Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #80

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I'll get more details on the info below!
At the time of her arrest (7-15-08), Jodi was moving out with her rental car loaded with boxes, two knives and a 9mm handgun hidden inside.

Sounds like she was going camping...NOT!
Not questioning what you are saying, but why hasn't any of this come out in the trial? Or has it and I missed it? tia
It evidentially isn't relevant to the murder. I was kinda disappointed it didn't come in too. Just to show she'd run rather than face the music.
I'll get more details on the info below!
At the time of her arrest (7-15-08), Jodi was moving out with her rental car loaded with boxes, two knives and a 9mm handgun hidden inside.

Do we know where she was moving to?
Thanks for the vid, but I still hear "Judge, I'm done with Miss Arias". And if he was just done with that topic, he would've moved on to something else. Imo.

He would not have said that. He doesn't use her name. He would have said no more questions. I think he said he was done with the area to cue the judge that he was done with that point and she could go ahead and adjourn for the day. You really think that's all he's got in regards to juror questions?
She got the Helio from Gus the day she moved away from Travis. I think the phone she lost was her old one, that she replaced thinking she had lost it.
The problem comes in when she has conflicting testimony - IMAGINE THAT??
She says
1) The first time I could tape was after I got the Helio, because neither Travis or I could record on our old phones.
2) Yes, I had more phone sex recordings on my other phone, but I deleted the after June 4.

maybe we should start a "Jodi's contradictions" thread , there are so many!
She is something else...trying to control her prosecutor by suggesting that he is scrambling her brain by his volume, tone and posture.

Yet she recall every detail of Travis "abusing" her or having road rage! Just can't seem to remember knives and blood and nine knife wounds in his back

Once sentenced to death row the jury should all stand and do the wave!
Nurmi hollers objection judge!
Judge to nurmi shaddup they're in a fog and can't hear you
He couldn't continue with another line of questioning since court time limit was over for the day. He will move on to another area Wednesday. Mark my words.


Yes, he was just telling the judge it was a good stopping point. It was 4:30 and the court promised the defense to recess so Miss Arias can get back to her gated community for her soy slop supper.
Just curious...why would you think he was on his back? :waitasec:

It's heinous and DP worthy no matter what the position either way.

It is much easier to tilt someone's head back when they are on their back. Think of CPR. Head tilt to open the airway. The knife blade and handle would have to clear the carpet by a lot for her to have that clean of a slitting stab wound. The slit is "clean" with no jagged edges, kinda like when you use a scalpel to make an incision. The throat wound severed the right carotid and jugular which would be indicative of a left handed person doing the slitting. You can also see on his face a small wound on his face just past the throat slit where the knife penetrated slightly after she was done. The blood seen in the photographs going down his back and shoulder area more than likely came from the throat wound. Also the amount of blood on the carpet would have been larger had he been on his stomach. This of course is my opinion based on studying the autopsy photos and knowing a lot about medicine. Thanks for asking.
When I was younger I would drive to Las Vegas leaving here at 6am (tell mom and dad had to go to work) arrive in Viva Las Vegas! at 9:30 or 10am (driving fast, 450 miles) Um, do stuff until about 3pm and head home. Home by 7 and complaining about the Traffic from work!

My sisters and I drove pretty straight through from So Calif. Through Nevada, all the way to Brian Head Utah to ski (7 hrs)

I easily make the 6 hour drive 10 freeway Southern Calif. To Mesa Arizona, straight shot. I have done that stayed 2 hours, and doubled back, home by 8pm. (left 4am, arrive Mesa 10:30 or 11am. stay til 1 or 2pm, home by 8 or 9pm. All in a day.

By the way, never leave So Calif. at 4 am and arrive in Blythe, Ca (before the Arizona border) at 7am. That Kentucky Fried Chicken only teases you. It does not open til 10 am!

:coffeeup:You've mentioned her sleep and sleep patterns before. It's interesting. Remember when I was younger and could stay up a whole weekend? Well, I could. :giggle:

She was so peppy the other day that I thought she was on speed, or in a
manic mood. She raced through explanations, but forgot to pause for
emotional moments to fake cry.

Seems like Jodi can take power naps. Maybe she falls asleep easily. She's sleeping or pretending to in that video where she laid her head on Travis's lap.

Red Bull, No Dose, coffee in a thermos for the long haul. Not sure she used
caffeine much, considering the strawberry frapps. :gum:
I doubt he'd say that. He hasn't used her name even once. I think there's more to come.

YEPPERS!! He calls her "Ma'am" not "miss" anything. I'd love for him to slip in "Madam" not as in sexual way but as in condescending... :blushing:
Originally Posted by Furiously_Following View Post
Occams Razor:
The simplest explanation is usually the right one. Detectives use it to deduce who's the likeliest suspect in a murder case -- you know, the butler did it. Doctors *use it to determine the illness behind a set of symptoms.

This line of reasoning is called Occam's razor. It's used in a wide variety of ways throughout the world as a means to slice through a problem or situation and eliminate unnecessary elements. But what we call the razor is a little different than what its author originally wrote. There are two parts that are considered the basis of Occam's razor, and they were originally written in Latin:
•The Principle of Plurality - Plurality should not be posited without necessity
•The Principle of Parsimony - It is pointless to do with more what is done with less

Taken together, they represent the basis of humanity's investigation into the universe, and the way we see our environment is largely based upon Occam's razor. There's no telling what kind of world we would live in today without Occam's razor.

Thanks for the summary. Very well stated.

Imo some people just naturally have the ability to get to the heart of things while others just naturally become confused by all the trees and/or have the sort of mind that gravitates to convolunted or conspiracy theories. Imo it's the way we're made more than whether we study or investigate anything. Some of the sharpest thinkers I know never heard of Occam's Razor. JMO.
Speaks for itself.
Yes JA premeditated ...but she was stupid in her gun choice. TA did not own one of these. I would bet my life on it.

This is not a serious gun. Imo. But I pack a .45, plus have shotguns to protect against griz and mountain lions. Takes an hour for any EMS out here.....

Don't judge. :) :)
I'll get more details on the info below!
At the time of her arrest (7-15-08), Jodi was moving out with her rental car loaded with boxes, two knives and a 9mm handgun hidden inside.

Interesting choice since every rental vehicle is equipped with a lo-jack type tracking device. At least that's what I've been led to believe.
When I was younger I would drive to Las Vegas leaving here at 6am (tell mom and dad had to go to work) arrive in Viva Las Vegas! at 9:30 or 10am (driving fast, 450 miles) Um, do stuff until about 3pm and head home. Home by 7 and complaining about the Traffic from work!

My sisters and I drove pretty straight through from So Calif. Through Nevada, all the way to Brian Head Utah to ski (7 hrs)

I easily make the 6 hour drive 10 freeway Southern Calif. To Mesa Arizona, straight shot. I have done that stayed 2 hours, and doubled back, home by 8pm. (left 4am, arrive Mesa 10:30 or 11am. stay til 1 or 2pm, home by 8 or 9pm. All in a day.

By the way, never leave So Calif. at 4 am and arrive in Blythe, Ca (before the Arizona border) at 7am. That Kentucky Fried Chicken only teases you. It does not open til 10 am!

Re: that Vegas trip....I think your parents should have got the wooden spoon after you!!! :floorlaugh:
The type of terrain and Highway can make all the difference on any long distance trip. From here to Vegas you go up through the pass and down through the desert.. It is a bit, well, less than perfect.

Here to Mesa, AZ incredible. You just blink and you are there. Its a lot farther than Vegas, but it is straight? One new smooth highway, zoom, no big hills or Valley's. You pass that area with the billions of wind twirly things near palm springs.

Mesa to Utah would not be that bad if the Ford Focus had power, I think she has to go "up" and home is the least desirable leg of that trip. The easy leg is her house to Travis - straight down

She had a LOT of time to think about what she was doing and change her mind. She didn't so we shouldn't

He said "Judge, I'm done with this area" [of questioning] He is not done questioning her, he will pick up Wednesday.

DST starts tonight that AZ does not observe so those used to the proceedings starting at 12:30 pm (like me) will now start at 1:30 pm.'t-observe-daylight-saving-time

At the end of Thursdays video, the judge says they will start at 10 am rather than the usual 10:30 am AZ time on Wednesday
Idk. I wonder if she wasn't half expecting it since she didn't act at all surprised when Flores told her about them and she had to know the camera would be found and unsure about its content -- regardless of whether she left it there accidentally or on purpose.

I don't remember it that way. I thought she was totally taken aback when he told her they had pictures from the actual murder.
Good point.

Seems more palatable for a woman do deliver that stuff, rather than a DA who specializes in sex crimes. Not sure if the jury was able to do any recon on him, but it would seem to exponentially up the creep factor if the jury is listening to Nurmi ask indelicate questions, rather than Wilmott.

I cringe to imagine how Nurmi would cross examine the plaintiff in a sex assault case, especially a child. It would be like getting assaulted in slow motion, in public. I just threw up in my mouth typing this.
I don't remember it that way. I thought she was totally taken aback when he told her they had pictures from the actual murder.
Me too. In her best little girl voice. 'You diiiiid??????'
I don't remember it that way. I thought she was totally taken aback when he told her they had pictures from the actual murder.

I guess I meant acting surprised in the way I would act surprised if I found out there were photos putting me at a murder scene I'd denied being at on 48hours :/
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