IN - Terry and Darleen Anderson Murder, Mungo, 22 Oct 2005 - #3

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Speculation: (for disclosure purposes since LE has not released the name of their POI in Terry and Darleens murder).

I wonder if this is the POI LE is refering to. Durbin was charged in the spring of 2010 with a different murder. Went to trial in the fall of 2010 and was found guilty of felony murder.

Terry J. Durbin, 41, was convicted of felony murder and robbery using force with a deadly weapon resulting in serious bodily injury - a Class A felony.

Haven't found what sentencing TD received, still looking. I'm curious is Terry A still worked with Terry D at the time of his and Darleens murders. And if not, when did they last work together?

Well if he was sentenced in 2010, then 2035 would mean he was eligible for parole in exactly 25 years, if it is him. But, like you, I cannot find any sentencing information. Is parole in 25 years possible for felony murder and robbery?
I posted above earliest possible release date lists 2039 in the Indiana Prison Inmate search. We might have been cross posting DK.

It's interesting Amanda posted this publicly before charges were filed in the spring of 2010. I wonder if she was able to provide LE any info? I hope she may have and I hope anyone else with knowledge has the courage to come forward. Especially since TD will be locked up for a long long time. I too, recall being shocked and surprised she posted as she did.

As I have time, I too, am going to have to go through the older posts more thoroughly.
I'll be honest. I don't have a good feeling about this TD guy. He's a scary guy. I think it is plausible he may be responsible for Terry and Darleens murder. With all due respect to family, as an outsider, I can envision Terry sharing parts of his life with a coworker that he may not have shared with family.

I recall Rosco sharing with us that Terry was 'clean and sober'. I don't recall whether he was part of the program, but many people in and out of the program attend for years despite having several relapses. If Terry was a member, it is possible he was reaching out to other addicts to help them be clean and sober and was unaware of how dangerous this coworker could have become while under the influence and a possible relapse.

Any more news on this end of things?

Roscoe ~ Bless you and your loved ones. I know this is a very hard time of year for you and your family, one of many I am certain.

I wish for the truth to come out and the responsible party(s) to face justice. It will happen, I have faith and hope and it will happen.

((((( HUGS )))))

~TCO~ Keeping the faith.

No, I have been trying to find out more, but have not found any details. She is still incarcerated, however.
Whoa, I JUST came across this post from Amanda in the above Topix thread on Durbin:

JustMe wrote:
I totally agree with you. I was finally told by the invesitgators after four years that Terry Durbin murdered my parents. He is nothing but a cold blooded killer. He savagely murdered my mom and dad which left me to discover my mom. I am messed up for life because of him, and my parents were robbed of their lives. They need to let the friends and family of all the deceased carry out some old fashioned justice out on him, and whoever helped him. They should break one of his legs, let him loose in the woods, and let the people hunt him down and do some no holds barred torture on him, but make sure he lives through it so that he has to spend the rest of his miserable life in sheer pain from whatever disfigurement the people decide to do to his body. That's my personal opinion.
I'm really curious why the M family believes this is the wrong person. :waitasec:

Also, I thought the state police were working with county LE as well. :waitasec:

Rosco is overloaded at work and asked me to reply to this question for her (I told her about it.) She will try to get online later in the week. (She has to postpone work duties because of the memorial, and now it is catching up to her.)

First, the state police do have a detective assigned to the case, but he defers to the sheriff on the case procedures.

As to why the M's do not believe it's the right person, Eric did not express himself as completely as he wanted to. They don't believe that the POI is not involved AT ALL, but they believe that there are others involved and are bothered that LE has not looked beyond him/her. Also, the fact that it has been nearly 2 years since the case was handed over to the prosecutor and there have still been no charges filed, indicates that the case is not strong enough to file charges with.

Also, LE's describing the POI as having committed a "similar" brutal murder is not completely accurate. The POI's murder was a shooting and was with an accomplice. The Anderson's were beaten to death with either an axe or a hammer and it was very personal and definitely overkill, and they are claiming the POI acted alone with the Andersons. So the crimes are not similarly brutal, only similar in that both were murder. Everything else was different.

The fact that there was a POI is not new news to the M family, either, as every member was told about him/her at the time, but they were not told a case was sent to the prosecutor, only that he/she was a definite POI.

I hope this explains the family's position a bit better. :)
Thank you DK. First, I would have to say if Amanda had further knowledge that could bump this case over the hump that could bring the prosecutor to file charges she likely would have used that to negotiate some kind of deal on her charges. Her being incarcerated numerous times leads me to believe she likely has little knowledge.

I see what the family means about more than one POI involved in Terry and Darleens case. One of the things that stuck out to me was former information stating the dog was tied up and that dna was not found from anyone who had not been at the house previously.

I do think one person is capable, depending on what kind of drug they may have been on when the murder occured. I do believe it is very possible there are accomplices after the fact......

I also still believe that someone knows more and hasn't come forward. Particularly on the items taken from the home. If TD is responsible, I have a hard time believing he didn't tell at least one other person.

I don't recall LE publicly stating they had a poi previously, so hopefully now that the public knows, whoever has been on the fence about making that call and collecting that reward will now come forward. Especially knowing it's safer for them to do so since this person is incarcerated until at list 2035 or 2039 and if charged and convicted with Terry and Darleens murder will NEVER be released.

I hope and pray the person who knows will listen to their conscience and do the right thing.
Anyone with information regarding the murders of
TERRY and DARLEEN ANDERSON - should contact
the LaGrange County Sheriff's Department at 260-463-7491,
Indiana State Police Fort Wayne Post at 260-463-4343
or Crime Stoppers at (800) 342-STOP.

There is a $20,000 reward being offered for information which leads to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for the murders.
Here is the entire text of Rosco's speech at the 2011 Memorial:

[FONT=&quot]Good afternoon. Thank you all for coming to remember my dad and step-mom. For those who don’t know, my name is Sherry Musilek. My birth name is Sherry Anderson, as I am Terry Anderson’s eldest daughter. Not a day goes by that I do not miss him. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I have been doing this for 6 years now, starting with their funeral right here in this very spot in October of 2005. After 5 years of Memorials since, I was hoping that there would have been and arrest and conviction of the monsters who committed this crime. Every year I say, “This is the year for justice.” But each year has had the same result. No arrests let alone a conviction. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]So, here I stand next to the graves of my beloved father and step-mother for the 6th time, asking and pleading for help in solving their murders, and remembering their lives. Why do I do this? The answer is easy. Lois McMaster Bujold (boo-hold) once said, “The dead cannot cry out for justice; it is the duty of the living to do so for them.” My father and step-mother cannot speak for themselves, so I must be their voice; I must be the person who speaks on their behalf, crying out for justice for as long as it takes. Two innocent members of not only my family, but of the Mongo community, YOUR community, are dead, and still no one has been charged with the crime in the 6 years since these brutal murders occurred. Until the people who committed this crime are behind bars, we must still speak on behalf of my dad and Darleen, who can no longer speak for themselves. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]When I offered a $20,000 reward, I thought for sure it would lead to a tip that would lead to an arrest and conviction in this case. Let’s face it; $20,000 is a LOT of money. But much to my surprise, the money remains unclaimed. Maybe people are afraid of the consequences if they talk, but every effort is made to keep your anonymity, especially if you go through Crimestoppers. Once there is a conviction, you will receive the money, no questions asked. I don’t care how you know what you know, nor will I ever ask. So please, pass along even the smallest piece of information that you have. Do it for the money, or simply because it’s the right thing to do, or both. I know that if one of my father’s friends were murdered, he’d do anything to ensure justice was served. That’s the kind of man he was, and he deserves the same in return.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I have not been alone the past 6 years. While some family members have estranged themselves from us, my darling husband Eric has been a rock for me to lean on from the very first day. And my son keeps me going with his sweetness and innocence. He is a reminder that not everyone in the world is evil. And, of course, my faith has gotten me through all of this. I thank God and Jesus Christ for the strength to carry on for 6 years, and I pray to them daily for justice, as I hope many of you do, as well. We need all the prayers we can get. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Brutality-Rage-Over-kill…What this tells us was that the murders were not just a random robbery gone wrong. The items chosen to be stolen meant nothing, while very valuable items were left behind. And the carnage left behind showed an extremely personal crime, one of pure, unadulterated hatred. The person or persons who did this obviously knew my father and Darleen personally and hated them with a passion that most people could not comprehend. The so-called robbery was a lame attempt at a cover for the real motive: hatred. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]While watching CBS TV network show 48hours Mystery I became aware of an organization called the Vidocq Society based out of Philadelphia. The Vidocq Society, founded in 1980, is an unusual, exclusive crime-solving organization that meets monthly and assists Law Enforcement with solving cold case crimes. The Members of The Vidocq Society are the best of the best – brilliant minds coming together to help Law Enforcement solve the most perplexing unsolved/cold murder cases. The only condition is that they must be contacted directly by Law Enforcement before they will take on a case. The Vidocq Society is comprised of 84 members with a few special members. They represent 17 states in the United States and 11 other countries. The Vidocq is a nonprofit charitable organization and is recognized by our US Government. The Society does not have independent investigators and serves as confidential consultants to Law Enforcement in cold case homicides. The Society chooses its cases carefully as they are limited in staff to handle the recent increases in requests. They work closely with local investigators and prosecutors to help solve a homicide and to help bring the perpetrators to justice. All work by The Society is done, at no cost to victim’s families or law enforcement, pro bono as part of The Vidocq Society's commitment to public service. I’m happy to announce that my Dad and Darleen’s case has been accepted by The Vidocq Society and they have extended its services to help solve their murders. The only condition, is that the Lagrange County Sheriff’s Department has to directly ask them to get involved. It’s as easy as that. I know the Sheriff is proud of the work that they have done, but after 6 years with no arrest, as one of the victim’s daughters, I am asking the sheriff to formally ask the Vidocq Society to assist in solving this case. If they will not, then I ask them to please explain why, as this is a great opportunity to finally close this homicide case, once and for all. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]A lot of homicides get forgotten about over time, but because of all of you who have attended these memorials for the past 5 years, and the terrific members of the media, the horrible deaths of Terry and Darleen Anderson have not been forgotten. Unfortunately, my son will never get to know his grandparents. Please don’t let him grow up never knowing who killed them. [/FONT]
Red and black are the national colors that represent murder victims. Before we release the red and black balloons, let’s please bow our heads in a moment of silence to honor my beloved father and Darleen, innocent victims of a double homicide almost exactly 6 year ago.

[FONT=&quot]On the count of three, we’ll all release the balloons at the same time. One, two, three.
[FONT=&quot]Thank you all for coming here today, God bless you all, and I love you dad and Darleen. I promise to never give up until justice is served. [/FONT]
Awwww... thanks everyone. As DK had posted -- I get over-loaded after Memorial.... It's so emotionally and physically exhausting that i just step out for a while and tend to my family and other areas that have been neglected during the month of Oct.

OK - - Well the POI is old news to me and DH. We knew about POI winter of 2009. LE said they sent the prosecutor a power point presentation in Spring of 2010... well DH and I found out before they prepared this presentation. So... it's been sitting for 'going' on 2yrs and there isn't a future that any charges will be set for such POI. I was told 'once-upon-a-time" by LE that I was to say NOTHING about this POI and that is what I did - kept my mouth shut. On the other hand my darling sister 'A" posted this POI and 'named-names'.... This was the whole purpose of this years Memorial and The Vidocq Society to get involved.... cuz the case is sitting and nothing is getting done. I couldn't 'include' the POI information 'at the time' - - so this LE information comes only due to my asking for the help and why LE wont accept.

DH and I can understand that POI 'could' certainly have murdered Dad and Darleen -- but we feel he did not act alone. If LE feels that these crimes are similar - then POI had someone else with him when he did the other murder ~~ and that means there are other/s POI or 'helpers' that LE needs to look into. POI is a real dirt-bag and yes there is a connection as far as Dad and many others in that circle with the tree service ...knew POI and had worked with POI closely. But - again - - we feel very strongly that these murders were not committed by one person...

It's very good that LE opened the POI information to the public. Maybe having this open will offer opportunity and new leads - I do pray everyday.....

I hope to get back online more this week/weekend and follow up more. Life does go on for US~~~ and i know everyone here on WS completely understand...

All my love

Thank you Rosco. Your speech, again, brought tears to my eyes. How lucky Terry and Darleen are to have you as their voice. You make me proud, and I know you make them proud too.

One thing I will say and I can back 100% if whatever information LE has shared with you to keep confidential, you have and will. I have zero doubts about that whatsoever.

What kind of threw me for a loop, is why they would have entrusted this information with your half sister A'. I don't know if LE half expected her to talk as a means of shaking the tree to see what fell out or what. While Mongo may not have the experience other larger cities have with murders, they are not inexperienced with what info must be kept confidential in order to not hinder any investigation. IMO, if they shared confidential information with A', they likely ruled her out - because I don't believe LE would show their hand to a POI (named publicly or not).

I do feel more confident having the information on a POI confirmed. And more than 51% of me believes A' does not hold the key to the tiny bit of information which could solve this case by way of withholding information. I truly believe if she had that information she would have used it to make a deal for herself. Her naming names leads me to believe she wasn't concerned calling this person out or submitting a tip would put her in harms way by also being incriminated in your father and step mothers murders.

I'm going to continue to pray the person or persons who hold the key to solving this crime listen to their conscience and make the right decision to come forward.

Hugs my friend and as always keeping you and your family in my prayers.
Now that a POI has been made public, I have to wonder, at what point did LE consider this person a POI? Prior to or after the crime which puts him in prison until 2035 as mentioned in a previously posted MSM article?

Has LE been able to locate vehicles owned or accesible to this poi and have they been processed for evidence? While LE may not have forensic evidence from the crime scene itself, evidence from the crime scene was certainly transfered to another location by the person(s) responsible.

Keeping LE in my prayers as well that they will find the evidence needed to file charges and obtain a conviction of those responsible.
Outsider looking in -Columbia City - half way down posted:

I don't know where she comes up with this stuff.Terry Durbin has been
arrested for the murder of Patrick Cheadle and so has David Mizner(sp).They will go to court for that murder and then everything will come out.As far as the murder of Terry and Darlene....Terry Durbin has not been charged with that murder.After they were murdered they questioned Terry Durbin along with many other people and released him.Since the murder of Patrick the Det. have been questioning people again that knew Terry in hopes that someone will talk now that Terry is behind bars.But they have no more evidence now then what they had before.So Amanda needs to get her crap straight before she starts running off at the mouth.And besides really liked Terry Durbin when you were with Quay...."He is so sweet and wouldn't hurt a fly" remember???????How easy you forget.

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