Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #79

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Re: 3rd gas can purchased at Walmart-Salinas

Something unforeseen/unanticipated must have happened to that 3rd gas can possibly when JA was burning the murder clothes, car floor mats, etc.

Did the the 3rd gas can:
- explode?
- exterior paint burn, JA panicked, didn't want signs of a burn and got rid of it?
- cap get lost or burned so JA got rid of gas can?
- somehow end up with melted car floor mat adhering to gas can exterior so JA got rid of it?
- ???
Regarding the naked photos being taken with the timer or staged without his knowledge...

Have you looked at the time stamps on those photos? They were taken minutes apart.

The one of Jodi laying naked up on her elbows you can see the same KY bottle on the other side of the bed...the side where clearly Travis was just laying.

And they are both on the same sheets...again taken minutes apart. I cannot see anyway these could not have been taken without both parties being aware of them being taken.

I tried...I really did because that's what I originally thought. She snuck up on him while he was watching tv and the KY bottle was laying next to him. But after seeing those time stamps, I can't see it happening any other way.

Especially since like others pointed out, why delete them if they were setups...and why deny she had been there since April if she knew there were pictures that were somewhere?
IMO not the way she kept saying he just kept coming. And coming. And coming after me!!

He'd have to be in slow- mo not to catch her while she's doing this rolling and getting up and getting the gun....... Makes no sense even if he did p/u the camera.

She never gets up. Every time she tells the story, she rolls and runs. See, that way there's no time for Travis to stop her from getting up.
Re: 3rd gas can purchased at Walmart-Salinas

Something unforeseen/unanticipated must have happened to that 3rd gas can possibly when JA was burning the murder clothes, car floor mats, etc.

Did the the 3rd gas can:
- explode?
- exterior paint burn, JA panicked, didn't want signs of a burn and got rid of it?
- cap get lost or burned so JA got rid of gas can?
- somehow end up with melted car floor mat adhering to gas can exterior so JA got rid of it?
- ???

I don't think any of the gas cans were recovered by police. It seems that she managed to get rid of A LOT of evidence before she was taken into custody.
also, why place photos that "prove" you were there that day, when you're going out of your way to hide the fact that you were ever in arizona that week?

When it's the way you get your victim to let you in. They spoke about some of these poses in the sex tape. Once they have sex, only a matter of time til he needs a shower. She knifes him and all the blood goes down the drain. But Travis fought hard. Too much to possibly clean up.

I agree with that. It makes no sense the way she is telling it. If he had truly been trying to KILL her, she would have some visible injuries. If he had truly been trying to catch her, and had been running and running and running, he would have caught her, imo.

She shouldn't have stressed what good shape he was in either, IMO. It only makes her story even sillier.
I hate to ask, but can someone give me the link to her "suicide" letter she said sent to her grandmammy? lol
I cannot find it anywhere.
I'm still trying to catch up but I wanted to comment on the Helio phone...

I thought Jodi said that she had recorded other sex tapes? But then I heard her say that it wasn't until she got the Helio from Gus that she was able to record phone conversations? I thought she mentioned something about her old phone did not have the recording feature....:waitasec:

So she just so happens to get a phone from Gus that she can use to record phone conversations. Something just don't seem right....


I wonder if JA and Gus didn't have a plan to ruin Travis. I'm sure Gus was jealous of Travis and Jodi probably told Gus all of these stories of how mean and abusive Travis was. I think JA and Gus put a plan in motion to set up the sex talk and then Jodi could send it out to all of his friends and co-workers to shame him and ruin his life. I wonder if that's what drove the scorching text from Travis. I also don't think they had sex on the 4th. I wouldn't be surprised if she surprised him by taking that photo in the bed w/ the KJ laid next to him. What guy would want a picture taken w/ a limp penis?
Sorry, I left to pick up kids at school. I don't know if I will address your thoughts exactly, but I will try to share what I think. Psychopaths are very unique, no matter what the original cause. They do not feel empathy. They do not feel conscience. That is really hard for a normal person to wrap their brain around. I have literally seen a child watch another family member get terribly hurt and then start laughing and dancing as if excited. I literally had to tell this child that was not appropriate. The child was doing it because she wanted attention and knew that since the other child was hurt, the attention was going the other way. She felt she had to compete so she tried to be very cute and start dancing to get the attention back. It was not planned or prepared. It just was. From a young age, she had been taught that everything HAD to be about her or she was in danger.

When normal people see that type of thing, it enrages them. It provokes hate. They literally cannot imagine what would cause someone to "dance on the grave" of another person. We cannot project rational thinking on to someone who is not rational, but we do it anyway. We image the hate and rage they must feel to the person. The fact is - unless it currently impacts them - they are probably not thinking about it at all. (Ex: Ryan Burns just hours after killing TA. Even if it had been self defense, we would expect it to rock her world and it was not even on her radar.)

The reactions you are hearing on the board are what healthy people feel when faced with someone who is capable of committing such an extreme heinous act without any remorse or conscience. It was horrible to murder TA, but to do it and THEN have no remorse or conscience about calling him a pedophile, etc. is just incomprehensible to a normal person. I would even say it was healthy for people to be outraged.

It is also compounded because healthy people can feel and see the pain of TA's family. We can feel every emotion, cry with every tear. We literally carry some of that pain in us after seeing them. JA does not. Not judging. Just stating fact. She is absolutely oblivious to their pain - unless it benefits her. If it shows her she is winning, she can literally feed off of it and get joy from it. Again, I hope that as I write this that you don't hear judgement. I have seen this again and again.

The darkness people talk about in her eyes is real. For whatever reason, it is as if these people have dead souls. They are walking shells. No empathy. No conscience. No trust. Constant lying.

That's why you see the strong reactions. Kids I work with come that way. It is horrific to see what they can do - killing animals, hurting siblings, etc. without any remorse and, sometimes, with incredible joy. When you witness it, it is easy to feel extreme anger for the victims. Especially that, once they are caught, they continue to lie and justify.

Again, I keep wanting to point - no judgement. It is horrific. I tell you that we are all suffering worse than JA right now. We have more capacity to feel pain. Her hardest moment of the trial has been the brief moments where the jury does not believe her act. That takes the fun out - that means losing. The only fears she has are abandonment and not being special. TA hit the first. The jury just mortified her with the second.

I don't mean to ramble. If JA was murdered, we would have never seen this side of her.

The challenge in dealing with this every day - and many of my families do - is that anger, extreme anger, when you live with the constant lies, violence, and manipulation only feeds the disorder. In addition, the person to whom the anger is targeted, in this case, JA, is thrilled with the attention - positive or negative. So, if you hold on to the anger, you are making her feel better and making yourself feel consumed.

Not speaking about trial watchers, but people who live with it constantly. It is nerve wracking, no matter how much sympathy you have for how a person got there. It can be maddening to watch this type of individual in action. But, trust me, JA is flattered by any attention anyone gives her. Nothing on this board would offend her. She would be so pleased we all devoted so much of our lives to her -honestly.
Wow you really lay it out in simple terms..... So when Jodi was on the stand and JM questioning her on the murder and both of Travis sisters were crying and I'm sure everyone in the courtroom could see and hear it, all of a sudden you see Jodi crying and they even went to break early because she was "crying" so hard...

That was to bring back the attention to her?
I do believe they had sex that day. The reason being the pics of her genitalia appeared to be "stretched out". :blushing:

There's no proof one way or the other. Evidence? I guess the pictures and him being nude could be evidence. I just don't think it matters. She was going to kill him anyway whether they did or didn't. I don't think any less of him, though, if they did. As for her, it only makes her that much more evil, to have sex with him before killing him.
Why would the photos be staged to make it look like they had sex? What is the purpose of this?

You are asking that question as someone with a sound mind. We are talking about a person here who is a sociopath and one with a murderous mind. People like Jodi just don't think like you and I. She's made so many mistakes here that there is no way to tell what a person like her would be thinking when she did it.

Considering the fact that she has made a huge number of mistakes in this case, I don't find it difficult to believe that she made another one here.

I don't think that it matters a great deal in the grand scheme of things, but it is my opinion based on the way the photos were staged that the two of them didn't have sex. For whatever reason, she wanted proof left on his camera that Travis was not what he said he was to others and was having sex with her. Perhaps she realized that the photos had a time stamp and they would put her at the scene of the crime. It's just my opinion.

I agree with that. It makes no sense the way she is telling it. If he had truly been trying to KILL her, she would have some visible injuries. If he had truly been trying to catch her, and had been running and running and running, he would have caught her, imo.

And if he got her down in that bath with any intentions of 'killing' her she'd never have gotten back up!

The only thing that makes any sense is her sneaking up on him while vulnerable and ordering him to sit. Probably at gun point. Then out came the knife. I truly believe she did want him to suffer because she was so enraged.

Poor Travis.
When it's the way you get your victim to let you in. They spoke about some of these poses in the sex tape. Once they have sex, only a matter of time til he needs a shower. She knifes him and all the blood goes down the drain. But Travis fought hard. Too much to possibly clean up.


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No. I believe that the questions from the jury show how they don't buy it at all. They are asking questions that make her come up with a plausible answer and they are not getting them. Just more of the same. JM really made a slam dunk on Thursday with the 3rd gas can. I can bet you he has everything including the fact that they were closed and so all she could have bought was gas that day.

I believe that he has Brian in his pocket too.

He does not say anything he can not prove.

He has more planned for rebuttal. I promise that.

Be not worried
The prosecution gets the last word
Jm is slicker than perry mason and Johnny cochran god rest his soul!
Just ask Beth karas. what she thinks of jms ability to perform.
why the staging/faking only to delete the pictures?

To make Travis look bad when the photos were discovered. But, for whatever reason, she decided to delete them. You can have an intention to do something, do it, and then change your mind later. It's been done.
When it's the way you get your victim to let you in. They spoke about some of these poses in the sex tape. Once they have sex, only a matter of time til he needs a shower. She knifes him and all the blood goes down the drain. But Travis fought hard. Too much to possibly clean up.

Realize how important getting him in that shower was for her. He is surrounded at all sides. Anywhere else and he can escape from a knife attack from a smaller/weaker individual. In that shower he is cornered on three sides, with her blocking the fourth. This is why she must talk him into the shower.
That link to the video someone made to how the murder went down was chilling. ....the message to Bryan Carr, hopefully it helped the man. Anyhow, I was reading the comments on the video and someone said a manilla envelope was noted in opening statements that has yet to be shown. I missed a lot of that part of the trial, anyone know what this manilla envelope is about? and which side has it, please let it be Juan. tia
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