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DNA Solves
To have a new trial, new evidence that could not have been "uncovered" at the original trial must be presented and must be "very compelling".

There is not "new" evidence, there never will be "new"evidence that will convince the courts that this murderer deserves a new trial.

What makes one think that a "new" trial will not have the same result as the old trial. After all she was convicted on the murder of one child, if, and that is a big if, she was somehow found not guilty, you can bet your bottom dollar that she will be tried for the murder of her other son.

The same evidence will be presented and used at both trial. The same evidence will be used in the "new" trial as in the old one.

Nothing will change and the verdict will be upheld.

Again, I find nothing at all that has persuaded me of her "story" of some unknown stranger or strangers(according to the 911 tape, her story changed from him to them).

Oh BTW, I recall a case where a women "lunged" and tried to assault another person. This person got away(uninjured)and phoned 911. By the time 911 arrived, the "criminal" had a "huge" gash on her face. Guess who was arrested, the person who was the "true" victim of the assault, not the criminal. In the end, at trial her "wonderful" family and friend could not get their stories straight on the witness stand. They could not prepare for questions that they "did not get prepare for". So notwithstanding the "injuries(which were self inflicted)the person was found not guilty of assault. There was "quite" a concerted effort on her part, her family and her friends to "ensure" they got "even" with a person they did not like.

You see the justice system does work and did work. If I recall the "injuries" to Darlie were proven in court to be self inflicted. Often people "hurt" themselves to portray themselves as the victim, when in actuality they are the criminal. This is just a "way" to deflect blame and responsibility for their actions.

Again, I do not ever, see Darlie getting off death row. Because for some reason is she did and was released, she would immediately be arrested for the death of the second son.

Darlie never thought that 'her story" would never be not believed because she was injured, but I guess the fact that she was injured and the two sleeping innocent boys were stabbed to death, must have "persuaded" LE and courts to hold her accountable for her crime.

But one thing I do have to say about Darlie, she is not a very smart women , nor a convincing liar. But she can easily manipulate and "have other be her "evil doer by proxy.

Wait until the DNA test, nothing will change and of course it will be: Well the tests are wrong, the lab messed up, they are "biased" against Darlie, the wrong test were done, the person doing the test was not qualified. But in the end, the results will speak for themselves.

Remember the Vaughan family, now if his story was believed, he would be at home in his comfy bed. But his story was dispelled by the evidence. Even though he stuck to his story, blamed his wife and was injured.

My what lengths people will go to to not spend the rest of their lives in prison and be held responsible for their decisions and choices.

Again, where is the evidence of the "frame up and railroad" of Darlie. Have yet to see one credible piece of evidence that proves that the stranger and not Darlie killed her kids.
Hi Simplicity,
The judicial system in Texas DOES care, as recently stated by Barry Sheck upon the release of our 20th person in our own DNA retesting.
Despite what you have been led to believe, Texas is now at the forfront when it comes to the Innocence Project. Texas wants no part in executing innocent folks.

I am the one who compiled the 16 stories of Darlie. It's actually more now, because of personal letters she has sent to fans, but at this point it really doesn't matter any more.

I've also wanted to believe she was innocent. I was conflicted for years about it. But when that happens, I can't help but go back to her stories, and the evidence. Once you really see it, it's hard not to see it.
It overrides everything else you want to believe.

It's a very sad case, to be sure. Two little boys likely saw their own mother end their lives. It haunts us all. I don't think there are any of us who want to believe she did it, but with the evidence, and her many lies, it's impossible for many of us to believe she didn't.

Be well.
For those of you who believe this woman killed her babies, I respect your opinion. However, many of us have studied this case for years. The horrific injuries that Darlie sustained by her attacker are real and ruthless.

Darlie's injuries were in no way horrific. They were superficial & only required a few stitiches. Under different circumstances, she would have been sent home the same day. This is not my opinion; it's the testimony of Dr. Santos, who treated her in the hospital.

The prosecutor in this case should be investigated.

For what, specifically?

Oh, and I would like to know why the defense wasn't allowed to show ALL the evidence in a court of law?

During discovery, both the defense and prosecution stipulated the evidence they wanted to enter. In 11 years, not one of Darlie's many defense lawyers has said they weren't allowed to show their evidence. Supporters have said that, but they're mistaken.

I don't believe much in the media.

Then where did you hear that the defense wasn't allowed to show all the evidence? Wait, let me answer that! It came from the media, via Darlie's family. Where it didn't come from is the trial transcript, which contains the facts of this case.
IMO...I believe that Darlie should get a new trial because the first part of the trial transcript was so poorly done that even the judge removed her. There were thousands of errors and if I recall there was even a tape or two that was missing for the record.

The errors were typos, windchime. The content was accurate, as it was backed up by audiotapes, except for the first 54 pages of Volume 10. Those pages contained no witness testimony; it was simply a record of pre-trial formalities, such as reading the indictment, Darlie's plea of not guilty, the judge's explanation of presumption of innocence, etc.

There were 27 hearings on the accuracy of that 54-page record, and Darlie's appeal lawyers didn't dispute a single thing that was reported in the steno notes.
While there may have been errors in the court transcripts, the jury still found her guilty. The errors may make it harder for someone reading to believe she is guilty, but I think she is. The blood evidence (if you ignore her behavior) is enough to find her guilty, IMO.

She's had many years on death row. Years her children didn't have because she took them away.

Admittedly I haven't followed this case all along but have read up on it occassionally. I have a question about the blood evidence. It was reported on a news report that a bloody thumb print in the den was found to not belong to either of the boys (bodies were exhumed for finger printing), nor to DArlie or her husband and by law all LE fingerprints are in a database,,,,,so who does the thumb print belong to?? When I saw pictures of Darlies bruises I was shocked, could her sons have done that much bruising to her while trying to fight her off? Her husband still believes in her innocence and she still proclaims her innocence.

I'm on the fence with this and just have lots of questions.

Thank you.
For those of you who believe this woman killed her babies, I respect your opinion. However, many of us have studied this case for years. The horrific injuries that Darlie sustained by her attacker are real and ruthless. And, the system knows it!

The prosecutor in this case should be investigated. Oh, and I would like to know why the defense wasn't allowed to show ALL the evidence in a court of law?

I don't believe much in the media. Facts speak for themselves. And, the fact is..too many innocent victims OF THE SO CALLED SYSTEM have been accused and sentenced by a jury of their < so called > peers for crimes they did not commit.

Why was Darlie released from hospital two days after the murders if her injuries were so horrific? Why should the prosecutor be investigated? What evidence wasn't the defence allowed to show?
Admittedly I haven't followed this case all along but have read up on it occassionally. I have a question about the blood evidence. It was reported on a news report that a bloody thumb print in the den was found to not belong to either of the boys (bodies were exhumed for finger printing), nor to DArlie or her husband and by law all LE fingerprints are in a database,,,,,so who does the thumb print belong to?? When I saw pictures of Darlies bruises I was shocked, could her sons have done that much bruising to her while trying to fight her off? Her husband still believes in her innocence and she still proclaims her innocence.

I'm on the fence with this and just have lots of questions.

Thank you.

It's actually a fingerprint now a thumb print and it's smudged in blood on a glass table. It's unidentifiable. It can be used to exclude and only Darlie has not been excluded by the state but she has by her defence team. So it's expert against expert in this one area. By focusing on it..they (Darlie's team) give it more weight than it really carries. The appeal court has thrown it out anyway. It's not included in the dna tests.

I believe it's Darlie's print. It's small and contains a whorl pattern as does Darlie.
This one is so confusing to me. I do not understand why they will not test this fingerprint with the other things they are retesting? Has this fingerprint ever been put through the database just to exclude anyone else? I really do beleive it was Darlie's or one of the boys but just curious why this was never never done :confused:
Something to think about~ If there had been an intruder that murdered those two boys and attacked Darlie there is no way the "killer" couldn't have been injured. There should be plenty of blood and fingerprints to prove Darlie innocent. She's trying to prove her innocence with one smudged print.

Also, why not kill the biggest threat which would have been Darlie? Why kill two helpless children? Just something to consider when you're thinking Darlie might be innocent.
This one is so confusing to me. I do not understand why they will not test this fingerprint with the other things they are retesting? Has this fingerprint ever been put through the database just to exclude anyone else? I really do beleive it was Darlie's or one of the boys but just curious why this was never never done :confused:

Gosh this print has been tested and re-tested. The defence even had an anthropologist measure it. I think they may have tried to get it run through AFIS but you have to understand that the print is doesn't have enough points of identification to run through a database.

Here's the reason why she does not get the fingerprint retested.

"The federal court requires the appellant to show that previously available DNA testing was not technologically capable of providing probative results. Dr. Johnson does not assert that the DNA technology in existence at the time of trial could not distinguish multiple DNA sources from a single biological sample--indeed, many of the samples that were tested for trial from various biological materials were shown by DNA technology extant in 1996 to contain mixtures of the appellant's and her sons' DNA. (42) Dr. Johnson now asserts only that the present-day DNA technologies would do a better job. We reiterate: That is the standard for determining whether biological materials that have been previously subjected to DNA testing may again be tested. The appellant has failed to establish that she is entitled to conduct post-conviction DNA tests of the bloody palm print."
I understand the print may have been unidentifiable but with the new touch DNA , couldn't they still have gotten some kind of DNA profile? I may be ignorant with all this so apologize if this sounds stupid.
I understand the print may have been unidentifiable but with the new touch DNA , couldn't they still have gotten some kind of DNA profile? I may be ignorant with all this so apologize if this sounds stupid.

Well you can't get what isn't there Darshana. And that's not what they've asked for. You would need to read the document to better understand it. They've asked for the blood to be analyzed for unidentified male Y chromozone. The new touch dna is shed skin cells.
Something else to consider~ IF there had been an intruder that stabbbed those boys multiple times and fought with Darlie somewhere along the way "the intruder" would've been injured and bled and it would've been more that just a mere speck of blood that might be in a thumbprint. :waitasec:

To think that Darlie fought the intruder for her life and didn't injure him enough that he bled, but he ran away. Just too unbelievable. :rolleyes:
Well you can't get what isn't there Darshana. And that's not what they've asked for. You would need to read the document to better understand it. They've asked for the blood to be analyzed for unidentified male Y chromozone. The new touch dna is shed skin cells.

Sorry for asking, I was confused about all this new touch DNA that is available now and how it works.
Its beyond me how anyone could look at the evidence used to convict her,her behavior after her childrens death and her ever changing stories and even entertain a moments doubt about her guilt.
Its beyond me how anyone could look at the evidence used to convict her,her behavior after her childrens death and her ever changing stories and even entertain a moments doubt about her guilt.
I am really not in denial about this case at all. For me some things are still questionable as to the new testing they are doing. I too believe she is guilty but believe too she has a right to have these things tested. No one knows the actual truth although it is quite obvious. But there is always that what if?
I understand this is a place to express opinions which I have and everyone else has and does. Not everyone will see eye to eye on everything. There will always be questons so is why I asked the one in my previous post. I am not here to offend or challenge, just to express MY OPINION.
The children were innocent, Darlie with her 16 stories and counting is not.

Darlie was put on trial. She was found guilty. She was sentenced to death(not the painful death of being stabbed to death, a more humane death) and Darlie someday will be put to death. The justice system worked and the right person is in the right prison for the crime that she committed.

You see when a person is telling the truth, they only need one story. But when a person is lying and lying, that is when they come up with 16 stories and counting.

I trust the evidence will ever get Darlie off death row because it did not and will never exist. The only evidence is her guilt.

She is where she belongs and where she will stay until she takes her last breath on this planet.

Great Post!

I don't know where you are but Darlie was tried (fairly) and convicted of killing her children. Those poor, defenseless and beautiful boys! She is a pathological liar. She has told too many stories and they still keep changing!

She is right where she belongs and will stay until finally punished for her dispicable crimes! :mad:
I just started reading this case.... if there is something wrong with the transcripts I have a problem with that ...IF... the jurors had any reference to them while deliberating.
Does anyone know if the jurors used them to come to their decision?
Transcripts are usually produced if requested for an appeal. The juries do not have access to transcripts during deliberations.

They may ask for a particular part to be read back, or clarified, but not full access.

BTW, transcripts are extremely time consuming to produce. Those are only done on request and the transcriber is paid privately for this by the person who requires the transcripts.

The "errors" in the transcripts were typos. Nothing more. They were accurate except for the fact that there may have been spelling mistakes.

But there accepted as accurate by a Judge.
I also believe she is innocent but there is no need for the remarks made to those who believe otherwise. I agree with what your saying about sexism in the USA (and other countries) but I dont think that it applies in the case of Darlie Routier. The reason being that if Darlie was a man and was found guilty I would expect the death penalty would have been applied in the same way. Darlie was convicted in Texas and we all know what Texas does to child killers - male or female.
The bottom line is - although some people hold different opinions on this msg board they are still our friends, and although you are entitled to your opinion it would be appreciated that you keep rude comments made to other posters to yourself.

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