or psychological testing. The photos I saw of him didn't strike me as autistic either but ugh this case hurts my heart.
Kids who are experiencing developmental delays are probably much easier for drug addled "parents" to explain as autistic rather than tell the truth which is so much uglier and consists of

"I did lots of drugs while pregnant with him, I don't pay him any attention, try to teach him to speak, in fact my boyfriend prefers he and his brother stay quiet. We are a bit busy cooking meth and partying and therefore this child receives the bare minimum of attention, socialization, interaction, etc."

So much easier to explain away parental neglect as Autism.

Please know, I am not saying autism is not a real thing and that children do not actually have it or that parents of children on the spectrum have done anything wrong to cause it to happen to their child.

What I am saying is that I doubt very very much that Owen was actually diagnosed with autism. I believe it was easier for mom to say that than tell the truth of the matter.
I think 3 is quite young but it would also depend on where the child is on the spectrum. I have a DD who was not diagnosed until she was 11 and she was diagnosed with high functioning autism and few things before starting at age 4.
I admit to being quite ignorant on the subject, but how old is a child usually when an autism diagnosis is made by a medical professional?

In the recent Malik Drummond case (age 2) there were initial reports that he was autistic, but it later came out that was just something the family was saying and he had never truly been diagnosed with autism. In fact, many were questioning the diagnosis right away due to his young age saying that a diagnosis that young would have been extremely unusual.

What about for a 3 yr. old?
And to think that Owen's father was defending the mother on the news story FB page. How could he be so clueless?
I worked in mental health for a long time. The first time I saw pics of sweet Owen, he didn't strike me as a child diagnosed with Autism. Doesnt mean he isn't, it just wasn't striking to me. Now, with this new information, I wonder if it was drug influence or something of that nature, rather than Autism! They dont seem like doctor people to me, so I wonder how he was diagnosed?

I have been wondering this very thing, mpnola. I also often wonder if the rise in diagnoses of autism, etc. have to do with so many parents doing drugs while pregnant or conceiving.
kids who are experiencing developmental delays are probably much easier for drug addled "parents" to explain as autistic rather than tell the truth which is so much uglier and consists of

"i did lots of drugs while pregnant with him, i don't pay him any attention, try to teach him to speak, in fact my boyfriend prefers he and his brother stay quiet. We are a bit busy cooking meth and partying and therefore this child receives the bare minimum of attention, socialization, interaction, etc."

so much easier to explain away parental neglect as autism.

Please know, i am not saying autism is not a real thing and that children do not actually have it or that parents of children on the spectrum have done anything wrong to cause it to happen to their child.

What i am saying is that i doubt very very much that owen was actually diagnosed with autism. I believe it was easier for mom to say that than tell the truth of the matter.
exactly!!! 1000% with you on this post!!!!!!
Re: "Mom's" mugshot. She doesn't look pizzed to me. She looks bored, stupid, clueless and effed up. Kind of "OK. Take my picture, don't make me wait, get it over so I can leave. Doesn't everybody put meth in a baby bottle?" As for BF, who cares?
Why do these degenerates throw away perfectly good little children? I'll NEVER get their reasoning. :jail::jail:
This is the most infuriatingly disgusting case I've encountered here on WS in recent memory.

That's saying a lot.

I can't post anything more without being banned permanently, especially when I picture those mugshots.


Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.

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Little Owen, his older brother, and the brother of the perp that turned him in are in my prayers. Its going to be very hard for him for a long time, but he has to know he did the right thing. IMHO
I have not been active here for very long and some of the cases are disturbing. But, I think this case has sent me over the edge. I never wanted to be one of those people who as they got older yearned for the old days. Somehow I am. What is happening to people? They make no sense. I am sad and broken hearted, not just for this boy but for many of the kids whose lives end at the hands of the people who are supposed to be their rock, their safety zone, their protectors.
I am so thankful for ZB's brother and that call for the welfare check. That man did what was right, even as it meant reporting his own brother for he had no clue what but couldn't be good.

That could not have been easy. But he called. Meanwhile neighbors heard him screaming and cursing at the children from down the block sat quietly by minding their own.

I agree with you Portabella, Owen's brother and ZB's brother are in my prayers.
I'm sitting here just shaking my head. I had read here a few days ago, where he went from being missing to be found.

RIP Owen~

Now, have a nightmarish living hell, to those who did this.
I saw the articles released today. Saw the melt down of comments on fb and under the article most of the day. So disgusted I couldn't even think, yet like a train wreck, couldn't look away. I can't explain it. Who in the heck even thinks of giving a child meth??? Who even thinks of 'finding the child dead' and calmly walking out of a bedroom with the dead child, and then....wrap the child in plastic wrap??? WHAT??? I just can't. I truly can't. The 16yo said that there was talk of cutting the child into pieces??? OMG! So glad that for whatever reason, that didn't happen. Just put the child in the dresser drawer.... outta sight, outta mind??? I mean really??? For all the other little children out there in similar situations, I think it should be mandatory that meth users MUST watch all media releases, trials, etc., about the children that have died because of the idiotic excuses of parents and their drugs over their child!!

To stay within TOS, all I can say is....there's others that should be arrested as well. No way all this was going on at that house 'just one night'....nope. There was a history of drug use, and if no family stepped up to save these kids, they are all guilty as well! Truly disgusted!

Owen dear, you life did matter. Whether it seemed that way or not, I don't know. But I promise if I had known, I would have acted. My eyes are wide open. I won't remain silent EVER when a child's life is endangered. I don't care what anyone thinks about me, but I won't remain silent.

Oh this is one of the instances where I scream at my own body for the limitations, and cry to God for a cure. I have the love, the home, the money, the land, the animals, and most of all the heart to help so many kids. But this dayum body of mine....I hate it! I so wish I could foster and offer these children a glimpse into a world of love, and compassion and understanding. Please hurry and find a cure or at least a legit treatment for fibro!!!
It's also fascinating, in a strange kinda way, that many of the fb rumors have thus far been true. There was mention of the dresser drawer, and the drugs, and the burning of the body before today. WOW! Loose lips sinks ships, and I'm glad there were plenty!!!

I hope the one hero that stood up and actually did care enough to find out if there was a missing a child, and in effect turned in his own brother is provided the means and opportunity to get out of the circle, that cycle and become the person I believe he is. He showed he cares, and risked many things in making those phone calls. And didn't call just one place, but multiple ones looking to see if anyone had reported little Owen missing. When they hadn't, he was able to relay the information that warranted a welfare check! KUDOS to him!!! Now if only someone can step up to help him get a good job, a good environment around him, etc., so he can be that Dad to his own kids that I feel he wants to be... it would just be wonderful! I wanted to reach out to him myself, but would have to speak to my husband first, because he might not be on board with it. But this guy needs a second chance!!! I want him to get it!!!

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