GUILTY IN - Two killed, 7 injured as explosion rocks Indy neighborhood, 10 Nov 2012

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From Press Conf:

Monserrate Shirley and her boyfriend, Mark Leonard, who lived in the home, along with Leonard's brother, Robert Leonard, were arrested Friday.

Alleged that microwave central point of explosion, exploded from the inside out. That model can be set on a timer up to 24 hours in advance. Regulator on fireplace had been removed. Valve that turns on/off the gas was missing. House was filling with gas for 6-9 hours. Gas meter reflected 6-9 hours of excessive gas flow. Began mid to late afternoon.

Alleged based upon statements by an acquaintance of Leonard: failed attempt to blow up the house the weekend prior to the explosion. Steps taken prior weekend were identical (boarding cat, daughter away, staying at casino) Insurance increased to $300K.

Thermostat was changed from a digital thermostat to a slide switch thermostat which would create a spark.

On Friday, both Mark and Bob Leonard talked with someone from Citizen's energy asking questions about gas, regulators and how much gas to fill a house.

Mark and Bob said they were last together on Tuesday but were shown together on surveillance cameras both on Thur and Fri.

Nephew of Mark (?) (Bob's son? sorry not clear) was instructed to remove totes and boxes from a white van. Was told they were items recovered from the fire (impossible since everything was lost) included pictures.

Aarrggghhh station having technical problems- will post more if I hear more.
Holy Cow - I am watching the presser but my feed isn't great. The NURSE my daughter works with is under arrest - and I just heard them mention the death penalty. is a good local news source you can keep track of this with
More: case would be eligble for DP but policy of pros office to review that 30 days after charges are filed in order to not make a rash judgement.

Subjects currently held on no bond.

None of the three made statements incriminating the others.

Resident who saw white van gave description of two men, Bob Leonard matches description. Ongoing investigation to who the other individual might be. (so possible 4th suspect?)

Videotape of Leonards: Pros said he cannot speak to details other than they were observes on video on Thur and Fri prior to explosion.

First responders and investigators have been working non-stop and can finally get some rest. No sense of joy, but sense of relief.

Wow- what an amazing job done by these investigators!!
A cat that lived in the home had been boarded, and Shirley's daughter had been placed with a baby-sitter overnight. Shirley and Mark Leonard went to a casino that weekend, too, Curry said.

Investigators said personal insurance on the home before the blast had been increased to $300,000 and that a thermostat in the house had been changed from a digital unit to a slide switch after the failed attempt. The slide switch creates a spark when activated.
On Friday, both Mark and Bob Leonard talked with someone from Citizen's energy asking questions about gas, regulators and how much gas to fill a house.

didn't the person @ Citizen think it was odd for someone/a customer to call and ask these questions? you'd think this type of conversation would be enough to have a supervisor "tip off" local police that this was occurring... smh

additional thought: and surely the number used to call Citizen could've been quickly traced ?
Unbelievable! Just to get the insurance money! My kids live in Indy, and we have been following this story...kinda figured it would end up this way. It goes to show you that we never know what our neighbors could be capable of. Scary!
It appears that the reason there are so many counts, according to one poster over 100, they are cited for each injury and property damage of ALL involved. A cut over the eye caused by damage to home, COUNT.... etc.

What were these people thinking?

Not only did they allegedly murder the young couple next door, they affected so many lives. Horrible. Just HORRIBLE!

Money isn't worth it. :(
didn't the person @ Citizen think it was odd for someone/a customer to call and ask these questions? you'd think this type of conversation would be enough to have a supervisor "tip off" local police that this was occurring... smh

additional thought: and surely the number used to call Citizen could've been quickly traced ?

n/m... read the entire affidavit... it answered my question -- pg. 17
It appears that the reason there are so many counts, according to one poster over 100, they are cited for each injury and property damage of ALL involved. A cut over the eye caused by damage to home, COUNT.... etc.

What were these people thinking?

Not only did they allegedly murder the young couple next door, they affected so many lives. Horrible. Just HORRIBLE!

Money isn't worth it. :(
Sad how these people were so selfish. Instead of working their way out of debt, they looked for an easy way to pay off their debts. First, by gambling, which only compounded their debt. There were other actions they could have taken, but they obviously weren't willing to give up anything - they were only focused on keeping what they had and getting even more.

It amazes me that these people valued their possessions more than the lives of others. They stored away their valuables for safekeeping, and took the precautions to ensure they were all out of harm's way, but they gave no thought to their neighbors. Two innocent lives taken, injuries to many, and so much destruction. In the video of MS being interviewed, she keeps her head down and sobs as she talks, yet there are no signs of tears and no Kleenex. It's as though she's trying to elicit sympathy for herself. Where is their sympathy for the lives they afftected?

Also, they had plenty of time to re-think what they were planning. They had attempted, but failed, to blow up the house the previous weekend. That should've been a signal to them to abandon their scheme. They had begun conspiring months in advance. All this for nothing because at least three people will likely spend the remainder of their lives in prison. IMO, they'll wish they could've traded places with the Longworths.
“Just amazing that someone’s conscience would allow them to try and fail and do it again the following weekend,” said Jeff Cross, resident. “It’s just unbelievable to me.”

“The microwave going out, calling the gas company,” said Wilson. “Who does that?”

“Just amazing that someone’s conscience would allow them to try and fail and do it again the following weekend,” said Jeff Cross, resident. “It’s just unbelievable to me.”

“The microwave going out, calling the gas company,” said Wilson. “Who does that?”

In a video at another link posted above a neighbor said that residents are fighting with their insurance companies to pay for repairs. It's wonderful that the Area Burmese Churches are easing the victims' burdens with their gift, but the damage to these homes is so extensive that that alone will not help these people rebuild/repair their homes. Ironic that the church organization is giving not out of any obligation but out of pure compassion and generosity while the insurance companies are unwilling to pay out. I do understand the insurance companies' reluctance, though. I'm sure they are fighting to place the financial burden on MS and ML's insurance company, and rightly so I suppose. But, in the long run it will affect those insured by the same company, as their insurance rates will rise as a result. Just astonishing to think of all of the lives affected through the ripple effect. No one can sue those responsible for the damage, either, because they are so deep in debt. Just a terrible, terrible situation for everyone. :(
These people sound like stupid, dumb idiotic criminals. I didn't believe a word she said during her interviews - alligator tears. They deserve to be in prison for the rest of their lives. I'm sure they never planned for this to happen, but it doesn't matter. Consequences.....

It's scary to think about how the stupid actions of people around you, although maybe they have no intention of hurting you, could end your life. I used to be worried when I lived in apartments of someone falling asleep with a cigarette or candle and burning the complex down. It just takes one stupid action to lead to deadly consequences.
If you just started dating and a man is asking you for large sums of money to borrow-that is not a good sign, ladies.

I never cease to be amazed at the things some women will put up with just to have a man - any man. I have two sisters who fall into the category of 'any man is good as long as I have one'. NEVER works out well.
I never cease to be amazed at the things some women will put up with just to have a man - any man. I have two sisters who fall into the category of 'any man is good as long as I have one'. NEVER works out well.

It falls into the same category of wiring money to Nigeria.

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