IN IN - Paul Raymond Harrod May Have Been Using False Identity - Hamilton County - 27 Nov 1992 #2

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On actual facts that we know of about fPRH (using the 'f' now instead of 'fake', easier lol), anyways we know for a fact that he took out a new Social Security Number in Eagleton, Indiana in 1987, as our detective has stated here before. (AND his new alias of PRH of course). As far as our latest 'possible', L.P.G., on looking into his criminal history, he was charged with some kind of prostitution charge on May 14, 1987. I have written down at home side-by-side timelines of the two men, to see how they compare with FACTS known, rather than the 'iffy' story fPRH gave his wife. The only thing that stands out as conflicting is we need to know the exact date the SSN was taken out, and if AFTER May 14, there is a possibility the two timelines can be tentatively reconciled. So @CyresAres1 do you happen to know?
Research Help Needed

We need to go through the Roosevelt High School yearbooks. I made an editable spreadsheet to help track what has been reviewed. The greyed out cells, are years Yearbooks are not available. Click on Classmates link at top of column then scroll down to bottom of the page and you will see the individual yearbooks. Review the photographs and see if anyone is a match to Fake Paul Harrod. You can add their name to the spreadsheet in the column of the school with the Year as well as posting here. THANKS!!

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_Paul.pngScreenshot 2023-01-15 162948.pngScreenshot 2023-01-15 163009.png
Research Help Needed

We need to go through the Roosevelt High School yearbooks. I made an editable spreadsheet to help track what has been reviewed. The greyed out cells, are years Yearbooks are not available. Click on Classmates link at top of column then scroll down to bottom of the page and you will see the individual yearbooks. Review the photographs and see if anyone is a match to Fake Paul Harrod. You can add their name to the spreadsheet in the column of the school with the Year as well as posting here. THANKS!!

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View attachment 399722View attachment 399723View attachment 399724
Research Help Needed

We need to go through the Roosevelt High School yearbooks. I made an editable spreadsheet to help track what has been reviewed. The greyed out cells, are years Yearbooks are not available. Click on Classmates link at top of column then scroll down to bottom of the page and you will see the individual yearbooks. Review the photographs and see if anyone is a match to Fake Paul Harrod. You can add their name to the spreadsheet in the column of the school with the Year as well as posting here. THANKS!!

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Research Help Needed

We need to go through the Roosevelt High School yearbooks. I made an editable spreadsheet to help track what has been reviewed. The greyed out cells, are years Yearbooks are not available. Click on Classmates link at top of column then scroll down to bottom of the page and you will see the individual yearbooks. Review the photographs and see if anyone is a match to Fake Paul Harrod. You can add their name to the spreadsheet in the column of the school with the Year as well as posting here. THANKS!!

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Hi, I went through 1970 Roosevelt HS, Bronx yearbook and didn't see any matches. Actually, I went through it twice as I had forgotten which year I looked at lol. I think it's good if several people look through same yearbooks. Of course, fPRH may not have graduated high school anyways, hopefully he did so we have a chance in spotting him! Also, I couldn't see a 1969 or 1971 or 1974 yearbook for Roosevelt HS, Bronx. but there are ones for 1968 and 1972. Only saw one I thought was possible, 1972's Robert Branda. Having trouble bringing his photo here though.
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I'm curious about the Hoven, SD angle and if anyone has done any research around it? It seems like a weird place to choose for a PO Box. I have two trains of thought running simultaneously through my brain about this angle and I don't know if they are viable in any way due to not being familiar with SD nor USPS rules in the 90s.

1. Hoven is basically smack dab in the middle of I90 and I94 and not close to any major highways and it's small enough that I can't imagine there being a sign for it on either interstate. Basically, why would anyone know of a tiny SD town if they either weren't from around the area or knew someone from around the area? Also how easy would it be to get a PO Box in the 90s if you weren't physically at that particular USPS location? I know currently you can reserve a PO Box online or go to the physical location where you want the box. Was there a way to reserve a box in another state through your local USPS in the 90s? Why pay for a PO Box you are never going to use?
2. South Dakota is one of the easiest states to become a resident of now, but I don't know if that was the case in the 90s. Today, you just need a 24 hour stay in the state, a mailing address that's not a PO Box, and two forms of ID to become a resident and get your new SD license and no state income taxes to boot! However, there's two issues with this- the PO Box wouldn't meet SD's requirements today, but would it have in the 90s? Also you can't be a resident of any other state, which by everything I read meant you couldn't own or rent a home in another state. As long as Fake PRH didn't own the home he was living in, I think he'd qualify for SD's requirements or he could have lied, I'm not sure how much work SD might put into checking.
It may not be worth even digging into, but I could see there being some perks to being able to establish residency quickly in another state if you didn't want to be found, maybe even more so if you didn't plan on sticking around for any length of time. There could also be perks if you wanted to change your identity again.
I'm curious about the Hoven, SD angle and if anyone has done any research around it? It seems like a weird place to choose for a PO Box. I have two trains of thought running simultaneously through my brain about this angle and I don't know if they are viable in any way due to not being familiar with SD nor USPS rules in the 90s.

1. Hoven is basically smack dab in the middle of I90 and I94 and not close to any major highways and it's small enough that I can't imagine there being a sign for it on either interstate. Basically, why would anyone know of a tiny SD town if they either weren't from around the area or knew someone from around the area? Also how easy would it be to get a PO Box in the 90s if you weren't physically at that particular USPS location? I know currently you can reserve a PO Box online or go to the physical location where you want the box. Was there a way to reserve a box in another state through your local USPS in the 90s? Why pay for a PO Box you are never going to use?
2. South Dakota is one of the easiest states to become a resident of now, but I don't know if that was the case in the 90s. Today, you just need a 24 hour stay in the state, a mailing address that's not a PO Box, and two forms of ID to become a resident and get your new SD license and no state income taxes to boot! However, there's two issues with this- the PO Box wouldn't meet SD's requirements today, but would it have in the 90s? Also you can't be a resident of any other state, which by everything I read meant you couldn't own or rent a home in another state. As long as Fake PRH didn't own the home he was living in, I think he'd qualify for SD's requirements or he could have lied, I'm not sure how much work SD might put into checking.
It may not be worth even digging into, but I could see there being some perks to being able to establish residency quickly in another state if you didn't want to be found, maybe even more so if you didn't plan on sticking around for any length of time. There could also be perks if you wanted to change your identity again.
I've followed this case for quite awhile now, and from what I understand from Detective Lockhart, fPRH opened a bank account in Hoven after he left his wife in Sheridan. I haven't heard anything about a P.O. box though.
I've followed this case for quite awhile now, and from what I understand from Detective Lockhart, fPRH opened a bank account in Hoven after he left his wife in Sheridan. I haven't heard anything about a P.O. box though.
Why did I have it in my brain that it was a PO Box? Suppose that makes my post completely worthless.
I'm curious about the Hoven, SD angle and if anyone has done any research around it? It seems like a weird place to choose for a PO Box. I have two trains of thought running simultaneously through my brain about this angle and I don't know if they are viable in any way due to not being familiar with SD nor USPS rules in the 90s.

1. Hoven is basically smack dab in the middle of I90 and I94 and not close to any major highways and it's small enough that I can't imagine there being a sign for it on either interstate. Basically, why would anyone know of a tiny SD town if they either weren't from around the area or knew someone from around the area? Also how easy would it be to get a PO Box in the 90s if you weren't physically at that particular USPS location? I know currently you can reserve a PO Box online or go to the physical location where you want the box. Was there a way to reserve a box in another state through your local USPS in the 90s? Why pay for a PO Box you are never going to use?
2. South Dakota is one of the easiest states to become a resident of now, but I don't know if that was the case in the 90s. Today, you just need a 24 hour stay in the state, a mailing address that's not a PO Box, and two forms of ID to become a resident and get your new SD license and no state income taxes to boot! However, there's two issues with this- the PO Box wouldn't meet SD's requirements today, but would it have in the 90s? Also you can't be a resident of any other state, which by everything I read meant you couldn't own or rent a home in another state. As long as Fake PRH didn't own the home he was living in, I think he'd qualify for SD's requirements or he could have lied, I'm not sure how much work SD might put into checking.
It may not be worth even digging into, but I could see there being some perks to being able to establish residency quickly in another state if you didn't want to be found, maybe even more so if you didn't plan on sticking around for any length of time. There could also be perks if you wanted to change your identity again.
I dug around on Hoven. I even looked through last names of residents there to see if anything matched up with other research.
My thought is, and this is completely speculation, he had a paper paycheck still from working in Sheridan before he left that he needed to cash. No one knew him around there, so they weren't going to do him any "favors." He may have had to open an account to cash the check.
As far back as the 1980's my extended family included retired people full-timing in their RVs.

Legal residents of South Dakota, very limited taxes & the residency requirements above.

The street address is of a mail service, at the interval you specify employees there mail you a package of your mail.
I've been following this thread for a while. It's a fascinating mystery with lots of "crumbs" of information to follow up on. It may even be narrowing in on a potential match. I went back over thread #1 as well as recent posts and I'm curious about some things.

What crime(s) is fPRH suspected of? Clearly there is identity theft, but unlike modern variants of this, there doesn't seem to be any immediate financial gain from it. It doesn't sound like the wife was defrauded, not financially at least. Life insurance fraud came up as a possibility, but it doesn't sound like any claim, if there ever was one, was ever paid. Providing false info to the SSA and getting a fraudulent SSN should be a federal crime of course, but again, it doesn't seem like there was financial gain by obtaining any benefits. Since he dissapeared in 1992 and drove, and later sold, a 1992 car, it's possible a bank or auto dealer was defrauded if any loan payments were still owed.

So what statutes of limitations apply to these potential crimes? Is there anything he would be charged with if identified today? My apologies if there were answers to these questions earlier and I somehow missed them.
I've been following this thread for a while. It's a fascinating mystery with lots of "crumbs" of information to follow up on. It may even be narrowing in on a potential match. I went back over thread #1 as well as recent posts and I'm curious about some things.

What crime(s) is fPRH suspected of? Clearly there is identity theft, but unlike modern variants of this, there doesn't seem to be any immediate financial gain from it. It doesn't sound like the wife was defrauded, not financially at least. Life insurance fraud came up as a possibility, but it doesn't sound like any claim, if there ever was one, was ever paid. Providing false info to the SSA and getting a fraudulent SSN should be a federal crime of course, but again, it doesn't seem like there was financial gain by obtaining any benefits. Since he dissapeared in 1992 and drove, and later sold, a 1992 car, it's possible a bank or auto dealer was defrauded if any loan payments were still owed.

So what statutes of limitations apply to these potential crimes? Is there anything he would be charged with if identified today? My apologies if there were answers to these questions earlier and I somehow missed them.
Detective @CyresAres1 can you provide answers to this query? :)
I dug around on Hoven. I even looked through last names of residents there to see if anything matched up with other research.
My thought is, and this is completely speculation, he had a paper paycheck still from working in Sheridan before he left that he needed to cash. No one knew him around there, so they weren't going to do him any "favors." He may have had to open an account to cash the check.
That completely makes sense that he might need to open an account to cash a check. So even though my imaginary PO Box musings are irrelevant, he was likely physically in Hoven at some point. Which still begs the question, how does someone end up in Hoven, SD?
It's pretty off the beaten path if he had business or planned destination in Colorado. There are some casinos within an hour or so of Hoven in several directions, but I'm unsure how many existed when he was there (I think they only became legal in SD in 1989). Wonder if he was a gambling man? Kind of far north for a Sturgis or Rushmore trip too. There's basically nothing in that portion of the state other than farms, reservations, and waterfowl hunting, so it seems weird to just end up there by chance.
That completely makes sense that he might need to open an account to cash a check. So even though my imaginary PO Box musings are irrelevant, he was likely physically in Hoven at some point. Which still begs the question, how does someone end up in Hoven, SD?
It's pretty off the beaten path if he had business or planned destination in Colorado. There are some casinos within an hour or so of Hoven in several directions, but I'm unsure how many existed when he was there (I think they only became legal in SD in 1989). Wonder if he was a gambling man? Kind of far north for a Sturgis or Rushmore trip too. There's basically nothing in that portion of the state other than farms, reservations, and waterfowl hunting, so it seems weird to just end up there by chance.

Ellsworth Air Force Base, Ellsworth Air Force Base > Home about a 4 hour drive to Hoven, SD. Keep in mind that driving distance in the West -- is different.

Hoven is certainly an out=of-the-way place.

I expect there is some truth to not-Paul's Air Force story.

Deserter is still possible imho. A crime, but if the Air Force isn't looking too hard for him, he wasn't in a position to have important secrets.

Secret recipes, and mop use secrets, maybe....

jmho of course
Even without much to go on it sounds like this man decided to start a new life and go off the grid from his former life. Small time criminal background, no "Ten Most Wanted" and whispers of him living in "out of the way" small towns. At times much harder to track down someone who willingly walks away from one life and family to start again along with using fake credentials. May have been taking small jobs here and there and living a life of obscurity, again choosing to walk away and becoming just another face in the crowd.
Detective @CyresAres1 can you provide answers to this query? :)
In partial answer to the SSN question, it looks like it's still a felony even if no fraudulent benefits were obtained. This was upgraded from a misdemeanor to a felony in 1981:

The elements required to prove a violation of § 408(a)(7)(B) are:
• false representation of a Social Security account number;
• with intent to deceive;
• for any purpose

Note - there might be more recent rulings since this document was published.

ETA: Looking at current identity theft laws, I'm glad I got the whole "fake ID to buy beer" experience out of my system a long time ago. A lot of new laws have been implemented following 9/11 that take fake IDs much more seriously.
@CyresAres1 How goes the real world, aside from our mystery man :) ? I was just wondering if you know the dates or years fPRH worked at Arlington Hospital? Also, is it correct that he met Marla in 1991 while they both worked at a Care Home? I checked the most recent court happenings re. L.G. in Miami and it seems there has been a bit of movement re. his latest case. At any rate, I do see him
as being a viable candidate for being fPRH. I think alot of PRH's past 'history' that he told his wife M. at the time was BS due to all of the extensive research WS members have done into his so-called background. IMO, but I could be wrong of course lol. You had mentioned about a few years gap in L.G.'s history and yes, from May 14, 1987 when he was charged with prostitution (of all things lol but could be procurring or organization of such of course); anyways, that particular charge was dealt with and closed by June 1987, and from then until 1994 there is a gap in his goings-on. Also, any idea which month in 1987 fPRH obtains his SSN.
Facts re. fPRH
1987 fPRH gets SSN in Eagleton, IND.
1988-1990 St. Vincent's Hospital? IND.
1991 Works at/meets M. Care Home, Sheridan, IND.
1992 Marries M. Leaves Nov.1992 Sheridan,IND.
1994 fPRH's car sold, Denver, CO. (of course doesn't mean he was there)

Facts re. L.G.
1986 (March 5) marries Jeanette MIAMI, FL.
1987 (May 14) Charged with Prostitution MIAMI, FL. JUNE 1987 Case resolved.
1994 Arrested for Car related offences MIAMI, FL.
@CyresAres1 How goes the real world, aside from our mystery man :) ? I was just wondering if you know the dates or years fPRH worked at Arlington Hospital? Also, is it correct that he met Marla in 1991 while they both worked at a Care Home? I checked the most recent court happenings re. L.G. in Miami and it seems there has been a bit of movement re. his latest case. At any rate, I do see him
as being a viable candidate for being fPRH. I think alot of PRH's past 'history' that he told his wife M. at the time was BS due to all of the extensive research WS members have done into his so-called background. IMO, but I could be wrong of course lol. You had mentioned about a few years gap in L.G.'s history and yes, from May 14, 1987 when he was charged with prostitution (of all things lol but could be procurring or organization of such of course); anyways, that particular charge was dealt with and closed by June 1987, and from then until 1994 there is a gap in his goings-on. Also, any idea which month in 1987 fPRH obtains his SSN.
Facts re. fPRH
1987 fPRH gets SSN in Eagleton, IND.
1988-1990 St. Vincent's Hospital? IND.
1991 Works at/meets M. Care Home, Sheridan, IND.
1992 Marries M. Leaves Nov.1992 Sheridan,IND.
1994 fPRH's car sold, Denver, CO. (of course doesn't mean he was there)

Facts re. L.G.
1986 (March 5) marries Jeanette MIAMI, FL.
1987 (May 14) Charged with Prostitution MIAMI, FL. JUNE 1987 Case resolved.
1994 Arrested for Car related offences MIAMI, FL.
LG was in Miami for court dates in January and March of 1990. He was placed on probation, which at the time required in-person check-in's with the probation department.
The information I have is that Paul and MH met in 1990 and moved in together in late 1990 or early 1991. I believe it came from the True Crime Garage podcast.
LG was in Miami for court dates in January and March of 1990. He was placed on probation, which at the time required in-person check-in's with the probation department.
The information I have is that Paul and MH met in 1990 and moved in together in late 1990 or early 1991. I believe it came from the True Crime Garage podcast.
View attachment 405116
Thanks for this. I will add it in. I am basically trying to really 'tighten' the timeline as much as possible to either still include L.G. as a slight possibility vs. completely eliminating him as a possible. There may be no need to go forward with a handwriting analysis if so. I hope our good detective @CyresAres1 can look in at some point to give his thoughts on this, since he came up with this amazing likeness! To be continued...!
p.s. I had thought that Paul and MH had met in 1991, but perhaps Detective can clarify that.
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@CyresAres1 How goes the real world, aside from our mystery man :) ? I was just wondering if you know the dates or years fPRH worked at Arlington Hospital? Also, is it correct that he met Marla in 1991 while they both worked at a Care Home? I checked the most recent court happenings re. L.G. in Miami and it seems there has been a bit of movement re. his latest case. At any rate, I do see him
as being a viable candidate for being fPRH. I think alot of PRH's past 'history' that he told his wife M. at the time was BS due to all of the extensive research WS members have done into his so-called background. IMO, but I could be wrong of course lol. You had mentioned about a few years gap in L.G.'s history and yes, from May 14, 1987 when he was charged with prostitution (of all things lol but could be procurring or organization of such of course); anyways, that particular charge was dealt with and closed by June 1987, and from then until 1994 there is a gap in his goings-on. Also, any idea which month in 1987 fPRH obtains his SSN.
Facts re. fPRH
1987 fPRH gets SSN in Eagleton, IND.
1988-1990 St. Vincent's Hospital? IND.
1991 Works at/meets M. Care Home, Sheridan, IND.
1992 Marries M. Leaves Nov.1992 Sheridan,IND.
1994 fPRH's car sold, Denver, CO. (of course doesn't mean he was there)

Facts re. L.G.
1986 (March 5) marries Jeanette MIAMI, FL.
1987 (May 14) Charged with Prostitution MIAMI, FL. JUNE 1987 Case resolved.
1994 Arrested for Car related offences MIAMI, FL.
Still wondering which years fPRH worked at Arlington hospital and did he then work at the care home after that? I don't know if @CyresAres1 you know that? :)

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