Inside the Anthony Home

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Shout out to all those folks who guessed GA was not in the master bedroom: You were right. Last night's interview (according to LP) revealed old GA was on the couch while CA and Casey took the master bedroom (when she was bailed out the first time). I just gotta laugh that you guys pinned that right!

So, where does CA keep his balls (in a glass jar over the mantle)? :)

[Jes' joking, of course.]
Did the "A" family get $ for this interview? Notice the CA lies........LP said GA slept on couch, not with KC/CA/more lies........IMO
The tour through the Anthony home yesterday just had me fascinated. It has now become a monument to Caylee, I can't believe that all the pictures in the Anthony home of Caylee were always there. It's Cindy's make-believe world. Listening to Cindy say that Casey slept in their room and held a teddy bear made me sick to my stomach. I have thought from the beginning that Casey was jealous because Cindy was starting to like Caylee better. Casey wanted to be the baby, and Caylee was taking that away. She finally got her place back in the Anthony home after Caylee was missing, on her parents bedroom floor??? Cindy made her sound like she was a two-year old. She's a nasty, lying full grown woman, who said incredibly horrible things about and to her parents such as talking to them was a "waste". She "messed up" they "covered up". She remained silent, they defended her. What kind of excellent mother and wonderful daughter could talk to her parents this way??? Losing Caylee is just what Casey wanted. All the attention to herself. She should have been scared while she was hopping from one man's bed to another, or when she was forging checks on a camera at Meijer and the bank or maybe she should have thought about how scared Caylee was in the trunk of the car. This family makes no sense whatsoever, and it's ridiculous to listen to Cindy Anthony anymore, she is just gone, and George has his own personal reasons for standing by her. Lee grew up with them, what do you expect????? This is only MY opinion.
The tour through the Anthony home yesterday just had me fascinated. It has now become a monument to Caylee, I can't believe that all the pictures in the Anthony home of Caylee were always there. It's Cindy's make-believe world. Listening to Cindy say that Casey slept in their room and held a teddy bear made me sick to my stomach. I have thought from the beginning that Casey was jealous because Cindy was starting to like Caylee better. Casey wanted to be the baby, and Caylee was taking that away. She finally got her place back in the Anthony home after Caylee was missing, on her parents bedroom floor??? Cindy made her sound like she was a two-year old. She's a nasty, lying full grown woman, who said incredibly horrible things about and to her parents such as talking to them was a "waste". She "messed up" they "covered up". She remained silent, they defended her. What kind of excellent mother and wonderful daughter could talk to her parents this way??? Losing Caylee is just what Casey wanted. All the attention to herself. She should have been scared while she was hopping from one man's bed to another, or when she was forging checks on a camera at Meijer and the bank or maybe she should have thought about how scared Caylee was in the trunk of the car. This family makes no sense whatsoever, and it's ridiculous to listen to Cindy Anthony anymore, she is just gone, and George has his own personal reasons for standing by her. Lee grew up with them, what do you expect????? This is only MY opinion.

ITA, it's unbelievable isn't it?
~~ my bold

two, three, four...

imo its the koolaide--perhaps everyone should take a drink--with everything else going on around here...perhaps that should be the family business...
I struggled with the story of kc not being able to sleep in that room and was assured that my original thoughts were correct that due to the fbh they did--makes more sense, especially when all we here is kc wanting to be AWAY FROM HER MOM.... :eek::waitasec: jmo
THe ultrasound pics: can anyone identify how far along the baby was in them? I thought she didn't admit that she was prego until after Rick's wedding (month 7).. Usually the ultrasound pics are done early on (at least for me they were..
I'm thinking if the ultrasound pics are early, then maybe the 7 months prego thing was not accurate. OR Casey was lying to her parents but such a responsible mom-to-be that she had sought ob/gyn care from the start, secretly. (I have my doubts on that, but who knows..)

Hi, this is the first time I have posted-but have been following this case along with you all from the beginning. I just have to say that I am so impressed with everyone's hard work and dedication to this case.

I wanted to offer a bit of information on the ultrasound pictures. I have been an ultrasound tech for about 8 years and I believe the pictures shown on the "home tour" appear to be of a more developed fetus. The 3d picture shows the baby has a substantial amount of fat, which is indicative of a later term pregnancy. The 2d picture also shows a well developed fetus. Above the foot, you can see the placenta which looks like it is a grade II, which is typical for a mid to late 3rd trimester pregnancy.

Hope this helps!!!
The tour through the Anthony home yesterday just had me fascinated. It has now become a monument to Caylee, I can't believe that all the pictures in the Anthony home of Caylee were always there. It's Cindy's make-believe world. Listening to Cindy say that Casey slept in their room and held a teddy bear made me sick to my stomach. I have thought from the beginning that Casey was jealous because Cindy was starting to like Caylee better. Casey wanted to be the baby, and Caylee was taking that away. She finally got her place back in the Anthony home after Caylee was missing, on her parents bedroom floor??? Cindy made her sound like she was a two-year old. She's a nasty, lying full grown woman, who said incredibly horrible things about and to her parents such as talking to them was a "waste". She "messed up" they "covered up". She remained silent, they defended her. What kind of excellent mother and wonderful daughter could talk to her parents this way??? Losing Caylee is just what Casey wanted. All the attention to herself. She should have been scared while she was hopping from one man's bed to another, or when she was forging checks on a camera at Meijer and the bank or maybe she should have thought about how scared Caylee was in the trunk of the car. This family makes no sense whatsoever, and it's ridiculous to listen to Cindy Anthony anymore, she is just gone, and George has his own personal reasons for standing by her. Lee grew up with them, what do you expect????? This is only MY opinion.
Well, after Nancy Grace last night it is obvious to me what Casey was doing at her attorney's all day long. He was trying to keep Casey's mouth shut so he was having to babysit her on a daily basis so she wouldn't say anything in front of the woman bodyguard. He had her sleeping with Cindy so that she would never be alone with the woman bodyguard. Remember the day Baez was miffed and walked Casey to his car? My guess is she was talking compulsively and he had to get her out of the house.
Well, after Nancy Grace last night it is obvious to me what Casey was doing at her attorney's all day long. He was trying to keep Casey's mouth shut so he was having to babysit her on a daily basis so she wouldn't say anything in front of the woman bodyguard. He had her sleeping with Cindy so that she would never be alone with the woman bodyguard. Remember the day Baez was miffed and walked Casey to his car? My guess is she was talking compulsively and he had to get her out of the house.

I think she was sleeping w/him. JMO
Shes men crazy so I wouldnt be surprised :crazy:
Well, after Nancy Grace last night it is obvious to me what Casey was doing at her attorney's all day long. He was trying to keep Casey's mouth shut so he was having to babysit her on a daily basis so she wouldn't say anything in front of the woman bodyguard. He had her sleeping with Cindy so that she would never be alone with the woman bodyguard. Remember the day Baez was miffed and walked Casey to his car? My guess is she was talking compulsively and he had to get her out of the house.

Bolded by always...
I read that JB was po'd because KC had called 911 about the protesters throwing things at the house and yelling and threatening CA and GA.

KC, let me see if I have this right, your daughter is "kidnapped" and you keep quiet for 31 days and THEN it's your Mama who makes the 911 call.
The angry protesters get more aggresive and you are on the phone with 911 DEMANDING someone get over there NOW.
Even JB saw how wrong that was.
ITA with your comments. I'm a nurse, work at a psych hospital.
You should hear what some of the staff say about this case and especially the Ants!
Other staff just roll their eyes and think those of us that are following/discussing the case
are a bit touched ourselves....... :)

Re the sentence above that I bolded and underlined...
there are 3 incidents that stick out to me:

1. When CA was so upset, angry, and had a conniption fit over KC and Jesse watching TV in KC's bedroom, sitting up on the bed, with the door open. These were two 20+ yr old adults, a couple in a (somewhat) serious relationship, who had a child (and sex) together. :eek:

You'd think CA was talking about catching her bare naked 12 y/o daughter in an upstairs bedroom, behind closed doors, prostituting. The A's house is small, with all the rooms close together... and the door was open!

2. When CA talks about when she "tucked Caylee and KC into bed that night".
It was as though she were tucking in her 2 toddler daughters. :rolleyes:

3. When TL, in his interview w/ LE, stated that KC would jump up right after they had sex, put her clothes on,
and rush out the door... ( "I felt like the girl." ...... :waitasec: ).
KC was rushing home so that CA (Mommy Dearest) wouldn't be upset with, disappointed in KC for staying out so late!

I really am trying hard to distance myself from this case.
I get so annoyed with the Ant's behaviour, their attitude, their lies.... and that Caylee hasn't been found yet!
And I'm annoyed at myself for being so interested. :banghead:

All day long, everyday at work I see and hear about bizarre cases....
but nothing like this one! :mad:

I understood the parents anger, it was because KC was not supposed to entertain male guests in the home when G or C weren't there. It's their home, they make the rules, if KC didn't like it she could move out any time.

The whole situation with with the other Tony was she was seeing him 'on the side,' squeezing a few minutes out of her busy schedule to service him, so to speak. In her mind keeping the barn full in case she ever found herself without a regular boyfriend. The comment he made about ''feeling like the girl'' shows just how shallow his relationships are.
Not sure if this belongs here, or on the Rant Thread. I have no hair left to pull out, first the Meet and Greet, now it's a "house tour?" Just another opportunity to manipulate the media. Won't be your "normal Thanksgiving" this year CA? I GUESS NOT. YES CA, Elizabeth Smart did come home but nobody ever found Elizabeth's decomp in the family trunk-and there was a REAL kidnapper CA, not a pretend one. I always wondered how KC could go back there and sleep in Caylee's room. Btw loved the part about how other people, KC's detractors, 'will one day have to face their Maker' but KC will have no problems facing HER's. Who believes or behaves like this? Can't wait for the Press Conference... JMO

I totally agree, I think that whole interview was staged just to try to make people feel sorry for KC. LP said the reason she slept in her parents room was because she wasn't to be left alone, probably afraid she would try to sneak out and run off. Exactly on the Elizabeth Smart situation, they didn't find decomp in the trunk of her mother's car!!!! As for the comment about all of them meeting their maker and going to heaven, I'm surprised lightening didn't strike Cindy on that comment, especially saying KC was included in that, I personally can't wait till KC meets her maker and is sent straight to hell!!!!:furious:
The tour through the Anthony home yesterday just had me fascinated. It has now become a monument to Caylee, I can't believe that all the pictures in the Anthony home of Caylee were always there. It's Cindy's make-believe world. Listening to Cindy say that Casey slept in their room and held a teddy bear made me sick to my stomach. I have thought from the beginning that Casey was jealous because Cindy was starting to like Caylee better. Casey wanted to be the baby, and Caylee was taking that away. She finally got her place back in the Anthony home after Caylee was missing, on her parents bedroom floor??? Cindy made her sound like she was a two-year old. She's a nasty, lying full grown woman, who said incredibly horrible things about and to her parents such as talking to them was a "waste". She "messed up" they "covered up". She remained silent, they defended her. What kind of excellent mother and wonderful daughter could talk to her parents this way??? Losing Caylee is just what Casey wanted. All the attention to herself. She should have been scared while she was hopping from one man's bed to another, or when she was forging checks on a camera at Meijer and the bank or maybe she should have thought about how scared Caylee was in the trunk of the car. This family makes no sense whatsoever, and it's ridiculous to listen to Cindy Anthony anymore, she is just gone, and George has his own personal reasons for standing by her. Lee grew up with them, what do you expect????? This is only MY opinion.

Scary, huh? Too bad for Caylee CA never learned about tough love. If C & G expected more from KC, right from the beginning. We would never have been introduced to any of the A's insanity, sweet Caylee would still be alive, KC would have a real job and be supporting her daughter. If only...
Shout out to all those folks who guessed GA was not in the master bedroom: You were right. Last night's interview (according to LP) revealed old GA was on the couch while CA and Casey took the master bedroom (when she was bailed out the first time). I just gotta laugh that you guys pinned that right!

So, where does CA keep his balls (in a glass jar over the mantle)? :)

[Jes' joking, of course.]

Caylee's room and KC's room was empty and he sleeps on the couch. That is freaking weird!
Hi, this is the first time I have posted-but have been following this case along with you all from the beginning. I just have to say that I am so impressed with everyone's hard work and dedication to this case.

I wanted to offer a bit of information on the ultrasound pictures. I have been an ultrasound tech for about 8 years and I believe the pictures shown on the "home tour" appear to be of a more developed fetus. The 3d picture shows the baby has a substantial amount of fat, which is indicative of a later term pregnancy. The 2d picture also shows a well developed fetus. Above the foot, you can see the placenta which looks like it is a grade II, which is typical for a mid to late 3rd trimester pregnancy.

Hope this helps!!!

Did anyone notice on the wall of pictures next to the door on the left that on top poster of pics towards the left side is a pic of KC & AH? I wonder what AH thinks of that!

I agree with most everyone that KC's room is staged with added pics etc. CA made me sick to my stomach saying how KC slept with her teddy bear while Caylee is somewhere all alone without her favorite doll!

Thank you for finding all these!! I really appreciate. I'm going to look through them when I get home tonight. :)

Well I am not trying to bash CA but in line with the bolded quote above, last night I saw a clip of her talking and the woman has "absolutely" had Botox and maybe more work done since this started. They did a close-up and her face did not move at all as she spoke, that's the giveaway, and her wrinkles are either softer or GONE. I worked in the beauty industry as a make-up artist for many years so I know what middle-aged womens faces look like and NONE of them ever have perfectly smooth faces. Her tan is always fresh, too. These procedures are not cheap so there is money coming from somewhere and it isn't a security guard salary, LOL.
And I have to say that the tour may backfire on them, hoenstly they didnt come across to me as grieving grandparents, they looked like business people planning their next corporate move. I was feeling really bad for them with the holidays coming up but I really don't since seeing that interview, it seems as if they are just trying to get more milage out of the holiday season.

I noticed this too!!! The muscles in her lower cheeks/jaw and around her mouth did NOT move. And her skin did look really great. I felt odd for noticing this, but IMO she's been touched up relatively recently. I don't get it.
Thank you for finding all these!! I really appreciate. I'm going to look through them when I get home tonight. :)

I noticed this too!!! The muscles in her lower cheeks/jaw and around her mouth did NOT move. And her skin did look really great. I felt odd for noticing this, but IMO she's been touched up relatively recently. I don't get it.

Hubby asked if she has had a nose job....:waitasec:
Hubby asked if she has had a nose job....:waitasec:

I was wondering the same thing, but felt silly for thinking it. Her nose did have a bruise on the bridge of it in a recent interview.

I know this has nothing to do with sleuthing, but oh well. :)

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