Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #80

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I think so too. I wonder what phone she took on her trip?

According to her, she took the phone that replaced the Helio that she thought had been stolen either on May 17 or 18th.

ETA - So even with the phones, we have evidence of pre-meditation and "clean up"...
I don't think his throat had been slashed yet in that photo. His arm is raised and his is raised, as well. He would NOT have been able to raise his head after such a wound. He was nearly decapitated. The ME also attests to this. I believe this is the killing/stabbing in progress and he's reaching up trying to stop her/defend himself but is too weak. I also don't think there was enough blood for that to be the neck wound. I could very well be wrong, though.

Sorry, I thought that was the photo of her pulling him by the arms. ITA, after the throat wound, he would not have been conscious. The concentration of blood on the carpet is what I was looking at. You are probably right that the blood on his shoulders is from the head wounds. To me, it looked like rivulets of blood that would have been consistent with the throat wound as well. Thanks for correcting me.
If she used insurance to replace it, that would have to be Gus' insurance, so he would have had to help her with that. There's been no evidence that he was involved, but he's secretive, so who knows?

exactly - how could she have a warranty to get a replacement phone on a phone that she didn't purchase (was "given" to her by GS..)?

something doesn't "jive" ... ahahahahahahaha!!! :floorlaugh:
OK, I'm REALLY not getting into this phone thing, did she have insurance if Gus GAVE her the phone? Did it come free with his PPL plan?

Only Gus can really tell us that. Do you want to ask him?

Simple! Just put together names from her two obsessions ... TA & herself:
travis VICTOR alexander + jodi ann ARIAS = Victor Arias.

If she had to come up with another name on the spot, and she was in the police interrogation room, she would look at the silk plant in the corner and then take note of Det. Flores' hair color to come up with the new character: Fern Black!


Keyser Söze --The Usual Suspects!!

I heard that referenced on HLN..:floorlaugh::great:
But there are others along JA's murder trip who, AFAIK, have not yet stated the color of her hair.

Example: On 6/2 and 6/3 she saw the following people and I haven't heard them say the color of JA's hair on those days:

JA's sister in Hollister CA
MattMcC and his roommate in Monterey CA area
Possibly PaulS who said he loaned JA money in Monterey CA area
DarrylB and son in Pacific Grove CA
WAMU security photos while making deposits
"Nail" salon personnel
Walmart-Salinas security photos while making purchases

Hope JM will clear this hair color issue up soon!

I wonder if Darryl may be called back in rebuttal to be asked more regarding the remote Jodi returned. Was it for a DVD player like the one stolen in the gun burglary?

And what color was Jodi's hair when she left and what color was it when she came back from Salinas with the remote?
This entire matter with the hair color, in my opinion, is a matter of perspective. I don't believe her hair was that atrocious platinum blonde when she rented the car, however, her CDL photo may have been. Her hair color may have been something like it was when she was booked into jail, or perhaps a little lighter, or had blonde streaks in it. When she arrived in Utah, it may have been darker than it was the last time she saw Ryan. In other words, there are varying shades of blonde, brown and what one would consider brunette. I doubt it was as dark as it is now since this is now her natural color.

You may be right and I'm starting to think that the hair color bit is a red herring that might just be left alone. UNLESS, the state has some really compelling evidence that she died her hair, of course. Which they might have.

I followed KC's trial throughout and totally enjoyed the Florida Sunshine Laws while doing so but in some ways, not knowing everything in advance, allows us to better understand the trial proceedings in a fashion that is more similar to what the jury sees. A totally different perspective to be sure!

But there are others along JA's murder trip who, AFAIK, have not yet stated the color of her hair.

Example: On 6/2 and 6/3 she saw the following people and I haven't heard them say the color of JA's hair on those days:

JA's sister in Hollister CA
MattMcC and his roommate in Monterey CA area
Possibly PaulS who said he loaned JA money in Monterey CA area
DarrylB and son in Pacific Grove CA
WAMU security photos while making deposits
"Nail" salon personnel
Walmart-Salinas security photos while making purchases

Hope JM will clear this hair color issue up soon!

If they had her on camera, that would be great.
As for all her exes, JM didn't ask Darryl, did he? Hmmmm....DB would probably say 'I don't recall.' Her sister would lie. This Paul guy I don't know if they'll call.

Where did Paul come from anyway? Did he just volunteer this info? Is he on the level?

I think Matt knows about a whole lot more than her hair. Just don't know if we'll see Matt. I'd sure love to though!
I wonder if Darryl may be called back in rebuttal to be asked more regarding the remote Jodi returned. Was it for a DVD player like the one stolen in the gun burglary?

And what color was Jodi's hair when she left and what color was it when she came back from Salinas with the remote?
I get the impression that both Darryl and Matt (and maybe Matt's friend) will be called back or called "out" by the time this trial is over.

There is absolutely no way that he is done with questioning her. He has barely touched on the jury questions.

Thank you.

Your certainty made me watch the entire cross by Juan again and it changed my mind about what he said. Fifth time I finally heard "I'm done with this area" which was what I though originally since it was past JA's go-back-to-jail time. Also, if he'd been through he would have said "no further questions", I think.

BTW: Watching cross re the questions was very interesting. In real time I was so excited not to have to listen to Nurmi that I missed the flashes of anger JA lets slip through the mask.
Ehem. She gives these dates. No one else. For all we know, they were never even really "official". She is the only person who has given those dates.


Lol and after FIFTEEN days regaling the jury regarding everything imaginable in mind numbing detail--she decides to tell them Travis proposed to her..over the phone.
The old peace sign is the same as the old victory sign. As I understand it (ok-JA has ruined that phrase for me), that is a double F-U symbol. If you take a second to form that sign, you realize you need some concentration to make your fingers do that.

I have been opening my mind to other possibilities through reading posts and allowing ideas to marinate. Has anyone else noticed the strange tracks of petechiae all over TA's back in the shower pics? One of my theories is that he was already being tortured by JA before the shower. He thought she was gone at last and I think he was crying in the shower. Supporting that is the stream of snot seen streaming out of his left nostril in the lighted face shot where he's sitting in the shower.

Earlier in my thoughts, I felt he was pressing a chest wound in the very first photo. Other posters disagreed, but I am still thinking the hand positions are very odd on his chest. If so, he would be weakening and might sit in the shower on his own after the shock of seeing JA there in ninja clothes with a gun. He may have been crying, begging for his life (so sorry if any family is reading this).

The photo of him sitting after the closeup has blood and water in the drain under his buttocks. He is in the same position as the closeup ONLY HIS ARMS ARE WAY UP and he is slumped back. In the closeup, his arms are outstretched, maybe hugging his knees? That would be a very protective position. JA cannot really stab him in the chest in this position.

In the next picture his body is slumped rather than leaning forward. Something has definitely happened--an attack. But is it a knife attack or the gun? We have gone back and forth about this and I've been on both sides at different times.

What if it is the stabs on the head and neck?

That would be consistent with the ME's report that the gunshot occurred when his blood pressure was too low to cause bruising or to fill his sinuses and mouth with blood.

Jodi plans to stabs him rather than shoot him so that he will suffer and she can take pictures for later enjoyment. She brings the gun so she can control TA and get him naked into the shower where he will be easier to stab and easier to clean up, eliminate her DNA on the body, etc. She will also be able to shoot any witness that might appear.

She prefers her left hand even though she said she was ambidextrous. It has been established that she had the camera in the right hand (pupil enlargement done on Travis' right eye by WSr clearly shows her dark figure with the flashbulb at waist level on her right with her standing).

So she opens the door and stabs him with tremendous power on the head and neck. The ME said these wounds were inflicted with great force. This would be consistent with someone standing above him, putting his hands over his head to protect himself.

His hands are still up trying to shield his head, imo, when the body pic is taken of him slumped on the shower. He is not dead and he is not stunned like you would be if you were shot with a gun.

One of my sons received a gunshot wound in the leg in a holdup at the pizza place where he was working. He said it was excruciatingly painful even though it was small caliber- a .22. He began screaming and writhing in pain, went into shock and remembers nothing of what happened after the gunshot.

This also argues towards stabbing coming first. Travis pushes out of the shower and staggers over to the sink to see how much damage he has suffered. There is a deep neck wound sufficient to cause him to expel blood. She thought she left him to die, thinking she stabbed his brain and is horrified to see him up instead of bleeding out in the shower like she planned.

She flies into a rage and stabs him in the back like the psycho-b*ch that she is over and over, screaming "F'king kill you" and "Die, F'ckr, die." He crawls away from her and she chases him down and slits his throat. She rolls him over to drag him back and stabs him in the chest (if she hasn't already). As she is trying to get him into the shower, she sees his eyes and is creeped out. He is looking at her with consciousness. As she said, "I could see he was still there." So she gets the gun and shoots him "out of mercy."

Thanks for taking the time to read my scenario. I would like to know if anyone else thinks this is possible. I am particularly interested in hearing if the micro bruises, the petechiae, have been noticed by any of you medical people.

i have to say I love your post. I don't "see " it all myself at the moment but you have def peaked my interest to take another, closer look at the shower sequence tomorrow while following your scenario.

I love the fact that this site sparks so many great minds to try out ideas and voice opinions with the same goal of getting justice for Travis and his family
What I don't understand is this JA had no wounds. Yet, the person she was defending herself against had 29 stab wounds (most in his back, a slit throat, and a gun shot wound to his face. Why is there even being a trial held? It is ridiculous and a total waste of taxpayers money. I don't care if she gets LWOP. She will be forever be destined to live in a cell and maybe in solitare confinement. Just get her off the stand so she can't spread anymore negativeness in the air or in the universal subconscious. jmo

I know, right!! :pullhair: I totally agree!! :jail: :please:
The part I hate the most about a Murder especially and one of this magnitude (high profile) and maybe Murder in general?

You just know her friends are either afraid to tell all they know, or they intentionally are hiding things they know.

I always hate the "aftermath" when we might even find out she has done terrible things that they didn't allow in. But we would all find them relevant. The law is strict on what we can actually know about her. Him however, dead and buried, its fine to say literally whatever she wants and he can't defend himself. That seems to be a free for all and tips the scales of what I think is fair.. Because now on day 145 of her time on the stand she is just making stuff up. Adding details like holsters. This week a Pony appears.. Yes, she had one, now she doesn't.

And then her family had the unfortunate job of either hiding evidence or turning in what they have or know. I would never accuse a family of anything, but the instinct to survive sometimes extends to your children when they are in trouble.. That goes for grandpa and grandma.

Do they know more than they have told us? Subsequent to the staged burglary did they confront Jodi about taking the gun and now they have to live with that. Did they deny having any spent shell casings from that 25 caliber which would tie her grandpa's gun forensically to the crime?

Someone will crack, at some point, they always do? Little brother? sister?
Only that someone is very kind and gives you lots of high 5s for your hard work. Thx. I can't wait - I'm a visual person.

ETA - lost your post Quester

Originally Posted by Smelly Squirrel View Post
Nice, you're very organized. Do you have a more complete timeline?

Yes - but I'm struggling with posting it here as I have it in an Excel spreadsheet and that is not a compatible format to upload into posts here. So I copy it to a jpeg and upload but then it's too small to read. Working on solution.

Any suggestions? TIA
I am sure this has been answered many times, so I apologize in advance, but ...

Can someone give the dates again that her phone was lost, when she got the Helio, and when she found her other phone again? And what is the significance? Could she not take pics on the non-helio phone?


I only know when she claims the Helio phone was lost - May 18, 2008.

What we also know about the helio phone:

May 10 - sex tape
May 18 - reported lost/stolen
May 31/June 1 - photos taken of injured right hand at Casa Ramos

Lonnie Dworkin, computer forensic examiner, was asked to examine only one helio phone in January 2010. At the time, there are no programs to retrieve info for this type of phone. He did screen captures for messages and photos and he retrieved audio via a recorder.

Nurmi specifically stated in the video that the casa ramos pics taken on May 31/June 1, were taken with "the" helio phone previously talked about in previous testimony.
If they had her on camera, that would be great.
As for all her exes, JM didn't ask Darryl, did he? Hmmmm....DB would probably say 'I don't recall.' Her sister would lie. This Paul guy I don't know if they'll call.

Where did Paul come from anyway? Did he just volunteer this info? Is he on the level?

I think Matt knows about a whole lot more than her hair. Just don't know if we'll see Matt. I'd sure love to though!

DB was not asked about her hair color. They did not call MM as a defence witness (hoinky huh?). No one has called MM's room-mate so far. I hope the State either has compelling evidence and presents it clearly, or that they just let it go.

I think the date of the airline ticket is important because Jodi told Flores that she missed Travis's funeral in southern California because she had a flat tire on the way to the airport. I think this was before the memorial service in Mesa. Is this the charge for the trip for the funeral, or did she lie about this, too?
(page 18 near bottom)

<respectfully snipped by fellow Wolfpack Fan, borndem>

Jodi has told so many lies on the stand. I think the jury has to discount everything that she has said because nobody can tell what's the truth and what's a lie. I honestly don't believe Jodi's anal sex after baptism story or the one about Travis and the pictures of the little boys. He probably did yell at her at times and throw stuff across the room, but I don't believe there was any physical abuse or sexual abuse.

Beautiful encapsulation, my fellow Wolfpack Fan! A great synopsis.

I have never believed the "near rape" a/sex baptism-day story, Pack Fan.

I think that TA was very thankful (and maybe a bit proud) that he had brought one of his good friends to commit to his church, and I think he was prolly feeling some type of holiness because of it (a good kind, not an arrogant or "wrong kind.") I think he was very serious about being a good Mormon and practicing what he had been taught about bringing others into the LDS church. (For the record, I am not a Mormon.) Of course, I think Jodi already had a plan, and joining the LDS church was only one part of it...of course. I think he felt this was a special day for him and for Jodi and their church, and he would never have defiled it with such a carnal and disrespectful act. Jodi had just been washed and cleansed by the ritual they had shared, and TA may have even imagined that their lives together might go to a higher place.

And again I will say that JA decided to hang on this man the worst sin and worst act against man of all -- pedophilia. She was gunning for him now, trying to "de-saint" (my made-up word) him as badly and as quickly as she could. She knew it was wrong; she knew it was a lie; and she knew how destructive it was to him and how cruel it would be to his family.

We have seen few, if any, as calculating and and cruel as this woman is, IMHO.

All aspects of the case beg for justice.

mini-rant ends...:furious:
I only know when she claims the Helio phone was lost - May 18, 2008.

What we also know about the helio phone:

May 10 - sex tape
May 18 - reported lost/stolen
May 31/June 1 - photos taken of injured right hand at Casa Ramos

Lonnie Dworkin, computer forensic examiner, was asked to examine only one helio phone in January 2010. At the time, there are no programs to retrieve info for this type of phone. He did screen captures for messages and photos and he retrieved audio via a recorder.

Nurmi specifically stated in the video that the casa ramos pics taken on May 31/June 1, were taken with "the" helio phone previously talked about in previous testimony.

Well...That just doesn't make any sense. He's contradicting his "client"???
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